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Subband analysis of molecular electronic transitions by nonlinear

polarization spectroscopy in the frequency domain
W. Beenken and J. Ehlert
Max-Born-Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Rudower Chaussee 6,
12489 Berlin, Germany
~Received 2 February 1998; accepted 9 September 1998!
Nonlinear polarization spectroscopy in the frequency domain ~NLPF! allows a detailed analysis of
substructure behind a molecular optical absorption band. Using the x (3) -approach here we deduce
theoretically line shapes of NLPF spectra for systems with more than one optical transition, which
contribute to linear as well as excited state absorption. It is possible from such line shapes to decide
whether these transitions are independent from each other or belong to a common ground state. We
demonstrate further how energy transfer and relaxation paths can be revealed and quantified by a
global analysis of NLPF spectra. This is useful to get a comprehensive understanding of ultrafast
processes in complex molecular and supermolecular systems. © 1998 American Institute of
Physics. @S0021-9606~98!00647-3#

INTRODUCTION first model, we will discuss, describes a set of different two-

level systems, which do not interact with each other and have
Nonlinear polarization spectroscopy in the frequency do- different but overlapping absorption bands. This case is im-
main ~NLPF! was introduced in the early 1970’s by Song, portant, since it contains the effect of different sample con-
Lee, and Levenson1 to determine the homogeneous linewidth stituents, for example, cis-trans isomers of polymethin dyes,7
and relaxation rates for inhomogeneously broadened elec- on the NLPF spectra as well as the influence of variable
tronic transitions. After that it was the idea of Neef and environment resulting in static inhomogeneous broadening.
Mory,2 as well as Marcano et al.,3 to use NLPF to reveal the Second, we will introduce an incoherent energy transfer
type of spectral broadening for absorption bands of organic between the different two-level systems, like Foerster trans-
molecules in solution. The fundamental differences in NLPF fer, into the model. With that it will be possible to describe
spectra between inhomogeneous and homogeneous broaden- the NLPF spectra of supermolecular aggregates with weak
ing were pointed out. These authors founded their theoretical excitonic coupling. These systems are discussed for photo-
description of the NLPF spectra, however, on the model of synthetic antennae, which collect, convert, and transfer sun-
independent two-level systems. In the case of inhomoge-
light energy to the reaction centers. NLPF promises to give
neous broadening the distribution of transition frequencies
decisive hints on the photophysical background of these pro-
was assumed to be a single Lorentzian for sake of simplicity.
cesses, above all on the underlying energetic structure.5
This does not allow a sufficient description of NLPF spectra
Third, we will demonstrate the case of a multi-level sys-
with a complex substructure, which may be caused by dif-
tem, where all transitions belong to the same ground state.
ferent absorbing species as well as by a multi-level system,
This model is not only the standard model for molecules, but
although that is the general experimental situation. A first
also for supermolecular aggregates with strong excitonic
move toward a description of NLPF spectra for multi-level
systems was made by Andrews and Hochstrasser, who inves- coupling.8,9 On this level of modeling, for example, one can
tigate a three-level system with two well separated consider the vibrational progression in the excited electronic
transitions.4 states. A thermal distribution in the electronic ground state,
The aim to apply NLPF on molecular and supermolecu- however, cannot be taken into account. The fourth model
lar systems as a successful experimental method with high shows the influence of excited state absorption on NLPF
temporal and spectral resolution leads us to deduce theoreti- spectra.
cal models for analyzing the line shapes of NLPF spectra, Finally it will be shown that all models discussed above
which are more structured than the accompanying absorption can be simply combined. This results in the description of a
spectra for such systems.5 The nonlinear response, which general NLPF spectrum by only one analytical line shape
results in NLPF signal, was calculated from the generalized function containing as parameters the transition frequencies
Bloch equations in third order perturbation theory. The and dipole moments, the dephasing, energy relaxation, and
x (3) -approach is a sufficient approximation, since experi- transfer rates. Importantly, it also includes the relations be-
mental improvements, above all a new arrangement of the tween the transitions, i.e., whether they are independent,
pump and probe beam, as shown in Fig. 1, allows the use of coupled by energy transfer or belonging to a common ground
low pump intensities.6 For all models that follow the NLPF state.
spectra are deduced in this frame. The ensuing considerations on orientation averaging
After reminding the results for the two-level system, the takes different directions of the transition dipoles into ac-

