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Environmental pollution is one of the burning problems today, it threatens life, leading to many other

consequences that people have to bear. Therefore, we need to propagate environmental protection
Plastic bottles such as soft drink bottles, laundry detergent bottles, cleaning water bottles, etc. When we
have used them all, we can recycle them so don't throw them away.
Plastic bottles have 3 simple ways to recycle them.
The first way, we can recycle it into toys. You can recycle it into a Piggy bank to save money. First, use
your favorite color paint bottle to spray the paint evenly all over the plastic bottle including the cap.
Then, using a brush, start decorating the pig's eyes, legs, and tail. In the last stage cut a small rectangular
box to put money in.
The second way, we can recycle it into potted plants. Take a plastic bottle to wash, and remove all
chemicals before going to plant trees. Cut from the middle of the plastic bottle, after cutting the circle in
half, cut a little towards the top of the bottle to create a hanging hinge for the flower pot. Perforate holes
in the bottom so that water can escape every time you water. Pour in fertilizer and soil used to plant
trees. Sow seeds or use your favorite seedlings to plant. Please place them in a dry sunny location
The third way, we can recycle it into a pen bottle. Cut the plastic box short to only about 2/3. On the
excess box you just cut off, you will make an arm-shaped cut with a hand with about 3 or 4 fingers
spread out. Glue and attach the hands to the back of the box so that the arms are spread out to the side.
Use decal paper to cut into the shape of an eye and a mouth and attach it to the surface of the plastic
bottle. You can choose two contrasting black and white colors to make your pen case stand out more.
Finally, after you're done, you can put it on a study table or desk or you can also hang it on the wall to
be sure.

When your car has a flat tire, you need to replace it. So the old shell will not be used. But don't throw it
away because we can recycle it
Car tires also have 3 simple ways to recycle
The first way, we can recycle it into a table.Clean car tires with soap and water and let dry. While
waiting for the car tube to dry, measure and cut 2 wooden the size of the prepared card. Use glue to fix 2
wooden panels on both sides of the car. Next, use a glue gun to shoot the wires around the whole car.
Finally, use paint and paint in your favorite color.
The second way, we can recycle it into a swing. Select tire size. Drill holes in the top of the tire. Attach
the hanger to the bolt. Hook the chain into 3 positions with bolts. Hang the swing in the appropriate
The third way, we can recycle into flower pots. First, we paint the body of the car with paint and paint it
according to our preferences. Then let it dry in the sun, mix the soil with manure and sow the seeds, and
we have a new pot of flowers.

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