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Tên dự án: Midterm_Mã SV VD: Midterm1222

Tên pakage: QIS_TênSinhViên_Đề VD: QIS_LeVanTuan_02

Thư mục lưu bài sau khi làm xong:

Write a book management program as shown in the figure:

1. Define interface IBOOK with methods: Calculate_Total()

Where Calculate_Total() is calculated as:
Total = quantity* unitPrice – Discount;
- Total = quantity* unitPrice + tax– Discount;

2. Construct an abstract class BOOK implements interface IBOOK. It contains:

- properties: bookID, publisher, entryDate, unitPrice, quantity
- Getter methods for: bookID, publisher, entryDate, unitPrice, quantity
- Setter methods for: bookID, publisher, entryDate, unitPrice, quantity
- The methods: Input(), Output()
- Abstract methods: Calculate_Discount() is calculated as:
If the status is new: Discount= quantity* unitPrice*10%;
If the status is old: Discount= quantity* unitPrice*50%;
Discount= quantity* unitPrice*5%;
3. Define a class TEXTBOOK extends BOOK contains:
- properties: status
- Getter methods for: status
- Setter methods for: status
- The methods: Input(), Output(), Calculate_Discount(), Calculate_Total()

4. Define a class REFERENCE_BOOK extends BOOK contains:

- properties: tax
- Getter methods for: tax
- Setter methods for: tax
- The methods: Input(), Output(), Calculate_Discount(), Calculate_Total()
5. Define a class named BOOKLIST as shown in the figure. It contains:
- A variable: Book[] arr that contains list of books.
- And perform the functions as:
o Read all book from data.txt file
o Write book from array to file
o Find a book based on bookID;
o Calculate sum of total

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