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WISC-V Profiles and Their Correlates in Children with Autism Spectrum

Disorder without Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Report from the
ELENA Cohort
Lee Audras-Torrent, Ela Miniarikova, Flore Couty, Florine Dellapiazza, Mathilde Berard, Cécile Michelon,
Marie-Christine Picot, and Amaria Baghdadli

The intellectual functioning of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) without intellectual developmental disorder
(IDD) has not been widely studied. However, marked heterogeneity in assessment measures, samples, and results has
been an obstacle for the generalization of findings. We aimed to (a) describe WISC-V intellectual functioning in a sample
of children with autism spectrum disorder without intellectual developmental disorder, (b) identify WISC-V profiles, and
(c) explore whether WISC-V intellectual functioning is related to ASD symptom severity and adaptive skills. Our sample
consisted of 121 children from 6 to 16 years of age with ascertained ASD without an intellectual developmental disorder
(IDD). The intellectual functioning of the participants was within the average range. Intra-individual analysis showed
that children with ASD performed better on visual than auditory working-memory tasks. Moreover, the intellectual func-
tioning of the participants correlated negatively with ASD symptom severity but positively with adaptive communication
skills. Overall, we identified six intellectual profiles according to verbal and reasoning skills. These findings highlight the
relevance of WISC-V assessment for children with ASD without an IDD to individualize intervention, especially remedia-
tion. Autism Res 2021, 14: 997–1006. © 2020 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, LLC

Lay Summary: This study examined WISC-V intellectual functioning in 121 children with autism spectrum disorder
(ASD) without an intellectual developmental disorder (IDD). We found their intellectual functioning to be within the
average, as was that of their peers with typical development (TD), and their verbal and reasoning skills were the most dis-
criminant. In addition, the better their intellectual functioning was, the better their adaptive communication skills and
the less severe their ASD symptoms. These findings highlight the relevance of WISC-V assessment in ASD to individualize
early psychological remediation.

Keywords: autism spectrum disorder; children; intellectual functioning; WISC-V; profiles; adaptive functioning

Introduction and decision making [Dai & Sternberg, 2004]. It has been
widely studied in ASD, but many studies have excluded
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental participants with IDD from their sample to reduce clini-
disorder characterized by social communication impair- cal heterogeneity [Black, Wallace, Sokoloff, &
ment, associated with stereotyped and repetitive patterns Kenworthy, 2009; Lai et al., 2017; Mayes &
in behavior, interests, or activities [American Psychiatric Calhoun, 2008; Oliveras-Rentas, Kenworthy, Roberson
Association, 2013]. Intellectual developmental disorders 3rd, Martin, & Wallace, 2012]. Overall, available studies
(IDDs) are frequently associated with ASD, its estimated often report strengths and weaknesses in intellectual
prevalence in ASD being 50% in France [Mottron, 2010]. functioning of children with ASD. Indeed, they found
It is well known that IDDs have a negative impact on that individuals with ASD commonly have higher perfor-
overall functioning in ASD [American Psychiatric mance reasoning (i.e., nonverbal performances) than ver-
Association, 2013; Matson & Shoemaker, 2009]. bal scores [Girardot et al., 2012; Hedvall et al., 2013;
Intellectual functioning refers to complex, higher-order Oliveras-Rentas et al., 2012]. In addition, studies using
forms of cognition, such as reasoning, problem solving, various Wechsler Intelligence Scales (WIS; WPPSI-III,

From the Centre de Ressource Autisme Languedoc-Roussillon, Centre d’Excellence sur l’Autisme et les Troubles Neurodéveloppementaux (CeAND),
Montpellier, France (L.A.-T., E.M., F.C., F.D., M.B., C.M., A.B.); Université Paris-Saclay, UVSQ, Inserm, CESP, Team DevPsy, Villejuif, France (M.-C.P.,
A.B.); Department of Medical Information, University Hospital, Montpellier, France (M.-C.P.); Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montpellier, Montpel-
lier, France (A.B.)
Received July 15, 2020; accepted for publication November 9, 2020
Address for correspondence and reprints: Amaria Baghdadli, Centre de Ressource Autisme Languedoc-Roussillon, Centre d’excellence sur l’autisme et
les troubles neurodéveloppementaux, 191 Avenue du Doyen Gaston Giraud, Montpellier 34000, France. E-mail: rech-clinique-autisme@chu-
Published online 27 November 2020 in Wiley Online Library (
DOI: 10.1002/aur.2444
© 2020 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, LLC

