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Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society

Vol. 70, 2019

Effects of diet consistency on mandibular growth.

A review

TSOLAKIS I.A. Laboratory for Experimental

Surgery and Surgical
Research, School of
Medicine, National and
Kapodistrian University,
Athens, Greece
VERIKOKOS C. Second Surgery Clinic,
School of Medicine, National
and Kapodistrian University,
Athens, Greece
PERREA D. Laboratory for Experimental
Surgery and Surgical
Research, School of
Medicine, National and
Kapodistrian University,
Athens, Greece
TSOLAKIS A.I. Orthodontic Department,
School of Dentistry, National
and Kapodistrian University,
Athens, Greece

Copyright © 2019 I.A. TSOLAKIS, C.


To cite this article:

TSOLAKIS, I., VERIKOKOS, C., PERREA, D., BITSANIS, E., & TSOLAKIS, A. (2019). Effects of diet consistency on
mandibular growth. A review. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 70(3), 1603-1610.
doi: | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 11/12/2019 04:21:00 | | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 11/12/2019 04:21:00 |
J HELLENIC VET MED SOC 2019, 70(3): 1603-1610
Review article
ΠΕΚΕ 2019, 70(3): 1603-1610
Effects of diet consistency on mandibular growth. A review

I.A. Tsolakis1, C. Verikokos2, D. Perrea1, E. Bitsanis, A.I. Tsolakis3

Laboratory for Experimental Surgery and Surgical Research, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian
University, Athens, Greece

Second Surgery Clinic, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University, Athens, Greece

Orthodontic Department, School of Dentistry, National and Kapodistrian University, Athens, Greece

ABSTRACT. This article is a review that focuses on the diet consistency and how this affects mandibular morphol-
ogy. Various published studies focused on the relationship between mastication and growth of the mandible because
it is considered that mandibular growth is dependent on the loads exerted by the function of the masticatory muscles.
Moreover it has been pointed out that the increase of orthodontic anomalies is due to the modern softer diet. Even in
rats, soft diet is one of the factors causing malocclusions. All of the studies have been experimental, mainly in rodents,
since this research is impossible to be applied on humans in a short period of time. Most experimental studies suggested
that occlusal loading affects bone mass, bone amount, bone density, the length and the width of the bone, the degree
of mineralization, the genetic expression, the collagen immunoreaction and the chondrocytes action on the cartilage.
It is stated that bone volumes and thickness of the mandible of rats fed with soft diet were smaller when compared to
animals fed with hard diet. Also the mandibles and condyles were smaller and less dense in the rats of soft diet as com-
pared to controls. Furthermore the length and the width of the condyle in the soft diet group of animals were smaller as
compared to the condyle of the hard diet group of animals. Soft diets affect also the degree of mineralization, and the
action of the chondrocytes on the cartilage.

Keywords: soft diet, mandible, condyle

Corresponding Author: Date of initial submission: 08-02-2017

Ioannis A. Tsolakis, Tsimiski 45, 41221 Larissa, Greece. Date of revised submission: 04-12-2017
E-mail address: Date of acceptance: 19-09-2018 | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 11/12/2019 04:21:00 |


