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Mommymilkers42069: blep
Callmelili: Flashlight
Mommymilkers42069: simping
Mommymilkers42069: who is on
Mxangel: Me :P
Mommymilkers42069: hiiiiiiiiiiii
Mxangel: Heyyyy
Mommymilkers42069: this book is making me fangirl a lot
Mommymilkers42069: which is not really common for bookd
Mommymilkers42069: books
Generic: gae
Callmelili: WHO thinks Logan’s a desperate cunt
Callmelili: F/w Mxangel
Callmelili: Fuck
Mxangel: Lol
Callmelili: I’m spinning to much I’m dizzy Lol
Callmelili: Wtfff when will this enddd
Mommymilkers42069: stop then
Callmelili: Lol I’m dancing
Generic: im fag
I thought you had a girlfriend
Generic: oops
Generic: bag*
Callmelili: Lol
Generic: so uh
Generic: nice weather we been having lately
Callmelili: It’s cold
Generic: yea
Mxangel: Gonna snow here tomorrow
Generic: we supposed to have a snow storm or som next week
Mommymilkers42069: oop
Mommymilkers42069: gebbbbbbbb
(anon): =)
Mommymilkers42069: hi anon
24cmcock: hallo
Generic: my bad mommy
Generic: ooh rins on
Mommymilkers42069: geb
Generic: hello
Mommymilkers42069: hiii
Callmelili: WHO here likes Logan as a friend say nay for no and aye for yea
Callmelili: No one-
Rinalin: Hello~
Rinalin: A lot of you are online
Rinalin: is anyone active?
Rinalin: Mhmmmmmm
Rinalin: i suppose naught
Mxangel: :P
Rinalin: Hello xan
Rinalin: is
Rinalin: anyone else alive?
Generic: oh theres rin
Mxangel: Hi rin
Rinalin: Hai gennie
Rinalin: What you guys doing today?
Mxangel: Nothin much, just gonna play games for a bit
Generic: fish narcs new album dropped today
Generic: so im listenin to that rn
Mommymilkers42069: my dad is pissing me tf off
Mxangel: What's he doin?
Mommymilkers42069: he brought up the ´im the parent youre the child´ because he was
whinning about how much he was hurting then was saying to give him lili (cousin) or
else im grounded from my fucking phone
Mommymilkers42069: he better not start fuking whining
Mxangel: He sure doesn't sound like the parent
Mommymilkers42069: neither does my biomom
Pancock: ok
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Joshbrayfield: Hi my name is Josh Brayfield give me a call on 07944301713
Mommymilkers42069: um
Generic: i get the general insurance vibes from mr. josh brayfield
Mommymilkers42069: ^
Callmelili: HAY
Mommymilkers42069: . ..........................
Generic: gay sex
Two2ducks: hot
Mommymilkers42069: sexy
Generic: yes
Jasthemanity: waut fycjk did i break something
Jasthemanity: am i still in?
Boohoo: hey
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Generic: no
Generic: boo
Boohoo: yo
Boohoo: oh
Boohoo: noh
Boohoo: it's not lagging
Boohoo: anymore
Generic: oh
Boohoo: oy vey
Generic: french
Logan94: hello?
Logan94: nvm then
Generic: bye
Boohoo: ello
Priestgarbage: Noch jemand im Chat?
Priestgarbage: Chille hier noch ab
Boohoo: ich liebe dich
Priestgarbage: Geht hier voll ab
Boohoo: sieg heil!
Priestgarbage: Was geht?
Priestgarbage: 88
Generic: hail hitler
Generic: nein
Generic: holocaust
Generic: nazi
Boohoo: yah gen
Boohoo: we know you love that holocaust
Boohoo: but just keep it on the down low
Mommymilkers42069: e
Ruineffective: Wtf/w Mommymilkers42069
Boohoo: heyyy ho
Ruineffective: Was wollt ihr
Boohoo: ja heil hitler
Slystone: Hallo
Slystone: Hallo
Boohoo: hallo
Slystone: Fick dich
Ruineffective: Boohoo fick dich du Nazi
Boohoo: sieg heil!
