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Mathematical Olympiads 2018

Book · July 2018


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9 authors, including:

Aleksa Malcheski Risto Malčeski

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje 238 PUBLICATIONS   521 CITATIONS   

Slagjana Brsakoska Daniel Velinov

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje


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Library olympiad

Union of Mathematicians of Macedonia

Macedonian Mathematical Olympiad 2018

Balkan Mathematical Olympiad 2018
Mediterranean Mathematical Olympiad 2018
Asian-pacific mathematical olympiad

Aleksa Malcheski Risto Malcheski

Slagjana Brsakoska Velinov Daniel
Tomi Dimovski Pavel Dimovski
Vesna Andova Dimitar Trenevski
Petar Filiposki

Skopje July 2018

Macedonian Mathematical olympiads 2018

Publisher: Union of mathematicians od Macedonia

President: Aleksa Malcheski
Adrees: Bul. Aleksandar Makedonski bb
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Macedonian Mathematical Olympiads 2018

22Nd Junior Mathematical Olympiad 2018

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Skopje,
1. Find all positive integers numbers n> 2 , such that n = a 3 + b 3 , where a is the smallest
positive divisor of n greater than 1 and b is an arbitrary positive divisor of n .
Solution. First let we note that if n is odd, then both divisors a and b re odd. But their
sum is even, so n must be even, which is contradiction. Hence, n is even and a= 2 . Then
it must b to be even. Additionally, it holds b |(n -b 3 ) = a 3 = 8 . So, we obtain that
bÎ{2,4,8} . Finally, all possible values for n are n =16, n = 72, n = 520 .

2. Let k be a semicircle with center O and diametar AB . Let C  be a point on k such that
CO ^ AB . The symmetral of ABC intersect k in the point D . Let E be the point of AB
such that DE ^ AB and let F be the midpoint of CB . Prove that the quadrilateral EFCD
is cyclic.

Note that the triangle ABC is isosceles right triangle. Let CD Ç AB = {H } . From
 AED = ADB = 90  and  DAE = DAB
follows that D ADE ~ D ABD . Since ABCD is cyclic, it follows
 ADC =180  - ABC =135 i.e.  HDA = 45  . Hence,
 DAB = DAC + CAB = DBC + CAB = 22 30 ' + 45 = 67 30 ' .
Now we have,
 HAD = 180  - DAB =180  - 67 30 ' =112 30 ' ,
AHD =180  - (HAD +HDA) =180  -157 30 ' = 22 30 '
i.e. DHDB is isosceles. Since DHDB is isosceles and DE ^ AB it follows that E is a
midpoint of HB . Since E is a midpoint of HB and F is a midpoint of CB , follows that
EF is a median line in DHBC i.e. EF || HC i.e. EF || CD . Hence, the quadrilateral

Macedonian Mathematical olympiads 2018
EFCD is trapezoid. Furthermore, EF || HC , so we have  FEB = CHB = 22 30 ' . From
DE ^ AB we have
 DEF = 90  - FEB = 90  - 22 30 ' = 67 30 ' .
EFB =180 - (FEB +EBF ) =180 - 67 30 ' =112 30 ' i.e.
 CFE =180  - EFB = 67 30 ' .
Finally, EFCD is an isosceles trapezoid, hence the statement in the problem follows.

3. Let x, y, z are positive real numbers such that x + y + z =1 . Prove that

( x + y ) 3 ( y + z ) 3 ( z + x) 3
+ + + 9 xyz ³ 9( xy + yz + zx).
z x y
When does the equality holds?
Solution. We have
(x+y)3 (y+z)3 (z+x)3 (x+y)3 (y+z)3 (z+x)3
+ + +9xyz³33 ⋅ ⋅ +9xyz
z x y z x y
(x+y)(y+z)(z+x) (x+y)(y+z)(z+x)
=3 +9xyz³3 +9xyz
3 xyz x+y+z
Equlity holds if and only if x = y = z = 13 .

4. Find all pairs ( p, q ) , p, q Î  such that

( p +1) p-1 + ( p -1) p+1 = q q .
Solution. First, we have
( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 ³( p +1) p-1 ³( p -1) p-1 (1)

( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 <( p +1) p+1 +( p +1) p+1 = 2( p +1) p+1 <( p + 2) p+2 (2)
From (1) and (2) follows
( p -1) p-1 £ q q <( p + 2) p+2 .
1) Let
q = p -1 , ( p +1) +( p -1) p+1 =( p -1) p-1.
( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 ³( p +1) p-1 ³( p -1) p-1
we have ( p -1) p+1 = 0 и ( p +1) p-1 =( p -1) p-1  p =1, q = 0. But 0 is not a natural

number, so ( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 =( p -1) p-1 has no solution in the set of natural
numbers N .
2) Let q = p , ( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 = p p .