0021-9606/98/109(23)/10126/12/$15.00 10126 © 1998 American Institute of Physics

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 23, 15 December 1998 W. Beenken and J. Ehlert 10127

FIG. 1. Improved setup for NLPF: The indices p, t, and s indicate the pump,
probe~test!, and signal beams. The E¢ assign their polarization vectors while
the k¢ assign their wave vectors. s't means the component of signal field
perpendicular to the probe field, which is measured behind the analyzer.

count. This is important since NLPF depends on the coupling

FIG. 2. Two-level system: Square module of line shape function ~2! for a
of two different, linearly polarized, external fields with all two-level system is shown in arbitrary units. It is plotted over the detuning
different oriented transition dipole moments in the system. If between pump and transition frequency for v 1052G and energy relaxation
the transitions are not independent that may have an dramatic rate g 50.01G.
effect on the NLPF spectra. Examples of such systems are
the porpherins with Q x and Q y transition10 and strong exci-
tonic coupled aggregates with different allowed transitions Two-level system
into the first excitonic band.8
Consequently a global line shape analysis will be intro- The fundamental model used by most authors2,3,12,13 up
duced, which allows revelation of the term scheme as well as to now is the isolated two-level system. It was shown, e.g., in
the energy relaxation path of complex molecular and super- the Appendix of Ref. 11, that for this case, in the rotating
molecular systems from a set of NLPF spectra, which are wave approximation the x (3) -approach results in the line
measured at different probe frequencies. shape function


s ~ v p0 , v t0 ! 5
2 2G
G2i v t0 g G 1 v 2p0

The NLPF signal Es is generated by the nonlinear polar-

ization of the sample under the influence of the external
pump and probe field. For samples without optical activity
S 1
g 1i v pt G2i v t0 G1i v p0 DD , ~3!

the crossed polarizer and analyzer blocked the probe field Et which depends on the detuning v p0 5 v p 2 v 0 between pump
and any linear and nonlinear response of it. Therefore the and transition frequency as well as on detuning v t0 5 v t
measured NLPF signal field E s is given only by nonlinear 2 v 0 between probe and transition frequency, respectively.
polarization P NL which is perpendicular to E t and depends For convenience we introduce v pt 5 v p 2 v t . G51/T 2 and
on both external fields E t and E p . In the slowly varying g 51/T 1 denote the dephasing and the energy relaxation rate,
amplitude approximation one obtains respectively.
Figure 2 shows the resulting line shape for a fixed probe
]Es a~ vt! v t NL frequency v t . One can see two peaks: The T 1 -peak in the
1 E s 52 p i P , ~1!
]xs 2 c s vicinity of v pt '0 and the T 2 -peak around v p0 50. While
where a ( v t ) is the absorption coefficient for the signal the width of the T 1 -peak is determined by the energy relax-
field.6 In the lowest order of external fields, the nonlinear ation rate g, the width of the T 2 -peak is given by the dephas-
polarization is given by ing rate G. Since the system is isolated it is homogeneously
broadened, and thus 2G is the FWHM of the absorption line.
P ~s3 ! 5 x ~s3p!pt ~ 2 v t , v p ,2 v p , v t ! u E p u 2 E t , ~2! The T 2 -peak is symmetric for all probe frequencies and the
with the element of the third order nonlinear response tensor T 1 -peak shows only a small asymmetry for v t0 Þ0, caused
x (3) by the increasing or decreasing wing of the T 2 -peak lying
sp pt (2 v t , v p ,2 v p , v t ), which is taken for probe ~t!,
pump ~p!, and signal ~s! direction, and depends only on underneath.
pump frequency v p and probe frequency v t . 1,11 The line
shape function s( v p , v t ) will be used here to describe this
Heterogeneous substructure
dependence of nonlinear response x (3) (2 v t , v p ,2 v p , v t )
on pump and probe frequency and u s( v p , v t ) u 2 v 2t gives the Heterogeneous substructures in NLPF spectra result
line shape of the NLPF spectra.6,11 In the following, line from superposition of independent transitions taking place in
shape functions and the resulting NLPF spectra are demon- an ensemble of different two-level systems, with generally
strated for different quantum mechanical models of molecu- different transition frequencies, dephasing, and energy relax-
lar systems. In all cases the perturbational approach of den- ation rates. To obtain the corresponding NLPF spectrum one
sity matrix theory as described in Ref. 11 was used for has first to sum up the line shape functions s m ( v p m , v t m ) of
calculating nonlinear response up to third order. the individual two-level system defined by ~3!, where G and
10128 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 23, 15 December 1998 W. Beenken and J. Ehlert

