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Vigil a period of keeping awake during the time

usually spent asleep, especially to keep
watch or pray.
Inexplicable unable to be explained or accounted for.

Grapple engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons; wrestle.
Jilted suddenly reject or abandon (a lover).

Blithely in a way that shows a casual and cheerful

indifference considered to be callous or
"her arrest order was blithely ignored by
the police chief"

Bugle a brass instrument like a small trumpet,

typically without valves or keys and used
for military signals
Conjectured form an opinion or supposition about
(something) on the basis of incomplete
Qualm an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear,
especially about one's own conduct; a
Disingenuous not candid or sincere, typically by
pretending that one knows less about
something than one really does
Evasive tending to avoid commitment or self-
revelation, especially by responding only
Stashed store (something) safely in a hidden or
secret place.
Hedge a way of protecting oneself against
financial loss or other adverse
Indignantly in a manner indicating anger or annoyance
at something perceived as unfair.
clandestine kept secret or done secretively, especially
because illicit.
espionage the practice of spying or of using spies,
typically by governments to obtain political
and military information
exhilarated very happy, animated, or elated.

gargantuan enormous.

colloquialism a word or phrase that is not formal or

literary and is used in ordinary or familiar

megalomaniac a person who has an obsessive desire for
purport appear to be or do something, especially
contingent 1 occurring or existing only if (certain
circumstances) are the case; dependent
2 subject to chance.
Perjury the offence of willfully telling an untruth or
making a misrepresentation under oath.

oleaginous exaggeratedly and distastefully

complimentary; obsequious.
Abysmal extremely bad; appalling.

apartheid a policy or system of segregation or

discrimination on grounds of race.
insinuation an unpleasant hint or suggestion of
something bad.
douse pour a liquid over; drench.

impunity exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an
nix put an end to; cancel.

eerie strange and frightening.

decipher convert (a text written in code, or a coded

signal) into normal language.
apprehension anxiety or fear that something bad or
unpleasant will happen.
elude escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or
pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning
dilapidated (of a building or object) in a state of
disrepair or ruin as a result of age or
wearily With extreme tiredness.

scruffy Shabby and untidy or dirty.

wry using or expressing dry, especially

mocking, humour.
withered (of a part of the body) shrunken or
wrinkled from age or disease.

rabid having or proceeding from an extreme or

fanatical support of or belief in something.
ignominious deserving or causing public disgrace or
duress Threats, violence, constraints, or other
action used to coerce someone into doing
something against their will or better
nudge Prod (someone) gently with one's elbow in
order to attract attention.
farcical Relating to or resembling farce, especially
because of absurd or ridiculous aspects.
adulation Excessive admiration or praise.

evangelical of or according to the teaching of the

gospel or the Christian religion.
conflagration An extensive fire which destroys a great
deal of land or property.
sly Having or showing a cunning and deceitful
consternation a feeling of anxiety or dismay, typically at
something unexpected.
capricious given to sudden and unaccountable
changes of mood or behaviour.
obstinate stubbornly refusing to change one's
opinion or chosen course of action, despite
attempts to persuade one to do so.

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