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Blue_jollyrancher: warm now thanks kiddo

Mommymilkers42069: no problem mommmm
(anon): my hands are sticky :{
Blue_jollyrancher: oof
Blue_jollyrancher: I wish for more people here
Mxangel: :P
Mommymilkers42069: poof
Blue_jollyrancher: yay
Furrysexguy: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: oh a new furry sup
Furrysexguy: whats oin on?
Blue_jollyrancher: nothing really just bored
Blue_jollyrancher: so whats everybody doing
Mxangel: Nothin :P
Mommymilkers42069: my doggo is laying on meee
Mxangel: Nice <3
Mommymilkers42069: ewe
Blue_jollyrancher: Shopping is hard
Mommymilkers42069: ye
Mxangel: I like shopping
Blue_jollyrancher: But on Amazon it's almost impossible to find something in my
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
Mommymilkers42069: my om got me 2 of a same thing and i think she purposely did it
Mommymilkers42069: For. My. Christmas.
Blue_jollyrancher: Ooh damn
Mommymilkers42069: just to give it to her bfs kid
Mommymilkers42069: and she hasnt called me in 32-3 days
Mxangel: Well then.
Mommymilkers42069: 2-3
Mommymilkers42069: if i add all days its been 4-5
Generic: jus found out my gf is a bts stan
Generic: guess who doesnt have a bf anymore?
(anon): your mother
Mxangel: Why's that a problem?
Mommymilkers42069: geb
Mommymilkers42069: bad
Generic: its not a problem anymore
Generic: cut ties with that bitch x-x
Blue_jollyrancher: Why?
Mommymilkers42069: bad geb
Generic: ah u mustve jus got here blue
Generic: so found out my gf is a bts stan
Generic: u wont guess who doesnt have a geb in their life anymore
Mxangel: And that's not good?
Generic: no its good that i broke up with her
Generic: dont need that in my life
Generic: i never said it was a bad thing?
Mommymilkers42069: ✨material gorlllll✨
Blue_jollyrancher: I mean you do you gen
Generic: she sure as hell aint doin me x-x
Generic: ion want no jung kook pussy
Blue_jollyrancher: Thought she was asexual?
Generic: i changed that
Blue_jollyrancher: Oh damn
Generic: she was always curious abt it
Generic: but once u go gen u cant go back
Generic: also all that shit was a joke x-x
Generic: but if she did turn out to be a bts stan. there would be some problems x-x
Blue_jollyrancher: Oh okay
Generic: i feel like if more ppl were here
Generic: id be banished
Mommymilkers42069: ba
Mommymilkers42069: ewe
Generic: this chat seems like a host for bts stans
Blue_jollyrancher: Yeah you would lol 😂
Blue_jollyrancher: Nah I don't listen
Generic: and then the other half are dream stans
Generic: dreamsexual headass mfs
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't watch him
Mxangel: Me neither
Generic: i watched the hunter vs speedrunner things b4 the community became toxic
Browndairy: nibba
Mxangel: Eh, he's shit anyway
Generic: ok bts twitter stan x-x
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't like either what am I?
Mxangel: I don't even know anything about bts
Mxangel: :P
Flygetsbitches: Yoooo
Flygetsbitches: Yooooo
Mommymilkers42069: ?
Blue_jollyrancher: Sup?
Mommymilkers42069: eulb
Blue_jollyrancher: Sey oddik
Mommymilkers42069: <8
Mommymilkers42069: 8>
Blue_jollyrancher: 8>
Mommymilkers42069: ye
Blue_jollyrancher: Ye
Mommymilkers42069: mother
Generic: wtf happened
(anon): don't care
Mommymilkers42069: motherrrrrr
(anon): buy american
(anon): Fuck men
(anon): owo
(anon): All of em
(anon): yes daddy-
(anon): As
(anon): aw yeah dirty little whore
Mommymilkers42069: um
(anon): uwu
(anon): fuck me jerry
(anon): Prepare to be molested
Mommymilkers42069: ummmmmm
Fluffyfurryboi: umm what?
(anon): Jerry is here to take your sweet ass
(anon): rape
(anon): Only if you resist
(anon): Jerry hopes you resist
Fluffyfurryboi: who the fuck starts a conversation like that?
(anon): jerry has a big cock
(anon): owo
(anon): Jerry is hung and will hollow you out
Koda: hi
Fluffyfurryboi: ok off of that
Koda: k.
Fluffyfurryboi: uh
Fluffyfurryboi: how ya doin milk?
(anon): Jerry will go balls deep in your ass and you won’t shit right for a week
Koda: yummy.
Koda: balls deep.
Koda: just as deep as they can go
Koda: actually my asshole is so big the balls will fit in me too.
(anon): Jerry will dump gallons of shamesperm into your whore asshole
Fluffyfurryboi: uh
Koda: nah
Fluffyfurryboi: I was gonna ask something but I think its pointless at this point
Koda: i want him to steal womens pads that have blood on them
Koda: and then make a giant ball out of them
Blue_jollyrancher: Ewww
Koda: okay goodbye.
