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"Stronger than before"

If you know the song "Break Free" by Ariana Grande, I want you to think of a lyric that came
from that song. Now if you already think, "I’m stronger than I’ve been before", then I guess you
already got the title of my speech.

Good day, everyone! I am Marggie May N. Alegre, and I am here to deliver you my self-made

Have you ever faced challenges in your life? Yes, in my opinion. I've been through A LOT, and I
feel I am STRONGER than before. Everyone in this room became stronger and deeper as time
goes by.

Struggles, challenges, and difficult times. It all adds up to greater worth than any other period in
your life. You cannot be stronger until you face challenges. Without resistance, you cannot be
STRONGER. Consider a point in your life when you were difficult yet challenged yourself to
improve. Also, try to imagine getting exactly what you want every time. There is no battle. There
is no effort required. There are no difficulties. Some of you are saying... It would be fantastic.
but, in reality, you would be weak!

On the other hand, when chalenges arises in your life, you won't know how to deal with it since
you've never been through something that strengthens you. STRUGGLE is on your side. Maybe
not just now. But struggle is your friend when it comes to the development of your soul and the
long-term benefit of becoming a stronger human being. You were given suffering because you
are strong enough to bear it. You were given this LIFE because you are capable of living it.
Because you have the strength to DRIVE through it. SURVIVE through it, and to motivate

In short, you are more powerful than you realize. You've overcome all of your previous
obstacles. and you'll withstand whatever comes next. But the next time you face a challenge, I
don't want you to curse the heavens. Understand that it was sent for a reason and to teach you a
lesson. There is a purpose, whether it is to make you stronger, to teach you patience, or to allow
you to show people what you're made of. So, don't give up. You have a mission in this planet.
And you will only find it if you persevere and become STRONGER.

Once again, I am Marggie May N. Alegre, and this is my self-composed speech entitled
"Stronger than before".

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