Macedonian Mathematical Olympiads 2018
If p =1 , then
( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 =1 и p p =1 .
So ( p, q) = (1,1) is a solution of ( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 = q q .
If p = 2 , then
( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 = 4 и p p = 4 .
Hence ( p, q) =(2,2) is a solution of ( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 = q q .
If p = 3 , then
( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 = 32 а p p = 27 .
Hence ( p, q) = (3,3) is not a solution of ( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 = q q .

If p ³ 4 , it holds ( p -1) p > p p-1 . We obtain

( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 >( p +1) p-1 + p p-1( p -1)> p p-1 + p p-1( p -1) = p p .
Hence, when p ³ 4 , ( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 = p p doesn’t have a solution in N .
3) Let q = p +1
( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 =( p +1) p+1 

( p -1) p+1 =( p +1) p-1 ( p +1)2 -1  )
( p -1) p+1 =( p +1) p-1 p( p + 2)
Since p and p-1 are coprime, the equation ( p +1) +( p -1) p+1 =( p +1) p+1
doesn’t have a solution in N .
Finally, the solutions of ( p +1) p-1 +( p -1) p+1 = q q are ( p, q) = (1,1) and ( p, q) =(2,2) .

5. In a circle is inscribed regular 2018-gon. The numbers 1,2,...,2018 are put in the vertices of
2018-gon, in each vertex only one number, such that the sum of every two consecutive
numbers (of that configuration) is equal to the sum of their diametral opposite numbers.
Find the number of all such configurations. (The configurations obtained by rotation around
the center of the circle are considered as same).
Solution. Let we consider a configuration satisfying the conditions of the problem. Let А, B
are two consecutive numbers in that configuration and let their diametral opposite numbers
are a,b , respectively. Then holds А + B = a + b i.e. А- a = b - B . Since А, B are arbitrary,
we get that every difference of the numbers which are on the diametral opposite vertices is
constant. That means А- a = C , where C is a constant. Hence, the numbers from 1 to 2018
should be paired in 1009 pairs such that the difference of the numbers in every pair is С.
Such pair can be formed if and only if C is a divisor of 1009 .
Let C = k . Then it must (respectively) the numbers to be paired on the following way
{1,2,..., k }  {k +1, k + 2,...,2k },{2k +1,2k + 2,...,3k }  {3k +1,3k + 2,...,4k },...,
{2019 - 2k ,...,2017 - k ,2018- k }  {2019 - k ,...,2017,2018}......(1)

Macedonian Mathematical olympiads 2018
( k elements of one set are paired with k elements of the other set, such that every element
of the set {1,2,...,2018} should appear only once).
If the number of (arrows) pairings in (1) is m , then 2018 = 2km i.e. 1009 = km . Since 1009
is prime, the only possible values for k are 1 and 1009 .
1) C =1 . In this case the pairing of the numbers will be (1,2),(3,4),...,(2017,2018) and the
numbers in the pair will be diametral opposite. Let we fix on one diametar the first pair
(1,2) . Let we note that it is necessary to choose the configuration between 1 and 2 in
one direction (for example clockwise), and the other half of the numbers will be
determined by the condition of the problem. Since we do not count the rotations, the next
number to the number 1 (clockwise) can be chosen in 1008 ways, and then next number
of the chosen one in 1007 ways etc. So, the number of all configurations in this case is
1008! ways (cyclic permutations on 1009 elements).
2) C =1009 . In this case the numbers will be paired in the following way
(1,1010),(2,1011),...,(1009,2018) (1,1010), (2,1011) ... (1009,2018). Therefore, the
discussion about the configurations is the same like in the previous case, so there are
1008! configurations in this case.
Finally, the number of all configurations is 2⋅1008!

Macedonian Mathematical Olympiads 2018

22nd Junior Balkan Mathematical

Rhodes 19-24 June 2018

Problem 1. Find all the pairs  m, n  of integers which satisfy the equation
m5  n5  16mn .

Solution. If one of m , n is 0, the other has to be 0 too, and  m, n    0, 0  is one solution. If

mn  0 , let d  gcd  m, n  and we write m  da, n  db, a, b   with  a, b   1 . Then, the given
equation is transformed into
d 3 a 5  d 3b5  16ab (1)
So, by the above equation, we conclude that a d b and thus a d 3 . Similarly b d 3 . Since  a, b   1 ,
3 5

we get that ab d 3 , so we can write d 3  abr with r   . Then, equation (1) becomes
abra 5  abrb5  16ab  r  a 5  b5   16
Therefore, the difference a 5  b5 must divide 16. This means that
a 5  b5  1, 2, 4, 8, 16 .
The smaller values of a5  b5 are 1 or 2. Indeed, if a 5  b5  1 then a  1 and b  0 or a  0 and
b  1 , a contradiction. If a5  b5  2 , then a  1 and b  1 or a  1 and b  1 . Then r  8 ,
and d 3  8 or d  2 . Therefore,  m, n    2, 2  . If a5  b5  2 then, without loss of generality,
let a  b and a  2 . Putting a  x  1 with x  1, we have
a 5  b5   x  1  b5   x  1  x 5 
5 5

 5 x 4  10 x 3  10 x 2  5 x  1  31
which is impossible. Thus, the only solutions are  m, n    0, 0  or  2, 2  .

