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七年级下册 课文

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?

A: Hi, Bob. What club you join?
B: I join a sports club.
A: Great! What sports you play?
B: Soccer.
A: So you join the soccer club.
B: What you? You’re very good stories. You the story telling
A: Sounds . But I like to draw, .
B: Then join two clubs, and !
A: OK, let’s now!

Hello, I’m Peter. I like to basketball. I can English and I can


Hi, I’m Ma Huan. I can ping pang and chess. I like to and games

My name’s Alan. I’m the school music club.

I can and the piano. I can sing and dance, .

We need help the old people’s home. Are you free July? Are you

good old people? Can you them and play games them? They can
you , and you can . It is and ! Please call us 689-7729

Are you busy ? No? Can you English? Yes? Then we need you to
English-speaking students. It is and ! Please come to the
Students’ Sports Center. Call Mr.Brown 293-7742.

Can you play the piano the violin? Do you have time ?The school
needs help . It is not ! Please call Mrs.Miller 555-3721.
Unit 2 What time do you go to school?
A: Scott has an job. He works a radio station. Scott, What time is
your ?
B: From twelve o’clock night six o’clock the morning.
A: What time you usually ?
B: At eight thirty night. Then I eat breakfast nine.
A: That’s a funny time breakfast.
B: Yeah. That, I usually exercise about ten twenty.
A: When you ?
B: At eleven o’clock, so I’m never work.

Hi! I’m Tony. I don’t like to early. In the morning, I at eight. Then

I at eight thirty. I don’t have much time ,so I usually eat very
quickly. For , I usually eat hamburgers. After , I sometimes play
basketball . When I get home, I always do my homework . In the
evening, I watch TV play computer games. At ten thirty, I brush
my teeth and then I .Mary is my sister. She usually at six thirty.
Then she always and eats a good breakfast. After that, she at eight
thirty. At twelve, she eats fruit and vegetables ,After lunch, she
sometimes . She always eats ice-cream . She knows it’s not good
her, but it tastes good! In the evening, she and usually or . At
nine thirty, she .
Unit 3 How do you get to school?
A: Hey, Jane. Is this new bike?
B: Yes. I ride it every day. How do you ?
A: I usually .
B: How far is it your home school?
A: I’m not sure……about 10 kilometers? The bus ride about 20
minutes. How long does it you to ?
B: About 15 minutes . It’s .
A: Yeah.Well, have a good day .
B: You, too.
Crossing the River to school
How do you ? Do you or ? Do you go or ? For many
students, it is to get to school. But for the students in one in China,

it is . There is a very big river their school the village. There is
no and the river runs for boats. So these students go on a ropeway
to to school. One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every
. But he is not afraid. “ I love to my classmates. And I love my teacher.
He’s like a father . ”Many of the students and villagers never . It is
their dream to . Can their dream ?

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.

A: Hi, my name’s John. It’s my at school.
B: Hi, John. I’m Alice. This is a , but there are rules.
A: Really? What are the rules?
B: Well, don’t class. This is very .
A: OK, so we must . Can we bring music players ?
B: No, we can’t. And we always have to the school uniform.
A: I see.
B: Oh, and we also have to in the library.

Dear Dr.Know,
There are rulers! At 6:00 a.m., my mom says, “ Get up now and
breakfast, my mom always says, “ Don’t leave the in the kitchen! ”
After that, I run to
school I can’t . At school, we have --- don’t , don’t eat in

class, …… My dad says I can’t play basketball after school I must .
I can play
only . After dinner, I can’t relax . I must before I can .
But I have to before 10:00. Rules, rules, rules! It’s ! What can I do,
Molly Brown, New York

Dear Molly,
I know you feel. People always us, “ Don’t do this ! ” or “ You can’t
that ! ”
But think it, Molly. There are things you can do. You can play
basketball .
You can after you read a book. Parents and schools are sometimes
strict, but remember,
they to help us. We have to .
Good luck!
Dr. Know

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?

A: Your dog is really , Peter!
B: He’s my new , Dingding. He’s very .
A: Really? What he ?
B: He can two legs. He can dance, .

A: Wow!
B: Does your family ?
A: My mom has a big cat, but I her.
B: Why the cat?
A: Well, because she’s boring. She sleeps all day, and her name is
B: Haha, then that’s a good name her!

Hello. We are students Thailand, and we want to the elephants. The

elephant is
Thailand’s symbols. Our flag had a white elephant it. This is a
of .
Elephants are animals. They can play Soccer music. They can also
walk and
never . They can also remember places food and water. This helps
them .
But elephants are . People many trees so elephants are losing their
homes. People
also kill elephants their ivory. Today there are only about 3,000
elephants. We must
the trees and not buy things ivory. Remember that March 13th is Thai
Elephant Day.

Unit 6 I’m watching TV
A: Hello? This is Jenny.
B: Hi, Jenny. It’s Laura .
A: Oh, hi, Laura. What are you ?
B:Not much. I’m my clothes. What you?
A: I’m . Do you join me ? My parents aren’t . We can eat .
B: Yeah. I’d love to.
A: Let’s meet my home . Come half past six.
B: OK. See you .

Today’s story is Zhu Hui, a student Shenzhen. He’s now in the

United States.
He’s living an American family in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat
Festival. It’s
9:00 am. And Zhu Hui’s family are . His mom and aunt are making
zongzi. His dad and
uncle are watching the boat races .Is Zhu Hui also and eating
zingzi? Well, it’s
9:00 p.m. in New York, and it’s the night the festival. But there isn’t a
Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so it’s like night Zhu Hui and
his host family. The mother is her young children. The father is
watching a soccer game . And what’s Zhu Hui doing? He’s talking
to his cousin in Shenzhen. Zhu Hui misses his family and have his

mom’s Zongzi. Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family ,
but there’s still “ no place like home ”.

