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Assignment Title: Designing Interface Elements for Your App

In this assignment, you will design and create interface elements for your app. You will create a
button with four states, four image-based icons, and four other design patterns or interface elements
of your choice. Additionally, you will add your pattern library to the content you submitted last week,
organized across multiple pages.

Page 1: Product Information Include your product name/title, short description, tagline, and a revised
description of the main activity or function of the app from Week 2.

Page 2: Mood Board Include your mood board from Week 2, showcasing the inspiration and design
direction for your app.

Page 3: Pattern Library Organize your pattern library across multiple pages, each labeled with the
intended purpose of the element. Include the following:

Button with Four States: Design a button with four states: default, hover, active, and disabled. The
button should be labeled with text that changes depending on the state. For example, the default
state might say "Submit," while the disabled state might say "Please fill out all fields." Be sure to label
each state so your peer knows its intended purpose.

Image-Based Icons: Design four image-based icons that align with your app's overall design
aesthetic. Each icon should be labeled with a brief description of its intended purpose.
Additional Design Patterns or Interface Elements: Choose four additional design patterns or interface
elements of your choice. Examples include navigation buttons, a slider, buttons to confirm or cancel
a user input, etc. Be sure to label each element so your peer knows its intended purpose.

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