Problem 2. Let n three-digit numbers satisfy the following properties:

(1) No number contains the digit 0.
(2) The sum of the digits of each number is 9.
(3) The units digits of any two numbers are different.
(4) The tens digits of any two numbers are different.
(5) The hundreds digits of any two numbers are different.
Find the largest possible value of n.

Solution. Let S denote the set of three-digit numbers that have digit sum equal to 9 and no digit
equal to 0. We will first find the cardinality of S . We start from the number 111 and each element
of S can be obtained from 111 by a string of 6 A`s (which means that we add 1 to the current digit).
Then for example 324 can be obtained from 111 by the string AAGAGAAA. There are in total
 28
6! 2!
such words, so S contains 28 numbers. Now, from the conditions (3), (4) and (5), if abc is in S
then each of the other numbers of the form  c cannot be in S , neither b  can be, nor a  .

Macedonian Mathematical olympiads 2018
Since there are a  b  2 numbers of the first category, a  c  2 from the second and b  c  2 from
the third one. In these three categories there are
 a  b  2    a  c  2    b  c  2   2  a  b  c   6  2  9  6  12
distinct numbers that cannot be in S if abc is in S . So, if S has n numbers, then 12n are the
forbidden ones that are in S , but each number from S can be a forbidden number no more than
three times, once for each of its digits, so
12n 28
n  28  n  ,
3 5
and since n is an integer, we get n  5 . A possible example for n  5 is
S  144, 252,315, 423,531 .
Comment by PSC. It is classical to compute the cardinality of S and this can be done in many
ways. In general, the number of solutions of the equation
x1  x2    xk  n

 
in positive integers, where the order of xi matters, is well known that equals to n  1 . In our case,
k 1
we want to count the number of positive solutions to a  b  c  9 . By the above, this equals to

 
9  1  28 . Using the general result above, we can also find that there are a  b  2 numbers of the
3 1
form  c .

Problem 3. Let k  1 be a positive integer and n  2018 be an odd positive integer. The nonzero
rational numbers x1 , x2 ,..., xn are not all equal and satisfy
k k k k k
x1   x2   x3   ...  xn 1   xn  .
x2 x3 x4 xn x1
a) the product x1  x2  ...  xn as a function of k and n
b) the least value of k , such that there exist n, x1 , x2 ,..., xn satisfying the given conditions.
Solution. a) If xi  xi 1 for some i (assuming xn 1  x1 ), then by the given identity all xi will be
equal, a contradiction. Thus x1  x2 and
x x
x1  x2  k 2 3 .
x2 x3
x x x3  x4 x1  x2
x1  x2  k 2 3  k 2   kn .
x2 x3  x2 x3  x3 x4   x2 x3  x3 x4  x1 x2 
Since x1  x2 we get
n 1

x1 x2 ...xn   k n   k 2 k .
If among these two values, positive or negative, is obtained, then the other one will be also obtained
by changing the sign of all xi since n is odd.
b) From the above result, as n is odd, we conclude that k is a perfect square, so k  4 . For k  4
let n  2019 and x3 j  4, x3 j 1  1, x3 j  2  2 for j  1, 2, , 673 . So, the required least value is k  4 .

Comment by PSC. There are many ways to construct the example when k  4 and n  2019 .
Since 3 2019 the idea is to find three numbers x1 , x2 , x3 satisfying the given equations, not all equal,
and repeat them as values for the rest of the xi `s. So, we want to find x1 , x2 , x3 such that

Macedonian Mathematical Olympiads 2018
4 4 4
x1  x2   x3  .
x2 x3 x1
As above, x1 x2 x3  8 . Suppose without loss of generality that x1 x2 x3  8 . Then, solving the above
system we see that if x1  2 , then
4 4
x2   and x3  2  ,
x1  2 x1
leading to infinitely many solutions. The example in the official solution is obtained by choosing
x1  2 .

Problem 4. Let ABC be an acute triangle, A, B  and C  be the reflections of the vertices A, B
and C with respect to BC , CA and AB , respectively, and let the circumcircles of triangles ABB
and ACC  meet again at A1 . Points B1 and C1 are defined similarly. Prove that the lines АA1 , BB1
and CC1 have a common point.