INSAR Autism Research 14: 997–1006, 2021 997

WISC-III, WISC-IV, and WIAT-II) have shown that visual Furthermore, studies using WIS have reported that
supports used during psychological examinations of chil- intellectual functioning in ASD is linked to several clini-
dren with ASD improved their overall intellectual skills cal dimensions. Significant associations were found
[Girardot et al., 2012; Mayes & Calhoun, 2008; Samson, between intellectual functioning and ASD symptom
Mottron, Soulières, & Zeffiro, 2012]. Several authors have severity: verbal skills (VCI) negatively correlated with
also suggested that discrepancies between verbal and per- ADOS communication and social-interaction scores
formance reasoning skills found with WIS are markers of [Black et al., 2009; Oliveras-Rentas et al., 2012], and
ASD [Black et al., 2009; Oliveras-Rentas et al., 2012]. processing speed (PSI) negatively correlated with the
Processing speed (PS) and working memory (WM) were ADOS communication score [Oliveras-Rentas
et al., 2012]. Black et al. [2009] also found a relationship
found to be poor in people with ASD [Boucher, Bigham,
between intellectual functioning and adaptive skills, ver-
Mayes, & Muskett, 2008; Habib, Harris, Pollick, &
bal and non-verbal intellectual functioning being
Melville, 2019; Mayes & Calhoun, 2008; Oliveras-Rentas
strongly associated with adaptive communication skills.
et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2017]. A recent meta-analysis
Oliveras-Rentas et al. [2012] found that the VCI, PRI, WM
highlighted that individuals with ASD have poorer WM
index (WMI), and PSI were positively associated with
than those with typical development (TD), with spatial
adaptive communication skills. Hedvall et al. [2013]
WM being poorer than verbal WM [Wang et al., 2017]. highlighted that processing speed influenced adaptive
Finally, studies have highlighted that overall intellectual functioning in communication, motor, and daily living
functioning is lower in people with ASD than those with skills. These relationships between intellectual function-
TD [Dawson, Soulières, Gernsbacher, & Mottron, 2007; ing in ASD without IDD, ASD symptom severity, and
Nader, Courchesne, Dawson, & Soulières, 2016; adaptive functioning require further investigation to bet-
Scheuffgen, Happé, Anderson, & Frith, 2000] but these ter characterize the needs of this population.
findings were obtained using a wide range of IQ A recent study suggested the existence of distinct intel-
assessments. lectual profiles among children with ASD [Silleresi
WIS are the most frequently administered instruments et al., 2020]. The authors studied language abilities and
to measure overall intelligence in the general population non-verbal intellectual functioning using Raven’s Pro-
[Oliveras-Rentas et al., 2012; Weiss, Saklofske, Hol- gressive Matrices (RPM) and WISC-IV Matrix Reasoning
dnack, & Prifitera, 2015]. Various measures of intellectual and Block Design in a sample of 51 verbal children with
functioning, such as Raven Progressive Matrices were ASD without IDD. Their results showed five intellectual
used [Bölte, Dziobek, & Poustka, 2009; Dawson profiles according to the participants’ language skills:
et al., 2007; Nader et al., 2016]. However, authors have (a) ASD with normal language (LN) and low non-verbal
found that WIS provides reliable measures of intellectual intellectual quotient (NVIQ), (b) ASD with impaired lan-
skills in individuals with ASD without IDD [Bölte guage (LI) and low NVIQ, (c), ASD with LN and average
et al., 2009; Oliveras-Rentas et al., 2012]. The latest ver- NVIQ, (d), ASD with LI and average NVIQ, and (e) ASD
sion of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, the with LN and high NVIQ. The strengths of this study were
WISC-V (2016), has undergone changes that could make that it provided an accurate description of the intellectual
it useful for studying intellectual functioning in ASD. functioning of children with ASD without IDD using
First, the Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) is now split WISC-V and that it investigated its links with language
into two domains: the Visuo-Spatial Index (VSI) and the functioning. The study of the multiple dimensions of
Fluid-Reasoning Index (FRI), the FRI being a good marker intellectual functioning, such as working memory, visuo-
of intellectual functioning in ASD [Terriot & spatial treatment, processing speed, and fluid reasoning,
Ozenne, 2015]. Second, the Comprehension Subtest in children with ASD without IDD could help to identify
Score, which often corresponds to a weak point in ASD specific characteristics of their intellectual profile. The lit-
[Dawson et al., 2007; Oliveras-Rentas et al., 2012], is no erature shows that it is possible to identify distinct intel-
longer required to calculate the Full-Scale Intelligence lectual profiles in children with ASD [Black et al., 2009]
Quotient (FSIQ). This change could be at the origin of using various measurement instruments. WISC-V appears
higher scores for individuals with ASD for the Verbal to be a relevant and efficient tool to measure, in particu-
Comprehension Index (VCI) with the WISC-V than with lar, verbal intellectual functioning in ASD [Kuehnel
the WISC-IV [Kuehnel, Castro, & Furey, 2019]. Third, a et al., 2019], but its use has not yet been extended to all
new subtest, Picture Span, assesses visual WM, which can intellectual domains of interest in clinical practice. One
capture the strengths in visual and perceptive reasoning of the important benefits would be the tailoring of inter-
often reported in ASD [Girardot et al., 2012]. However, vention and education to individual functioning [Oli-
the intellectual functioning of children with ASD has not veras-Rentas et al., 2012]. We aimed to assess WISC-V
yet been thoroughly studied using the WISC-V, except intellectual functioning in children with ASD without
for verbal skills [Kuehnel et al., 2019]. IDD and to explore the associations between WISC-V

