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NAME________________________________________ BAND________________________

Steamer: a ship, boat, or locomotive powered by steam.

Pitilessly: very cruel: having or showing no pity.

Writhing: to twist the body about, or squirm, as in pain, violent effort.

Drawl: to say or speak in a slow manner, usually prolonging the vowels.

Impediment: obstruction; obstacle.

Monotonous: lacking in variety; unvarying of sound in pitch and intensity.

Caricature: a picture, description, exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of persons or


Scanty: small in amount, barely sufficient.

Disheveled: hanging loosely or in disorder; unkempt.

Haggard: having a gaunt, wasted, or exhausted appearance, as from prolonged

suffering, exertion, or anxiety; worn.

Spangles: a small, thin, often circular piece of glittering metal or other material, used
especially for decorating garments.

Protruding: to thrust forward or project.

Emaciated: to make abnormally lean or thin by a gradual wasting away of flesh.

Mocking: to attack or treat with ridicule.

Spectre: a visible spirit, especially one of a terrifying nature; ghost; phantom.

Piteously: move to pity or compassion.

Fret: to be constantly or visibly worried or anxious.

Crimson: a rich deep red color inkling to purple.

Sulk: to be silent, and bad tempered out of annoyance or disappointment.

Sneer: mocking smile remark or tone.

Croon: hum or sing in a soft, low voice, especially in a sentimental manner.

Vague: uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.

Irritable: having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or made angry.

Dirge: to lament for the dead, especially one forming part of a funeral.

Drone: to make a continuous low humming sound.

Grotesque: comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.

Plight: a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.

Dreary: dull, bleak, and lifeless; depressing.

Forestall: prevent or obstruct (an anticipated event or action) by taking action ahead
of time.

Perplexed: unable to understand something clearly or to think clearly.

Dejected: sad and depressed.

Ghastly: causing great horror or fear; frightful.

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