Koda: koda#1678
Fluffyfurryboi: hi blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
(anon): Jerry steals those pads
Demonking666: Hi fluffy
(anon): He licks them
Blue_jollyrancher: .... I'm going to go shower
Fluffyfurryboi: I was getting on here purely to ask if I could infuse alcohol in my
Demonking666: I'm out
Blue_jollyrancher: No
(anon): Jerry has been known to lick ladies vagoos when they bleeding
Fluffyfurryboi: I wanna try it
(anon): Angel kisses
Blue_jollyrancher: No
(anon): Jerry says only real niggas do that
Fluffyfurryboi: if I fall into a big pitcher of beer will it fuse with my blood
like in that one batman movie with joker?
(anon): Jerry says yes
Blue_jollyrancher: No you don't if you do stay far away from me
Fluffyfurryboi: would it give me split personalities?
Jerrythejerry: Sup bitches
Fluffyfurryboi: would I turn into a drunk battery?
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't care what it does if you do it stay away from me
Jerrythejerry: I have a big cock
(anon): oh god its jerry
Blue_jollyrancher: No you don't
(anon): run
(anon): fast
Jerrythejerry: That’s right Jerry is here prepare your assholes
Fluffyfurryboi: so. . . can I do it?
Demonking666: Idc
Blue_jollyrancher: Anyway angel cakes if Charles gets on can you tell him I'm in
the shower
Mxangel: Ok
Fluffyfurryboi: I wanna fuse my blood with alcohol and see what happens
Jerrythejerry: I approve of that
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't care if you do it stay away from me if you do
Jerrythejerry: If you pass out I will molest you
Jerrythejerry: Vigorously
Mommymilkers42069: stfu
Fluffyfurryboi: ok ill be back in a little bit
Mxangel: Jerry, stop.
Jerrythejerry: I can’t I am Jerry
(anon): jerry stop youre hurting me-
Mommymilkers42069: seriously
Mommymilkers42069: its not funny
Mxangel: ^
Blue_jollyrancher: Probably Tom or moose just ignore him
Jerrythejerry: If I had a nickel every time I heard some woman say Jerry stop you
are hurting me……..I’d have fourteen nickels!
Generic: ftw si gnineppah ereh
Blue_jollyrancher: New pedo has joined
(anon): can i be the 15th
Mommymilkers42069: jerry seriously
Generic: i kinda like him tho
Mxangel: No
Mxangel: Anon
Generic: seems funny
(anon): but i wanna
Mxangel: No he isn't
Generic: im ded x-x
Mxangel: Let's just ignore him
Jerrythejerry: I can’t help being me
Generic: no no dont ignore him
Generic: jerry
Mxangel: Yes
Generic: is there anything else ud like to say?
Jerrythejerry: These buttholes are not going to fuck themselves
(anon): yo is that jerry from tom and jerry
Mxangel: No
Jerrythejerry: It’s The Jerry you shitlord
Generic: true dat jerry
(anon): People on their way to comment "First"
Jerrythejerry: All this talk about me I thought I should set the record straight
(anon): nbiuohu
Generic: so jerry
Generic: wut do u think abt mongolia?
Jerrythejerry: I do NOT approve of Nickelback
Generic: good answer
Jerrythejerry: Oh Mongolia I dunno do they exist?
Jerrythejerry: Still?
Generic: uh
Generic: im not even sure tbh
Generic: lemme check
(anon): sugar rush from FNF
Jerrythejerry: They do eh? Huh I lose my bet
Generic: fnf = five night freddy
(anon): fiv nite feddy
Generic: ^
Mxangel: Hey charles :P
Charles_fenton: hello
Generic: charles
Generic: perfect timing
Generic: meet the jerry
Charles_fenton: oh boy, what did I miss?
Jerrythejerry: I am taking my pants off now
Generic: sick
Generic: may i do it for u?
Charles_fenton: good for... you?
(anon): ayo da fuk
Jerrythejerry: Hard to rape with them on
Generic: fax
Charles_fenton: ._.
Charles_fenton: Moose tf are you doing now
Generic: yea i thought it was at first but now im not so sure
Jerrythejerry: Can’t rape a moose you nuts?
Jerrythejerry: Bend over you should be raped for suggesting such a dumb thing
Generic: id ip check him
Generic: but thatd ruin the fun
Charles_fenton: Hey only one person can touch me and you ain't them chief
Generic: blue?
Fluffyfurryboi: I have returned
Jerrythejerry: Anyone suggesting that they can rape a moose is a liar
Charles_fenton: damn, yeah
Generic: ik
Generic: i was there
Trees_the_proto: Wha-
Generic: NOOO
Charles_fenton: *shrug*
Fluffyfurryboi: hi
Jerrythejerry: I dunno even what a moose is but it sounds big and wild
Fluffyfurryboi: hey trees
Generic: :'(
Jerrythejerry: Lolol
Generic: Ignored Themooserapist and their alts.