998 Audras-Torrent et al./WISC-V in children with ASD without IDD INSAR

profiles, ASD symptom severity, and adaptive function- having completed all 10 subtests of the WISC-V, and hav-
ing. Indeed, only a limited number of studies have inves- ing scores on both the WISC-V and VABS-II ≥70. The chil-
tigated the intellectual profiles of children with ASD dren included in our study were only those who were
without IDD [Baghdadli et al., 2019; Joseph, Steele, able to participate in the full WISC-V protocol, implying
Meyer, & Tager-Flusberg, 2005]. Moreover, there are cur- that they had adequate verbal skills to understand and
rently few studies that used WISC-V to study the intellec- answer verbal instructions. Exclusion criteria were having
tual functioning of children with ASD without IDD. The an IDD (Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient ≤70 for the
challenge of using WISC-V is to contribute to a detailed WISC-V, a total adaptive score of the VABS-II ≤70, and
description of the intellectual profiles of children with ICM F70, F71, F72), or sensory disabilities, such as blind-
ASD and study their relationship with ASD symptom ness or deafness (n = 4), according to clinical examina-
severity and adaptive functioning to improve our under- tions and self-completed parental questionnaires
standing of their individual functioning and tailor treat- concerning the potential co-occurrence of sensory
ment approaches. Based on the literature, we disabilities.
hypothesized that there would be considerable heteroge-
neity in intellectual functioning, characterized by Measures
strengths in the VSI and FSI and weaknesses in the PSI
and WMI and that, within the WMI, participants would Intellectual functioning of participants was assessed using
perform better on the visual Picture Span subtest than on the French form of the WISC-V administrated by licensed
the verbal Digit Span subtest. We also hypothesized that and trained psychologists. The WISC-V is composed of
ASD symptom severity would be negatively associated 10 primary subtests (represented by scaled scores:
with WISC-V indexes, particularly the VCI and PSI. mean = 10, standard deviation = 3) that can be clustered
Finally, we predicted that there would be positive associa- into composite quotients for five indices (represented by
tions between adaptive communication skills and standard scores: mean = 100, standard deviation = 15)
WISC-V indices, especially the VCI. Exploring this link (described in Table 1). Only the first seven subtests are
may help to better understand the impact of language used to calculate the Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient
difficulties in ASD without IDD. (FSIQ). The internal consistency indicators attest to excel-
lent reliability; alpha indices range from 0.88 to 0.96.
Moreover, the measures are considered to be stable over
time. Concerning the validity of the scale, links between
Methods the subtests within a given index are strong
(on average > 0.70) [Terriot & Ozenne, 2015].
Participants were recruited from the ELENA cohort, a Adaptive functioning was assessed using the parent/care-
large multi-center, longitudinal, prospective cohort of giver form of the VABS-II [Sparrow et al., 2005]. This stan-
children with an ascertained ASD [Baghdadli et al., 2019]. dardized caregiver interview of 297 items measures
Participants were recruited from 15 centers across nine of adaptive behaviors in the domains of communication,
the 18 French regions. Overall, 900 children were rec- daily living skills and socialization. The reliability of the
ruited for this longitudinal study with parental consent. VABS-II for each domain was excellent (α = 0.80) and the
The inclusion criteria for the ELENA cohort were to be intra-class coefficient of the test/retest 0.89.
aged from 2 to 16 years at the moment of the diagnosis ASD symptom severity was measured using the ADOS-2
of ASD and to have a diagnosis ascertained by a multi- [Lord et al., 2012] a semi-structured behavioral observa-
disciplinary, clinical, and standardized process adminis- tion protocol. This scale is composed of 25 to 30 items
tered by licensed and trained psychologists. Measures across social interaction, communication, repetitive and
included the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
2 (ADOS-2) [Lord et al., 2012], the Autism Diagnostic Table 1. Subtests and Indices of the WISC-V
Interview-Revised (ADI-R) [Le Couteur, Lord, &
Indices Subtests
Rutter, 2003], a direct psychological examination to esti-
mate the Intellectual Quotient (WISC-V) Similarities [SI]
[Wechsler, 2014], and a parental interview about the chi- Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) Vocabulary [VC]
Block Design [BD]
ld’s adaptive functioning using the parent/caregiver Vine-
Visual–spatial Index (VSI) Visual Puzzles [VP]
land Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS-II) [Sparrow, Matrix Reasoning [MR]
Cicchetti, & Balla, 2005]. Parents also completed online Fluid Reasoning Index (FRI) Figure Weight [FW]
questionnaires and medical and interventional data. Digit Span [DG]
For the present study, we used a subgroup of 121 partic- Working Memory Index (WMI) Picture Span [PS]
Coding [CD]
ipants from the ELENA cohort selected according to the
Processing Speed Index (PSI) Symbol Search [SS]
following inclusion criteria: aged from 6 to 16 years,