ΠΕΡΊΛΗΨΗ. Το παρόν άρθρο είναι μια ανασκόπηση που διαπραγματεύεται την επίδραση της σύστασης της
διατροφής στην μορφολογία της κάτω γνάθου. Πολλές δημοσιευμένες εργασίες έχουν επικεντρωθεί στη μελέτη της
σχέσης της μασητικής λειτουργίας και της αύξησης της κάτω γνάθου, εξαιτίας της θεώρησης ότι η αύξηση της κάτω
γνάθου εξαρτάται απο τις φορτίσεις που ασκούνται απο τους μασητήριους μύες. Επιπρόσθετα ο σύγχρονος τρόπος
διατροφής με μαλακές τροφές έχει ενοχοποιηθεί για την αύξηση των ορθοδοντικών ανωμαλιών. Ακόμα και στους
επίμυς η διατροφή με μαλακή τροφή θεωρείται ένας απο τους παράγοντες που συντελεί σε ανωμαλίες της σύγκλεισης.
Όλες οι δημοσιευμένες εργασίες είναι πειραματικές, κυρίως σε τρωκτικά ζώα, επειδή είναι αδύνατον να εφαρμοσθούν
ανάλογες μελέτες σε ανθρώπους σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα. Οι περισσότερες πειραματικές μελέτες συμπεραίνουν
πως οι μασητικές φορτίσεις επηρεάζουν την οστική μάζα, τη ποσότητα του οστού, τη πυκνότητα του οστού, το μήκος
και το πλάτος του οστού, το βαθμό της επιμετάλωσης, την γενετική έκφραση, και την ανοσοιστοχημική αντίδραση του
κολλαγόνου, όπως και τη δράση των χονδροκυττάρων στο χόνδρο του κονδύλου της κάτω γνάθου. Έχει διατυπωθεί
πως το βάρος και η πυκνότητα των γνάθων επίμυων που είχαν διατραφεί με μαλακή τροφή ήταν μικρότερα απο τα
αντίστοιχα των ζώων που είχαν διατραφεί με σκληρή τροφή. Επίσης οι γνάθοι και οι κόνδυλοι επίμυων που έχουν
διατραφεί με μαλακή τροφή ήταν μικρότεροι σε μέγεθος και παρουσιάζουν μικρότερη πυκνότητα σε σύγκριση με τις
γνάθους και τους κονδύλους των ζώων ελέγχου. Επιπρόσθετα το μήκος και το πλάτος των κονδύλων των ζώων που
είχαν διατραφεί με μαλακή τροφή ήταν μικρότερα απο τα αντίστοιχα των κονδύλων των ζώων που είχαν διατραφεί με
σκληρή τροφή. Η μαλακή διατροφή διαπιστώθηκε ότι επηρεάζει τέλος το βαθμό επιμετάλλωσης όπως και τη δράση
των χονδροκυττάρων στο χόνδρο.

Λέξεις ευρετηρίασης: μαλακή διατροφή, κάτω γνάθος, κόνδυλος

I t is well accepted that the growth of the craniofacial

system is determined both by hereditary and en-
vironmental factors (Watt and Williams 1951). Also
masticatory muscles (Waugh, 1937;Corruccini and
Lee 1984). Also, Soft diet causes malocclusions in
rats (Dontas et al 2010). Several experiments on the
bone growth and development is closely dependent consistency of diet provided to animals and especial-
on the loading forces exerted by muscular function. ly to rodents have been carried out in order to test
The mandibulofacial growth is closely associated to the interelationship between function and mandibular
the movements of the jaws and loads of the orofa- growth.
cial region. Thus environmental factors including
mastication seem to be responsible for a variety of INTERACTION BETWEEN MUSCULAR
developmental changes in the stomatognathic system. FUNCTION AND BONE GROWTH
This may be the rationale for explaining the mean in- The human masticatory system is a complex mus-
crease of malocclusions in industrial societies in the culoskeletal system where activation of the mastica-
20th Century (Beecher and Corruccini 1981). During tory muscles, movements of the jaw, and loads and
the last century, the modern dietary habits have been deformations in both the temporomandibular joint
pointed out as contributors to the increased frequen- and jaw are closely interrelated (Berger, 1992; Cio-
cy of malocclusion, due to their reduced demands on chon et al, 1997, Odman et. al. 2008). If one of these


ΠΕΚΕ 2019, 70(3) | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 11/12/2019 04:21:00 |


