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Rosetta Stone is a language learning program that fully immerses you 

in a new language. 

In each lesson, Rosetta Stone uses dynamic content to introduce new 
words and concepts. You’ll associate images, text, and audio with 
prompts from native speakers, building on the words and phrases 
you’ve just learned. 
Rosetta Stone’s speech recognition technology checks your 
pronunciation and gives you a real-time assessment. At a glance, you’ll 
know the words you said well and what needs work. 

With 28 different languages, multi-device capability, and over 200 hours 
of instruction per language, Rosetta Stone creates a learning 
experience you won’t forget.  

Best of all, Rosetta Stone allows you to take your language-learning 
adventure on the go with a mobile app. Your progress is synced to your 
Rosetta Stone account, giving you a seamless experience on both web 
browsers and mobile devices. 
With Rosetta Stone, you have all the tools you need to conquer a new 
language. Get started today!

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