FIG. 4. T 1 -peak for heterogeneous substructure: Square module of line

shape function ~13! plotted over v pt 5 v p 2 v t at v t 5( v 1 1 v 2 )/2 is shown
FIG. 3. Heterogeneous substructure: Square module of line shape function in arbitrary units for ~a! g 1 5 g 2 and ~b! g 1 5100g 2 , where a 21 / g 1 5 a 22 / g 2 is
~12! for two systems with equal weight factors, energy relaxation, and constant and g 2 50.01G. All other parameters as in Fig. 3.
dephasing rates ( a 1 5 a 2 , g 1 5 g 2 , G 1 5G 2 5G) is shown in arbitrary units.
It is plotted over the distance of pump and probe frequency to the average of
the two transition frequencies (D v p 5 v p 2( v 1 1 v 2 )/2, D v t 5 v t 2( v 1
1 v 2 )/2). The distance between the transition frequencies is arbitrarily
given as double linewidth ( v 1 2 v 2 52G).
g m and a m . In addition, the asymmetry of the T 1 -peak may
be useful in revealing a substructure, if the T 2 -peaks are
merged to a single peak.7
g have to be replaced by the relaxation rates of the m-th In the vicinity of the probe frequency, i.e., where u v pt u
two-level system G m and g m , respectively. Thus the square !G m , the line shape function ~4! can be approximated by

module of the total line shape function
1 1
s het~ v p , v t ! 'i (p a m2 1
g m g m 1i v pt
s het~ v p , v t ! 5 (m a m2 s m~ v p m , v t m ! ~4!
4G m ~ G m 1i v t m !
gives one the line shape of the NLPF spectrum. The weight- 3 , ~6!
~ G m2 1 v t2m ! 2
ing factors
a m } An mol, m u m
W mu 2. whose square module describes the profile of the T 1 -peak
well for g m !G m .
are used to consider differing transition dipole moments m Wm In Fig. 4 an example is given showing an extremely
and concentrations n mol, m of the individual two-level sys- asymmetric T 1 -peak for g 1 Þ g 2 , which belongs to the same
tems. broadband spectra given in Fig. 3 as the symmetric T 1 -peak
To describe the resulting NLPF spectrum outside of the for g 1 5 g 2 . To describe the asymmetry of the line shape one
T 1 -peak, i.e., for v pt @ g m , the line shape function ~4! can be uses the function
approximated by
D ~ v pt ! 5 u s ~ v t 1 v pt , v t ! u 2 2 u s ~ v t 2 v pt , v t ! u 2 , ~7!
2 a m2 2G m
s het~ v p , v t ! 'i (m G m 2i v t m g m G m2 1 v 2p m
. ~5! which results for the approximated line shape function ~6! to

