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Fashion makes people different and shows the individualism, mood and
inner world of each person. Fashion has existed since time of immemorial, when
primitives attached decorative items to the clothes which was made from animal
skin, e.g. feathers, sinks, pebbles. Fashion is art, it is freedom that no one can
restrict you. Everyone wears what they want. People says that they do not argue
about taste but mostly everyone argue about it. Most of the communities think
that modern youth are interested in vogue too much and when they are choosing
clothes they pay more attention to fashion and not what they occur more.
You should neither follow fashion nor lag behind. As I said, your style
underlines your individualism and it is always better when we are individual,
different and distinctive. We need to establish new trends. If everyone wear in
same style and pay more attention to fashion they will be like the mushrooms in
raining. In my opinion, that is not destination of fashion. Destination of fashion is
to introduce ourselves as we are, it makes world more colorful, gorgeous and
diverse. Fashion presents peculiarity of epoch, it establishes new trends that
rotates and evolves.
In conclusion, I want to say that fashion gives us opportunity to be who we

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