Slystone: Niederlage kaputt
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Boohoo: cyka blyat
Ruineffective: Nazis raus
Generic: taco burrito pico de guyo
Yurimonster: i am stoned
Generic: i am railed
Callmelili: Stfu
Generic: no u
Callmelili: No u
24cmcock: hello
Callmelili: Hi logan
Generic: bro who tf are all these randos x-x
Callmelili: Logan
24cmcock: ヾ(•ω•`)o
Callmelili: Wtf
24cmcock: haha
Callmelili: Hi logan/
24cmcock: (^人^)
Callmelili: Okay okay
Callmelili: Wanna call and see em then XD
Callmelili: Lol
24cmcock: who is logan?
Callmelili: My hot ex-
24cmcock: k
Callmelili: Yeah what’s ur middle name
Callmelili: Mk
24cmcock: i dont have one
Callmelili: Suree
24cmcock: yes
24cmcock: where are you from
Callmelili: U first
24cmcock: no i ask first
Callmelili: Michigan
24cmcock: Germany City weimar
Generic: PFTTT
Generic: bruh im ded x-x
24cmcock: and who are you?
(anon): logan looks like my autistic classmate from 1st grade
24cmcock: damn haha
Generic: logans a cuck
Mommymilkers42069: oopppppppppppp
Generic: mother
24cmcock: fucker
Feces: g
Generic: a
Feces: don't fuck my mom :(
Generic: gay sex > straight sex
Generic: change my mind
Feces: sex > sex
Generic: fair point
(anon): sex
(anon): sex in ur mouth
Feces: sex in space
Mommymilkers42069: hello gen
Generic: hello
24cmcock: hello
Mommymilkers42069: :P
Generic: my brain hurts
Generic: i sniffed way too much bleach today
24cmcock: ⨁⨂⨗⨕↯↯↘↙↖↗‫﷼﷼‬
24cmcock: bruh
Mommymilkers42069: yea
Boohoo: yaah
Generic: yuh
24cmcock: Trump>Biden
Feces: j
24cmcock: ‫﷼‬૱૱৲৲‫৻﷼‬৲৲
Feces: ^ i agree
24cmcock: 👍
24cmcock: ⨀⨁⨂⨭⨮↺↻¤௹©®℗
Feces: so quiet
Ochs: ja moin
24cmcock: hallo
Feces: h
24cmcock: kann hier jemand deutsch
Landon010: Heyo
(anon): U guys suck
Landon010: O-o
Landon010: Wut
24cmcock: suck my cock
Feces: j
Landon010: O-o
Landon010: Tf
Landon010: Is this all the UK guys in the chat rn? Not me fo sure
Mommymilkers42069: blep
24cmcock: no i
Feces: i am not uk.
Landon010: MONMY
Landon010: Good
Feces: monmy ! !
24cmcock: Monmy
Landon010: Anyone else Alabamain?
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Landon010: Anyone a cousin fucker?
Landon010: Anyone?
Feces: no im afraid not
24cmcock: ´`im a alabama nigga and i wanna be free
Landon010: Dang
Landon010: Hell with the naacp
Landon010: I don’t drink I don’t cus I just wanna ride on the front of the bus
24cmcock: hahahah
Landon010: I wanna sit where the white folks eat bc I’m white too on the bottom of
my feet
Landon010: Ty Ty no need to applaud
Landon010: WHITE POWER!
Feces: unfortunately, your mother
Landon010: Down with the nig-
Generic: is landon logan?
Landon010: No
Landon010: This is me
Landon010: I didn’t say it tho
Landon010: So no need generic
Mommymilkers42069: brb
Landon010: To spread rumors
Feces: sussy
Landon010: Ok?
Generic: pussy*
Landon010: I am what I eat
Generic: pft if uve ever eaten pussy then i must be a fkn dorito x-x
Landon010: Na
24cmcock: emotional damage
Landon010: If it was a Siri to it would have tasted better
Landon010: Dirto*
Landon010: If it was a Dorito it would have tasted better
24cmcock: sure
Landon010: Yo 24 is smol
Generic: bruh yo hoes must be some seafood buffets x-x
24cmcock: okay
Generic: and 24 cm is like 9 inches or some shit
Landon010: True true
Generic: 9 is too big bro x-x
Generic: *this statement is paid for by 1 and a half inch gang*
24cmcock: 9,5 inch
Landon010: Yo is 8.5 good tho?
