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SEMANA 13-14-15


M8 Microobjetivos
¿Qué tengo que lograr?

En este módulo Ud. Podrá:

- Ejercitar los conocimientos adquiridos en los módulos
- Agilizar el uso del diccionario.
- Mejorar el tiempo que emplea para las interpretaciones de los textos.
- Traducir un breve texto.

M8 Contenidos

¿Cuáles son los temas?

Integración de todos los temas presentados e introducción al vocabulario técnico.

En este módulo Ud. podrá ejercitar y consolidar todo lo aprendido en los módulos anteriores a
través de textos como historias de la vida real y cuentos.

M8 Material

M8 actividades

m8 | actividad 1

Comprensión de texto

A modo de cierre realice este ejercicio:

The blind men and the elephant (“Forty Famous Stories”, By H.A. Mertz, Hall & McCreary
Once there were six blind men who sat by the side of a road every day and begged from the
people who passed by. One morning an elephant was driven down the road past where they sat.
They had often heard of elephants, but of course had never seen one. When they were told that
an elephant was to pass them, they asked the driver to let him stop so that they might feel him.
They thought by touching him they could learn what the animal was like. The first blind man
happened to put his hand on the elephant’s side. “Now I know what this beast is like”, he said.
“He is like a wall”. The second put out his hands and touched the elephant’s tusks. “You
were wrong, my brother”, said he. “He is round and smooth and has a sharp point. He is more
like a spear than anything else”. The third happened to catch hold of the elephant’s trunk. “Both
of you are wrong,” he said. “Why, anyone can see that this elephant is like a snake”. The fourth
reached out and grasped one of the elephant’s legs. “Oh, how blind you are. It is as plain as can
be that he is round and tall like a tree”. The fifth was a tall man and had happened to take hold

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of the elephant’s ear. “Why, this beast is not like any of the things that you named,” he said.
“He is like a large fan”. The sixth blind man could hardly find the elephant at all, but at last he
grasped the animal’s tail. Said he, “You men do not know what you are saying. This elephant
is not at all like a wall, nor a spear, nor a snake, nor a tree, nor is it like a fan. Any man with a
little sense can see that it is like a rope”. After the elephant and the driver moved on, the six
blind men sat down by the side of the road a long time and quarrelled over what the elephant
looked, and each became angry because the others did not agree with him.
Sometimes people who are not blind act as foolishly about things they think they have seen.

(Nota: En el idioma inglés, en vez de usar el pronombre personal “it” para reemplazar el
sustantivo común “elephant”, se usa “he, him” cuando es parte de una historia o el animal tiene
un nombre propio).

a. Subraye todas las trasparencias que encuentre.

b. ¿Cómo se llama la persona que no puede ver (escriba la palabra en inglés)
c. ¿Cuántas personas no videntes hay en la historia?
Hay seis personas no videntes.
d. Mencione los objetos con que comparan al elefante.
Pared, lanza, serpiente, árbol, abanico, cuerda.
e. ¿Por qué se enojaron las personas no videntes?
Discutieron por el aspecto del elefante y porque no estaban de acuerdo entre ellos.
f. Traduzca la moraleja de la historia que se encuentra en la última oración y coméntela
A veces, las personas que no son ciegas actúan como tontas acerca de las cosas que creen
que han visto.

m8 | actividad 2
Comprensión de texto
“Virtual Reality” (de Blueprint Upper-Intermediate, Lección 27, “Visions of the future”,
Longman,1993). A

a. Lea el texto del asistente académico “Virtual Reality”.

b. Marque las transparencias que encuentre.
c. Mencione los componentes de “realidad virtual” que encuentre en el texto.
d. Describa alguno de los usos de Realidad Virtual que se mencionan en dicho texto.
Este se utiliza para entrenar a los pilotos de avión.
m8 |actividad 2 | AA
a s i s t e n t e a c a d émi c o

Visions of The Future - Technology Virtual reality

A whole new world that is only a touch away
Not long ago computers were considered an amazing invention. Today they form part of our
everyday lives. The latest thing today is Virtual Reality. A Virtual Reality (VR) system can
transport the user to exotic locations such as the cockpit of a space module, a bench in Hawaii
or the inside of the human body.
The word which comes closest to describing Virtual Reality is ‘simulator’. VR technology
resembles the flight simulators that are used to train pilots. With flight simulation, an aeroplane
cockpit is mounted onto a platform which moves with the motions of a simulated aeroplane. VR
is also a simulator, but instead of looking at a flat, two-dimensional screen rind operating a
lever, the person who experiences VR is surrounded by a 3-D (three-dimensional) computer-
representation and is able to move around in a simulated world, seeing it from

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different angles.
The VR system is still in the early stages of its development. At the moment it is necessary to
put a large, clumsy-looking high-tech helmet on your head to see the simulated world, and you
have to wear a special glove on your hand in order to manipulate the objects you see there
lenses and two miniature display screens inside the helmet create the illusion that the screen
surrounds you on every side.
You can ‘look behind’ computer generated objects, pick them up and examine them, walk
around and see things from a different angle. This complex visual model changes every time
you move according to a programme in a powerful computer, to which the helmet and Elove are
linked by cables.

m8 | actividad 3
Comprensión de texto y traducción
a) Lea los siguientes textos.
Football crazy (from “Speak Up”, Nº 44, año IV)

A civilised race?

