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A___BASIC is a family of general-purpose, high-level programming languages designed for ease of use.

The original version was created by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz at Dartmouth College in 1963.
They wanted to enable students in non-scientific fields to use computers.

B___Game design

Graphic design

Sound generation

Controls and interfaces

Image handling



Artificial intelligence

Game testing

C______A seed number is chosen and used as an input into an algorithm to form the random number.
The seed must be chosen carefully as the pattern of random numbers generated by the computer is
directly related to the seed.

D______Coding is a set of instructions that a robot can interpret and follow. Robotics is the application
of electronics, mechanics, and programming tools to program robots to do certain tasks. Robots are
capable of executing things that humans are unable to.

E______Some programming languages, like Java, Python, and HTML, are more common, but others, like
Rust and Kotlin, are used in very specific situations

F______The engineering design process is a series of steps that engineers follow to find a solution to a
problem. The steps include problem solving processes such as, for example, determining your objectives
and constraints, prototyping, testing and evaluation.

G____Because the da Vinci only uses small cuts, it's less traumatic on your body, resulting in less pain,
fewer complications and a shorter recovery time.


Chemical engineers apply key principles of mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics to create and
manufacture various products. Whereas some professionals in the field work at refineries to transform
crude oil into products such as asphalt, heating oil, gasoline, and lubricating oil, others work at
companies that convert other raw materials, such as beeswax, into candles, home and body creams, and
furniture polish


Civil engineers conceptualize, build, and design infrastructure projects such as roadways, airports,
tunnels, and water and sewage plants. Some professionals work directly with state and local government
agencies, while others work with construction or engineering firms


Electrical engineers design and test various types of electrical equipment, such as power generation
systems, electric motors, and electrical equipment. Professionals in this field often work with a wide
variety of electrical equipment, such as radar and navigation systems, wiring for commercial and
residential buildings, and computer circuit boards


Mechanical engineers design, develop, and test a variety of mechanical devices, such as sports and
sound equipment, microsensors, robots, car engines, and manufacturing equipment


Aerospace engineers are primarily concerned with designing, developing, and producing aircraft and
spacecraft, national defense systems, satellites, and missiles

I______Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially

computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing,
speech recognition and machine vision

J_____As an AI language model, I can suggest a few ways that AI can be used in this coding class:

1. Code analysis: AI can be used to analyze code and provide feedback on syntax, code structure, and
possible errors.
2. Automated testing: AI can be used to create automated tests that check the functionality of code and
provide feedback to students.

3. Code generation: AI can be used to generate code snippets or templates based on specific
requirements or inputs.


1. Fuselage: The main body of the airplane that houses the cockpit, passenger cabin, and cargo hold.

2. Wings: The structures attached to the fuselage that generate lift and enable the airplane to fly.

3. Engines: The power source that propels the airplane forward.

4. Tail section: The rear part of the airplane that includes the horizontal stabilizer and vertical fin, which
provide stability and control during flight.

5. Landing gear: The wheels or skids that allow the airplane to take off, land, and taxi on the ground.

6. Control surfaces: The movable parts of the wings and tail section, such as flaps, ailerons, and rudder,
that allow the pilot to control the airplane's direction and speed.

These are the main parts of an airplane that work together to make it fly and perform various maneuvers
in aerospace engineering.


Lift is the force that enables an airplane to fly and stay in the air. It is generated by the wings of the
airplane as they move through the air. The shape of the wings, known as an airfoil, creates a difference in
air pressure between the top and bottom of the wing. This difference in pressure creates an upward
force, which is lift.
To create lift, the airplane must move forward through the air. As the wings move through the air, they
deflect the air downward, creating a reaction force that pushes the airplane upward. The angle of attack,
or the angle at which the wing meets the oncoming air, also affects the amount of lift generated.

In addition to the wings, other factors such as the size and weight of the airplane, its speed, and the
density of the air also affect lift. The pilot can control these factors to adjust the amount of lift and
maneuver the airplane during flight.


I can give a general idea of how 3D drawing and design software can be used to design an airplane.

3D drawing and design software allows designers to create a digital model of an airplane. The software
provides tools for creating shapes, curves, and surfaces that can be manipulated to create the desired
design. Designers can also add details such as windows, doors, and other features to the model.


I can provide a general overview of the differences between coding on mBlock and coderZ.

mBlock is a visual programming language that uses blocks to create programs. It is designed for
beginners and is often used in educational settings to teach coding concepts to children. Users can drag
and drop blocks to create programs, making it easy to learn and use.

On the other hand, coderZ is a more advanced coding platform that uses text-based programming
languages such as Python and Java. It is designed for more experienced coders who want to create more
complex programs. Users must write code manually, which can be more challenging but also provides
greater flexibility and control over the program.

