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Lisa is a 20 year old girl living with her parents and her younger brother (Dan, 18
years) in a countryside home in Virgina, Nevada. She and her brother has a good
relation with the other folks in the county and are good friends with Yuri, Lewis,
Jennie and Sergio that live in the same county lane as them. The county has always
been prone to rumors of ghost appearances, kidnappings and also homicides. These
rumors led to the town not getting a large number of visitors which was becoming a
major issue for the economy of the county. These problems were also affecting the
families of our main lead. On a cold night in the middle of December, Lisa invited all
her friends to her house for a sleep-over. Yuri, Lewis, Jennie and Sergio arrive at
Lisa and Dan’s house, where they start to party , play games and have a good time
but soon the lights went off, as it was snowing heavily that night. All of them settled
down in the living room and soon the atmosphere became gloomy. Lewis started to
talk about, how the false rumors circulating about their town was not only affecting
the economy of the town as a whole but also becoming a problem for their own
families. As they kept conversing, Dan came up with a suggestion, he told to all the
group members, how they can stop the rumors about their town from spreading, if
they were to make a documentry of them investigating the allegedly most haunted
place in their town i.e. the Piper’s Opera House in the middle of the night. All the
guys were pumped after listening to his suggestion and the girls were a little scared
but in the end, they also thought that it was a great idea. They planned to execute
their operation the following midnight.
Dan and Lisa were the first to reach the destination and the others soon followed
suit. Upon entering the building, they saw the tile entryway, and the staircase which
goes up to the second floor. To the left of the entryway, the rebuilding of the saloon is
underway, which plans to open soon. To the right of the entryway is another section,
probably offices. The auditorium, or the barn, which is attached to this first building,
is a large, rectangular room, with high ceilings, and a floor mounted on springs,
made complete with a suspended horseshoe-shaped balcony. Honored guests have
sat and enjoyed the show in the two-story box seats, found on either side of the
stage. Famous or well-known people of wealth who used to sit in these box seats,
had their own private stairway.
As all of them were exploring the Opera, giggling and enjoying themselves. Soon
Jennie realized that Lewis was missing. Fear ensued in each and every one their
minds. Dan asked to Sergio, “Didn’t Lewis go with you to explore the auditorium?

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Sergio replied, “Oh yes, but than he told me go back as he wanted to use the
restroom. They thought it was that Lewis didn’t come back for nearly an hour now, so
they decided to first call out to Lewis but they didn’t get an answer. They decided to
split in 2 groups (Dan, Yuri, Jennie and Sergio and Lisa) to try and find Lewis. Dan’s
group started to look for Lewis in the auditorium. Yuri looked around the main
auditorium, Dan around the stage and Jennie went to check the VIP suits. Soon,
Dan and Yuri heard a scream coming from Yuri’s direction. They sprinted towards
her and saw her lying down on the floor trembling in fear, as she pointed towards the
room infront of her. As Dan opened the door slowly , they were all in shock, as in
front of them was Lewis’s body cut open and his own cut hand shoved in his mouth.
All three of them started to run away due to fear. Yuri tried to run out of the building
but the door was frozen and as she turned back to run away she was pulled upward
by some unknown force. Dan, Lisa, Yuri and Sergio met in the hallway and as soon
as Lisa saw her brother. She understood that something was off. She asked him,
what had happened? He tried to calm his nerves and explained everything that he
had seen to Sergio and his sister. Lisa who couldn’t believe what she was hearing,
asked her brother, if he was in his right senses. Dan, obviously frustrated by this
accusation as he was telling the truth, tried to make them believe that what he was
saying was the truth. During the course of their conversation, they hadn’t even
noticed that Yuri was missing and as they conserved among themselves, a severed
head of Yuri fell in the middle of them all.

Lisa fainted upon looking at the severed head. Jennie was trembling in fear. Dan and
Sergio were just able to stay on their feet. Four of them leave the hallway and run
towards the 2nd floor. Lisa comes back to her senses and is able to think clearly
again. She still can’t believe, what she had just witnessed. The group started to
believe that the rumors were true and the place was actually haunted. They started
to come up with a plan to leave the building but someone needed to scout the Opera
and find the best way to leave the building. Every single one of them was afraid, so
they pushed all the responsibility of what had happened to Dan as it was his plan to
document the whole thing. Dan, angrily runs out of the room to scout the building.
Jennie needed to use the rest room but since there was no rest room in the entire
building, Sergio was asked to step out of the room for a while. As the girls finished
everything, they called Sergio to come back but there was no response, SERGIO
HAD DISAPPEARED!. Jennie, absolutely terrified ran insticetively without even
thinking. All the group members had seperated and were all alone.

Lisa tried to calm her nerves and stay level headed in this dire situation. She started
to look for Jennie first as she knew, what area of the Opera she went towards. She
was screaming JENNIE, JENNIE and using her flashlight to try and spot her. She

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reached a saloon that was present on the ground floor of the Opera, she entered
and flashed the lights inside. There she saw Jennie sitting on the saloon chair but
there was no reply. She went forward to try and help her but as she reached near the
chair, all she saw Jennie nailed to the saloon chair. She screamed as hard as she
could, she was terrified. She lost all sense started crying as all her friends were
dying one after the other. She was about to break down but she soon remembered
that she could still try and reach Sergio or her Younger brother. She started looking
for both of them everywhere, Opera hall, 2nd floor, first floor but they seemed to
have disappeared. Now, there was only place where she hadn’t looked yet i.e. the
attic. She again collected all her courage and started to move towards the attic. As
she closed the distance towards the attic, she started to listen voices of both Dan
and Sergio but something was wrong, Dan was screaming. She ran towards the attic
entrance and she was baffled by what she saw. In front of her she saw her brothers
head being decapitated by her friend Sergio.

Sergio turned slowly towards her and said “OH! YOU SAW THAT”. Lisa, instead of
running away broke down and started to ask Sergio, if it was him who killed all the
others. He laughed and replied, “Of Course, It was me, you stupid bitch. I have
always wanted to slaughter you all because of how everyone looks down on me in
this town and today I got this chance because of your stupid brother”. She asked
him to just tell her, if he thinks anything would even change after he killed them?. He
replied just like a Psycopath saying, “I dont’t care, but it sure is fun”. On listening
to his answer Lisa just closed her eyes waiting for her end but Sergio instead of
killing her wispered in her ear, “You shall live, to tell my story” before disappering
from the scene and never to be found again.

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