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Right As goku picked up the similar ki signature to the one they knew as zamasu, which also

took over goku's body in one of their realities, both goku and vegeta rushed over to where the ki
signature was, only to find one very ominous but serious man standing there, not particularly
doing anything at all. Goku pulled out two very familiar looking earrings that are known to be
worn by the kais. The earrings would be called the potara earrings, with the power to fuse two
beings and combine their strength and mind. Throwing one to Vegeta, they both put one of the
earrings on, as a shine of light blinded everything in the area for a couple of moments. Then
after all the dirt and smoke cleared, one very drippy and lean looking man came out of the drift.
He had deep blue hair, and his clothes matched goku's, but the colors were reversed. The man
that the two fused men would call Vegito. Enough with the monologs vegeta, we have a serious
problem here. He felt a shiver sent up my spine, as he was faced with another being, similar to
the threat that almost destroyed universe 7. He has to stomp him out before he can unleash or
put a plan into action. He coughed and looked over at "him", and opened his mouth, not a hint of
fear in his voice or tone. "Hey, could you give us a minute? Greatly appreciated!" He began
rolling his arms and shoulders in a circular motion, popping his neck and stretching out his
joints, before bending his back in a bridge-like form, thinking about what might come from this
fight. This could very well decide the future of a lot of things. Stomping his feet on the ground a
couple of times, he shook out his legs and hopped a bit before puffing out a small breath of air.
Now is your moment vegito. Seize it!. Turning his head over to him, he got in his signature
stance and shouted with a bit of pep in his voice. "Let's do this!!"


Starting a new age of fighting, people began to find more enjoyment in 1 on 1 fights instead of a
big brawl of people, as it tested skill individually without any factors that dilute these ratings.
Somewhere along the way, events called tourneys/tournaments came onto the scene, which got
mixed reactions from both royalty and commoners alike. Some seemed to like the bracket
based matches, some complained and tried to shut it down. Not me though. Personally, I think
it's one of the best types of systems for fighting ever created, if that isn't too much of a stretch.
Slapping his cheeks a bit, Raiden, rubbed his eyes a bit, at the announcement in the town hall,
of the upcoming tournament, which was being hosted by none other than the person who
originally thought of tournaments, and put them into play. He wasn't exaggerating when he saw
people trying to get this man to cheat on his wife and get him to impregnate him so they could
land him in child support. This man had to be the richest


The quiet buzzing under his body giving small vibrations beside his face, he didn't have a
reaction to the small sounds and movements they were making, until it was buzzing on his
cheek. He gave a small snort, and calmed down for a second before giving a louder snort,
slowly reaching his hand on his face, picking up the buzzing phone and slowly opening his eyes
to see the notification on his phone lighting up his dark room. Unlocking the phone he scratched
the back of his head a bit, reading it all through before coming up with a response. [What would
you have to be scared about (y/n)? What's bothering you so late?". He put his phone down and
sighed, closing his eyes again and going back to sleep.

Lifting his head after a couple of minutes to rest his eyes, he groaned at the sound of his phone
making noice again, as he used his weak feeling arms to push himself up. Grabbing his phone,
he sat on the edge of his bed and turned it on again, illuminating the indigo colored room, and
the little dust particles floating around in the air, matching the chilly but calm air of the evening.
Taking his time to read and process what the text said, he took a bite of the pop tart at the side
of his bed, swallowing and smiling a little at the note his mom rote for him, thanking him for
doing the chores around the house yesterday, before turning his attention back to his phone and
giving a proper answer. [Oh I'm sorry (y/n)! I'm not sure what to do about all this, but it seems to
be really bothering you. What might they be arguing about?" Laying back on his bed, he lay
awake with his phone over his head, waiting for the seemingly obvious next reply she was going
to send.


Rocky Terrain,Weapons and Abilities allowed, Spirit energy and Chakra are limited to 80%
chakra enhancers take 4% specials take 18% and ultimates take 40 KCM +100% SSP +250%
Bankai+100% Ult Bankai 250% VL+350 FB+420

Willingly trees and bushes blow slowly, rocking the wind lightly through their leaves, as he took
in the fresh and chilly seasonal air, taking in the surrounding around him, giving a small smile to
the small animal he had just been feeding, giving it some affection by petting and scratching a
part of its side. Getting on his hands and feet, he threw out his arms with a long yawn, stretching
-c- himself out a bit after his long break, getting ready to finally go home back to his brother's
and chill out. [Ah, finally. Whis did NOT go easy on me for training today…and I didn't even get
to spar with anyone yet.] Trudging his feet a little, he dragged himself down the steep hill he
trained over, sliding down the steep ledge, until he finally reached the end, placing his hand
down to steady -c- himself, taking notice of the unknown entity standing a couple of yards away.
He looks strong. Asking for the spar was a good idea, considering that he hasn't had one in
awhile. Hopefully he doesn't disappoint in battle though, he had been looking forward to a real
opponent sense he fought granola.. putting his arms across his chest, he thoroughly stretched
out his torso with some twists, -c- exhaling at the twist to loosen his hips and sides even further,
before then putting his arms over his head and stretching out his shoulders. He can't afford to
take a spar so lightly after so long. He took a couple of short hops up and down before looking
over at him, his deep green hues tracing his body for any weapons. None, great. This will only
be hand to hand, no powers and no weapons. -c- Putting his dominant arm forward, he got in a
Northpaw stance and nodded to him, motioning that he was ready.