Solution. Let O1 , O2 and O be the circumcenters of triangles ABB , ACC  and ABC
respectively. As AB is the perpendicular bisector of the line segment CC  , O2 is the intersection of
the perpendicular bisector of AC with AB . Similarly, O1 is the intersection of the perpendicular
bisector of AB with AC . It follows that O is the orthocenter of triangle AO1O2 . This means that
AO is perpendicular to O1O2 . On the other hand, the segment AA1 is the common chord of the two
circles, thus it is perpendicular to O1O2 . As a result, AA1 passes through O . Similarly, BB1 and
CC1 pass through O , so the three lines are concurrent at O .

Comment by PSC. We present here a different approach.

We first prove that A1 , B and C  are collinear. Indeed, since BAB  CAC   2BAC , then from
the circles  ABB  ,  ACC   we get
BA1 B 180  BAB
AA1 B    90  BAC  AAC
2 2
It follows that
A1 AC  A1C C  BC C  90  ABC (1)
On the other hand, if O is the circumcenter of ABC , then
OAC  90  ABC (2)
From (1) and (2) we conclude that A1 , A and O are collinear. Similarly, BB1 and CC1 pass through
O , so the three lines are concurrent at O .

Macedonian Mathematical olympiads 2018

XXV Macedonian Mathematical Olympiad

FON University, Skopje
21.04.2018, Skopje

1. Find all positive integers n such that 9n  7 can be represented as a product of at least two
consecutive positive integers.
Solution. The product of three consecutive positive integers is divisible by 3 , and
9n  7  2(mod 3) , so we can conclude that 9n  7 cannot be written as a product of three or more
consecutive positive integers.
Let 9n  7  m(m  1) for some positive integer m . The last equation is equivalent with the
equation 4  9n  27  (2m  1) 2 , i.e. with the equation 4  9n  (2m  1) 2  27 . Since {1,3, 9, 27} are
all positive divisors of 27 and
2  3n  2m  1  2  3n  2m  1 ,
these two cases are possible:
 2  3  2m  1  27
1) 
 2  3n  2m  1  1
 2  3n  2m  1  9
2)  .
 2  3n  2m  1  3

In the case 1) if we sum the equations we get 3n  7 , which is impossible.

In the case 2) if we sum the equations we obtain 3n  3 , so n  1 . If we replace in the first equation
n  1 we obtain 2  3  2 m  1  9 , so m  1 . It is clear that, 91  7  1  (1  1) .
2. Let n be a positive integer and C be nonnegative real number. Find the number of the
sequences of real numbers 1, x2 ,..., xn ,1 , such that the absolute value of the difference of every two
consecutive terms is equal to C .
Solution. Let we suppose that the sequence 1, x2 ,..., xn ,1 satisfy the condition of the problem.
|1  x2 || x2  x3 | ... | xn  1| C . (1)
xn  1  ( xn  xn 1)  ( xn 1  xn  2 )  ...  ( x2  1) (2)
where the number of pairs of brackets of the right-hand side is n  1 . We consider two cases: n is
odd and n is even number.
Case 1. n is odd, i.e. n  1 is even number.
Then the equality (2) get the form 1C  2C 3C...nC , where i {, }, 1  i  n . The choice
 
n 1
of i {, }, 2  i  n determine a sequence 1, x2 ,..., xn ,1 , satisfying the sequence (1). Let we

Macedonian Mathematical Olympiads 2018
note that the sum of the right-hand side of the equality 1C  2C 3C...nC (for one choice of
 
n 1
i {, }, 2  i  n ) is even number of times C , and the left-hand side is  С , i.e. odd number
times C . Therefore, the right-hand side is equal to 2kC , for some k   , and the left-hand side is
equal to  С . The last is possible only if C  0 and then we obtain the sequence 1  x2  ...  xn , i.e.
there exists only one sequence with the desired property.
Case 2. n is even, i.e. n  1 is odd number.
If C  0 , then 1  x2  ...  xn . Let C  0 . Then again from the equality (2) we obtain
1C  2C 3C...nC . Hence, the problem can be transformed to find the number of choices of

n 1
i {, }, 2  i  n such that 1C  2C 3C...nC . If on the left-hand side of the equality we have

n 1
 C , then it must, on the right-hand side of the equality, the difference between the number of the
positive and the number of the negative constants to be exactly 1, i.e.  C must appear n  2  1  n
2 2

times, and  C appears exactly n 2 ways. Such type of choices can be made on ( nn / 21 )  ((nn12)/ 2 )
ways (for a sequence with length n  1 we choose n / 2 positions where we will put  C , and on
the rest we will put  C ). On the exact same number of ways can be written the sum of the right-
hand side is the sum of the left-hand side is  C . So, the total number of such representations is
2( nn / 21 ) .
Finally, if with r  r  n, C  we denote the number of the sequences satisfying the condition of
the problem, then
1, C 0
r  0, n is odd and C  0 .
 n 1
2( n /2 ), n is even and C  0.