The square module of this function shows a series of

T 2 -peaks centered at the transition frequencies v m with
D ~ v pt ! 52 (
c m2 c 2n S 1
g m g n ptD
widths given by G m . It is important to notice that the height
of the T 2 -peak decreases with increasing distance between 2 g m g n 2 v 2pt v tm v tn
3 2 ~8!
the transition frequency and the probe frequency v t m . Mea- ~ g m2 1 v 2pt !~ g 2n 1 v 2pt ! Gm Gn
suring the T 2 -peak maxima for different probe frequencies
with the coefficients
allows determination of a m2 / g m . In Fig. 3 the two dimen-
sional line shape of the NLPF spectrum, which depends on 2G m
both pump and probe frequency, is shown for two two-level c m5 a m . ~9!
G m 1 v t2m
systems with equal dephasing and energy relaxation rates.
For a heterogeneous substructure, of course, the T 1 -peak From an analysis of the T 2 -peaks the prefactors c m2 / g m can
remains close to the probe frequency, but the maximum can be obtained as shown above. Therefore ~8! in principle al-
be shifted out of the center at v p 5 v t as in the case of lows a calculation of the relaxation rates g m and with them
spectral diffusion.2 The asymmetry is mostly much stronger the weight factors a m in principle.
than for a single two-level system, which may be caused by If the profile of the T 1 -peak cannot be resolved in detail,
different energy relaxation rates. Therefore it will be useful for example, because of the limitation by laser bandwidth, it
to analyze the T 1 -peak in detail to determine the parameters is possible to infer a substructure by the asymptotic of
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 23, 15 December 1998 W. Beenken and J. Ehlert 10129

D( v pt ). Away from the T 1 -peak but still in the vicinity of ~13! describe the coupling between probed and pumped tran-
the probe frequency, i.e., where u g m u ! u v pt u ! u G m u , one can sitions as mentioned above. In Appendix A it is shown that
approximate they are given by the equation system

D ~ v pt ! '22 (
c m2 c 2n
v pt S
T 1 ~ m ! 2T 1 ~ n ! v t m v t n
Gm Gn
2 . D (m ~ i v pt d km 2 g km ! b m n~ v pt ! 52 d k n for all n , ~14!
which represents the continuity equation for excitation en-
If the energy-relaxation times T 1 are large, so that the ergy flow in the whole system. While the off-diagonal ele-
T 1 -peak is narrow compared to the laser bandwidth, ~10! ments of g m n are defined as energy transfer rates, the diago-
offers the only possibility to estimate the differences be- nal elements, which are given by
tween them and set them in relation to a global relaxation
g mm 52 g 0 m 2 ( g n m ,
rate that is measured by lifetime based methods, e.g., fluo-
rescence decay. nÞm
Inhomogeneous broadening can be described as a het-
erogeneous substructure generated by a wealth of two-level contain the energy relaxation rates g 0 m , which describe the
systems, which varies continuously in transition frequency. irreversible flow of excitation energy to the environment of
For this the weighting factors a m are replaced by a distribu- no optical relevance. According to this point of view, the
tion function ‘‘lifetime’’ of excitation on state m can be defined as

a ~ v ! } An mol~ v ! u m
W u2, ~11! T 1 ~ m ! 5 u g mm u 21 . ~16!

