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To:, ,

my ,, , ,,

Subject: MR DIY-Proposal for Product Innovation: DIY Air Purifiers

Dear colleagues,

I wish everyone the best of luck. I am sending this email to inquire about the possibility of selling a
new product that we can add to our MR DIY company in Malaysia. A DIY Air Purifier is the product.

DIY Air Purifiers are specifically to purify the air in homes. All customers who want to raise the
standard of the air in their homes can use it. Air purifiers have a rectangular or cylindrical shape with
a front panel that has an intake vent and display panel. The display panel allows for control of fan
speed, mode, and filter replacement through a touch screen or buttons.

DIY Air Purifiers have three benefits. Firstly, it can improve indoor air quality by removing harmful
particles, resulting in a healthier living environment for the customer. Secondly, DIY Air Purifiers offer
convenient control through its remote control. It allows customers to easily adjust settings and
monitor air quality. Lastly, DIY Air Purifiers are energy-efficient and cost-effective, with filters that can
be easily replaced to save on maintenance costs over time. This can result in cost savings for

Due to their appeal to all customers, I believe that DIY Air Purifiers would be an ideal product for
MR DIY to market to customers. I would prefer that the idea product be very viable for our company
throughout the upcoming meeting.

Thank you in advance for your consideration. I am eager to speak with you in person.

Your respectfully,

Hamirul Syakir

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