24cmcock: gang gang ( gang sign)
Feces: any sexers in chat
Generic: id say 8 is maximum
Landon010: ?
Landon010: 8.5 in btw
Generic: bc (and dont quote me on this) im pretty sure the average woman only goes
like 6 inches deep
Generic: when horny ofc.
Generic: id look it up but im good.
Generic: so realistically if ur around 6 inches then u perfect.
Feces: (this information does not apply to anal)
Generic: ^
Landon010: Girls are breath taken by the shear fury and length of my cock… either
that or it’s bc I’m choking them
Generic: choking is hot.
Generic: glad my girl loves it.
Landon010: Fury-> size*
Generic: but replying to wut feces said
Generic: im not sure how far u gotta go in to actually get to some organs
Generic: but i imagine it cant be too far
Feces: hmm
Generic: so if u try to stick some 8.5 inch all the way in my ass.
Generic: nah fam
Landon010: I feel like anal might hurt them
24cmcock: all in
Generic: anal is great.
24cmcock: YES
Landon010: How do u know
Feces: well for length/girth it depends on how "trained" you are
Landon010: Generic ur a dude how do u know what anal feels lik-
Generic: idk its called being pansexual
Feces: ^
Generic: and also straight men. dont be disgusted by butt stuff
Generic: it deadass feels hella good
Generic: u dont gotta take dick in yo ass
Feces: hard agree
Landon010: Men do?
Landon010: Generic ur a dude right?
Generic: yall know the prostate is pretty much the male g spot right x-x
Generic: and its in ur booty.
Generic: and yes im a dude
Landon010: Ok u sound like a girl giving advise
Generic: well im a dude
Generic: to clear that up
Landon010: Ok ok
Landon010: IK GENERIC IK
Feces: (urmom)
Generic: oh btw landon
Generic: im a guy
Landon010: SMH
Feces: Did you know? User "Generic" is male!
Generic: :O
Generic: :O
Generic: :
Feces: (real)
Generic: also make sure ur passageways are clear b4 u put anything in ur ass
Feces: yes that too
Landon010: Yo an orgy seems like it would be bad. Especially when you have to see
everyone the next day
Generic: yea idk abt orgys
Generic: id do a threesome
Feces: anal prep is important, or so i've heard
Landon010: Hell ya
Generic: but nah orgys are jus mad weird
Generic: but heres the real question landon
Landon010: 2 girls 1 cock
Generic: nvm u answered my question
Landon010: O-o
Landon010: Wut question
Generic: i was gon say. u tryna double team a chick. or get double teamed by some
Landon010: Yes
Landon010: Both
Generic: now heres the REAL question
Landon010: But i take rear
Generic: u tryna bring a THIRD guy along so yall can use ALL the wholes
Generic: holes*
Feces: goodbye for 2 hours o/
Landon010: No
Generic: very specific feces but ight
Landon010: Not a third guy
Landon010: Only 2
Landon010: 1 even better bc you get it all 2 yourself
Landon010: Would u tater have a dude or a chick generic?
Landon010: O-o
Generic: tater*
Landon010: Rather
Generic: like 1 on 1?
Landon010: Do u wanna fuck a girl or chick more
Landon010: Dude or a chick
Generic: bruh.
Generic: lmao
Generic: it rly jus depends on how im feeling
Landon010: Dude or a chick
Generic: rn i wouldnt mind fucking my girl
Generic: but i cant
Landon010: I gtg I’ll talk to y’all Monday
Generic: smh
Death25: Yello
Themooserapist: Yay more COVID lockdowns
Themooserapist: I love Canada
Themooserapist: FUCK
Themooserapist: I have a massive erection
Themooserapist: Who wants it
Themooserapist: WHO FUCKING WANTS IT
Noseblasting: Any sluts here?
Feces: guess who's back
Feces: everybody left✓
(anon): dad?