factors changes by means of intrinsic or extrinsic causes rapid severe bone loss in the paralyzed extrem-
cause, it will affect all the others. This evidently con- ities of affected individuals, which can be counter-
cerns the activation patterns of the masticatory mus- acted by long-term electrical stimulation of muscles
cles adapting to a new environment and it occurs as (Dudley-Javoroskiand Shields, 2008).
a consequence of, for instance, craniofacial growth
and development (Ciochon et al, 1997). Studies in In 1996, Kiliaridis et al. (1996) demonstrated that
growing rodents have shown that reduced mastica- masticatory hypofunction caused the reduction of
tory function causes morphological changes in the “radiographic” bone mass in the dental alveolar pro-
mandible. Recent studies reveal that myostatin defi- cess, the condylar costa, the condylar process, and the
cient mice with increased muscle mass, physiological lower anterior border of the ramus in the mandible of
cross-section, and contractile muscle forces exhib- growing rats. However, it is not clear whether the re-
it greater bone mineral density than normal mice in duction in radiographic bone mass was due to chang-
the spine and temporomandibular joint (Hamrick et es in the amount/thickness of bone and/or to changes
al, 2003; Nicholson et al, 2006; Ravosa et al, 2007). in the density of the cortical and trabecular bone, and
Therefore, the craniofacial mandibular structure and whether these changes would have a different regional
its degree of mineralization can be considered to be pattern. Three years later Bresin et al. (1999) reported
closely associated with masticatory muscle behavior. that the amount of bone amount and bone density may
A method used to alter the masticatory function is be two possible mechanisms used to adjust local me-
feeding young animals a soft diet. Altering the consis- chanical properties within the mandibular functional
tency of the diet in this way has been shown to cause units. They found that bone mass was larger in the
overall size differences in the ramus region (Watt and hard diet group in all areas except lateral to incisors.
Williams, 1951). Bone density was higher for the hard diet group only
medial to cortical bone on the dentoalveolar process
Bone is a dynamic tissue, which continuously of the first molar and the pterygoid fossa. Thickness
undergoes adaptive remodelling, i.e. resorption and of the cortical bone was higher in the hard diet group
apposition, to meet the requirements of its functional in the cortical bone below the incisor, adjacent to the
environment. The remodelling rate is a major determi- mental foramen and through the first molar, the later-
nant of the degree of mineralization of bone (DMB) al cortical bone on the dentoalveolar process, ramus
(Boivin andMeunier, 2002). A higher remodelling region above condylar costa, pterygoid fossa and the
rate decreases the time available for secondary min- lateral cortical plate of the pterygoid ridge in the ra-
eralization, which results in bone with a lower DMB mus.
(Boivin et al, 2009). The remodelling rate of bone is
related to the magnitude of intermittent mechanical DIET AND MANDIBULAR GROWTH
loading and the resulting dynamic strains in the tis- Watt and Williams (1951) compared the mandibles
sue (Turner, 1998). In general, more heavily loaded of soft and hard diet rats and they concluded that the
bone has a higher remodelling rate and is therefore weight volume and thickness of the mandibles of the
less mineralized and less stiff than lower loaded bone soft group was smaller than the hard diet group. This
(Cullen et al, 2001). This regionally heterogeneous was explained by the change in density of bone struc-
organization of bone mineral has been attributed to ture. Beecher and Corruccini confirmed these find-
regional differences in the magnitude and mode of ings in 1981. They also compared the morphology of
strain brought about by mechanical loading (Skedros the mandible in growing rats fed hard and soft diet.
et al,1994). Under physiological conditions, intermit- In conclusion, they found that the soft diet animals
tent mechanical loading of bone is caused predomi- where slightly smaller in body mass, they had smaller
nantly by muscular contractions. mandibles and condyles and they were radiographi-
cally more dense. Furthermore, soft diet rats had less
The muscles thus provide an important mechanical
width of the maxillary dental arch and they had small-
stimulus for bone remodelling by inducing strains in
er masseter and temporal muscles. Finally, they found
the skeletal system (Turner, 2000). The significance
that the soft diet group had skulls consistently smaller
of muscle-generated bone loading is illustrated by the
in mass and in linear dimensions, although with no
effect on the skeleton under conditions of increased
significant differences in shape. In 2008 Odman et al,
or decreased muscle activity. For example, the loss
found that a period of 7 months with low masticato-
of normal physiologic loading after spinal cord injury
ry demands in the hypofunctional group during ado-


ΠΕΚΕ 2019, 70(3) | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 11/12/2019 04:21:00 |


