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Social media strategy


 Grow Brand  Awareness Followers, shares These metrics illuminate
our current and
potential audince
 Turn  Engagement Comments, likes, These metrics show
how our audience is
Customers into @mentions, etc
interacting with our
advocates content
 Drive leads and  Conversions Website clicks, These metrics
demonstrate the
sales. email signups,
effectiveness of our
social media
registration. engagement
 Improve  Consumer Testimonials, These metrics reflect
how active customers
customer Recommendations
think and feel about our
retention brand

Our customer journey

Awareness stage

Interest stage(What we are offering is solves some of their problems and therefore they
want to find out more)

Desire stage(They really like our product)

Action Stage(They want to buy\conversion)

Advocacy Stage(the customer loves our product and becomes our advocate/referral)

It is important to understand which stage our customer is n so as to deliver a

message that in relation to the stage they are in. Delivering The right message at
the right stage helps the customer move forward to the next.

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