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• After being developed on the IDE platform, the main code, also known as a sketch, will eventually produce a Hex File
that is transmitted and uploaded into the controller on the board. The Editor and Compiler, which make up the majority of
the IDE environment, are used to write the necessary code and compile and upload the code onto the selected Arduino
Module, respectively.
• Both C and C++
are supported in this environment.

Figure: 3.7 Arduino IDE


DESIGN OF Smart plant watering system using node MCU 8266

4.1 System design

NodeMCU, specifically. The moisture sensor has 4 pins as well. The first pin is linked to the 3.3V supply, the second pin to
GND, the third pin to D0, and the fourth pin to A0. 3 pins make up the relay module. D3 is attached to the first pin. GND is
linked to the second pin. 3V3 is attached to the third pin.The negative wire of the battery is connected to the motor
pump's negative wire. The closed loop of the relay module is linked to the positive wires of the battery and the motor

Figure: 4.1 Smart plant watering system using node MCU 8266

The circuit diagram from figure : 4.1 shows how the Node MCU, relay module, soil moisture sensor, and pump are linked to
one another. The Node MCU is then uploaded with the IoT code, and a light blinks in the Node MCU to show that the
connection is operational. Our phones have the Blynk program installed in order to control the soil moisture sensor device.
This application also creates a project, a tank, and some switches. The soil moisture sensor, which is visible in the moisture
level tank of the BLYNK application, measures the amount of moisture in the soil. A notification message is sent to the
BLYNK application whenever the soil moisture level falls below the threshold voltage (3.3 V). The motor pump then turned
on automatically in response to the need for soil moisture. The motor pump will automatically shut off when the soil
moisture level exceeds the threshold voltage (3.3 V) or above.

Below we will demonstrate the blynk computer and mobile interface.

4.2 Computer Interface

Figure: 4.2 (a) Blynk app starting

Figure: 4.2 (b) New template creation in Blynk

Figure: 4.2 (c) Data streams creation in Blynk

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Figure: 4.2 (d) Virtual pin selection in Blynk

Figure: 4.2 (e) New data selection in Blynk

Figure: 4.2 (f) Virtual pin selection in Blynk

Figure: 4.2 (g) Virtual Gauge and Switch add in Blynk

Figure: 4.2 (h) Adding new Device

Figure: 4.2 (i) Adding template

Figure: 4.2 (j) Rename template

4.3 Mobile Interface:

Figure: 4.3 (a) Adding Gauge and button on Blynk mobile app

Now we need to configure the authentication token from blynk cloud server to the Arduino Interface and also add the wifi
SSID and Password to the code.

Figure: 4.3 (b) Finding the Authentication token in Blynk cloude server

Figure: 4.3 (c) Adding the Authentication token in Arduino code


In this project, we have designed and implemented a smart plant watering system that can be used to monitor soil
moisture levels remotely and automate irrigation processes. The system has been built using NodeMCU 8266
microcontroller which is based on ESP8266 platform.

The main objective of this project was to provide an efficient solution for managing water resources in agriculture while
ensuring optimal growing conditions for plants. We have integrated multiple sensors such as soil moisture sensor,
temperature sensor, and humidity sensor to collect data about environmental conditions that can impact plant growth.

We have also developed a mobile application called Blynk which provides an intuitive user interface for monitoring the
status of individual plants remotely. Users can configure their desired soil moisture thresholds through the app and receive
notifications when critical events occur such as low water levels or high temperatures.
One of the key advantages of our smart plant watering system is its ability to conserve
water by only irrigating when
necessary. This not only helps reduce water consumption but also reduces operational costs associated with traditional
irrigation methods.

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Moreover, our technology offers farmers greater flexibility in terms of crop management since they can now easily monitor
their crops from anywhere at any time using their smartphones or tablets. They no longer need to physically check every
single plant manually which saves significant amounts of time and effort.

In conclusion, our smart plant watering system offers a scalable solution for automating irrigation processes while ensuring
optimal growing conditions for plants. With further improvements like integrating machine learning algorithms or adding
more sensors like light intensity sensors etc., this technology could revolutionize modern farming practices by enabling
precise crop management on a large scale leading towards sustainable agriculture practices that are essential in today's
world where global warming has become one of the biggest threats facing humanity today.


//Include the library files


#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial



//Initialize the LCD display

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);


System 1"
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "Plant Watering

char auth[] = "wGMMzeF7kJytxfjuQOUCS5H6mVb5ImSL";//Enter your Auth token

char ssid[] = "VIRUS";//Enter your WIFI name

char pass[] = "On562922";//Enter your WIFI password

BlynkTimer timer;

bool Relay = 0;

//Define component pins

#define sensor A0

#define waterPump D3

void setup() {

digitalWrite(waterPump, HIGH);


Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, "", 80);

lcd.setCursor(1, 0);

lcd.print("System Loading");

for (int a = 0; a

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