3. Find all functions f :    such that

f (max{x, y}  min{ f ( x ), f ( y )})  x  y (1)
for all x , y   .
Solution. Let the function f is such that for every x , y   it is fulfilled the equation (1).
If in (1) we put y  x , we obtain
f ( x  f ( x ))  2 x , for every x   . (2)
f (0)
Furthermore, for x  0 from (2) follows f ( f (0))  0 , and for x  y  from (1) we obtain
f ( f (0))  f (0) . Now, from the last two equations it follows that f (0)  0 .
Now, if in (1) we put y  0 and if we use f (0)  0 , we obtain
f (max{x, 0}  min{ f ( x), 0})  x , for every x   . (3)
We will consider two cases:
Case 1 . x  0 . Then from (3) it follows
f ( x  min{ f ( x), 0})  x .

Macedonian Mathematical olympiads 2018
From the last equality follows that or f ( x  f ( x ))  x or f ( x )  x . If f ( x  f ( x ))  x , then for (2)
it follows 2x  x , which is not possible when x  0 . Hence, f ( x )  x .
Case 2 x  0 . Then from (3) it follows
f (min{ f ( x), 0})  x .
Now, from the last equality we obtain or f (0)  x or f ( f ( x ))  x . If f (0)  x , then
0  x  f (0)  0 , which is a contradiction. Hence, f ( f ( x ))  x . Now, if in (2) instead of x we put
f ( x ) and if first we use that f ( f ( x ))  x , and after that we use the equality (2), we obtain
2 f ( x )  f ( f ( x )  f ( f ( x )))  f ( f ( x )  x )  2 x ,
from where we obtain f ( x )  x , for x  0 .
Finally, 1 and 2 implies that f ( x )  x for every x   . It is not difficult to check that this
function is a solution of the problem.

4. Let tk  a1k  a2k  ...  an k , where a1, a2 ,..., an are positive real numbers and k   . Proof
t52 t16 t4 4 t2 2 t12 t23t45
   0.
15 6 10
Solution. The inequality that we need to prove is equivalent with the inequality
2t52t16  5t44t22t12  3t23t45  0 ,
or with
2t52t16  3t23t45  5t4 4t22t12 .
Using the inequality between arithmetic and geometric mean we have
2t52t16  3t23t45  5(t54t112t29t415 ) 5 .
By the last inequality it is enough to prove that
t54t112t29t415  t4 20t210t110 ,
t54t12  t45t2 .
Let we note that t5t3  t42 , since  ai8 is appearing on the both sides of the inequality and
i 1
moreover holds
ai5a j 3  ai3a j 5  ai 3a j 3 (ai 2  a j 2 )  ai3a j 3 (2ai a j )  2ai 4 a j 4 , for all i  j .
Furthermore, it holds t5t1  t32 . Indeed,  ai 6 is appearing on the both sides of the inequality and
i 1
ai5a j  ai a j 5  ai a j (ai 4  a j 4 )  2ai a j (ai 2 a j 2 )  2ai3a j 3 , for all i  j .
It holds t5t1  t4t2 , since

(ai 5a j  ai a j 5 )  (ai 4 a j 2  ai 2 a j 4 )  ai a j (ai  a j )2 (ai 2  ai a j  a j 2 )  0 .


Macedonian Mathematical Olympiads 2018

t54t32t12  t52t44t12  t5t44t32t1  t45t32t2 ,

so, we obtain
t54t12  t45t2 .

5. Let  ABC be an acute triangle with orthocenter H . The point H ' is symmetric with H with
respect the line AB . Let N is intersecting point of HH ' and AB . The circle passing through the
points A , N and H ' intersects again the line AC at M , and the circle passing through the points
B , N and H ' intersects again the line BC at P . Prove that the points M , N and P are colinear.
Solution. First solution. First, we will show the following lemma.
Lemma. Let H be an orthocenter in  ABC , and H '
be symmetric point of H with respect AB . Then H '
lies on the circle around the triangle  ABC .
Proof. First proof of the lemma. Let N is
intersecting point of HH ' and AB , and A1 is the foot
of the height from A towards BC . Then
 ANH  ANH ' , since AN is common side,
HN  NH ' and ANH  ANH '  90 ). From
H ' AB  H ' AN  NAH  BAA1
 90  ABC  NCB  H 'CB

follows that the quadrilateral AH ' BC is cyclic, i.e.

H ' lies on the circle around the triangle  ABC .