Feces: hi son
Feces: j
(anon): e
(anon): f
(anon): ff

Koda: yikes
(anon): jefff
Koda: this game
Koda: sucks
(anon): dick
Feces: (anon)
(anon): (anigga)
(anon): 👨🏿
Noseblasting: Time to jerk offb
Generic: welpp
Noseblasting: Don’t make this weird
Podria: :(
Noseblasting: Ok I am erect and my penis is in my hand
Noseblasting: Here we go aw yeah
Noseblasting: Fap
Noseblasting: UNGH
24cmcock: hallo
Noseblasting: UNGH UNGH UNGH
Noseblasting: AHHHHHHHHHH
Noseblasting: *thick ropes of hot mansperm erupt from my cock and shoot out with
incredible force*
Noseblasting: Whew I am spent
Noseblasting: Anyone want to lick up the jizz?
Generic: ayo moose?
Feces: hyjjhjhjhjhjhj
Feces: D:
Noseblasting: Whew ok I am back
Feces: h..
Feces: everyone afk¿?
Blue_jollyrancher: Baack ugh
Blue_jollyrancher: man its been a day
Feces: hi blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Yo F whats up
Feces: nothing much, just been waiting here ✓
Blue_jollyrancher: what for?
Feces: lookconsist, though i kinda doubt they'll show up .-.
Blue_jollyrancher: Yeahhhh
Icytriop: hi
Icytriop: ASNWER ME
Feces: hello
Blue_jollyrancher: yo
Icytriop: hi feces
Feces: ✓
Blue_jollyrancher: it was two seconds bro
(anon): tf
Feces: so so quiet....
Blue_jollyrancher: so gay
(anon): 🏳‍🌈
Feces: real ✓
Generic: hewwo
Blue_jollyrancher: ya
Blue_jollyrancher: yo
Generic: yo
Generic: ya
Blue_jollyrancher: GAY
Feces: gay sex
Noseblasting: Sounds gay
Generic: gay sex > straight sex
Blue_jollyrancher: I wouldn't know
Generic: which part wouldnt u know
Noseblasting: Let’s get some examples
(anon): sugar rush FNF
Noseblasting: At least two people in this chat are gay so own up and start fucking
(anon): me owo
Noseblasting: And record it
Generic: FNF = Five Nights Freddys
(anon): five night feddy
Noseblasting: Fuck Now Fags
(anon): fist me freddy
(anon): vs dave and bambi
Noseblasting: Fuck!
(anon): amogus guy turns into terraria crimson (real)
Charles_fenton: AMONG US?!
(anon): AMOGUS
Generic: also y is feces an anon
Generic: ./fl
Generic: smh
Blue_jollyrancher: gay
Generic: sex
(anon): mort gaming
(anon): balls in ur mouth
(anon): BABABOEY
Noseblasting: UNGH UNGH UNGH
(anon): no
(anon): tf
(anon): is wrong
(anon): with u
Usher: Jesus's nail holes
Feces: :(
(anon): wtf
Blue_jollyrancher: gay
(anon): yeah
(anon): seems like it smh
Noseblasting: Whew I am spent
(anon): smh
(anon): dont cum so much
Noseblasting: Have to I have a note from my doctor
(anon): smh thats a bruh momento
Noseblasting: I have a condition
(anon): cumminitis?
Noseblasting: Sure why not lol
Noseblasting: I have to drain my balls or I will literally die
Noseblasting: Now I can relax until tomorrow morning
Blue_jollyrancher: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Blue_jollyrancher: F
Blue_jollyrancher: Feces
Feces: hi blue
Blue_jollyrancher: looking is on
Lookconsist: yup speaking to him atm :D
Feces: ✓
Blue_jollyrancher: oh I am stupid
Lookconsist: dont worry <3 you’re good
Blue_jollyrancher: its the drugs I tell you
Lookconsist: hehe
Blue_jollyrancher: my b I do drugs
Tallguy: Whats the term for when someone hands are bisexual ?
