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My favourite day

My favorite day of the week is Sunday, because I go for a walk

with my family and sometimes with friends.

I get up early during the days from Monday to Friday to go to

study, only on weekends I sleep a little more. I always stay until
everyone finishes their breakfast, After having breakfast we
usually go to visit natural environments. Then I usually go to
have a lot of fun with my brothers, running through the field.

I always have lunch in the field. I like to have lunch there,

because the whole family is together and I can make jokes with
my brothers. After I come back from the walk, I sometimes get to
do my homework from 5:00 to 7:00, especially if I'm going out at

In the evening I usually go out with my friends. We often go out

to dinner and after that we go dancing. I rarely go to bed before
1:00, in the morning.

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