lescence and early adulthood had a significant effect DIET AND TEMPOROMANDIBULAR
on the lateral shape of the rat mandible as compared GROWTH
to controls. The area of the mandible was smaller in Approximately 10% of the population over the age
the hypofunctional compared to the normal group. of 18 has pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Interestingly, the alveolar process was shorter in the regionand about 15% of the people who have TMJ
normal group. Morphometric analysis revealed sig- pain have degenerative diseases of the TMJ (TMD).
nificant differences such as the area of the angular (LeResche, 1997; Grünheid et al, 2011). The exact
process and the inclination of the condylar process. etiology for TMD is unknown; however, most den-
The rehabilitation group was only marginally differ- tists and physicians have been inclined to believe
ent compared to the hypofunctional group, although that the single most important etiological factor is
a general tendency to approach (catch-up) the normal mechanical loading that surpasses the adaptive ca-
group was observed, and one morphometric variable pacity of the joint.( Emshoff et al, 2003; Milam,
(condylar base inclination) was indeed significantly 2005). In dentofacialorthopaedics an effort is made
different. Morphometric analysis revealed only mar- to influence mandibular growth. The main target in
ginal changes of the adult rat mandibular morphology this effort is the condylar cartilage of the mandible.
during a 6-week period of masticatory function reha- There has been a great deal of controversy over the
bilitation. However, the observed catch-up tendency years concerning the true effects of this treatment
might suggest that a longer rehabilitation period may rationale. Animal experiments and condylar carti-
have significant effect on mandibular morphology. In lage tissue examination revealed that the condylar
2007 Tanaka et al. studied the effect of food consis- cartilage responded favorably in functional mandib-
tency on the degree of mineralization in the rat man- ular advancement and extra growth of the cartilage
dible. They found that the degree of mineralization tissue was evident (Zarb and Carlsson, 1999). For
was significantly lower in the trabecular than in the the aforementioned reasons recent studies focused
cortical bone and in the anterior area the mandibular more on the TMJ response to the mechanical forces.
body showed a significantly higher degree of miner- The TMJ is formed by the mandibular condyle and
alization than the posterior area. In both areas the soft the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone. Separating
diet group had a significantly higher degree of miner- these two bones from direct contact is the articular
alization than the hard diet group. The trabecular bone disc. Unlike other joints, which are composed of hy-
in the condyle of the hard diet group showed a sig- aline cartilage, the articular portion of the mandibular
nificantly higher degree of mineralization than in the condyle and disc is comprised of fibrocartilage. The
soft diet group. Their results indicated the importance mandibular condylar cartilage can be organized into
of proper masticatory muscle function for craniofacial four zones. The most superficial layer is called the ar-
growth and development. Four years after Grunheid ticular zone and cells in this zone are characterized by
et al. (2011) had the same hypothesis, using rabbits as their expression of Proteoglycan 4 (Prg4) (McNamara
experimental animals, but their result suggested that and Carlson, 1979). The second zone is the polymor-
a moderate reduction in masticatory functional load phic zone, which contains the precursor cells for the
does not significantly affect the remodelling rate and flattened and hypertrophic zones4. The third zone is
the degree of mineralization in areas of the mandible the flattened zone. The cartilage cells in this layer are
that are loaded during mastication but might induce characterized by the expression of Collagen type II
a more heterogeneous mineral distribution. More (Ohno et al, 2006). The fourth and deepest zone is the
specifically, the degree of mineralization of bone did hypertrophic zone. In this zone, the chondrocytes are
not differ significantly between the experimental and characterized by the expression of Collagen type X
control animals at any of the sites assessed. Howev- (Chen J. et al, 2009).
er, in the rabbits that had been fed soft pellets, both
cortical bone at the attachment sites of the temporalis In 1999 Kiliaridis et al supported that low mastica-
and digastric muscles and cortical bone in the alveo- tory function leads to decreased growth of the condyle
lar process had a significantly higher degree of min- and changes in the thickness of the cartilage. They
eralization than cortical bone at the attachment site of found that the rats fed a soft diet showed a thinner
the masseter muscle, while there were no significant condylar cartilage in the anterior part of all portions.
differences among these sites in the control animals. In contrast, the cartilage was thicker in the soft group
in the posterior part of the condyle. The length and the
width of the condyle in the group who fed soft diet