Second proof of the lemma. Let A1 be the foot

of the height from A towards BC , and B1 be the foot
of the height from B towards AC . From
HB1C  HA1C  90 follows that the quadrilateral
B1HA1C is cyclic. Then A1HB1  180      
i.e. AHB  A1HB1     . From  ANH  ANH '

and BNH BNH ' it follows that

AH ' B  AHB     . Then from
AH ' B  ACB        180
It follows that the quadrilateral AH ' BC is cyclic i.e. H ' lies on the circle around the triangle
 ABC .
From ANH '  90 follows that AH ' is a diameter of the circle around the triangle  ANH ' . Then
H ' MA  90 i.e.

Macedonian Mathematical olympiads 2018

H 'M  AC . (1)
Analogously, we can show that
H ' P  BC . (2)
From the condition of the problem we
H ' N  AB . (3)
Using the lemma, we conclude that
the quadrilateral AH ' BC is cyclic.
From (1), (2), (3) and theorem of
Simpson for  ABC and having on
mind that H ' lies on the circle around
the triangle  ABC , follows the
statement of the problem.

Second solution. Using power of

point theorem, we have
CA  CM  CN  CH '  CP  CB , т.е. CA  CM  CP  CB
CM  CB . (1)
From the lemma follows that the quadrilateral
AH ' BC is cyclic. From NAC   and
ANC  90 it follows ACN  90   . From
ANH '  90 follows that AH ' is a diameter of
the circle around the quadrilateral AMH ' N . Then
AMH '  ANH '  90 . From the last and from
MCH '  ACN  90   , follows that
 ANC ~H ' MC . Then AN  H M , i.e.
AN  H M  AC . (*)
H 'C

Similarly, we have that BNC ~H ' PC , i.e.

BN  H ' P , so
BN  H P BC . (**)
H 'C
From (*) and (**) we have

Macedonian Mathematical Olympiads 2018
H 'M  AC
H 'C
AN   H M  AC . (2)
BN H ' PBC H ' P BC
H 'C

The quadrilateral AH ' BC is cyclic, so

AH 'C  ABC   and BH 'C  BAC   .
Then H ' BN  H ' BA  H 'CA  90   . Hence
H ' BP  H ' BN  NBP  90      90  (  ) i.e. PH ' B     .
From MH 'C   follows
MH ' A  MH ' N  AH ' N  MH ' N  AH 'C     i.e. MAH '  90  (  ) .
' '
It follows H 'MA~H ' PB , i.e. H M  H P or

PB  H ' P . (3)
MA H ' M
From (1), (2) and (3) and Menelaus theorem for the points M , N and P and  ABC we have
(1), (2)
CM  AN  BP  CM  AN  BP  CB  H ' M  AC  H ' P  1 ,
MA NB PC PC NB MA (3) CA H ' P  BC H ' M

i.e. M , N and P are colinear.

Macedonian Mathematical olympiads 2018

35th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad

Belgrad, Srbija, 09.05.2018

Problem 1. A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle k , where AB > CD and AB is not

parallel to CD . Point M is the intersection of the diagonals AC and BD and the perpendicular
from M to AB intersects the segment AB at the point E . If EM bisects the angle CED , prove
that AB is a diameter of the circle k .
Solution. Let the line through M parallel to AB meet the segments AD, DH , BC, CH at points
K , P, L, Q respectively. Triangle HPQ is isosceles, so MP = MQ . Now from
MP = DM = KM and MQ = CM = ML
we obtain AH = KM .
Let the lines AD and BC meet at point S and let the line SM meet AB at H ' . Then
AH ' = KM = AH , so H ' º H , i.e. S lies on the line MH .
The quadrilateral ABCD is not a trapezoid, so AH ¹ BH . Consider the point A ' on the ray HB
such that HA ' = HA . Since SA ' M = SAM =SBM , quadrilateral A ' BSM is cyclic and therefore
ABC =A ' BS =A ' MH =AMH = 90 -BAC , which implies that ACB = 90 .

Problem 2. Let q be a positive rational number. Two ants are initially at the same point X in
the plane. In the n -th minute ( n=1,2,3,... ) each of them chooses whether to walk due north, east,
sout or west and then walks the distance of q n meter. After a whole number of minutes, they are at
the same point in the plane(not necessarily X ), but have not taken exactly the same route within
that time. Determine all possible values of q .
Answer: q =1
Solution. Let x (An ) (resp. x B(n) ) be the x -coordinates of the first (resp. second) ant’s position after
n -minutes. Then x (An ) - x B( n ) Î{q n ,-q n ,0} , and so x (An ) , x B( n) are given by polinomials in q with
coefficients in {-1,1,0} . So if the ants meet after n -minutes, then
0 = x (An) - x B( n) = P(q) ,
where P is a polynomial with degree at most n and coefficients in {-2,-1,0,1,2} . Thus if q = a (
a, b Î ), we have a | 2 and b | 2 , i.e. q Î ,1,2 .
2 { }
It is clearly possible when q =1 .
We argue that q = 1 is not possible. Assume that the ants diverge for the first time after the k
minute, for k ³ 0 . Then
x B( k +1) - x (Ak +1) + y B( k +1) - y (Ak +1) = 2q k . (1)
But also x (Al +1) - x (Al ) + y (Al +1) - y (Al ) = q l for each l ³ k +1 , and so
x (Akn) - x (Ak +1) + y B( n) - y (Ak +1) £ q k +1 + q k +2 + ... + q n-1 (2)

