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Write the role, advantage and disadvantage of multilateral international

organization (IMF, World Bank, WTO, and NATO) in shaping intermational
-The WTO's first project was the Doha round of trade agreements in 2001. That was a multilateral trade
agreement among all WTO members. Developing countries would allow imports of financial services,
particularly banking.That would boost the growth of developing countries that were good at producing

-The World Bank Group works with developing countries to reduce poverty and increase shared
prosperity, while the International Monetary Fund serves to stabilize the international monetary system
and acts as a monitor of the world's currencies.

Role of IMF , World Bank, WTO and NATO

- International monetary Fund (IMF),World bank is to facilitate international economic exchange since
most countries have national currencies that are not typically accepted as legal payment beyond their

-IMF's central focus is on the international monetary and financial system, and While the WTO's is on
the international trading system, both work together to ensure a sound system for global trade and

- The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global
rules of trade. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as

Advantage of WTO
The WTO is a body designed to promote free trade through organizing trade negotiations and act as an
independent arbiter in settling trade disputes.

-Promote free trade through gradual reduction of tariffs

-Provide legal framework for negotiation of trade disputes. This aims to provide greater stability and
predictability in trade.

-Trade without discrimination - avoiding preferential trade agreements.

-WTO is not a completely free trade body. It allows tariffs and trade restrictions under certain
conditions, e.g. protection against 'dumping' of cheap surplus goods.

-WTO is committed to protecting fair competition. There are rules on subsidies, dumping
-WTO is committed to economic development. For example, recent rounds have put pressure on
developed countries to accelerate restrictions on imports from the least-developing countries.

Advantages of promoting free trade

Lower prices for consumers. Removing tariffs enables us to buy cheaper imports

-Free trade encourages greater competitiveness. Through free trade, firms face a higher incentive to cut
costs. For example, a domestic monopoly may now face competition from foreign firms.

-Also the WTO has sought to give exemptions for developing countries; enabling in principle the idea
developing countries should be allowed to limit imports more than developed countries.

Disadvantages of WTO
However, the WTO has often been criticised for trade rules which are still unfavourable towards
developing countries.

-Free trade may prevent developing economies develop their infant industries. For example, if a
developing economy was trying to diversify their economy to develop a new manufacturing industry,
they may be unable to do it without some tariff protection.

-WTO is being overshadowed by new TIPP trade deals.

-Difficulty of making progress. WTO trade deals have been quite difficult to form consensus. Various
rounds have taken many years to slowly progress.

-WTO trade deals still encompass a lot of protectionism in areas like agriculture. Protectionist tariffs
which primarily benefit richer nations, such as the EU and US.

-WTO has implemented strong defense of TRIPs ‘Trade Related Intellectual Property’ rights These allow
firms to implement patents and copyrights. In areas, such as life-saving drugs, it has raised the price and
made it less affordable for developing countries.

2. How do you examine diplomacy as an instrument of maintaining

international peace and security?
Diplomacy is the art of applying tacts and intelligence.Diplomacy existed since ancient time in Greek and
in Roman empire.There exist diplomatic communation during the time of these empires.contemporary
diplomacy became very visible at creation of league of nations and subsequent formation of the united
nations after the imediate end of second world war.Diplomacy is practised at state level as well as at
intergovernmental organizations.States form intergovernmental organizations globally and regionally to
expand their contacts through diplomacy in order to solve sensitive issues without war.

After the end of ww2 to date the world has enjoyed relative peace this was as results of diplomacy
hence averting another world war.

During cold war diplomacy played crucial role to avoid inevitable war among the two super powers
(USSR&U.S).Diplomatic contacts among super powers was very intensive eg the hotline diplomacy.

The United Nations is significant player of diplomacy the very role that the united nations was formed is
the world to realize international peace and security.

The U.N since it's formation has undertaken far reaching diplomatic negotiations in many countries
around the world eg Eastimor,Albania,Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo,Sudan, south Sudan,

Also the U.N through its agencies controls the spread of dangerous weapons that can be used in
international conflicts eg Through the IAEA the U.N controls the spread of nuclear weapons.Also the U.N
has factored in many other world problems that can cause international conflicts eg global
warming,poverty eradication, protection of historical sites,poverty reduction,fight against female genital
mutilation,encourage democratic governance,protection of refugees,peaceful settlement of disputes -
Arab Israeli conflict.

All and above post cold war international system is described as peaceful these is attributed as result of
diplomatic efforts conducted by both state and non state actors.

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