ΠΕΚΕ 2019, 70(3) | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 11/12/2019 04:21:00 |


were significantly smaller. Chen J. et al (2009) exam- the mandibular condyles. Their results suggested that
ined the effects of altered functional loading on the decreased occlusal loading induced inhibition of early
expression of other genes found in the various zones chondrocyte maturation markers in female mice was
of the mandibular condylar cartilage in female mice. attenuated by ER beta deficiency. In 2006 Papachris-
They found that altered functional loading for 2-6 tou et al. examined the involvement of components
weeks caused significant reduction in the thickness of the AP-1 transcription factor family such as Fra-
of the condylar cartilage whereas, only at 4 weeks 1, Fra-2, JunB and JunD in the signalling pathway
was there a significant decrease in the bone volume of mechanical loading of the condylar cartilage, and
fraction and trabecular thickness of the subchondral subsequently the association of mechanical loading
bone. Gene expression analysis showed that altered to cell differentiation and apoptosis through the in-
functional loading for 4 weeks caused a significant re- volvement of these proteins. They concluded that the
duction in the expression of SRY-box containing gene JunB, JunD, Fra-1, and Fra-2 members of the AP-1
9 (Sox9), Collagen type X (Col X), Indian hedgehog transcription family in the response of condylar car-
(Ihh), Collagen type II (Col II) and Vascular endo- tilage chondrocytes to functional loading alterations,
thelial growth factor (Vegf) and altered loading for 6 suggesting that mechanical loading in chondrocytes
weeks caused a significant decrease in the expression triggers biochemical responses associated with AP-1
of Sox9, Col II, Vegf and Receptor activator of NF-kB cellular functions such as maturation, differentiation
ligand (Rankl) compared to the normal loading group. and apoptosis. Downstream, these biological phe-
Altered functional TMJ loading in mice for 2-6 weeks nomena influence the overall growth of the condylar
leads to a loss of the condylar cartilage and a transient cartilage.
loss in the density of the mandibular condylar sub-
chondral bone. In 2015 Uekita et al studied the effects CONCLUSIONS
of a soft diet on the collagens and chondrocytes in the They have been various studies looking at the diet
growing TMJ cartilage. They examined the condylar consistency and how this affects the mandibular and
and glenoid fossa cartilage of rats fed a liquid diet by condylar morphology. The correlation of diet consis-
histology, immunohistochemistry with anti-types I, II, tency and head growth has high clinical importance
and X collagen antibodies, and transmission electron- since it might give an answer to the evolution of hu-
microscopy (TEM). The results of this research sug- man growth and development. We can understand the
gested that the condylar cartilage in the experimental human growth and achieve a better treatment for or-
rats showed weak immunoreactions for three types of thodontic anomalies and condylar disorders. Through
collagens. The ultrastructure had fewer fine collagen the aforementioned researches is suggested that oc-
fibrils, the glenoid fossa cartilage showed narrower clusal loading affects the bone mass, bone amount
Alcian blue-positive areas and the immunoreactions and bone density of the mandible,as well as the man-
for three types of collagen were also weaker com- dibular length and the width. Also muscular loading
pared to those of the controls. The chondrocytes in affects the degree of mineralization, the genetic ex-
the experimental rats had extended thin cytoplasmic pression, the collagen immunoreaction and the chon-
processes, and had formed gap junctions, as assessed drocytes action on the cartilage. Never less there are
by transmission electron microscopy. Fewer fine col- no works studying the long term effects of changes in
lagen fibrils, but thick bands of collagen fibrils were the diet consistency of the animals and there is a need
observed in the glenoid fossa of the experimental car- for new studies focusing on this.
tilage. Their results proposed that liquid diet impairs
the quality and quantity of collagens and chondro- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
cytesin the TMJ cartilage of growing rats. The same None declared.
year, another study from Polur et al (2014) looked at
the role of Estrogen Receptor (ER) beta in mediating
these effects. They used 21-day-old male and female
mice. They were exposed to decreased occlusal load-
ing (soft diet administration and incisor trimming) for
4 weeks. At 49 days of age the mice were sacrificed.
Proliferation, gene expression, Col 2 immuno-histo-
chemistry and micro-CT analysis were performed on


ΠΕΚΕ 2019, 70(3) | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 11/12/2019 04:21:00 |

Author Experimental Study Methods of outcome
Aim Interventions Outcomes Results Conclusions
(year) animals duration assessment

