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(We’ve been through it all)

Lately, times have been tough. We have all sacrificed. We have given up time for
ourselves. Getting to sleep late, waking up early. Tired of being hurried. Skipping
breakfast every morning. Even our health matters no more.

Good afternoon class! I know you already know me but let me introduce myself once
again. My name is Shannel Daphney E. Guzman, your classmate truly standing right in
front of you. For all I know, most or all of you are experiencing these kind of situations.

A ‘day’ in College is just so different. The facing and transition is so fast like you can
have loaded of works in just a few days. Plates to submit, assignments, activities,
projects, quizzes and long test that we have to review by the next day.

Now it is a complete understanding why I always hear from College students that even
“Tres is enough, as long as we passed”. Grade consciousness doesn't exist right now.
Because we all know the struggle is real. We end up being stressed enough, having
mental breakdown, cry on the corner. It's just exhausting. But in College, it's best to not
make competition in class instead build camaraderie and have unity to help each other
grow. It’a really true that “no man is an island” because it’s not good to be a loner in
college, or else you’ll drown alone. Ask your blockmates for help and they’ll help you
with the best that they can because they’ve also had enough of dragging other people

Regardless of these, let us not blame the teachers nor the professors onto this things.
You don't know that even they are also sacrificing. We are not the only one’s struggling
even them does. Instead of criticising them, why not thank? Thanking them for their
hard works, efforts and unending teachings that we can learn.

“The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow”

Despite of them all, If you are at the point of giving up please remember this. It is worth
the fight. The pain. The tears. We can be ugly now, but still can flirt. Haggard is here.
Let's stop doubting ourselves and be bold. Yes, we have struggled, we have stressed,
we have worried and yet it will always get better. You have stayed late at night worrying
about a future that seems to be unclear or blurry, it always get better. Know that you
have been through the worst, and it always gets better. Let's just go with a flow problem
will end anyways, unlike your relationship. And to always remember to put God first
during the hard times. Keep going. Enjoy the price later and celebrate what we have
accomplished. And after it, of course thanking the Almighty above.

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