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Homework 23/2/21

Adjective word & Sentence

1.Beautiful: They live in a beautiful house

2.Edible: This soup is not edible.

3.Nice: This shop is much nice.

4. Adorable: Ben is an adorable baby.

5.Breakable: This glass is breakable.
Adverbs word & Sentence

1. Abruptly: I thought the movie ended abruptly.

2. Delicately: Grandma's crystal vase is a priceless antique that must be
handled delicately.
3. Delightfully: Her outfit showcased her delightfully quirky personality.
4. Quickly: Quickly finish the grocery shopping so we can get to the party in time.
5. Lightly: She lightly dusted the brownies with a layer of powdered sugar before

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