O1: Body mass

O1: measurement of Body mass
GrI: Fed pelletted rat O2: Mass of the
90 Sprague- O2: excision of masseter
chow entire masseter
Dawley 21 days O3: Measurement from incisor
GrII: Fed a gruel-like O3: Maxillary arch O1: Significantly larger GrI
of age to distal edge of last molar
Dietary consistency porridge consisting length O2: Significantly larger in GrI Soft diet animals were
Beecher and GroupI:15 F, O4: Measurement from buccal
on craniofacial and of ground chow O4: Maxillary arch O3: Increased in GrI smaller in size of entire
Corruccini 15 M. 4 months points of MI
occlusal development moistened with water breadth O4: Increased in GrI body, maxilla mandible and
(1981) GroupII: 15 F, O5: Measurement from incisor
in the rat. GrIII: Fed soft diet O5: Mandibular O5: Increased in GrI condyle.
15 M to MI
six days with dry length O6: Increased in GrI
Group III: 15F, O6: From the anterior to
pellets provided every O6: Anteroposterior
15 M posterior part of articular
seventh day only length of condylar
articular surface
GrI: sacrificed at
The effect of altered 42 growing male the beginning of the Altered masticatory
O1,: Lateral radiographs of O1: Significant incresed in GrII
Kiliaridis masticatory muscle rats experiment. Used as function influences the
mandibular halves together with in the alveolar bone of the molars
Et. al function on bone mass GroupI:14 M. base line. 28 days O1: Bone Mass amount of bone mass
aluminium stepwadge and then and the incisor, condylar costa
(1996) at different sites in the GroupII: 14 M GrII: Fed hard diet in certain parts of the
image analysis and condyle process area.
rat mandible Group III: 14 M (control) mandible.
GrIII: Fed soft diet
O1: Size of the O1: -GrI:10 rats for histologic
40 male growing mandibular condyle analysis O1: Cartilage thinner in the
The influence of Increased condylar
Kiliaridis rats in histologic terms -GrII: 10 rats for hystologic anterior part and thicker in the
functional alterations GroupI: Fed hard diet cartilage thickness is not
et. al. Group I: 20M 28 days O2: Size of analysis posterior for GrII.
on the size of the GroupII: Fed soft diet. necessarily evidence of
(1999) Group II: 20M mandibular condyle O2:-GrI: 10 rats for O2: Increase size of the condyle
mandibular condyle. increased condylar growth
in morphometric morphometrics for GrI

ΠΕΚΕ 2019, 70(3)

terms -GrII: 10 rats for morphometrics
To examine the Mandibular condylar
30 female,
involvement of the O1: The condylar cartilage of chondrocytes sense
14-day-old O1: Expression of O : Group II had higher
Papachristou Fra-1, Fra-2, JunB and GroupI: Fed hard diet both groups was immunostained 1 functional loading changes
Wistar rats 21 days Fra-1, Fra-2, JunB expression of Fra-1, Fra-2, JunB


et. Al. (2006) JunD proteins in the GroupII: Fed soft diet. using specific antibodies against and ultimately influence
Group I: 15F and JunD proteins and JunD proteins
mandibular Fra-1, Fra-2, JunB and JunD. the growth of the condylar
Group II: 15F
condylar cartilage. cartilage.
O1: Degree of
To analyze the degree
15 Male Wistar mineralization of O1, O2: Cortical and trabecular O1: Group II had a significantly
of mineralization in the
Tanaka Rats Group I: Fed hard diet cortical bone bone of mandibles were higher degree of mineralization Muscle function affects the
mandible of growing 9 weeks
et. al. (2007) Group I: 6M Group II: Fed soft diet O2: Degree of obtained using a microCT O2: Group I showed a higher craniofacial growth and
rats fed with a hard or
Group II: 9M mineralization of system degree of mineralization development.
soft diet.
trabecular bone | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 11/12/2019 04:21:00 |