Blue_jollyrancher: finger guns
Generic: no thats just wut black men get shot for by police in america
Blue_jollyrancher: oof
Tallguy: thats to close to home
Tallguy: Dun dun tss
Blue_jollyrancher: oof
Tallguy: thx blue
Blue_jollyrancher: soooooo
Blue_jollyrancher: np
Blue_jollyrancher: hows everybody's relationships
(anon): dead
(anon): my relationship and the chat are both dead
(anon): poggurs
Blue_jollyrancher: fair
Feces: lol
Tallguy: kkk
Tallguy: kool kids klub
Blue_jollyrancher: no
Blue_jollyrancher: well imma afk sleep night ya'll
Lookconsist: gn blue!
some around 08:50
/w Shofaxdunin:
/w Shofaxdunin: sry this emoji was meant to another player
Invalid command.
Click the "Commands" button for the list of commands.
Invalid command.
Click the "Commands" button for the list of commands.
Invalid command.
Click the "Commands" button for the list of commands.
Shofaxdunin: 7stats Generic
Arj: bruh are you looking at other players again? -,-
Arj: cmon we don´t have it all day
Chestercain12: another round, another luck?
Generic has 69 points and 4 wins.


Blue_jollyrancher: well imma afk sleep night ya'll
Lookconsist: gn blue!
Lookconsist has 478 points and 14 wins.
No player with that name.
No player with that name.
Blue_jollyrancher has 444 points and 41 wins.
Tallguy has 371 points and 6 wins.
Feces has 485 points and 6 wins.
Player is offline.
Shofaxdunin: sry this emoji was meant to another player
Invalid command.
Click the "Commands" button for the list of commands.
Invalid command.
Click the "Commands" button for the list of commands.
Invalid command.
Click the "Commands" button for the list of commands.
Shofaxdunin: 7stats Generic
Arj: bruh are you looking at other players again? -,-
Arj: cmon we don´t have it all day
Chestercain12: another round, another luck?
Generic has 69 points and 4 wins.
(anon): Hallo
Mommymilkers42069: blrp
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Generic: wut
Mommymilkers42069: gen and blueee
Generic: wub
Mommymilkers42069: hru doing
Blue_jollyrancher: tired
Generic: playing rl
Mommymilkers42069: nice
Blue_jollyrancher: wbu milk
Mommymilkers42069: reading the rest 247 pages left of my book
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
Generic: nice
Mommymilkers42069: ecin
Ash54: hello
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: anyone got any netflix recommendations
Ash54: wanna bang?
Ash54: yes
Mommymilkers42069: um
Blue_jollyrancher: ayo?
Ash54: what
Blue_jollyrancher: do you mean the energy drink?
Ash54: is that a yes then?
Ash54: no no
Ash54: i mean like yknow
Ash54: do i really have to spell it out?
Blue_jollyrancher: You don't get to ask my kid that
Blue_jollyrancher: she is taken
Ash54: by me
Mommymilkers42069: mother
Blue_jollyrancher: no
Blue_jollyrancher: yes kiddo?
Ash54: whom is she taken by?
Mommymilkers42069: i crave vioolence
Blue_jollyrancher: maybe kid
Mommymilkers42069: violence
Blue_jollyrancher: Daddymilk
Ash54: look
Ash54: how about we all bang?
Blue_jollyrancher: Fuck no
Ash54: why?
Blue_jollyrancher: how old even are you
Ash54: ive got quite the package
Mommymilkers42069: blerp
Ash54: no cap
Blue_jollyrancher: ew answer my question
Ash54: ?
Blue_jollyrancher: how old are you
Ash54: are you preying on me rn?
Blue_jollyrancher: Are you preying on me and her
Ash54: no
Ash54: im asking
Ash54: not preying
Blue_jollyrancher: Then what is your age
Ash54: that information is confidential
Blue_jollyrancher: damn so you're 12
Ash54: and if i tell you, you wouldnt believe me
Ash54: see?
Ash54: you act like a 12 yr old
Ash54: assuming everything
Blue_jollyrancher: nah only 12 year olds do some shit like that
Ash54: cant take a joke? are you that old?
Blue_jollyrancher: Milk kiddo should I call Koda?
Mommymilkers42069: if you wanna mother
Ash54: holy cow i cant believe youre hurt by this
Blue_jollyrancher: oh no I'm hurt by much worse
Ash54: mhm
Blue_jollyrancher: you are just a creep
Ash54: ???
