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Clasa a VIII-a Nume și prenume: _____________

Data: 29.11.2022

1 Potrivește cele două părți din coloana A și B pe baza textului de mai jos.


1 Hi A) any festivals this month?

2 I am writing B) resting at the camp

3 Iam here C) wearing colourful costumes

4 The festival takes D) waiting for the parade to start

5 it lasts E) starts in the town centre

6 the parade F) about four days

7 my mum and I G) place every July

8 People are H) with my family

9 My dad is I) from the Standon Festival in England

10 Are you visiting J) Nicolae

HI Nicolae, (Formula de salut)

I 1) am writing to you from the Standon Festival in England. I 2) am here with my family and
we 3) are having a good time.

The festival 4) takes place every July and 5) lasts about four days. Every year, the parade, 6)
starts in the town centre and 7) makes its way down the high street. Right now, my mum and I
8) are waiting for the parade to start. People 9) are wearing colourful costumes and 10) are
dancing in the streets. My dad, however, 11) isn’t joining us, because he 12) is resting at the
camp. He really 13) wants to stay up for the concert tonight. We 14) are also attending the
fireworks display after the concert.

15) Are you visiting any festivals this month?

Let me know, (Formula de încheiere)

Nancy (semnătura celui care a scris scrisoare)

2 Răspunde la întrebările de mai jos pe baza textului de la Ex.1.

1 Where is Nancy writing from?

2 Who is she with?

3 What are Nancy and her mum doing now?

4 What are the people doing?

5 What is her father doing now?

3 Scrie cele 3 forme ale verbelor de mai jos.

Exemplu: V1 V2 V3

go went gone

1 buy __________ __________

2 do __________ __________

3 have __________ __________

4 eat __________ __________

5 see __________ __________

4 Scrie câte o propoziție adevărată despre tine și despre un prieten aplicând formula S +
have/has + V3. Scrieți despre haine (buy) un sport (play/do), mâncare (have/eat), locuri
vizitate (visit/see) și muzică (play/listen).

Exemplu: 1 I have bought a pair a boots.

My friend has bought a jacket.

1 __________________________________________________


2 ____________________________________________________


3 ________________________________________________


4 ______________________________________________________


5 _________________________________________________________


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