Ignored Jerrythejerry and their alts.
Unignored 2 players and 1 IPs.
Generic: smh
(anon): ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jerrythejerry: I am here to disappoint ;)
Fluffyfurryboi: I tried falling into a big barrel to fuse alcohol with my blood
Generic: i bet u wont disappoint my asshole ;)
(anon): Fuck it
(anon): imma supress a musket
Generic: fuck me*
Fluffyfurryboi: hai
Jerrythejerry: Slutwhore time to rape a loser
Jerrythejerry: Rape rape rape I hope everyone else gets triggered
(anon): [big shot]
(anon): Im a [Big Shot]! Not a [Big shit]
Trees_the_proto: Eh whatever
Generic: u eitha a big shot or u a big shit
Fluffyfurryboi: so I did a thing
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm just watching this and it's sad
Generic: this is great
Charles_fenton: yeah Im here
Generic: chat hasnt been this good in a while
(anon): welcome to CAH
(anon): ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Blue_jollyrancher: Fair enough anon
Fluffyfurryboi: *hugs blue* hai
Blue_jollyrancher: Milk?
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Fluffyfurryboi: I did it
(anon): lmfao
Blue_jollyrancher: You heard what I said fluff
Anon_supreme: yes?
Trees_the_proto: Toaster was cold...>.<
Generic: hello
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello supreme
Fluffyfurryboi: *hugs trees* welp, I guess I cant hug blue anymore
Anon_supreme: oh god damn it, I told you to stay out of the microwave! Next time
use... Idk the oven or something
Blue_jollyrancher: Where is milk ?
(anon): you either a nice digger or a
(anon): my lawyers have advised me not to continue this joke.
(anon): dice nigger smh
Anon_supreme: ok nope im outta here
(anon): Nevermind my lawyer said to continue and add the word faggot
Blue_jollyrancher: Bye supreme
(anon): fair enough
Charles_fenton: sometimes this sites inhabitants scare me
(anon): fuck it *Fortnite raps*
(anon): You sound like a pussy
Charles_fenton: alright, cool
Trees_the_proto: Sure does, Charles...
Blue_jollyrancher: I shouldn't even be on I'm in the shower
(anon): Seriously?
Charles_fenton: hey don't shower and use electronics, you can electrocute yourself
Trees_the_proto: Nice..-
(anon): owo electroshock kink
Fluffyfurryboi: hey trees
(anon): Can’t you fucking be in the moment in a shower without talking to others?
Fluffyfurryboi: I did a thing
Trees_the_proto: Ye?
Blue_jollyrancher: I've done it before
(anon): Fucking NPC
Trees_the_proto: what is that fluffy?
Charles_fenton: oh also I managed to ONLY blow half my towns fuse boxes this time!
Fluffyfurryboi: I fused myself with alcohol
(anon): You sound fat
Mxangel: I mean, you can get a waterproof phone case
Charles_fenton: ...
Blue_jollyrancher: Charles baby it's not even Monday
Trees_the_proto: How..?
Charles_fenton: yeah I know I blew fuses this time by getting it set up so they
could do a rehersal
Charles_fenton: and if only setting up maybe a third of it caused half a town
blackout then, well all of its gonna do some wacky shit
Blue_jollyrancher: Ahhh good luck tomorrow then
(anon): It’s from being fat
(anon): Admit it
Charles_fenton: Yeah, if I don't get on tomorrow its because I short circuited the
town again
Blue_jollyrancher: Be safe
Trees_the_proto: Oof
Fluffyfurryboi: uh
Fluffyfurryboi: hmm
Charles_fenton: I'll be safe
Fluffyfurryboi: how?
Fluffyfurryboi: well
Fluffyfurryboi: I dont know
(anon): imma stick mah dick in a blender
Fluffyfurryboi: I just jumped in for a bit
(anon): Only reason Blue isn’t as fat is because she eats more cock than food
Blue_jollyrancher: You remember what I said last night sugar
Charles_fenton: what specifically?
(anon): owo
(anon): secret spilling
Blue_jollyrancher: Be safe= er trip half of the time
Charles_fenton: yeah
Fluffyfurryboi: I think I reopened some stuff too
Charles_fenton: if I can avoid an Ambulance fee its a plus in my book
Blue_jollyrancher: Yup
(anon): I have it on good authority that Charles is a fatty fat fat fatfat and has
Fluffyfurryboi: hey blue remember that time I was drunk and brought in a sword?