Ash54: haha coming from you
Ash54: asking for my age
Ash54: my god you are oblivious
Mommymilkers42069: ash could you please stop
Blue_jollyrancher: Dude you asked a 15-year-old to fuck you
Blue_jollyrancher: thats creepy
(anon): because I definitely knew that
(anon): omg you are dumb a
(anon): f
Blue_jollyrancher: Thats why you don't say shit like that
(anon): so youre the type to take everything online srsly
(anon): i wonder what youre like in rl
Blue_jollyrancher: with my friends yeah
Blue_jollyrancher: you even went anon like a coward
(anon): i dont even know how i did
(anon): im not sad enough to spend my life on this site to know enough about it
Blue_jollyrancher: damn that must suck
(anon): for you that is
Blue_jollyrancher: you really dying on a hill for being a creep
(anon): can you just stop now? youre acting like a child
Blue_jollyrancher: nah
Plasmoxxie: why are you all arguing?
Mommymilkers42069: im not sad enough to pussy out and become an anon because i cant
take shit
Blue_jollyrancher: pedo
Plasmoxxie: oh
Blue_jollyrancher: He asked a 15-year-old to fuck him
Blue_jollyrancher: pedophile
Plasmoxxie: wow, never thought i would find a child fucker on this site
Blue_jollyrancher: You didn't?
Blue_jollyrancher: I've seen three
Plasmoxxie: oh damn
Blue_jollyrancher: well nvm 4 now 5
Plasmoxxie: holy shit
(anon): haha out of context LMAO
Blue_jollyrancher: not well pedo
Plasmoxxie: shut the fuck up anon
Blue_jollyrancher: Ash54 = pedophile
(anon): lmao people who dont knwo the context and still judge are literal losers
(anon): this is why we cant have good things in life
(anon): because of people like you
Plasmoxxie: you're a fucking loser if you decide to be anon
Blue_jollyrancher: must suck now go play the game or leave
Blue_jollyrancher: we don't want you here
Plasmoxxie: me or him?
(anon): are you daft? i just said that i didnt know how i even did that
(anon): it only did that when i went into a game
(anon): youre so ignorant
Blue_jollyrancher: not really check your tabs buddy
(anon): ?
Blue_jollyrancher: moxxie not you your fine
Plasmoxxie: don't you need an account just to play the game?
Blue_jollyrancher: yup
Blue_jollyrancher: accounts are free
Plasmoxxie: anon log in
(anon): idk my password
(anon): i thought it just randomly generated names for free acc
Plasmoxxie: you don't need a password if you don't have one
Plasmoxxie: i have a password on mine tho
Blue_jollyrancher: damn dude that sucks dead ass
Plasmoxxie: wait, is there even a point to passwords on here?
(anon): the fact you still attacked me for that is so sad
(anon): nope
Blue_jollyrancher: people steal accounts for fun
Plasmoxxie: oh yeah, i forgot about that...
Blue_jollyrancher: how long you been here moxxie?
Plasmoxxie: i've been playing for like, 4 days lmao
Blue_jollyrancher: nice nice welcome new comer
Plasmoxxie: thx
Plasmoxxie: ima go play now
Plasmoxxie: see you soon
Blue_jollyrancher: bye have fun
Mommymilkers42069: :P
Plasmoxxie: you too
Plasmoxxie: actually i'm gonna make a lobby
Plasmoxxie: you can join if you want
Blue_jollyrancher: sure milk you coming?
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
(anon): have fun i guess
Plasmoxxie: join hell
Blue_jollyrancher: log in to a new acct and join us dude
(anon): no because im a pedo
(anon): you go have fun
(anon): im getting off now anyway
(anon): have a good day
(anon): can you see this
Generic: no
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Mommymilkers42069: :3
Blue_jollyrancher: :3
Mommymilkers42069: *boop*
Blue_jollyrancher: everytime!
Mommymilkers42069: >:3
Blue_jollyrancher: why do you do tis to meh ;-;
Mommymilkers42069: i wanna
Blue_jollyrancher: fine
Mommymilkers42069: yey
Blue_jollyrancher: yeah yeah kid
Mommymilkers42069: mother i crave violence
Blue_jollyrancher: punch a pillow
Mommymilkers42069: ViOlEnCe
Blue_jollyrancher: punch me?