INSAR Audras-Torrent et al./WISC-V in children with ASD without IDD 999

stereotyped behaviors, and play domains. The internal index differences (Δ) for each participant. For the second
consistency was good (α = 0.50–0.92), the test–retest reli- aim, we studied intergroup comparisons between sex,
ability acceptable (0.64–0.88), and the inter-rater reliabil- age, VABS-II adaptive scores, ADOS-2 CSS (independent
ity excellent (0.79–0.98). For this study, we used the variables), and the scores for the WISC-V indices and sub-
Calibrate Severity Score (CSS), ranging from 1 to 10. tests (dependent variables) using Spearman correlation
A diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder coefficients, except for the independent variable, sex, for
(ADHD) or Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) was which ANOVA was used. Finally, hierarchical cluster
collected at inclusion and systematically completed using analysis (HCA) was performed on the entire sample using
the ICM-10 medical diagnosis (F90 and F82, respectively) squared Euclidian distance proximity measures [Hair,
and medical records after being established by a child Black, Grimm, & Yarnold, 2000] and Ward’s minimum-
psychiatrist. variance method [Ward, 1963]. This classification into
The parent occupation was recorded for the mother and homogeneous subgroups was based on the 10 subtests of
father and coded into eight categories: 1 – Agricultural the WISC-V (SI, VC, BD, MR, FW, DS, CD, VP, PS, and
worker; 2 – Craftsman, sale worker, or entrepreneur; 3 – SS). Cluster analysis aims to maximize between-cluster
Manager, engineer, or doctor; 4 – Intermediate occupa- variance relative to within-cluster variance. The number
tion; 5 – Employee; 6 – Worker; 7 – Retired; 8 – No profes- of clusters chosen was based on three graphical methods:
sional occupation. (a) the cubic clustering criterion, (b) semi-partial R2 [Mil-
ligan & Cooper, 1985], and (c) a dendrogram that
Procedure reflected the hierarchy of the clusters. Analyzes were con-
ducted to assess cluster group differences in WISC-V
This study was cross-sectional in that it used intellectual scores and clinical characteristics using chi square for
measurements from WISC-V for each participant that nominal variables (sex) or ANOVA for continuous vari-
could be entirely collected at one of the timepoints of the ables (age, VABS-II scores). The analyzes were conducted
prospective follow-up of the ELENA cohort (at inclusion, using SAS® version 9.3 statistical software.
3 years later, or 6 years later). At each timepoint, the
intellectual measurements were collected simultaneously
with other data, including that of the VABS-II [Sparrow Results
et al., 2005] and ADOS-2 [Lord et al., 2012]. Participants

Data Analysis The 121 participants were aged from 6 years to 16 years
and 11 months (mean age 10.7 ± 2.7 years). Their clinical
Descriptive statistics were generated for all measures to characteristics and psychiatric comorbidities are pres-
provide an overview of the children’s characteristics in ented in Table 2. The parent occupation of mothers cov-
the entire sample. For the first aim, we performed intra- ered the following categories: employee (46.4%), worker
individual analysis between the 10 WISC-V subtests using (43. 6%), manager (21.4%), intermediate occupation
the Wilcoxon signed rank test, for which we calculated (12.5%), craftsman (8.9%), and without professional

Table 2. Clinical Characteristic of the Children

n %

Male 102 84.3
Female 19 15.7
6–11.11 years 40 33.1
12–16.11 years 81 66.9
Psychiatric comorbidities 24 19.8
ADHD (F90) 13 10.7
DCD (F82)
Measures n Mean SD
ADOS-2 Severity score 115 7.5 2.0

VABS II score 121

Communication 80.8 10.3
Daily living skills 71.1 9.7
Socialization 75.7 10.5

ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; DCD: developmental coordination disorder.

