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1. Chapter 24 Fourteen Points: A set of principles for peace that were outlined by US

President Woodrow Wilson in 1918 as a way to end World War I.

2. Chapter 24 Balfour Declaration: A statement issued by the British government in 1917

expressing support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

3. Chapter 24 League of Nations: An international organization formed in 1920 with the

goal of preventing war and promoting international cooperation.

4. Chapter 25 Good Neighbor Policy: A policy implemented by US President Franklin D.

Roosevelt in 1933 to improve relations with Latin American countries.

5. Chapter 25 Harlem Renaissance: A period of cultural, social, and artistic growth in the

African-American community in Harlem, New York from the 1920s to the 1930s.

6. Chapter 25 Ku Klux Klan: A white supremacist organization founded in the US in 1865.

7. Chapter 25 National Origins Act: An act passed by the US Congress in 1924 that

restricted immigration from certain countries.

8. Chapter 25 Scopes Trial: A trial in 1925 in which a high school teacher was prosecuted

for teaching evolution in violation of Tennessee state law.

9. Chapter 25 Teapot Dome scandal: A scandal during the administration of US President

Warren G. Harding in which government officials were accused of accepting bribes in

exchange for access to oil reserves.

10. Chapter 26 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA): A law passed in 1933 to provide

financial assistance to farmers by limiting the production of certain crops.

11. Chapter 26 Bonus Army: A group of World War I veterans who marched on Washington,

DC in 1932 to demand payment of bonuses promised to them by Congress.

12. Chapter 26 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC): A program established in 1933 as part of

the New Deal to provide employment for young men in conservation and development


13. Chapter 26 Great Depression: A period of economic decline in the US and around the

world from 1929 to 1939.

14. Chapter 26 National Recovery Administration (NRA): A program established in 1933 as

part of the New Deal to regulate industry and increase employment.

15. Chapter 26 New Deal: A series of programs and policies implemented by US President

Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.

16. Chapter 26 Social Security Act: A law passed in 1935 to provide a government-funded

system of retirement and disability benefits to American workers.

17. Chapter 26 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA): A program established in 1933 as part of

the New Deal to develop the Tennessee Valley region.

18. Chapter 26 Wagner Act: A law passed in 1935 to protect the right of workers to organize

unions and to engage in collective bargaining.

19. Chapter 26 Works Progress Administration (WPA): A program established in 1935 as

part of the New Deal to provide employment for unemployed Americans.

20. Chapter 27 Allies: A group of countries who joined together to fight against the Axis

Powers during World War II.

21. Chapter 27 Axis Powers: A group of countries that fought against the Allies during

World War II.

22. Chapter 27 blitzkrieg: A German military tactic used during World War II involving a

swift, surprise attack on an enemy.

23. Chapter 27 D-Day: The day on which the Allied forces launched a massive invasion of

German-occupied France on June 6, 1944.

24. Chapter 27 internment camps: Camps set up by the US government to detain citizens of

Japanese ancestry during World War II.

25. Chapter 27 Manhattan Project: A project initiated during World War II to develop the

atomic bomb.

26. Chapter 27 neutrality acts: Laws passed in the US in the 1930s to limit US involvement

in foreign wars.

27. Chapter 27 Potsdam Conference: A meeting between the leaders of the Allied forces at

the end of World War II in 1945.

28. Chapter 27 United Nations (UN): An international organization founded in 1945 to

promote international peace and security.

29. Chapter 27 Yalta Conference: A meeting between the leaders of the Allied forces in 1945

to discuss the post-war organization of Europe.

30. Chapter 28 Berlin airlift: A massive operation to deliver food, fuel, and other supplies to

West Berlin in 1948 after the Soviets had blocked all land and water routes to the city.
31. Chapter 28 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka: A landmark 1954 Supreme Court

decision that declared racial segregation in public schools to be unconstitutional.

32. Chapter 28 Fair Deal: A program of reform proposed by US President Harry S. Truman

in 1949 that aimed to expand the New Deal.

33. Chapter 28 Marshall Plan: A program initiated by US Secretary of State George Marshall

in 1947 to provide economic aid to European nations after World War II.

34. Chapter 28 massive retaliation: A military strategy developed by US President Dwight

D. Eisenhower in the 1950s that called for the threat of nuclear attack in response to any

attack on US interests.