Unit 7 It’s raining!

A: Hello, Rick speaking.
B: Hi, Rick. It’s Steve. How’s it ?
A: Not bad, thanks. The weather’s . What are you doing?
B: I’m playing basketball some friends .
A: like you’re .
B: Yeah. Is your brother ?
A: Oh, he’s not here. He’s studying his friend’s Can I for him?
B: Yes. Could you just tell him to ?
A: Sure, no problem

Dear Jane,
How’s it going? I’m having a great time my aunt in Canada. She’s
and I’m going
to summer school. I’m and I’m . I’m also visiting my old
friends. I’m
so happy to . It’s afternoon , and I’m sitting and drinking
juice. It’s warm and sunny, and it’s very here.
See you soon.

Su Lin

Dear Jane,
How’s your going? Are you studying , or are you ? I’m having
in Europe! My family and I are in the mountains. I want to you but
my phone isn’t
working, so I’m you. It’s hot in your country now, isn’t it? The weather
here is
and , just right . See you next month.

Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?

A: Hi, excuse me.
B: Yes. How I help you?
A: Well, I’m in town. Is a bank here?
B: Yes, there is. It’s Center Street. It’s the park.
A: Oh…… Center Street?
B: It’s not too here. I can walk you.
A: Oh, that’s ! Thanks .
B: No .

There is a zoo in my . I like to there . I love to watch the

monkeys . The monkeys sometimes . They my friends and me

we ! To , I usually and on Bridge Road. Then I Bridge
Road. The zoo is .

I live near a . My parents usually .There is a big park the

supermarket. I often at the park because I love the and . The
best things in life are ! To the park, you just Center Street.

I live in a .There is a post office my house a clothes store.

But my
place is the library. It is very and I enjoy there. When I read books,
time ! You can the library easily. Just North Road and . It is
the park.

Unit 9 What does he look like?

A: Hi, Tony. Are you going to the tonight?
B: Yes. We’re at seven, right?
A: Yeah, but I a little late. My friend David is going, . Just meet him
the cinema first.
B: Oh, but I don’t know him. What does he ?
A: Well, he has and .
B: Ok. Is he or ?
A: He isn’t or . He’s of .

B: OK, sure. See you then.

An Interesting Job
Joe Brown has a very . He is a police . Some people see and
then Joe. They tell him what the criminal . Then Joe of the
criminal, and the police put it and to find him. He wants to draw a
of each criminal, but this job is sometimes .Many people don’t always
see things so they may the same person . Also, they don’t always
well. “ The criminal is of and . He has long brown hair and
,” says one woman. Another woman says, “ He is and , and he has
blond hair. He’s about thirty years old. ” In the , the real criminal is a
and old man, and he has !

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles

A: Good afternoon. May I ?
B: Yes. Are there in the beef soup?
A: Yes. There are some tomatoes.
B: OK. We’d like beef soup.
A: Sure. What would you like?
B: Large, please.
A: We’d gongbao chicken and some mapo tofu rice.
B: OK. One beef soup, one gongbao chicken, and one mapo tofu

A: Yes, that’s .

What would people to eat their ? The answer would be in

countries. In many countries, people have with candles. The of
candles is the . The birthday person must and the candles. If he
or she all the candles in , the wish will . In the UK, people
sometimes a candy in a . The child the candy is .In China,
it is getting to have cake . But many people still eat noodles
their birthday. They never the noodles because the long noodles are
. In some places, Chinese people also eat eggs their birthday. They are
and All of these birthday foods may be , but the ideas are . They
bring to the .

Unit 11 How was your school trip?

A: Hi, Eric. How your trip last week?
B: It was .I my grandparents in the countryside.
A: Oh, nice. What you do?
B: I every day. And I the chickens with my grandpa. It was fun.
A: Sounds . How was the weather ?
B: It was , and the air was so .I the stars at night. They were so
A: Lucky you.

June 15th
Today I went on a . We visited the and it was really . We got
there so fast . We saw some and along the way. At the museum, I
learned about robots. I didn’t know they could with us. It was
! Then the guide taught us a model robot. I took great photos, too.
After that, I went to the and some lovely gifts my parents. They
weren’t . All in all, it was an day.

June 15th
I think today’s was . We took the to the . It was so hot
the . The museum was and . Everything was about robots and
not that. The rooms were really and it was to , so I didn’t
take . There were also people and I couldn’t really or the
The things in the gift shop were so . I didn’t like the trip .

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?

A: Hi, Lisa. How was your ?
B: Great, thanks.
A: What you do?
B: I worked at the Natural History Museum.
A: Really? How !

B: Yeah, it was . They have a butterfly house Over 200
butterflies! I
told the visitors about them And their . Did you have a good ?
A: Yeah, it was good, but I’m now. I to watch the soccer game.

A Weekend to Remember
My sister finished high school . As a gift, our parents us to
Last weekend was but . We in a small village in India. First, we
took a
to a lake in the countryside. There we our tents and to keep us
food . On the first night, we just sat and told stories. But I was
that I went to sleep .The next morning, my sister and I got a .
When we looked
our tent, we saw a big snake near the fire. I was so that I couldn’t
We our parents to let them know about the .My dad started to
in their tent. This the snake and it the forest near the lake. My
dad told
me that snakes don’t have ears but can feel things . He also told me
it was

not to go near a snake. This was a very lesson me.


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