where n mol( v ) describes the number of two-level systems for the broadband spectrum outside of the T 1 -peak, i.e., for
with transition frequency v per unit volume. Thus for an u v pt u @ u g m n u , one obtains b m n (0)@ b m n ( v pt ) and the line
inhomogeneously broadened system line shape function is shape function is given approximately by
given by a ma n 2G n
s EET~ v p , v t ! 'i b ~0! 2 . ~17!
m,n G m 2i v t m m n G n 1 v 2p n
s inh~ v p , v t ! 5 2
~ v !s~ v p2 v , v t2 v !d v , ~12!
With that the NLPF spectrum results in a series of T 2 -peaks
according to the results of Marcano et al.3 The description according to the heterogeneous substructure. The heights of
given here also allows the use of a distribution of the relax- these peaks, however, depend differently on changes in the
ation rates g and G. For that the distribution function has to probe frequency. We will demonstrate this specific behavior
be expanded to a~v,g,G!. of the T 2 -peaks using two two-level systems, which are
coupled by irreversible incoherent energy transfer with rate
g 12.0, while g 2150. Here index 1 assigns the acceptor and
Excitation energy transfer index 2 the donor of the excitation energy. For this system
the matrix equation ~14! results in
If two-level systems are coupled by weak dipole–dipole
interactions, the excitonic states are incoherent and localized 2
b 11~ v pt ! 5 ,
on molecular sites. In this case the excitation energy transfer i v pt 1 g 01
~EET! becomes Foerster type14 and can be described as hop-
ping of the excitation from one two-level system to the other. g 12 2
b 12~ v pt ! 5 ,
We will describe the hopping from system n to m by the i v pt 1 g 01 i v pt 1 g 021 g 12
energy transfer rate g m n . If the system n has a transition
frequency that is far from the probe frequency while m has b 21~ v pt ! 50,
one nearby, one can expect that the transition belonging to n
will contributes to the NLPF spectrum, while in the reversed b 22~ v pt ! 5 . ~18!
case it will not. Therefore, the line shape function for sys- i v pt 1 g 021 g 12
tems with excitation energy transfer must contain a double Inserting this into the line shape function for the broadband
sum over the probed and the pumped transitions, and one approximation ~17! one obtains


ia1 a 1 4G 1
a ma n 2G n s EET~ v p , v t ! '
s EET~ v p , v t ! 5i ( G m 2i v t m
b mn~ 0 ! 2
G n 1 v 2p n
G 1 2i v t1 g 01 v 2p1 1G 21


a 2 g 12 4G 2
2G n 1i v pt 1
1 b m n ~ v pt ! . g 01~ g 021 g 12! v p2 1G 22
~ G n 1i v p n !~ G n 2i v t n !

For the sake of simplicity we have assumed that all transition

~13! 1
S a2 4G 2
G 2 2i v t2 g 021 g 12 v 2p2 1G 22 D
. ~19!

dipole moments are parallel. We will show later on, that this The first row dominates ~19! for probing the acceptor, the
is no considerable constriction. The functions b m n ( v pt ) in second for probing the donor. The square module of this line
10130 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 23, 15 December 1998 W. Beenken and J. Ehlert

FIG. 6. T 1 -peak for substructure with energy transfer: Square module of line
shape function ~26!, ~a! for g 125 g 0150.01G and g 0250 is shown in com-
FIG. 5. Substructure with energy transfer: Square module of line shape parison to the heterogeneous case, ~b! for g 1250 and g 025 g 0150.01G.
function ~25! with g 015 g 0252 g 12 is shown in arbitrary units. All other Both functions are normalized to one at v pt 50. All other parameters and
parameters as in Fig. 3. definitions as in Figs. 3 and 4.