Blue_jollyrancher: I just noticed I have brusies
Charles_fenton: oof
Trees_the_proto: Oof
Charles_fenton: I had to go shovel driveways today so that wasn't fun
Blue_jollyrancher: You broke my couch yes I remember
Charles_fenton: especially because I dropped my Actual gloves in the sink, so I had
to use fingerless gloves
(anon): Every step you takes craters to driveway lol
Generic: only thing i shoveled today was ur mom
Fluffyfurryboi: and your table
Charles_fenton: haha good one, if you plowed my mom have fun with the several STD's
Fluffyfurryboi: and your window
(anon): AYO WUT
Blue_jollyrancher: And my coffee table
(anon): Charles shovels food into his gaping maw because he is a fucking fat fuck
Charles_fenton: NOT THE COFFEE TABLE
Fluffyfurryboi: and I think a few bottles, maybe an oven or two
(anon): anon you need to chill tf out owo
Generic: fr listen to lili
Generic: or daughter
Generic: prolly daughter
Blue_jollyrancher: No just the bottles
(anon): Suck balls ballsuckers
(anon): ehhh Im not allowed to show my face so, keep on guessing
Fluffyfurryboi: and then the other sutff
Fluffyfurryboi: but thats it
Fluffyfurryboi: did you clean all the glass?
Blue_jollyrancher: Yup
(anon): Ima clean the toilet with your whore face whoreface
Fluffyfurryboi: col
Fluffyfurryboi: cool
Charles_fenton: thinking of coffee tables, someone broke our little metal folding
table out front
Blue_jollyrancher: Ash54?
Fluffyfurryboi: wheres that sword again?
Blue_jollyrancher: I locked it up
(anon): Check up your ass
Fluffyfurryboi: fair enough
Charles_fenton: Don't touch the greatsword
Fluffyfurryboi: uh
(anon): ok owo
(anon): Probably find a lot of things up there like your car keys and my dick
Fluffyfurryboi: did you get a new couch?
Blue_jollyrancher: Eww no and got one yeah
(anon): i have a human skin couch owo
Charles_fenton: the fuck?!
(anon): oh he actually responded
(anon): Only if you count hookers as human…. Which I do NOT
(anon): FATASS FUK
Blue_jollyrancher: Only one person has permission right now too touch near my ass
Fluffyfurryboi: and thats not me
(anon): who?
Blue_jollyrancher: I'll let him speak if he wishes
Fluffyfurryboi: who?
(anon): ur dad
(anon): It’s me stfu you whore
Blue_jollyrancher: Ewww
Charles_fenton: Alright moving on...
(anon): Start sucking
(anon): and don't test me dear~
(anon): Now swallow my hot load and feel the shame slide into your belly
Charles_fenton: oh for FUCKS sake
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi Puro
(anon): yes hello
Fluffyfurryboi: wait puro is here?
(anon): alright now that my identity is out im outta here!
Fluffyfurryboi: this is. . .
Blue_jollyrancher: Wait please log in
Fluffyfurryboi: that third time
Charles_fenton: lets not talk about that...
(anon): It’s so tasty yum yum straight from the tap
Charles_fenton: lets just not talk about Puro rn... please?
(anon): bruh
Blue_jollyrancher: Tell me later sugar
(anon): Puro is here I am Puro
Fluffyfurryboi: why not? I never get to talk to them
(anon): I molest people all the time I confess
Charles_fenton: ... lets not talk about her.
(anon): I am Puro and I did all the things
Charles_fenton: no you're not
(anon): The bad things
(anon): I did them all
Charles_fenton: ok name a few
(anon): The one really bad one that you hate the most
(anon): I did that
Charles_fenton: Elaborate further.
(anon): fuck urself
(anon): I can’t statute if limitations
(anon): My lawyer said no details
(anon): fuck my ass
(anon): But my name is Puro and everything you accuse me of I am guilty of
(anon): fuk it all
(anon): I confess
Blue_jollyrancher: Tom fuck off
Fluffyfurryboi: trees?
Suction_cup_man: I swear ta gahd if you don't stop!
(anon): I am Puro and I am now going to go kick a puppy
(anon): A really cute one too
Suction_cup_man: I would NOT do that!
(anon): Fucking did it
(anon): AHA
Blue_jollyrancher: She wouldn't
(anon): Little pup with big eyes all playful
(anon): Never imagining the world of pain I was about to unleash
(anon): sounds fuckable owo
(anon): As I, Puro, kicked the puppy again
(anon): Fuck yeah I Puro kicked the puppy with an erection
Blue_jollyrancher: Unless you log in as Puro I don't believe you
(anon): fuck it k
(anon): Just a hail of blows as the poor thing yelped and cried in confused terror
(anon): It pissed itself
(anon): OWO PISS
Mommymilkers42069: no
(anon): Obviously, being Puro, when I saw the piss I ejaculated
(anon): As I, Puro, have a huge puppy-pissing-in-mortal-terror kink
(anon): owo
(anon): piss is tasty
(anon): see thats me as Puro
Blue_jollyrancher: Milk?
(anon): Yup I like talking as myself on multiple devices using different voices
(anon): But it’s always Puro
(anon): Puro the puppy kicking masturbator
Mommymilkers42069: hmmmmmmmm
Blue_jollyrancher: Milk stay for a second
Mommymilkers42069: yes mother
Blue_jollyrancher: Charles?
