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Hi, my name is Athena and today I’ll tell you my origin.

I was born of my father’s head. You’ll wonder how, well, let’s start at the
My father, Zeus, the god of heaven and thunder, king of all gods and men, fell
in love with Metis, my mother, goddess of wisdom, daughter of the titan
Cronus, who possessed the power of metamorphosis.
Zeus wanted to take Metis as his wife. Metis resisted Zeus and became a
cheetah to escape him, but Zeus set him up in the middle of the forest to catch
her. In the end, Metis submitted to Zeus.
Since Zeus had Metis as his wife, I thought he could take anybody and
everything. One day, Gaia, the earth goddess, or better known as Mother
Earth, visited Zeus, and revealed to him that two sons of Metis were to be
born. The first was to be a woman, as strong as he was and as wise as his
mother. The second was to be a man, stronger and more powerful than Zeus,
who would dethrone him.
Upon learning of this, Zeus created a plan. He asked his wife to give him a
taste of his power, the metamorphosis, in a drop of water. Metis turned into a
drop of water and Zeus swallowed it. Immediately the wisdom and power of it
were transferred to him.
As time passed, unbearable headaches began for Zeus, so I ordered them to
open his head and remove the reason for so much pain. The titan Prometheus
opened his head, and in doing so, a bright light came from Zeus' head, when a
female figure began to emerge. That was me.
That is my origin, the others is a very long story, which I will tell after.

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