35. Chapter 28 military industrial complex: A term used to describe the relationship between

the military, industry, and government in the US during the Cold War.

36. Chapter 28 New Frontier: A program of reform proposed by US President John F.

Kennedy in 1961 that aimed to expand the New Deal.

37. Chapter 28 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): A military alliance formed in

1949 between the US, Canada, and several European countries to defend against Soviet


38. Chapter 28 NSC-68: A document written in 1950 by the US National Security Council

outlining a strategy for the Cold War.

39. Chapter 28 Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC): A civil rights

organization founded in 1957 by Martin Luther King Jr. and other African-American

40. Chapter 28 Taft-Hartley Act: A law passed in 1947 that restricted the activities of labor


41. Chapter 28 Truman Doctrine: A foreign policy statement issued by US President Harry S.

Truman in 1947 that declared US support for anti-communist forces around the world.

42. Chapter 29 Bay of Pigs Fiasco: An unsuccessful US-backed attempt to overthrow the

Cuban government in 1961.

43. Chapter 29 beat school: A literary and artistic movement in the US in the 1950s and

1960s associated with the Beat Generation.

44. Chapter 29 Berlin wall: A wall built by the East German government in 1961 to prevent

citizens from escaping to West Berlin.

45. Chapter 29 Black Panther Party: A radical African-American political organization

founded in 1966.

46. Chapter 29 Black Power: A movement in the US in the 1960s and 1970s advocating for

greater political and economic power for African Americans.

47. Chapter 29 Civil Rights Act of 1964: A law passed by the US Congress in 1964 that

outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

48. Chapter 29 Cuban Missile Crisis: A confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union

in 1962 over the deployment of nuclear missiles in Cuba.

49. Chapter 29 détente: A policy of improved relations between the US and the Soviet Union

during the 1970s.

50. Chapter 29 Environmental Protection Agency: A federal agency established in 1970 to

protect the environment.

51. Chapter 29 Great Society: A program of reform proposed by US President Lyndon B.

Johnson in 1964 that aimed to reduce poverty and racial injustice.

52. Chapter 29 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: A resolution passed by the US Congress in 1964

that authorized US military action in Vietnam.

53. Chapter 29 Medicare: A program established in 1965 to provide health insurance to US

citizens over the age of 65.

54. Chapter 29 Medicaid: A program established in 1965 to provide health care for low-

income individuals.

55. Chapter 29 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC): An organization

founded in 1960 to coordinate the oil policies of its members.

56. Chapter 29 Students for a Democratic Society (SDS): A radical student organization

founded in 1960 that called for the overthrow of the US government.

57. Chapter 29 Tet Offensive: A series of surprise attacks by the North Vietnamese against

South Vietnamese and US forces in 1968.

58. Chapter 29 United States v. Richard M. Nixon: A Supreme Court case in 1974 that

resulted in the removal of US President Richard Nixon from office.

59. Chapter 30 Camp David Accords: A peace agreement between Israel and Egypt mediated

by US President Jimmy Carter at Camp David in 1978.

60. Chapter 30 Contract with America: A document released by the US Republican Party in

1994 outlining a plan for reforming US government.

61. Chapter 30 Iran-Contra Affair: A scandal during the Reagan administration involving the

illegal sale of arms to Iran and the illegal funding of US-backed rebels in Nicaragua.

62. Chapter 30 Iranian Hostage Crisis: A crisis in 1979-1981 in which Iranian militants held

52 US diplomats and citizens hostage in Tehran for 444 days.

63. Chapter 30 Moral Majority: A conservative Christian political organization founded in

1979 by Jerry Falwell.

64. Chapter 30 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): A trade agreement

between the US, Canada, and Mexico that went into effect in 1994.

65. Chapter 30 Persian Gulf War: A war fought between Iraq and a coalition of countries led

by the US in 1991.

66. Chapter 30 Reaganomics: A set of economic policies implemented by US President

Ronald Reagan in the 1980s that focused on cutting taxes and reducing government


67. Chapter 30 stagflation: A situation in which an economy experiences high inflation and

high unemployment.

68. Chapter 30 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI): A program proposed by US President

Ronald Reagan in 1983 to build a system of defense against nuclear missiles.

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