1000 Audras-Torrent et al./WISC-V in children with ASD without IDD INSAR

occupation (7.1%). The parent occupation of fathers cov- (Δ = 5.7, P < 0.001) and WMI (Δ = 4.9, P < 0.001) to be
ered the following categories: employee (30.7%), man- lower. However, the VSI scores were similar to the FSIQ
ager (28.8%), craftsman (19.2%), worker (15.4%), scores (P < 0.08). Intra-individual analysis showed only
intermediate occupation (3.8%), and without profes- one significant difference for the subtest scores (Δ = 0.9,
sional occupation (2%). The ASD symptom severity score P < 0.001), participants having a higher score for the Pic-
on the ADOS-2 (CSS) was assessed as high for 54.8% ture Span (9.5 ± 2.9) than Digit Span (8.5 ± 2.6).
(scores from 8–10), moderate for 35.7% (scores from 5–7),
and mild for 9.5% (scores <4). For most of these children,
it was possible to administer ADOS-2 modules 3 and Comparisons of Intellectual Functioning across Sex-Age-
4 (module 3 for 81% and module 4 for 4.2%), with mod- Parent Occupation-ASD Symptom Severity-Adaptive Skills
ule 2 having been used for the others in spite a correct
language level (verified in the medical report). The mean Intergroup comparisons of index and subtest scores
communication, socialization, and daily living skills showed no significant differences due to sex (all
VABS-II scores ranged from low to moderate. P < 0.05). Intergroup comparisons between children aged
from 6 years to 11 years, 11 months and those aged from
12 years to 16 years, 11 months showed significant differ-
Intellectual Functioning and Intra-Individual Analysis for ences with higher scores for the older group for the VCI
Indices and Subtests (106.7 ± 19.6 vs. 97.9 ± 20.0, P < 0.03), Vocabulary sub-
Within the entire sample, all mean index and subtest test (10.8 ± 3.9 vs. 9.2 ± 3.9, P = 0.04), and Similarities
scores were in the mean range relative to those of typical subtest (11.5 ± 3.8 vs. 10.1 ± 3.7, P = 0.04). There were no
children (Table 3). Intra-individual analysis showed sig- significant differences between age groups for the other
nificant differences between indexes scores using the indices and subtests (all P > 0.05). We examined the
Wilcoxon signed rank test. VCI scores were higher than effect of parents’ occupation on their children’s FSIQ and
WMI scores (100.8 ± 20.2 vs. 94.0 ± 13.6, Δ = 6.8, found that children whose mothers were employees
P < 0.001) and PSI scores (100.8 ± 20.2 vs. 93.2 ± 14.1, (96.5 ± 12.8) had a significantly lower FSIQ than those
Δ = 7.6, P < 0.001). FRI scores were higher than WMI whose mothers were managers (114.2 ± 12.5, P = 0.02).
scores (102.0 ± 14.0 vs. 94.0 ± 13.6, Δ = 8.1, P < 0.001) However, there was no effect of the fathers’ occupation
and PSI scores (102.0 ± 14.0 vs. 94.0 ± 14.1, Δ = 9.0, on their children’s FSIQ (P = 0.5).
P < 0.001). VSI scores were higher than PSI scores We also examined correlations between ASD symptom-
(102.2 ± 14.6 vs. 93.2 ± 14.1 scores, Δ = 9.0, P < 0.001) severity scores and index and subtest scores. For the indi-
and WMI scores (102.0 ± 14.6 vs. 94.0 ± 13.6 scores, ces, the ASD symptom-severity scores negatively corre-
Δ = 8.2, P < 0.001). We observed no significant differ- lated with the VCI score (r = −0.20, P = 0.03), VSI score
ences between VCI and FRI, VSI and FRI, or WMI and PSI. (r = −0.27, P = 0.004), and FSIQ (r = −0.20, P = 0.03).
Intra-individual analysis between FSIQ and index scores Thus, the FSIQ, VCI, and VSI scores decreased with
showed the VSI (Δ = −3.4, P = 0.005) and FRI (Δ = −3.2, increasing ASD severity score. For the subtests, the ASD
P < 0.001) to be higher than the FSIQ and the PSI symptom severity scores negatively correlated with the
Block Design score (r = −0.19, P = 0.04) and Visual Puzzle
score (r = −0.28, P = 0.003). Thus, the Block Design and
Table 3. Description of WISC-V Scores by Index and Subtest Visual Puzzle scores decreased with increasing global ASD
WISC-V Indexes Mean SD Min Max symptom severity score.
Verbal Comprehension Index 100.8 20.2 45 155 We then examined correlations between the indices
Visual Spatial Index 102.2 14.6 61 141 and domains of the VABS-II. The VABS-II communication
Fluid Reasoning Index 102.0 14 72 127 score positively correlated with all indices. Thus, with an
Working Memory Index 94.0 13.6 65 125
increasing Vineland communication score, the FSIQ
Processing Speed Index 93.2 14.0 60 129
Full-Scale IQ 98.9 15.7 70 147 (r = 0.50; P = 0.0001), VCI (r = 0.49; P = 0.0001), FRI
WISC-V Subtests Mean SD Min Max (r = 0.36; P = 0.001), VSI (r = 0.31; P = 0.0005), WMI
Similarities 10.5 3.8 1 19 (r = 0.38; P = 0.001), and PSI scores (r = 0.38; P = 0.0001)
Vocabulary 9.7 4 1 19 also increased. The daily living skills score also positively
Block Design 10.3 2.8 2 18
correlated with the VSI (r = 0.22; P = 0.01), FRI (r = 0.21;
Visual Puzzles 10.5 2.9 4 17
Matrix Reasoning 10.1 2.6 4 16 P = 0.02), and FSIQ scores (r = 0.21; P = 0.02). Finally,
Figure Weights 10.5 2.8 4 16 there were no correlations between the Vineland Sociali-
Digit Span 8.5 2.6 1 14 zation score and the indices (all P > 0.05). In our sample,
Picture Span 9.5 2.8 4 16 ASD-symptom severity measured by the ADOS-2 nega-
Coding 8.6 3.0 1 17
tively correlated with adaptive functioning measured by
Symbol Search 9.0 2.8 3 16
the VABS-II for communication (r = −0.34; P = 0.01),