shape function is shown in Fig. 5 for identical weighting transfer in contrast to the heterogeneous substructure. This is
factors a 1 5 a 2 , dephasing rates G 1 5G 2 , and energy relax- caused by the additional term c 1 c 32 g 12 / g 11g 22 between the
ation rates g 015 g 0252 g 12 . braces in ~22!, which does not appear in the heterogeneous
Fitting of the square module of ~17! to NLPF measure- case. Figure 6 shows this behavior by comparison of both
ments allows the determination of the values of a m a n b m n (0) cases, where the T 1 -time of the second transition is equal to
analogous to the case of separated systems. Since ~17! con- that of the first. The asymmetric T 1 -peak results from the
tains a sum over all probed transitions, however, a set of energy transfer with rate g 125 g 0151/T 1 ( g 0250), while for
NLPF spectra at varied probe frequencies is required. We the symmetric T 1 -peak according to the heterogeneous sub-
will come back to this point when demonstrating global structure the T 1 -times are only determined by relaxation
analysis of NLPF spectra. rates g 025 g 0151/T 1 . Apart from that, the dependence of the
To describe the T 1 -peak for u v pt u !G m line shape func- asymmetry on v pt is the same as for the heterogeneous sub-
tion ~13! can be approximated to structure. In Fig. 6~a! the T 1 -peak belonging to the broad-
a ma n band spectrum given in Fig. 5 for v t2 52 v t1 is shown. In
s EET~ v pt , v t ! 'i (
m,n G m 2i v t m
this case both different T 1 -times and energy transfer rate g 12
results in an asymmetric T 1 -peak. The asymmetry function
2G n D( v pt ), which belongs to this case, is shown in Fig. 9.
3 ~ b m n ~ 0 ! 1 b m n ~ v pt !! . ~20!
v t n 1G 2n
Homogeneous substructure
Since b m*n ( v pt )5 b m n (2 v pt ) follows from matrix equation
A homogeneous substructure results from identical
~14!, the asymmetry defined as in ~7! results in
multi-level systems, with several excited states affiliated to

D ~ v pt ! 52
2 ( c mc nc kc l
m , n , k ,l
S v tm v tk
Gm Gk D
3Im$ b m n ~ v pt ! b k l ~ 0 ! 2 b m n ~ 0 ! b k l ~ v pt !
1 b m n ~ v pt ! b k l ~ 2 v pt ! % , ~21!
with coefficients c m defined as in ~9!, which can be obtained
from the broadband spectra. For the model system described
by ~18! asymmetry is given by

D ~ v pt ! 54 c 21 c 22
u g 11u u g 22u
1c 1 c 32
g 12
g 11g 22 J
3 S D
v t1 v t2
2 g 11g 222 v 2pt
v ,
G 1 G 2 ~ g 111 v 2pt !~ g 2221 v 2pt ! pt

with u g 11u 5 g 01 and u g 22u 5 g 021 g 12 as given by ~15!. Even FIG. 7. Homogeneous substructure: Square module of line shape function
if the T 1 -times defined as in ~16! are equal, i.e., u g 11u ~34! with g 015 g 0252 g 12 and g 2150 shown in arbitrary units with the same
5 u g 22u , an asymmetry of the T 1 -peak can occur for energy parameters as in Fig. 4.
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 23, 15 December 1998 W. Beenken and J. Ehlert 10131

it results in qualitatively different spectra, since here the

functions b m n ( v pt ) are given by the equation system

(m ~ i v pt d km 2 g km ! b m n~ v pt ! 5 d k n 11 for all n , ~24!

with a different expression right of the equality. This repre-

sents the effects of bleaching of the common ground state.
The terms in the third and fourth rows of ~23! contain the
12 d m n
B m n ~ v pt ! 5 . ~25!
G m n 1i v pt 1i v m n
These result from virtual transitions, which are only possible
between levels coupled via optical transitions to a common
FIG. 8. T 1 -peak for homogeneous substructure: Square module of line third level. In ~25!, besides the well known dephasing rates
shape function ~26! with g 125 g 0150.01G and g 0250 shown for ~a! the
homogeneous case and ~b! the incoherent energy transfer case. Both func- G m and G n , corresponding to the transversal T 2 -times in the
tions are normalized to one at v pt 50. All other parameters as in Fig. 3. Bloch model for optical transitions, the dephasing rate G m n
appears. This does not describe the decay of polarization but
rather the decay of the coherence between the quantum states
one common ground state. For simplification we will assume m and n, which may or may not be connected with a direct
that all transition dipole moments are parallel to each other. optical transition.
Therefore the part of the NLPF signal that depends on the If the energy-relaxation rates are much smaller than the
orientation of the dipole moments can be separated, together dephasing rates, b m n ( v pt )@B m n ( v pt ) follows and the vir-
with the external fields as in the two level system case, and tual transitions can be neglected. Therefore away from the
for the rest, as shown in Appendix B, one obtains the line T 1 -peak, i.e., b m n (0)@ b m n ( v pt ), the NLPF spectrum can be
shape function approximately derived from the broadband line shape func-