Charles_fenton: yeah?
Fluffyfurryboi: I bit my lip
(anon): lmfao
Fluffyfurryboi: too hard
(anon): don't do that it hurts
Mommymilkers42069: father
Fluffyfurryboi: naw too late
(anon): I am Puro and I am now fucking the puppy with my needle dick
Fluffyfurryboi: *hugs milk* hello
Charles_fenton: oh... thats what the Message was about
Mommymilkers42069: father i crave violence on a tsipar
(anon): UNGH UNGH UNGH I am balls deep in this kicked puppy
Fluffyfurryboi: hey milk
Charles_fenton: Hey no violence, unless you use the right tools for the job.
Mommymilkers42069: hello flurf
Fluffyfurryboi: I fused alcohol with my blood
Mommymilkers42069: surprise colonoscopy?
Charles_fenton: Fluffy why did you turn into the Demoman from TF2??
Fluffyfurryboi: blue took my eyelander
Charles_fenton: I mean you slashed a shit-ton of her furniture so... yeah
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm going to go finish my shower rq
Charles_fenton: alright C'ya
Fluffyfurryboi: bye bye
Mommymilkers42069: father
Charles_fenton: yes?
Mommymilkers42069: i need the tools
Charles_fenton: Well, what do you need specifically?
Fluffyfurryboi: so
Charles_fenton: Light arms, Heavy arms, A blunt item, a Blade?
(anon): woahh
Fluffyfurryboi: wanna hear how I destroyed her stuff?
(anon): I just shit myself
Charles_fenton: sure why not
Mommymilkers42069: last one please
Charles_fenton: Hmm, Long or short?
Fluffyfurryboi: your choice
Charles_fenton: no I was talking to Milk about the length of the blade, you can
speak freely fluffy
Mommymilkers42069: very long
Fluffyfurryboi: oh ok
Fluffyfurryboi: well
Fluffyfurryboi: ima just say what I did in a simple way
Charles_fenton: Might I recommend a zweihander, milk?
Mommymilkers42069: yes father
Charles_fenton: alright, knock yourself out, but not literally
Fluffyfurryboi: I got drunk, got a sword, tried to kill lili, almost killed milk,
destroyed blue's couch, table, and window
Mommymilkers42069: thanks
Charles_fenton: yeah fluffy you broke the coffee table
Mommymilkers42069: wanna know somethign messed up father
Fluffyfurryboi: and a different table too
Charles_fenton: sure go ahead
Mommymilkers42069: the dude is coming back on tuesday
(anon): Sweet
Charles_fenton: wait who?
Fluffyfurryboi: and. . .
(anon): He is gonna rape you
Fluffyfurryboi: hmm
(anon): . . .
(anon): Yup
(anon): Big time
Fluffyfurryboi: forgot the rest
Mommymilkers42069: ...
Mommymilkers42069: anon
Mommymilkers42069: quit it
(anon): Arm yourself
Fluffyfurryboi: but thats really it
Mommymilkers42069: his name is christan
(anon): Shoot him when he tries to open your door
Mommymilkers42069: anon stfu
Charles_fenton: ah alright, well imma go, G'night everyone!
(anon): Shoot him for being a man and having a penis
(anon): Cya fatty
Fluffyfurryboi: ____ ____
Fluffyfurryboi: shoot
Mommymilkers42069: godnight father!
Mommymilkers42069: goodnight *
Blue_jollyrancher: Night sugar
Mxangel: Wait, it's sunday
(anon): Just kidding you clear want the d
Mxangel: It really is godnight
(anon): Filthy woman
Mommymilkers42069: anon stfu
Mommymilkers42069: she didnt want it she had her head forced down
(anon): My name is Puro and I say no
Blue_jollyrancher: Log in probe it
(anon): I, Puro, so no women a lot
(anon): Like when they ask me to stop
Blue_jollyrancher: Prove that you are puro
(anon): That’s a clear no
Fluffyfurryboi: ____ ____
| . | . |
Blue_jollyrancher: Prove it
Fluffyfurryboi: I took 2 minute to do that
Blue_jollyrancher: Because you can't
Fluffyfurryboi: and it didnt even come out right
Mxangel: See, it's not puro
Blue_jollyrancher: You can't prove anything
(anon): I am Puro and going to go molest someone else now
Blue_jollyrancher: Nope still not her
Fluffyfurryboi: I know how puro is
Fluffyfurryboi: not alot
Blue_jollyrancher: She doesn't hide as a Anon
Fluffyfurryboi: knowing ive only seen them twice
Fluffyfurryboi: but I know a little bit
Fluffyfurryboi: hey
Blue_jollyrancher: She's strong and kind one of my closest friends so if you're her
prove it
Fluffyfurryboi: anon
Fluffyfurryboi: who's void?