INSAR Audras-Torrent et al./WISC-V in children with ASD without IDD 1001

socialization (r = −0.31; P = 0.01), and daily living skills High Reasoning (ASHR) subgroup; high average verbal
(r = −0.23; P = 0.01). scores for cluster 5 (n = 20), called the Average Scores with
High Verbal (ASHV) subgroup; and both high verbal and
reasoning scores for cluster 6 (n = 14), called the Average
Cluster Analysis of Intellectual Profiles scores with High Verbal/Reasoning (ASHVR) subgroup.
The cluster results for the ten WISC-V Subtests scores are
The 10 WISC-V Subtests scores allowed us to discriminate
presented in Figure 1.
between subgroups in the entire sample. The agglomera-
Comparison of the clusters showed no significant dif-
tion coefficients (Pseudo-F statistic, pseudo-T2, Semi-
ference in age (P = 0.3) or ASD symptom-severity score
partial R2, and cubic clustering criteria) and dendrogram
(P = 0.08). The percentage of psychiatric comorbidities by
generated by the cluster analysis suggested a six-cluster
cluster is shown in Table 4.
solution (Fig. 1). Based on the Subtests scores of these six
For the VABS-II scores, comparison of the clusters
clusters, titles were proposed for each cluster concerning
showed significant differences in the communication
verbal skills (SI, VC) and reasoning (BD, VP, MR, FW)
scores. The LSAR subgroup had a lower score than that of
Subtests’ differences. Scores equal or below 8 are consid-
the AS (73.9 ± 7.9 vs. 83.0 ± 11.0, P < 0.001), ASHR
ered as “low,” scores between 9 to 11 are considered as
(73.9 ± 7.9 vs. 83.0 ± 8.5, P < 0.001), ASHV (73.9 ± 7.9
“average,” and scores equal or above 12 are considered as
vs. 84.6 ± 10.0, P < 0.001), and ASHVR (73.9 ± 7.9
“high.” One subgroup had homogenous scores, with
vs. 87.8 ± 11.4, P < 0.001) subgroups. However, there
average scores for all subtests (cluster 2, n = 23), named
were no significant differences between clusters for VABS-
the Average Scores (AS) profile. The other five subgroups
II socialization and daily living skills (all P > 0.05), as rep-
had heterogeneous scores. Two subgroups showed low
resented in Figure S1.
average scores, the first with average reasoning scores
(cluster 1, n = 33), named the Low Scores with Average
Reasoning (LSAR) subgroup, and the second with average Discussion
verbal scores (cluster 3, n = 11), named the Low Scores
with Average Verbal (LSAV) subgroup. Finally, three sub- We examined overall WISC-V intellectual functioning in
groups showed average scores: high average reasoning children with ascertained ASD without IDD. As expected,
scores for cluster 4 (n = 20), called the Average Scores with there was marked heterogeneity in the WISC-V indexes

Figure 1. Mean subtest-scaled scores for each cluster.

