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Hello, my name is Md.

Hasibul Hasan and I live in Bangladesh, a developing

country. I'm applying for Financial Aid for the course 'Foundations: Data, Data,
Everywhere' which is the first course of the 'Google Data Analytics Professional
Certificate' because I do not have any special source of income and I don't earn
enough money and I can't afford the full tuition at this time of my life and career.
Receiving Financial Aid for this course will help me get valuable knowledge about
data and the data processing techniques, data handling, cleaning, visualization,
etc. I am looking forward to building my career as a machine learning specialist
where data is the most important part. I was trying to save money for taking this
course, but couldn’t manage to do so, and time is going on. Receiving financial aid
will allow me to focus on my studies and after completion of this course
hopefully, I can manage a paid internship and can take another course in the
machine learning path. I want to invest in my career and my education, but at this
moment I can only invest my time but not money to increase my knowledge for
advancement in my career. Hopefully, this will change in the upcoming years
because I'm ambitious, a quick learner, and industrious. I want to increase my
programming knowledge and learn new technologies, and I'm eager to work and
excel in my career.

I have a solid background in programming languages like Python, R, and statistics. So I am eager
to learn data analytics and this course is the first step for me to learn about data and its
characteristics. To be skilled in a particular area requires constant learning and improving, and
taking a course can help boost my existing knowledge.
I am vastly interested in the machine learning domain and took several courses already. But for
a machine to learn we need data. Data is a crucial part of a machine learning model to work
efficiently. To build an efficient machine learning model, it is very much important to prepare
the data beforehand. In that sense, taking this data analytics course will help me advance in my
machine learning career which I cherish pursuing.
By taking a professional course, I might be able to think out of the box and see the data from a
different perspective and will learn how the industry collects, pre-processes, and uses the data
for the betterment of mankind and this beautiful world we are living.
As I am living in a developing country where the standard of life is not as good
enough as in a developed country. The minimum wage in a developing country is
pretty low and that money is not sufficient for a person to support himself and his
family, let alone pay a debt.

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