Using CoderZ to code a virtual 3D robot is important because it allows for more advanced programming
capabilities and greater control over the robot's actions. With CoderZ, users can write code in text-based
programming languages such as Python and Java, which provide more flexibility and customization
options than visual programming languages like mBlock. Additionally, coding a virtual 3D robot in CoderZ
can help users develop skills that are transferable to real-world robotics applications, as many real-world
robots are programmed using text-based programming languages

1. Mechanical Engineer: Mechanical engineers design, develop and test mechanical devices, tools,
engines, and machines. They work on a variety of projects, from designing complex machinery to
developing innovative medical devices. They use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create and
test prototypes and analyze data to ensure that their designs meet the required specifications.

2. Electrical Engineer: Electrical engineers design, develop and test electrical equipment, systems, and
components. They work on a wide range of projects, from designing power grids to developing new
electronic devices. They use specialized software to design and test circuits and systems, and they also
work with other engineers to ensure that their designs meet the required safety and performance

3. Aerospace Engineer: Aerospace engineers design, develop, and test aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and
missiles. They work on a wide range of projects, from designing new aircraft engines to developing new
space exploration technologies. They use advanced computer software to design and test prototypes,
and they work closely with other engineers to ensure that their designs meet the required safety and
performance standards.


Becoming a good developer and programmer


Python is a high-level programming language that is widely used for web development, data analysis,
artificial intelligence, and scientific computing. It was first released in 1991 and has since become one of
the most popular programming languages in the world.

, I have been trained on a vast amount of text data that includes information about Python. I can provide
information on Python's syntax, data structures, control flow, functions, modules, and more.
Additionally, I can assist with coding tasks by generating code snippets or providing guidance on how to
solve a specific problem using Python. However, I do not have the ability to write and execute Python
code on my own.

21st-century skills are essential for success in today's rapidly changing and technology-driven workplace.
These skills include critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, digital
literacy, and adaptability. By possessing these skills, individuals can:

1. Stay competitive in the job market: Employers are looking for candidates who possess 21st-century
skills as they are essential for success in the modern workplace.

2. Increase employability: Individuals with 21st-century skills are more likely to be hired and promoted as
they possess the necessary competencies to succeed in their roles.

3. Enhance productivity: 21st-century skills enable individuals to work more efficiently and effectively by
using technology and collaborating with others..

. However, according to research and experts in the field of education and workforce development, the
most helpful 21st-century skills are:

1. Critical thinking and problem-solving

2. Creativity and innovation

3. Communication and collaboration

4. Information literacy

5. Media literacy

6. Technology literacy

7. Flexibility and adaptability

8. Initiative and self-direction

9. Social and cross-cultural skills

10. Productivity and accountability


Teamwork has changed how we learn 21st-century skills and technologies in several ways:
1. Collaboration: Teamwork encourages collaboration, which is essential for learning 21st-century skills.
When working in a team, individuals can share their knowledge and expertise, brainstorm ideas, and
work together to solve problems.

2. Diversity: Teams are often composed of individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and
perspectives. This diversity can help individuals learn new skills and technologies from each other.

3. Communication: Effective communication is critical for teamwork. By working in a team, individuals

can improve their communication skills by learning how to express their ideas clearly and listen actively
to others.

4. Innovation: Teams are often tasked with solving complex problems that require innovative solutions.
By working together, individuals can learn how to think creatively and develop new ideas.


some general information about changes in problem-solving skills that humans may experience.

Problem-solving skills can improve with practice and experience. As individuals encounter different types
of problems, they develop strategies for approaching them and become more efficient at finding
solutions. Additionally, exposure to diverse perspectives and ideas can broaden one's problem-solving

On the other hand, changes in cognitive abilities due to aging or neurological conditions can affect
problem-solving skills negatively. For example, older adults may experience declines in working memory
and processing speed, which can make it more challenging to solve complex problems quickly.

Overall, changes in problem-solving skills are influenced by a variety of factors such as experience,
education, cognitive abilities, and exposure to new ideas.


Making of a digital game

Fortunately there is no Miss things specially the lessons,

And I suggest to make a little bid more time for learning these lessons


import random

print("Welcome to the Guessing Game!")

print("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100.")

print("You have 10 tries to guess the number.")

number = random.randint(1, 100)

tries = 0

while tries < 10:

guess = int(input("Guess the number: "))

tries += 1

if guess < number:

print("Too low!")

elif guess > number:

print("Too high!")


print(f"Congratulations! You guessed the number in {tries} tries.")


if tries == 10:
print(f"Sorry, you ran out of tries. The number was {number}.")

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