Mommymilkers42069: no
Blue_jollyrancher: stab a pillow?
Mommymilkers42069: no
Blue_jollyrancher: stab me?
Mommymilkers42069: NOOOOOOOO
Blue_jollyrancher: okay
Blue_jollyrancher: stab a shirt?
Mommymilkers42069: ni
Mommymilkers42069: no
Blue_jollyrancher: fine no violence then
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
Mommymilkers42069: blrp
Blue_jollyrancher: bleeeep
Mommymilkers42069: blrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
Blue_jollyrancher: blrlp
Mommymilkers42069: yey
Blue_jollyrancher: yeee
Mommymilkers42069: yeeeee yeeeee
Blue_jollyrancher: *loud
microwave noises*
Mommymilkers42069: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Mommymilkers42069: aaa
Mommymilkers42069: aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Blue_jollyrancher: gtyujkmnb vfrt78l,kmncf890plokjhc vbhjio.,kjuytfrdcfvgbhjuiol;'
Mommymilkers42069: yes
Callmelili: Pfft
Mommymilkers42069: yes mother
Callmelili: I-
Callmelili: Tf-
Blue_jollyrancher: I know kiddo
Mommymilkers42069: :3
Callmelili: Wth is happening
Blue_jollyrancher: I adopted milk
Callmelili: In what way
Mommymilkers42069: lili doesnt need to know -,-
Blue_jollyrancher: she is my child
Callmelili: Oh y’all dating
Callmelili: >.>
Mommymilkers42069: no dumb fuck
Callmelili: LOL
Blue_jollyrancher: No shes dating daddymilk
Mommymilkers42069: 🙄
Callmelili: I know but y’all look cute together
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't date people outside my year of birth
Callmelili: Oh oke
Callmelili: Who’s older
Blue_jollyrancher: me
Callmelili: Nice
Blue_jollyrancher: And I like a guy
Callmelili: Niceee
Blue_jollyrancher: no love a guy
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
Callmelili: Btw I’m not gonna be looking for a relationship on here for a while
Callmelili: I have an amazing gf
Blue_jollyrancher: good for you
Callmelili: Hey how’s fami?
Callmelili: Fp*
Blue_jollyrancher: idk haven't seen him since the first day back from break
Callmelili: >.>
Callmelili: Dropout?
Callmelili: Maybe void again lol
Blue_jollyrancher: no we just have any classes anymore
Blue_jollyrancher: void is gone
Callmelili: oh
Callmelili: Wtf happend
Callmelili: >.>
Blue_jollyrancher: idk he emailed me and said he can't come back
Callmelili: OOF
Callmelili: Welll he needs to get an actual relationship
Blue_jollyrancher: he will
Blue_jollyrancher: mostlikey
Callmelili: He’s a man whore
Callmelili: >.>
Blue_jollyrancher: lili in the nicest way possible weren't you a whore before your
Callmelili: Yeah but like not for a while befor her
Blue_jollyrancher: still no room to judge then
Callmelili: Well can I still judge logan
Mommymilkers42069: mother
Callmelili: :3
Blue_jollyrancher: yes kiddo?
Callmelili: Lespian
Mommymilkers42069: can i judge the one above me
Callmelili: :/
Blue_jollyrancher: no
Mommymilkers42069: but but why
Callmelili: I don’t wanna fight today
Callmelili: I’m under to much stress
Mommymilkers42069: i am too but look at me
Blue_jollyrancher: no you don't have to like each other but no judging people
Callmelili: :/
Mommymilkers42069: not judge but call out
Callmelili: You said judgr
Mommymilkers42069: lili
Blue_jollyrancher: No
Callmelili: Hwt
Mommymilkers42069: im not talking to you
Callmelili: Oh
Callmelili: Well idc
Blue_jollyrancher: No
Blue_jollyrancher: the both of you stop
Mommymilkers42069: yes mother
Callmelili: Yeah
Callmelili: Mk
Mommymilkers42069: lili dont say it like that
Callmelili: Say what
Mommymilkers42069: you said ¨yeah. mk¨
Mommymilkers42069: hust say ok
Callmelili: I can say whatever
Callmelili: ;/
Blue_jollyrancher: its fine
Mommymilkers42069: what stress are you under lili
Callmelili: Work stress and the stress about school
Mommymilkers42069: thats all?