Fluffyfurryboi: anon?
Fluffyfurryboi: I killed chat
Blue_jollyrancher: No that fake anon pussied out
Fluffyfurryboi: lol
Fluffyfurryboi: I know void, but not puro
Fluffyfurryboi: I did it again
Fluffyfurryboi: new record
Fluffyfurryboi: yay. . .
Fluffyfurryboi: or im just a bit fast in saying things
Fluffyfurryboi: hello?
Fluffyfurryboi: now I really did it
Blue_jollyrancher: Nope just doing things
Fluffyfurryboi: oh
Fluffyfurryboi: my bad
Fluffyfurryboi: *hugs blue* im still infused with alcohol
Blue_jollyrancher: *hugs back* I know
Fluffyfurryboi: why are you fine with this?
Fluffyfurryboi: this is new
Blue_jollyrancher: Kinda have to be
Fluffyfurryboi: I thought you were gonna slap me or something
Blue_jollyrancher: No it's fine
Fluffyfurryboi: I wonder what happens if I drink anything?
Blue_jollyrancher: I punch you
Fluffyfurryboi: ok
Fluffyfurryboi: fair enough
Blue_jollyrancher: Mhm
Fluffyfurryboi: do you want a kiss on your cheek?
Fluffyfurryboi: I mean its what you define as being a friend
Blue_jollyrancher: Yeah you can
Fluffyfurryboi: *kisses blue's cheek* I covered up the glass wounds
Blue_jollyrancher: Good
Fluffyfurryboi: I used very long socks
Fluffyfurryboi: very very long socks
Blue_jollyrancher: Mhm
Fluffyfurryboi: can you guess what?
Blue_jollyrancher: What?
Fluffyfurryboi: what I used
Blue_jollyrancher: Thigh highs?
Fluffyfurryboi: yes
Fluffyfurryboi: why?
Fluffyfurryboi: because
Fluffyfurryboi: I just think they're neat
Fluffyfurryboi: white and pink
Blue_jollyrancher: Nice
Fluffyfurryboi: thanks
Mommymilkers42069: mmm
Mommymilkers42069: brp
Fluffyfurryboi: blep
Blue_jollyrancher: Bleep
Fluffyfurryboi: wait milk you saw that right?
Fluffyfurryboi: askin to see if ya did or didnt
Fluffyfurryboi: I killed chat three times
Fluffyfurryboi: or because of stuff
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm just Cold
Fluffyfurryboi: sorry
Blue_jollyrancher: Its okay
Fluffyfurryboi: I just guess my size
Fluffyfurryboi: sort of
Blue_jollyrancher: 5"3
Fluffyfurryboi: yeah
Fluffyfurryboi: but my foot size and if the thigh highs would fit all the way
Blue_jollyrancher: Yeah
Fluffyfurryboi: so I guesses
Fluffyfurryboi: guessed
Fluffyfurryboi: sorry
Fluffyfurryboi: the fusion got to me there
Generic: when u were here b4
Generic: couldnt look u in the eye
Blue_jollyrancher: I like them but they kinda roll on my thighs
Generic: ur jus like an angel
Generic: ur skin makes me cry
Generic: u float like a feather
Fluffyfurryboi: keep going
Generic: in a beautiful world
Generic: i wish i was special
Generic: ur so fkn special
Generic: IM A WEIRDO
Fluffyfurryboi: this to me is like a song
Generic: idc if it hurts
Generic: i wanna have control
Generic: i want a perfect body
Mommymilkers42069: i wanna perfect soul
Generic: i wanna perfect soul
Generic: i want u to notice
Generic: when im not around
Generic: ur so fkn special
Fluffyfurryboi: *hugs milk* hai
Generic: i wish i was special
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Generic: IM A WEIRDO
Fluffyfurryboi: I got thigh highs to cover the wounds
Generic: SHE RUN
Generic: RUN
Generic: RUN
Generic: wutever makes u happy
Generic: wutever u want
Generic: ur so fkn special
Mommymilkers42069: what did you do flurf
Generic: i wish i was special
Generic: but im a creep
Generic: im a weirdo
Generic: wut the hell am i doin here?