Traditionally, the English have, been considered a genteel and civilised race. This illusion was
shattered in May 1985 when Liverpool fans caused the deaths of 39 Juventus supporters at the
European Cup final in Brussels. The event led to a ban on all English clubs playing in European
competitions and this has yet to be lifted. Although the Heysel tragedy brought British soccer
hooliganism to the world’s attention, the problem has been widespread for many years.
Indeed it has been the subject of several interesting sociological studies.(...)We came to fight
These groups of hooligans, or “service crews” (so-called because they travel by train) are in fact
highly organised gangs who plan their ambushes against rival supporters with military
For them, the fights are considerably more entertaining than the games: they view the European
ban as a type of trophy, a recognition that continental hooligans are afraid of them.

What’s in a name? (from “Speak Up”, Nº 44, año IV)

The origins of words are often mysterious. Yet in the case of “eponyms” (words derived from
the names of people) the etymology is relatively straightforward. Hooligan.The phenomenon of
“football hooliganism” even exists in the Soviet Union. Although the term usually brings to
mind images of British football fans, the original Hooligans were Irish. They were an extremely
violent family who moved to England and terrorised the Southwark district of South London at
the end of
Already todey VR is used in medicine to Improve X-rays by allowing radiographers to see
athree-dimensional view of the body. It is also used in police training schools. By using VR,
Scottish police can train police drivers in emergency response driving: high speed drivertraining
is done safely in a simulated car.
Developers of VR say its potential is powerful. In schools, pupils could explore the
GreatPyramid, or an Aztec temple or study molecules from the inside; in hospitals, surgeons
could plan operations by first ‘travelling’ through the brain, heart or lungs without damaging the
body.But of course there are dangers as well as benefits. In the wrong hands VR can be used for
power fantasies and pornography. Fortunately, perhaps, it will be some time before the
‘virtual world’ can truly mimic the real one.the last century. They obviously made a lasting

b. Marque las trasparencias que encuentre.

c. ¿Cuál fue el incidente que despertó la atención del mundo sobre el tema?
Los aficionados de Liverpool provocaron la muerte de 39 aficionados de la Juventus en la
final de la copa de Europa.
d. ¿Cuál es la definición de “hooligans”, de acuerdo al primer texto?

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Equipos de servicios
e. ¿Cuál es el origen de la palabra “hooligans”, según el segundo texto?
Llamados así porque viajan en tren.
f. Elija uno de los textos y tradúzcalos.
¿Una raza civilizada?
Tradicionalmente, los ingleses han sido considerados una raza gentil y civilizada. Esta ilusión se
hizo añicos en mayo de 1985 cuando los aficionados del Liverpool provocaron la muerte de 39
aficionados de la Juventus en la final de la Copa de Europa en Bruselas. El evento llevó a la
prohibición de que todos los clubes ingleses jueguen en competiciones europeas y esto aún no
se ha levantado. Aunque la tragedia de Heysel llamó la atención del mundo sobre el vandalismo
del fútbol británico, el problema se ha generalizado durante muchos años.
De hecho, ha sido objeto de varios estudios sociológicos interesantes. (...)Vinimos a luchar
Estos grupos de hooligans, o “equipos de servicio” (llamados así porque viajan en tren) son en
realidad bandas altamente organizadas que planean sus emboscadas contra los seguidores
rivales con precisión militar.
Para ellos, las peleas son bastante más entretenidas que los juegos: ven la prohibición europea
como una especie de trofeo, un reconocimiento de que los hooligans continentales les tienen

m8 | actividad 4

a) Antes de leer el siguiente texto, observe el dibujo que acompaña al texto.

b) Lea el título del texto y las tres primeras líneas. Haga predicciones sobre cuál será el tema del
El texto habla sobre un emotivo momento de un perro.
c) Marque las palabras en todo el texto.
d) Ahora responda las siguientes preguntas:
a. ¿De qué se trata el texto?
Se trata sobre un perro policía que se retira después de casi nueve años de servicio.
b. ¿Quién es Rusty?
Un perro policía.
c. ¿Cuántos años tiene?
El tiene nueve años.
d. Explique la participación que tuvo Rusty en el descubrimiento del delito.
Descubrió 2 kilos de cocaína en una casa del este de Londres.

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