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm sorry to hear that lili its understandable
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
Callmelili: I’m pissed
(anon): Hello?
Callmelili: No
Callmelili: Logan no
Mxangel: Oop
Mommymilkers42069: why are you pissed
Blue_jollyrancher: Not every anon is logan
Mxangel: That anon was me :P
Callmelili: LOL
Callmelili: Sorry
Mxangel: It's ok
Mxangel: No way to tell until I log in
Mxangel: My room is so damn bright bc of the snow
Callmelili: Cumm
Callmelili: Logan wants to cum in my ass
Mxangel: Oop-
Callmelili: Oop
Callmelili: LOL
Mommymilkers42069: why are you angry lili
Callmelili: Back
Mommymilkers42069: why r u mad
Callmelili: Just cause ppl are a pain
Mommymilkers42069: eh
Mommymilkers42069: mooooooootherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Blue_jollyrancher: yes?
Mommymilkers42069: beautiful
Blue_jollyrancher: what?

Mommymilkers42069: you :3
Blue_jollyrancher: sure kiddo
Mommymilkers42069: yess
Mommymilkers42069: i is bored
Blue_jollyrancher: same
Mxangel: :P
Mxangel: Brb
Mommymilkers42069: aa
Blue_jollyrancher: mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Mommymilkers42069: motheerrr
Blue_jollyrancher: yeeees
Mommymilkers42069: i
Mommymilkers42069: iiii
Blue_jollyrancher: ?
Mommymilkers42069: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Blue_jollyrancher: ?
Mommymilkers42069: <8
Blue_jollyrancher: <8
Mommymilkers42069: <8
Blue_jollyrancher: <8
Mxangel: :P
Mommymilkers42069: <8
Blue_jollyrancher: <8
Mommymilkers42069: <8 to angel and my mother
Blue_jollyrancher: <8
Mxangel: <8
Mommymilkers42069: yay
Callmelili: Meth
b22:36 Mommymilkers42069: no
before 00:27
Blue_jollyrancher: cold
Mommymilkers42069: muy
Blue_jollyrancher: hum?
Mommymilkers42069: muy
Mommymilkers42069: muy=very
Blue_jollyrancher: ahhh me big dumbass
Mommymilkers42069: no you aint
Mxangel: ^
Blue_jollyrancher: kinda am kiddo
Mommymilkers42069: no
Blue_jollyrancher: yes kid I kinda am
Mommymilkers42069: nuh uh
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm not fully stupid kid I know but I can be stupid
Mommymilkers42069: im fully stupid
Blue_jollyrancher: no you aren't
Mommymilkers42069: i lit a match and it burnt like a firecracker
Blue_jollyrancher: I lit myself on fine
Blue_jollyrancher: fire
Mommymilkers42069: samee
Blue_jollyrancher: how recently
Mommymilkers42069: yesterday
Blue_jollyrancher: kid
Mommymilkers42069: hm?
Blue_jollyrancher: why
Mommymilkers42069: this is why my bio- shit mom calls me her little pyroo
24cmcock: bruh
Blue_jollyrancher: i see where you get it from me
Mommymilkers42069: hehe
Blue_jollyrancher: Maybe I'll let you make a flame thrower
Mommymilkers42069: really
Blue_jollyrancher: yes really
Mommymilkers42069: yessssssssssss
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
Mommymilkers42069: yay
(anon): e
Blue_jollyrancher: a
(anon): s
Blue_jollyrancher: p
Blue_jollyrancher: o
Blue_jollyrancher: r
Blue_jollyrancher: t
Blue_jollyrancher: s
Mommymilkers42069: y
Blue_jollyrancher: EA SPORRTS
(anon): ye
Blue_jollyrancher: yyyeee
Blue_jollyrancher: oof
Mommymilkers42069: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Mommymilkers42069: are you ok mom
Blue_jollyrancher: i'm cold
Mommymilkers42069: *hug*
Blue_jollyrancher: *hug*

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