*He would smile in pleasure from her harsh and sadistic side being released onto himself, as
she slapped him again and pulled him back by the hair. His eyes rolled back as she so forcefully
stuck her fingers into his mouth, as she spat down on him like he wad just some worthless pet.
But somehow this gave him more pleasure and happiness then anything else. His pathetic self
being owned by such an amazing woman, but treating him in such a way that make him shiver
from excitement.*

*A small laugh slipped from the male's laugh. His emerald green hues surveying the landscape
below him, as he stood above. He only came for one reason. His hues then traced across his
brother, standing on a Boulder as he stared back up at him. He couldn't help but shiver a bit at
the staredown, his brother being perceived as the better half of the two. But this fight he could
not afford to lose. The stakes were too high.*

"Ah. You must know why I'm here if you're giving off that kind of energy."

*His eyes narrowed for a bit, before the look disappeared and a wide grin on his face. Originally
he was serious about this, but it felt like a weight was lifted off of him. He steadily and
effortlessly came down onto the terrain and faced him, a glint in his eyes as he began to focus.
Sensing what appeared to be Rocky and hot energy coming from this area.*

"My apologies, let me prepare."

*His hand would shift to his neck as he would roll it around a bit, unspoken Rizz coming from his
vibe. The way he warmed himself up and stretched his body was almost like a dance, jumping
around a bit and shaking out his arms. Eventually he was satisfied with the condition he was in
and faced his brother, even getting in his signature stance and giving a pride filled yell.*


*_His energy seemed to rise as they stood there, a couple of yards away from each other. He
had no way of knowing what was about to happen next, but the way he raised his hand and his
aura disappearing was not a good sign. He wouldn't allow this to break his concentration though
as he figured sight wasn't going to be useful, closing his eyes and focusing on his surroundings.
A couple of seconds went by before his aura was right in front of him so suddenly, but he was
prepared for this. It may be fast, but it could never work thanks to goku's ability: [Instant
transmission.] He felt himself instinctively jump back as his fingers went to his forehead and he
vanished from his original position as the dust and debris settled around it. His energy would
prove as an advantage to him as he couldn't know that he didn't die from his ability, reappearing
a foot behind him and smashing the ground below them so the terrain was unstable to stand on,
and sending a high kick to his head. If this were to land, he would follow up with a ki infused fist
to his stomach, providing a critical blow as he was using ssg at the moment.*

"I expected better from you brother. This isn't like you."

*A small laugh slipped from the male's laugh. His deep blue hues surveying the
landscape below him, as he stood above. He only came for one reason. His sparkling
aqua hues then traced across his brother, standing below him as she prepared herself
while looking for him. He couldn't help but shiver a bit at the malicious intent she was
giving off, his lover being perceived as the more innocent half of the two. She was
usually so sweet and calm. But this made it all the better, as it was an opportunity to see
her in battle.*

"Ah. You must know I'm here if you're giving off such a vibe."

*His eyes narrowed for a bit, before the look disappeared and a wide grin on his face.
Originally he was serious about this, but it felt like a weight was lifted off of him. He
steadily and effortlessly came down onto the terrain and faced him, a glint in his eyes as
he began to focus. Sensing what appeared to a chilling cold energy coming from this

"My apologies, let me prepare."

*His hand would shift to his neck as he would roll it around a bit, unspoken Rizz coming
from his vibe. The way he warmed himself up and stretched his body was almost like a
dance, jumping around a bit and shaking out his arms. Reaching his finger to his mask,
he pulled it down so his expressions was known to her. He felt no need to hide that he
was going to enjoy this fight with everything he had. Eventually he was satisfied with the
condition he was in and faced his brother, even getting in his signature stance and
giving a pride filled yell.*

"Lets do this!!!"

*_His energy seemed to rise as they stood there, a couple of yards away from each other.
He had no way of knowing what was about to happen next, but the way he raised his
hand and his aura disappearing was not a good sign. He wouldn't allow this to break his
concentration though as he figured sight wasn't going to be useful, closing his eyes and
focusing on his surroundings. A couple of seconds went by before his aura was right in
front of him so suddenly, but he was prepared for this. It may be fast, but it could never
work thanks to goku's ability: [Instant transmission.] He felt himself instinctively jump
back as his fingers went to his forehead and he vanished from his original position as
the dust and debris settled around it. His energy would prove as an advantage to him as
he couldn't know that he didn't die from his ability, reappearing a foot behind him and
smashing the ground below them so the terrain was unstable to stand on, and sending a
high kick to his head. If this were to land, he would follow up with a ki infused fist to his
stomach, providing a critical blow as he was using ssg at the moment.*
"I expected better from you brother. This isn't like you."


*The slender male perceived as death himself circled his lover for a bit pondering how to
attack. There were a couple of ways to go about this where he could land the first hit and
get away unscathed. Although it would take a great deal of effort, as she did not look like
holding back at all. Giving a small sigh, he inched a little bit closer, his surroundings
withering away, as per usual being death and all, until he was a couple of feet away from
her standing. Giving a quick stomp to the ground, a smokescreen of dust surrounded
them as he gave a quick flash step and attempted to sweep her feet in the confusion,
giving his other leg a kick to her chin In the attempt. If this were to succeed, then we
would grab her foot and slam her back into the ground.*

*As her blade shoved down into his foot, he gave a small wince in pain, but quickly
bounced back as he had no time to pay attention to that. Using one of his hands, he held
himself up as to not lose his balance, his other hand reached for the hand holding her
sword and slammed down on it, trying to make her lose her grip. He let his other foot
start striking at her stomach as she couldn't do anything to dodge or block as her hands
were occupied with the sword. If she were to let go, he would follow up with a quick 10
strike combo to her vitals.*

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