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He was a man of God sent to defend the people of Israel from the Philitees, God gave
Samson unmatched strength, it is said that he killed a lion and more than 1000
Philistines with his own hands, but Samson had to keep the secret of His strenght).
-Samson: although Delilah is a Philistine I want to marry her.
-Philistines: we have to discover the reason for Samson's strength and destroy him...
we go to Delilah. Dalila we need your help to discover the secret of samson.
-Dalila: but ¿what will I gain with that?, I really want to marry him.
-Philistines: we will pay you a great reward Delilah.
-Dalila: okay I'll do it.
(Samson and Delilah are found).
-Dalila:Sanson I've been waiting for you sit down, I'll prepare you to eat, you know how
much I care about you and I would like to know the reason for your strength.
-Samson: Of course Delilah, if they tie me with seven green branches I will lose my
strength, I feel tired I will take a nap.
-Dalila: I will tie up Samson (and screams). Sanson, get up, the Philistines are coming.
-Samson: (jumps and breaks the ropes and says). I will kill all the Philistines.
-Dalila: Sanson you have lied to me and you have made fun of me.
-Samson: I'm sorry Dalila, I didn't want to bother you, but if they tie me up with new
ropes I'll lose my strength, (and went back to sleep).
-Dalila: ( tie up Samson again and shout). Sanson, get up, the Philistines are coming.
-Samson: (He broke the ropes and says). I will finish with all the Philistines.
-Dalila: You don't trust me, because you hide the reason for your strength from me, if
you really care about me, tell me the truth.
-Samson: Well, I'll tell you the truth, I can't allow them to cut my hair, because the Lord
Jehovah will abandon me and I will lose my strength (and he went back to sleep).
-Dalila: (cut Samson's hair and called the Philistines and said). Samson the Philistines
are here.
-Philistines: (Tie him up and gouge out his eyes, take him to the dungeon).
-Samson: How could you Delilah, I trusted you.
(The Philistines took Samson, the Philistines gave Delilah her reward but she cried for
betraying Samson. (After some time the Philistines prepared a party in the temple full
of people, wine, alcohol and food. Samson had already had his hair grew; and they
placed him in the middle of the pillars to mock him).
-Philistines: You are nothing, where is your God?
-Samson: God forgive me for what I did, I have received your punishment and I accept
it, but give me back the strength to destroy the Philistines once again.
(God restored Samson's strength and the temple fell on everyone and they died
including Samson).

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