Macedonian Mathematical Olympiads 2018
and similarly for the second ant. Combining (1) and (2) with the triangle inequality, we obtain for
any n ³ k +1
x B( n) - x (An) + y B( n) - y (An) ³ 2q k - 2(q k +1 + q k +2 + ... + q n-1)

which is strictly positive for q = 1 . So for any n ³ k +1 , the ants cannot meet after n minutes. Thus
q¹ 1 .
Finally, we show that q = 2 is also not possible. Suppose to the contrary that there is a pair of
routes for q = 2 , meeting after n minutes. Now consider rescaling the plane by a factor 2-n , and
looking at the routes in the oposite direction. This would then be an example for q = 1 and we have
just shown that this is not possible.

Problem 3. Alice and Bob play the following game: They start with two non-empty piles of
coins. Taking turns, with Alice playing first, each player chooses a pile with an even number of
coins and moves half of this pile to the other pile. The game ends if a player cannot move, in which
cas the other player wins.
Detrmine all pairs (a, b) of positive integers such that if initially the two piles have a and b
coins respectively, then Bob has a winning strategy.
Solution. By n 2 (n) we denote the largest nonnegative integer r such that 2 r | n . A position (a, b)
(i.e. two piles of sizes a and b ) is said to be k -happy if n 2 (a) = n 2 (b = k for some integer k ³ 0 , and
k -unhappy if min{n 2 (a), n 2 (b)} = k < max{n 2 (a), n 2 (b)} . We shall prove that Bob has a winning
strategy if and only if the initial position is k -happy for some even k .
 Given a 0 -happy position, the player in turn is unable to play loses.
 Given a k -happy position (a, b) with k ³1 , the player in turn will transform it into one of
positions (a + 12 b, 12 b) and (b + 12 a, 12 a) , both of which are (k -1) -happy because

n (a + 1 b) = n (1 b) = n (b + 1 a) = n (1 a) = k -1 .
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
Therefore, if the starting position is k -happy, after k moves they will get stuck at a 0 -happen
position, so Bob will win if and only if k is even.
 Given a k -unhappy position (a, b) with k odd and n 2 (a) = k < n 2 (b) = l , Alice
 Given a k -unhappy position (a, b) with k odd and n 2 (a) = k < n 2 (b) = l , Alice not play to

(2 )
position 1 a, b + 1 a , because the new position is (k -1) -happy and will lead to Bob’s

( )
victory. Thus she must play to position a + 1 b, 1 b . We claim that this position is also k
2 2

( ) (2 )
-unhappy. Indeed, if l > k +1 , then v2 a + 1 b = k < v2 1 b = l -1 , whereas if l = k +1 , then

( ) ( )
v2 a + 1 b > v2 1 b = k .
2 2
Therefore a k -unhappy positionis winning for Alice if k is odd, and drawing if k is even.

Problem 4. Find all primes p and q such that 3 p q-1 divides 11 p +17 p .
Answer: ( p, q) = (3,3)
Solution. For p = 2 it is directly checked that there are no solutions. Assume that p> 2 . Observe
that N =11 p +17 p º 4(mod 8) , so 8 /| 3 p q-1 +1> 4 . Consider an odd prime divisor r of 3 p q-1 +1 .
Obviously, r Ï {3,11,17} . There exsist b such that 17b º1( mod r ) . Then r | b p N º a p +1 ( mod r ) ,

Macedonian Mathematical olympiads 2018
where a = 11b . Thus r | a 2 p -1 , but r /| a p -1 , which means that ord r (a)| 2 p and ord r (a) /| p , i.e.
ord r (a) Î{2,2 p} .
Note that if ord r (a) = 2 , then r | a 2 -1º (112 -17 2 )b 2 ( mod r ) , which gives r = 7 as the only
possibility. On the other hand, ord r (a) = 2 p implies 2 p | r -1 . Thus, all prime divisors of 3 p q-1 +1
other than 2 or 7 are congruent to 1 modulo 2 p , i.e.
3 p q-1 +1= 2a 7 b p1g1 p2g 2 ... pkg k , (*)
where pi Ï {2,7} are prime divisors with pi º1 ( mod 2 p) .
We already know that a £ 2 . Also, note that
11 p +17 p =11 p-1 -11 p-217 +11 p-317 2 -... +17 p-1 º p 4 p-1 (mod 7) ,
so 11 +17 p is not divisible by 7 2 and hence b £1 .