60 Male Group I: Fed hard diet
The effect of O1,: Mandible was smaller in Marginal changes of the
Sprague-Dawley Group II: Fed soft diet
masticatory functional Group II, adult rat mandibular
rats (21 day old) for 21 weeks and then O1: morphometric
Odman changes on the lateral O : cephalometric Xrays and Group II2 had only marginal morphology during
Group I: 16M divided 27 weeks differences between 1
et. al. (2008) view morphology of morphometric analysis. differences to Group II1, Group a 6-week period of
Group II: 44M, Group II1: Fed soft diet the groups.
the mandible in adult II2 had a tendency to catch up the masticatory function
Group II1: 12M Group II2: Fed hard
rats. development as Group I. rehabilitation..
Grouo II2: 12M diet
Author Experimental Study Methods of outcome
Aim Interventions Outcomes Results Conclusions
(year) animals duration assessment
O1: There was a decrease in
Safranin O staining in the
mandibular condylar cartilage for
group II. Altered functional TMJ
Group I: Fed hard
O1: mandibular O2: Group II had a significant loading in mice for 2–6
pellet diet
condylar cartilage O1: Histology decrease in the width of the weeks leads to a loss of
Chen To develop a mouse Group II: Altered
134 Female mice O2: subchondral O2: Microcomputed tomography condylar cartilage and in the the condylar cartilage
et. al. TMJ altered functional functional loading ( 12 weeks
(21 day old) bone volume O3: real time polymerase chain thickness of the mandibular and a transient loss in the
(2009) loading model. incisor trimming every
O3: genetic reaction (PCR) analysis. condylar cartilage. density of the mandibular
other day and soft
expression O3: Group II caused a significant condylar subchondral
dough diet)
decrease in the expression of bone.
Sox9, Col II, Vegf and Receptor
activator of NF-κB ligand
All animals fed ad Special attention
The incidence of libitum a pelleted O1 : Malocclusion was found on should be given to the
malocclusion in a commercial balanced 60th week of age in a male rat potential appearance
40 Wistar rats
longitudinal study of rat diet consisting of and the 76th week of age in a of malocclusion during
Dontas (20 male, 20 Rats life O1: presence of
the normal growth 21% protein, 6.2% O1 : Clinical examination female rat. long-term rodent studies,
et. al. (2010) female,3 wk span malocclusion
and aging of Wistar fat, 4.5% fiber, 7.5% Sex did not influence because its incidence
rats carried out in our ash, 1.1% calcium, malocclusion: 46% affected rats may adversely affect
laboratory. 0.9%phosphorus, were female and 54% were male. the animals’ health and
0.35% sodium general wellbeing
A moderate reduction in
O1: In Group I, both cortical bone masticatory
at the attachment sites of the functional load
The effect of

ΠΕΚΕ 2019, 70(3)

temporalis and digastric muscles does not significantly
a reduction in 16 male juvenile
Group I: Fed soft and cortical bone in the alveolar affect the remodelling rate

masticatory functional New Zealand O1:Degree of bone O1: Excision of jaw muscles,
Grunheid et. pellet diet process had a significantly higher and
load on the degree White rabbits 12 weeks mineralization condylar head and alveolar
al. (2011) Group II: Fed hard DMB than cortical bone at the the DMB in areas of the
and distribution of Group I : 8M (DMB) process.


pellet diet attachment site of the masseter mandible
mineralization of Group II: 8M
muscle, while there were no that are loaded but
mandibular bone
significant differences among might induce a more
these sites in the Group II. heterogeneous mineral
49 Mice O1: Gene O1: Both groups had significant Decreased occlusal loading
To examine the role Fed soft diet O1: PCR
Polur (21-day-old) expression decreased Col 10 expression induced inhibition of Sox9
of Estrogen Receptor administration and O2: Col 2
et. al. Group I:24 male 4 weeks O2: Condylar O2: Decreased subchondral and Col 2, did not occur in
(ER) beta in mediating incisor trimming was immunohistochemistry
(2015) Group II:25 cartilage volume female ER beta deficient
these effects. performed | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 11/12/2019 04:21:00 |

O3: Micro-CT
female O3: Bone volume O3: Decreased bone volume. mice.

To determine the O1:Gr II had extended thin Soft diet had deleterious
48 Male Wistar O1: Changes on
effect of a soft diet cytoplasmic processes, and effects on the quality and
Uetika rats Group I: Fed hard diet chondrocytes O1: Electron microscopy
on the collagens and 8 weeks formed gap junctions quantity of collagens and
et. al. (2015) Group I: 24M Group II: Fed soft diet O2: Changes on O2: Immunohistology
chondrocytes in the O2: Gr IIhad weak immuno- chondrocytes in the TMJ
Group II: 24M collagens
growing TMJ cartilage. reactions for 3 types of collagens cartilage in growing rats.


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