Generic: i dont belong here
Generic: i dont belong here
Blue_jollyrancher: Love the concert gen
Fluffyfurryboi: yeah its nice
Fluffyfurryboi: uh, what I did? its just for the wounds for the glass
Generic: np
Fluffyfurryboi: but yeah, nice song
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm gonna go look for my thigh highs tonight I think
Generic: karma police
Generic: arrest this man
Generic: he talks in maths
Generic: he buzzes like a fridge
Generic: hes like a detuned radio
Mommymilkers42069: they were the cat ones from hot topic that i had and when i wore
them she said i looked like a stripper
Generic: karma police
Generic: arrest this girl
Generic: her hitler hairdo
Generic: is makin me feel ill
Generic: and we have crashed her party
Generic: this is wut ull get
Generic: this is wut ull get
Generic: this is wut ull get
Mommymilkers42069: so she threw them away. i paid for them. myself
Blue_jollyrancher: She can sick my dong
Generic: when u mess with us
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
Generic: karma police
Generic: ive given all i can
Generic: its not enough
Fluffyfurryboi: *hugs milk* hai
Generic: ive given all i can
Fluffyfurryboi: its ok
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Generic: but we're still on the payroll
Fluffyfurryboi: there should be more
Generic: this is wut ull get
Generic: this is wut ull get

Generic: this is wut ull get

Mommymilkers42069: so she threw them away. i paid for them. myself
Blue_jollyrancher: She can sick my dong
Generic: when u mess with us
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
Generic: karma police
Generic: ive given all i can
Generic: its not enough
Fluffyfurryboi: *hugs milk* hai
Generic: ive given all i can
Fluffyfurryboi: its ok
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Generic: but we're still on the payroll
Fluffyfurryboi: there should be more
Generic: this is wut ull get
Generic: this is wut ull get
Generic: this is wut ull get
Generic: when u mess with us
Fluffyfurryboi: so I guess my size for the thigh highs
Generic: for a minute there
Generic: i lost myself
Generic: i lost myself
Generic: phew
Blue_jollyrancher: One size fits all
Generic: for a minute there
Generic: i lost myself
Generic: i lost myself
Fluffyfurryboi: ooooooh
Fluffyfurryboi: dont ask about my stupidity
Blue_jollyrancher: Stupid
Blue_jollyrancher: Me
Blue_jollyrancher: Is
Fluffyfurryboi: im stupid too
Fluffyfurryboi: question
Blue_jollyrancher: Yes?
Fluffyfurryboi: can I remove weeds with a shotgun?
Blue_jollyrancher: Possibly
Generic: internet gay
Generic: smh
Fluffyfurryboi: im asking if I can garden with a shotgun
Blue_jollyrancher: Possibly
Fluffyfurryboi: I have an idea
Generic: u gotta elaborate on that one
Fluffyfurryboi: ok so
Fluffyfurryboi: im gonna plant flowers
Fluffyfurryboi: ya know
Fluffyfurryboi: make a smol garden
Fluffyfurryboi: and then
Fluffyfurryboi: I see weeds
Fluffyfurryboi: but
Fluffyfurryboi: not moving them
Fluffyfurryboi: shooting them with a shotgun
Fluffyfurryboi: so
Fluffyfurryboi: can I garden with a shotgun
Fluffyfurryboi: I killed chat 4 times in a row
Fluffyfurryboi: wait no I didnt
Fluffyfurryboi: I keep thinking that
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm looking for my thigh highs
Fluffyfurryboi: oh
Fluffyfurryboi: I hope you find them
Fluffyfurryboi: I have gained a thought I shall not answer
Fluffyfurryboi: or tell
Blue_jollyrancher: I do too
Generic: i fuck that bitch in the back of the challenger
Generic: darin a *n word* to challenge us
Generic: im shooting too accurate when i pull up swervin inside the mf acura
Generic: i got the mac its tucked imma shoot him in his face till that *n word* had
Generic: i feel like thanksgiving im gettin this dressing im gettin the bread imma
count it up
Generic: imma dunk on yo bitch i rim rattle her
Generic: yo bitch play with my balls like a basketball handler
Generic: go back to my job take a shit on my manage
Generic: manager*
Blue_jollyrancher: Found my swim suit
Generic: i be riskin it all everyday imma gambler
Generic: percs no adderall idk how i manage it
Fluffyfurryboi: I remembered my butt hurts and I dont know why
Generic: fuckin yo bitch her panties i collected em
Fluffyfurryboi: lol it just gets quiet from both of us
Fluffyfurryboi: and then generic is just spiting bars
Fluffyfurryboi: hello?
Fluffyfurryboi: blue?
Blue_jollyrancher: Looking for thigh highs
Fluffyfurryboi: sorry
Fluffyfurryboi: I ask that you dont look back in chat
Blue_jollyrancher: Sure
Fluffyfurryboi: wait please dont
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm bot
Blue_jollyrancher: Not
Fluffyfurryboi: ive made a mistake saying this -///-
Fluffyfurryboi: oh thank god
Fluffyfurryboi: ya know what sucks?
Fluffyfurryboi: im someone who wants to see what happens when I say things
Fluffyfurryboi: so in reality im not embarrassed in saying most things
Blue_jollyrancher: Yup
Fluffyfurryboi: so im gonna say it again
Fluffyfurryboi: my butt hurts and I dont know why
Blue_jollyrancher: Anal?
Fluffyfurryboi: WHAT! 0///0
Fluffyfurryboi: n- no! no no no no no!
Generic: n-
Generic: ni-
Blue_jollyrancher: I mean your ass hurts?
Generic: nig-
Fluffyfurryboi: yes!