1002 Audras-Torrent et al./WISC-V in children with ASD without IDD INSAR

Table 4. Percentage of Psychiatric Comorbidities by Cluster
ASHVR (n = 14) ASHR (n = 20) ASHV (n = 20) AS (n = 23) LSAR (n = 33) LSAV (n = 11) Intergroup differences

ADHD (F90), % (n) 21.4 (3) 20 (4) 15 (3) 13.0 (3) 21.1 (7) 36.4 (4) ns
DCD (F82), % (n) 7.1 (1) 10 (2) 15 (3) 8.7 (2) 6.1 (2) 27.3 (3) ns

AS: average scores; ASHR: high average reasoning; ASHV: average scores with high verbal; ASHVR: average scores with high reasoning; LSAR: low scores
with average reasoning; LSAV: low scores with average verbal; ns: non significant.

and subtests. Intra-individual analyzes showed the VCI, In our findings, child’s FSIQ was associated to mother
FRI, and VSI to be significantly higher than the WMI, PSI, occupation. Indeed, children whose mothers were
and FSIQ (except VCI, which was quasi equal). Previous employees had a lower FSIQ than children whose
studies have also reported that children with ASD have mothers were managers. This result is concordant with
strengths in performance reasoning skills [Girardot past literature [Delobel-Ayoub et al., 2015; Piccolo,
et al., 2012; Mayes & Calhoun, 2008; Scheuffgen Arteche, Fonseca, Grassi-Oliveira, & Salles, 2016], which
et al., 2000], perhaps enhanced by the motor-free design highlight the need to focus attention more on family
of the intellectual tasks that were used [Oliveras-Rentas contextual factors in adapting the child intervention and
et al., 2012]. Charman et al. [2011] and Nader family support plan.
et al. [2016] showed that people with ASD have higher Our study also highlighted the presence of links
visual–spatial and abstract reasoning abilities, which may between WISC-V intellectual functioning and several
be specific markers of their intellectual functioning. In clinical dimensions of ASD. We observed a negative cor-
our sample, as well as in previous studies, the mean relation between intellectual functioning, particularly
VABS-II Communication, Socialization, and Daily Living verbal and visual–spatial skills, and the ASD symptom-
Skills scores were lower than the mean FSIQ scores severity score. These findings replicate those of previous
[Charman et al., 2011; Flanagan et al., 2015; Matthews studies [Black et al., 2009; Oliveras-Rentas et al., 2012]
et al., 2015; Yang, Paynter, & Gilmore, 2016]. This result that showed lower intellectual verbal skills to be related
suggests that many individuals with ASD have problems to greater impairment of communication and socializa-
in converting their intellectual skills into efficient adap- tion, measured by the ADOS [Joseph et al., 2005; Klin
tive skills [Charman et al., 2011; Tillmann et al., 2019]. It et al., 2007]. The finding of weak associations between
is well recognized that people with ASD and average ADOS-2 and WISC-V scores requires further studies on
intellectual functioning are not spared from adaptive dif- larger samples. Furthermore, our results show that overall
ficulties [Charman et al., 2011; Kraper, Kenworthy, Popal, intellectual functioning is strongly related to adaptive
Martin, & Wallace, 2017]. Consequently, the term “high- functioning, especially to VABS-II communication skills,
functioning” should be used with caution for the popula- as previously reported in the literature [Oliveras-Rentas
tion of individuals with ASD without IDD [Alvares et al., 2012]. The observation that visual–spatial and fluid
et al., 2020]. reasoning in children with ASD is related to daily living
Furthermore, the Working Memory (WMI) of the chil- skills reinforces the evidence that intellectual functioning
dren in our sample was poorer than their Verbal (VCI), influences daily life functioning [Black et al., 2009].
Fluid Reasoning (FRI), Visuo-Spatial (VSI), and Global We then performed a cluster analysis on our sample
Intellectual Skills (FSIQ), in accordance with the results of and identified six WISC-V profiles, the cluster-based dif-
previous studies [Mayes & Calhoun, 2008; Wang ferences mainly covering verbal and reasoning skills, pre-
et al., 2017]. A low WMI could be attributed to the atten- viously reported to be discriminant in ASD [Black
tion and language comprehension problems commonly et al., 2009; Girardot et al., 2012; Mayes &
found in ASD [Hedvall et al., 2013; Mayes & Calhoun, 2008; Mottron, 2004; Oliveras-Rentas
Calhoun, 2008; Oliveras-Rentas et al., 2012]. The results et al., 2012; Silleresi et al., 2020]. The subgroup with the
in the literature concerning WM have been contradic- highest intellectual scores in all domains and strengths in
tory, with some studies finding no differences between both verbal and reasoning skills (ASHVR) was that with
spatial and verbal WM in ASD [Joseph et al., 2005], the fewest children with associated psychiatric conditions
whereas others found that spatial WM was more highly (28.6%). At the opposite extreme, the subgroup with the
impaired in this population [Lai et al., 2017; Wang lowest scores in all domains, except verbal (LSAV), was
et al., 2017]. We found better visual than auditory WM that with the most children with associated conditions
among our participants. This could be due to the visual (63.6%). The VABS-II scores did not differ between the
component of the Picture Span subtest, which may have groups, except in the domain of communication, for
helped the participants to maintain their attention which the LSAR group had lower scores than the others,
[Girardot et al., 2012]. possibly related to lower verbal skills.

