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1st Year Self-Assessment

Joshua Sutton
After completing my first year of the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program I have

developed both personally and professionally in various way. Firstly, one of my goals from the

beginning of last year was becoming more organized and better at time managing. Within this

past year I started organizing both my iPad and computer documents into folders of each class

this way it is simple to find each document. I also started using a planner for the first time within

the last year to help facilitate my time management skills with not only projects but also seeing

when exams are upcoming. I have also grown as a person throughout this past year. The material

and work load has been a challenge like I have not faced. Though, by making new friends and

studying with them, as well as learning new solo studying habits I have been able to complete the

work and exams to the best of my abilities.

The artifacts which are presented within this portfolio represent the different experiences

in which I have completed in the last year. Underneath community you can see I have been able

to gain experience working with people outside of the university. Also, you can see I have taken

an educational week-long trip to Ireland. This trip I feel is a great example of the opportunities I

have had, from learning what physical therapy looks like on the other side of the world to

attempting to perfect it here in Mount Pleasant. The portfolio artifacts also show my strength in

grades from my previous grade reports, to feedback from professors on practical examinations.

The thing that facilitated my learning the most within this past year to me, is the people in

which I am surrounded with. Starting with the friends in which I have made. Having these

friends helps to make sure everyone is completing and turning in assignments on time, studying

in many various ways for exams, and even being with these friends outside of school to get your

mind away from the educational aspect. The next group of people which I am surrounded with is

the faculty. Within the past 12 weeks I have ruptured my Achillies, undergone surgery to repair
1st Year Self-Assessment
Joshua Sutton
it, and completed my first six week clinical rotation. The faculty during these times were nothing

but helpful and genuinely kind to me. From reaching out to see if I needed anything to reassuring

me, that even though I just had surgery the previous week, I was going to be fine during my final

exams and practical’s. However, the faculty is always supportive of the students in every aspect

which I feel is huge during this type of educational experience. The only thing I feel has

constrained my learning abilities within the past year was moving to a completely new place

alone. Though, this was overcome quickly through friends, faculty, and of course the workload

making sure I was not thinking about the new living experience.

There are many things I feel I can still improve myself on both personally and

professionally. Within the last year I have became much better at public speaking. For example, I

just completed an in-service to my peers during my first rotation. A year ago, I would have been

much more nervous and not even known where to begin for this. However, I completed it and

presented it with no limitations. Professionally, I feel like I can continue to grow and practice my

manual skills when working with patients. This is something during my previous rotation that

my CI and I had conversed about. I know the techniques and how to perform them, now it is just

getting the pressure and force in which I need to use when working with the patients.

Overall, my first year as a DPT student has grown my both personally and professionally

in many ways. I know within these next two years I will continue to grow both as a person and as

a therapist.

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