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Cash out Cashing Records

Please select the cash channel

Cash withdrawal by bank card


Cash out account

Cash withdrawal Account Balance:Rs.7,524.0800

Rs. 2000
≈ 10.5U

funds, the codes
4 people recharge 2000RS then you can withdraw

6 0 0 4

The system prompts:

Please bind your bank card so that your funds can be received in

time, and the minimum withdrawal amount is 2000RS. It is

recommended to use USDT for withdrawal due to bank card limits

In order to prevent a series of illegal acts such as malicious money

laundering, members cannot withdraw funds without completing

30 orders. After submitting the funds, your funds will be

processed in the queue, and the specific receipt time will be based

on the arrival time. 1. This amount will be deducted 18%

(including national taxes) 2. Saturday/Sunday withdrawals will be

processed on Mondays


Cash it out now

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