INSAR Audras-Torrent et al./WISC-V in children with ASD without IDD 1003

Our study had several strengths, including a large sam- Acknowledgments
ple of children with an ascertained ASD who underwent
The authors thank the contributing families and the
a full clinical assessment, including administration of the
ELENA cohort staff (Myriam Soussana, Julie Loubersac,
entire WISC-V scale. Our results, however, need to be
Laetitia Ferrando, Philippe Antoine, and Colette Boy).
interpreted in the light of certain limitations. First, we
The authors express gratitude to the CNSA and DGOS for
excluded children with IDD from our sample to identify
funding to conduct this research and prepare the results
specific patterns in intellectual functioning, implying
for publication. Grant sponsor 1: French Health Ministry
that our results cannot be generalized. Second, we did
(DGOS) PHRCN 2013, grant number 1: 13–0232; and
not use a control group of children with TD to verify the
Grant sponsor 2: Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour
specificity of our results.
l’Autonomie (CNSA), grand number 2: 030319.
As weaknesses in verbal working memory and
processing speed in ASD may be related to attention,
graphomotricity, and language difficulties, it is neces- Conflict of Interest
sary to promote early and targeted developmental inter-
vention. Indeed, early language training improves the The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
overall outcome in ASD [Warren et al., 2011]. Also, sev-
eral authors have suggested that the motor skills
involved in processing speed could be improved by Ethical Approval
innovative training programs, such as a mechatronic
door training kit [Moorthy, Iyer, Krishnan, & This study and informed consent procedure have been
Pugazhenthi, 2019]. Moreover, cognitive remediation approved by the Ethics Committee on the Research of
used in ASD could positively influence a range of cogni- Human Subjects at Marseille Mediterranean (CNIL num-
tive dimensions, learning, and daily living skills, and ber DR-2015-393).
improve the quality of life [Doyen et al., 2020;
McConnell, 2002]. Informed Consent
Although our results suggest that the verbal skills of
children improved as they got older, further prospective Signed informed consent is obtained from all participat-
studies are needed to better describe the course of intel- ing families included in the ELENA cohort.
lectual functioning in ASD over time. Moreover, as chil-
dren with ASD and IDD were excluded from our sample,
future studies should also include individuals with IDD Author Contributions
to examine their psychological profile with appropriate
psychological assessments. There is also a need to study L.A.T., E.M., F.C., F.D., and M.B. conceived the study;
the influence of associated neurodevelopmental disorders contributed to the collection, analysis, and interpretation
in ASD, especially ADHD, frequently found in ASD, on of the data; and drafted the manuscript. A.B. is the PI of
psychological functioning. the ELENA cohort and also participated in the design of
In conclusion, intellectual functioning assessed by the current study, drafted the manuscript, and critically
the WISC-V in children with ASD without IDD shows revised it for main intellectual content. C.M. and M.-C.
common patterns. In addition, children with ASD P. analyzed and interpreted the data. All authors read and
without IDD had a poor auditory WM relative to their approved the final version to be published.
visual WM that could not be previously explored with
previous versions of the WIS. Intellectual functioning
measured by the WISC-V positively correlated with
adaptive functioning measured by the VABS-II, but Alvares, G. A., Bebbington, K., Cleary, D., Evans, K.,
both intellectual and adaptive functioning negatively Glasson, E. J., Maybery, M. T., … Whitehouse, A. J. O. (2020).
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ASD during childhood and to assess effects of the natural history and prognostic factors of ASD in children:
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