If q = 2 , then (*) becomes 3 p +1= 2 a7 b p1g1 p2g 2 ... pkg k , but pi ³ 2 p +1 , which is only possible if
g i = 0 for all i , i.e. 3 p +1 = 2 a 7 b Î{2,4,14,28} , which gives us no solutions.
Thus q > 2 , which implies 4|3 p q-1 +1 , i.e. a = 2 . Now the right hand side of (*) is congruent to
4 or 28 modulo p , which gives us p = 3 . Consequently 3q +1|6244 which is only possible for
q = 3 . The pair ( p, q) = (3,3) is indeed a solution.

Macedonian Mathematical Olympiads 2018

30th Asian-Pacific Mathematical Olympiad

Skopje, Macedonia, 13.03.2018
Problem 1. Let H be the orthocenter of triangle ABC . Let M and N be the midpoints of the
sides AB and AC respectively. Assume that H lies inside the quadrilateral BMNC and that the
circumcircles of triangles BMH and CNH are tangent to each other. The line through H parallel to
BC i tersects the circumcircles of the triangles BMH and CNH in the points K and L ,
respectively. Let F be the intersection point of MK and NL and let J be the incenter of triangle
MHN . Prove that FJ = FA .

Problem 2. Let f ( x) and g ( x) be given by

f ( x) = 1 + 1 + ...+ 1
x x-2 x - 2018
g ( x) = 1 + 1 + ... + 1 .
x -1 x -3 x - 2017
Prove that
| f ( x) - g ( x)|> 2
for any non-integer real number x satisfying 0 < x < 2018 .

Problem 3. A collection of n squares on the plane is called tri-connected if the following criteria
are satisfied:
(i) All the squares are congruent
(ii) If two squares have a point P in common, then P is a vertex of each of the squares.
(iii) Each square touches exactly three other squares.
How many positive integers n are there with 2018 £ n £ 3018 such that there exists a collection
of n squares that is tri-connected?

Problem 4. Let ABC be an equilateral triangle. From the vertex A we draw a ray towards the
interior of the triangle such that the ray reaches one of the sides of the triangle. When the ray
reaches a side, in then bounces off following the law of reflection, that is, if it arrives with a
directed angle a , it leaves with a directed angle 180 - a . After n bounces, the ray returns to A
without ever landing on any of the other vertices. Find all possible values of n .
Problem 5. Find all polynomials P( x) with integer coefficients such that for all real numbers s
and t , if P ( s) and P(t ) are both integers, then P(st ) is also an integer.

Macedonian Mathematical olympiads 2018

Mediterannean Mathematical Olympiad

Skopje, Macedonia, 29.04.2018

Problem 1. An integer а ³1 is called Aegean, if none of the numbers а n+2 + 3a n +1 with n³1 is
prime. Prove that there are at least 500 Aegean integers in the set {1,2,...,2018} .

Problem 2. Let a1, a2 ,..., an be n³ 2 real numbers such that 0 £ ai £ p . Prove that
æ1 n 1 ÷öæç1+ n (sin a ) n ÷ö£1 .
çç å ÷ ç  i ÷÷
èç n i=11+ sin ai ÷øèç i=1 ø

Problem 3. Determine the largest integer N , for which there exists a 6´ N table T that has the
following properties:
(i) Every column contains the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 in some ordering
(ii) For any two columns i ¹ j , there exists a row r such that T (r , i) = T (r , j ) ,
(iii) For any two columns i ¹ j , there exists a row s such that T ( s, i) ¹ T (s, j ) .

Problem 4. ABC is acute triangle. AE and AF are isogonal cevians, where E Î BC and F Î BC
. The straight lines AE and AF intersect again the circumcircle of ABC at points M and N ,
respectively. In the rays AB and AC we get points P and R such that PEA =B and
 AER =  C . Let L = AE Ç PR and D = BC Ç LN . Prove, with reasons, that
1 + 1 = 1 .

Macedonian Mathematical Olympiads 2018

1. Junior Macedonian Mathematical Olympiad 2018 3
2. Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad 2018 7
3. Macedonian Mathematical Olympiad 2018 10
4. Balkan Mathematical Olympiad 2018 16
5. Mediterranean Mathamatical Olympiad 2018 19
6. Asisan-pacific Mathematical olympiad 2018 20

Macedonian Mathematical olympiads 2018

Macedonian Mathematical Olympiads 2018

Macedonian Mathematical olympiads 2018

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