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The mysterious figure!

Sofie was on her phone, scrolling on social media looking at what everyone had posted that day.
Little did she know something, or someone was watching her. A mysterious figure was outside her
window watching her every move. Sofie not cautious of what was happening around her got a
unsettling message on her phone. 'I am watching your every move Sofie Rose Hampton, and are
about to make my way into your house.' As soon as she finished reading the text that the name 1234
RUN had sent her. She heard a knock on her door, shaking with fear she opened it was relieved to see
that nothing was there only a picture of herself inside her parents house taken from outside. She
grabbed the picture and ran inside locking every single door and window she had.

Another knock on the door came but she decided to no answer but hide under neath the kitchen
table. She dialled triple zero calling for help.

"Help, someone is outside my house" Sofie said frightened.

Someone answered but they didn’t say what she had expected.

"It's okay Sofie everything will be okay, just open the door and let me in." A strange voice replied.

Sofie had no idea who and what this was. Was it a prank someone decided to play on her or was this
serious. Another knock came against the door. Instead Sofie ran, running to find the perfect place to
hide and wait for her parents to come home. As she was running, she found a strange looking door
that she had never notice before. It let out a slight creak, a strange tingly feeling crept up her spine
like a spider crawling across her back. She made her way in soon enough to find out that it was a
secret basement hidden with lot's of cool secret gadgets. A huge BANG came from just at the top of
the door leading to where she was hiding. Sofie holding her breathe while she had a look to see what
she could use to defend herself from this strange figure.

Rummaging through a bunch of old things she found a book, she opened it reading the first couple of
pages was just like what was happening to her. The name of the character on the book was her, spelt
the exacted same way. The creature was upstairs as quiet as a mouse trying to fine Sofie. The
mystifying creature made it's way down towards the basement, while Sofie was unaware. The door
creaked open with an unexplainable dark figure making it's way down the stairs. Sofie had no idea
what she was about to do, she hide behind a wall praying that the monster couldn't see her. She
could hear the monster breathing, it sounded not human like but something out of this world. Sofie
let out a huge breath the monster was able to identify where she was hiding. She could hear the
creature slowly walking towards where she was hiding. It jumped out in front of her, Sofie dropped
to the floor screaming. The book she was holding opened up and started glowing she was unable to
make up what the creature was but didn't really care since it was getting sucked into the book she
had found on the basement. Sofie got up and left the basement leaving the book behind, as she left
the door disappeared leaving without a trace. Later a car pulled up onto her drive way her parents
were home waiting to great her.

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