Generic: nigeria
Fluffyfurryboi: blue
Fluffyfurryboi: w- why did you think that
Blue_jollyrancher: I mean it makes sense to my dirty mind
Fluffyfurryboi: fair enough -///-
Fluffyfurryboi: I have the odd feeling im gonna have to describe the pain in order
to help it
Fluffyfurryboi: but then again I dont wanna talk about it
Fluffyfurryboi: and then I do
(anon): e
Fluffyfurryboi: but im gonna blush
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm gonna think anal either way
Fluffyfurryboi: ITS NOT! 0///0
Fluffyfurryboi: oh gosh im gonna have to describe this arent I?
Blue_jollyrancher: Yup
Fluffyfurryboi: ok -///-
Fluffyfurryboi: well its not from anal
Fluffyfurryboi: its on my cheek
Blue_jollyrancher: Spanking
Fluffyfurryboi: I feel like I talking to my mother
Fluffyfurryboi: that. . . came out wrong
Blue_jollyrancher: Mgm
Fluffyfurryboi: whyyyyy >///<
Blue_jollyrancher: Dirty minded
Fluffyfurryboi: it just hurt there ok!?
Blue_jollyrancher: Okay....
Blue_jollyrancher: Spanked
Fluffyfurryboi: I- I guess?
Blue_jollyrancher: Oh I found my thigh highs
Fluffyfurryboi: nice!
Fluffyfurryboi: so
Fluffyfurryboi: what can I do to stop the pain?
Blue_jollyrancher: Put ice on it
Fluffyfurryboi: I dont got ice
Blue_jollyrancher: Sit in cold water
Fluffyfurryboi: anything else that helps thats not cold?
Blue_jollyrancher: Heat pad
Fluffyfurryboi: ok anything else that doesnt involve heat or cold?
Blue_jollyrancher: Lotion
Fluffyfurryboi: that sounds nice
Blue_jollyrancher: My thigh highs need a garter belt or whatever keeps them up
Fluffyfurryboi: uh
Fluffyfurryboi: got any that could help?
Blue_jollyrancher: Nope not till I can ask someone on Tuesday
Fluffyfurryboi: uh, well then what lotion helps?
Generic: so uh.
Generic: yea
Fluffyfurryboi: blue?
Blue_jollyrancher: Any
Fluffyfurryboi: oh
Fluffyfurryboi: I got some
Fluffyfurryboi: give me a sec
Fluffyfurryboi: I keep getting it on my tail
Fluffyfurryboi: its too fluffy
Blue_jollyrancher: Damn
Fluffyfurryboi: uh
Fluffyfurryboi: now what?
Blue_jollyrancher: Idk
Fluffyfurryboi: im not gonna ask for help
Blue_jollyrancher: Okay
Fluffyfurryboi: ya know I got the impression that you were gonna say something like
Fluffyfurryboi: well
Fluffyfurryboi: more like a feeling
Blue_jollyrancher: Fair
Fluffyfurryboi: uh
Fluffyfurryboi: I cant believe im asking this
Fluffyfurryboi: d- do you wanna help -///-
Blue_jollyrancher: I can
(anon): is it working?
(anon): damn it is imma swtich to this
Fluffyfurryboi: o- oh! uh, ok
Fluffyfurryboi: ill just lay down
Blue_jollyrancher: didn't think I'd say yes?
Fluffyfurryboi: sorry
Fluffyfurryboi: u- uh
Fluffyfurryboi: well, do the thing then
Fluffyfurryboi: blue?
Blue_jollyrancher: *I rub lotion on your cheek*
Fluffyfurryboi: t- thanks
Blue_jollyrancher: No problem
Fluffyfurryboi: dont this is embarrassing -///-
Fluffyfurryboi: god*
Fluffyfurryboi: but it feels nice
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't mind
Fluffyfurryboi: thanks
Fluffyfurryboi: I have the feeling you're done
Fluffyfurryboi: but you have yet to stop
Blue_jollyrancher: Again no problem and I am *I stop*
Fluffyfurryboi: w- wait! you dont to stop -///-
Blue_jollyrancher: No it's fine I'm done
Fluffyfurryboi: then do I gotta stand up for a while?
Blue_jollyrancher: Or lay down whatever you like
Fluffyfurryboi: *I lay on blues lap* okie
Blue_jollyrancher: Alright then *I cover my back with a blanket*
before 22:38 clock
Dglobbino: she said ye can we get married at the MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Badge: fl
Mommymilkers42069: im gonna go cry now
Bitterlich: Moin
Bitterlich: Moin
(anon): help
(anon): hello?
Blue_jollyrancher: is anybody here
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
22:38:Mommymilkers42069: i cry
Mommymilkers42069: someone hac my insta
Blue_jollyrancher: damn'
Mommymilkers42069: *hugs*
Blue_jollyrancher: *Hugs*
22:39:Mommymilkers42069: T-T
Blue_jollyrancher: it'll be fine
Mommymilkers42069: noooooooooo

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