tion given as in ~17! using, however, the b m n (0) resulting
a ma n 2G n
s hom~ v p , v t ! 5i (
m,n G m 2i v t m
b mn~ 0 ! 2
G n 1 v 2p n
from ~24!.
To demonstrate the specific behavior of the T 2 -peak se-
ries in the case of homogeneous substructure, a three-level
2G n 1i v pt
1 b m n ~ v pt ! system with energy relaxation from the upper to the lower
~ G n 1i v p n !~ G n 2i v t n ! excited state ( g 12) and from both to the ground state ( g 01 ,
G m 1G n 1i v m n g 02) can be used. With this matrix Eq. ~24! results in
1B m n ~ 0 !
~ G m 2i v p m !~ G n 1i v p n ! 2
b 11~ v pt ! 5
G m 1G n 1i v m n 1i v pt i v pt 1 g 01

1B m n ~ v pt ! .
~ G m 2i v t m !~ G n 1i v p n ! 1 2 g 12
b 12~ v pt ! 5 11 ,
~23! i v pt 1 g 021 g 12 i v pt 1 g 01
The first row looks identical to the line shape function for the 1
heterogeneous substructure with energy transfer in ~13!, but b 21~ v pt ! 5 ,
i v pt 1 g 01

b 22~ v pt ! 5
i v pt 1 g 021 g 12
21S g 12
i v pt 1 g 01
. D
Inserting these functions in ~23! and neglecting the virtual
transitions, the approximated line shape function ~17! ap-
pears as

s hom~ v p , v t ! '
2 a 1 2G 1
G 1 2i v t1 g 01 v 2p1 1G 21

g 021 g 12
11S2 g 12
2G 2
g 01 v p2 1G 22
2 D
a 1 2G 1
G 2 2i v t2 g 01 v 2p1 1G 21
FIG. 9. T 1 -peak asymmetry: Asymmetry D( v p f ) as given in ~22! for the
T 1 -peaks of ~a! the homogeneous substructure and ~b! the incoherent energy
transfer case as given in Fig. 8.
g 021 g 12
21Sg 12
D2G 2
g 01 v 2p2 1G 22
. D ~27!
10132 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 23, 15 December 1998 W. Beenken and J. Ehlert

The first term dominates for probing in the 0-1 transition, the herent energy transfer, both for the same parameters as used
second for probing in the 0-2 transition. Even if a relaxation for the broadband spectra in Fig. 7 and Fig. 5, respectively.
between both excited states may not exist ( g 1250) and the For the homogeneous substructure the T 1 -peak can also be
spectral overlap of the transitions is low ( u v 21u @G 1 ,G 2 ), described by the approximated line shape function as given
terms which describe the pumping of the transition other in ~20!, using matrix equation ~24! for definition of the func-
than that probed appear, resulting in T 2 -peaks far away from tions b m n ( v pt ). Thus the asymmetry of the T 1 -peak can be
the probe frequency. They are caused by the bleaching of the obtained from ~21! as well. In the case of two transitions it is
common ground state. This allows one to distinguish be- identical to ~22!, except prefactor 4 changes to 3. The
tween heterogeneous and homogeneous substructure. equivalence of the form of D( v pt ) is demonstrated in Fig. 9.
Since it can be assumed in most cases that the energy Peaks that result from virtual transitions do not contribute to
transfer and relaxation rates from higher to lower states are the T 1 -peak, since they are centered at v pt 5 v m n , except
higher than those in the reverse direction, the homogeneous when they belong to degenerated states.
substructure can also be well distinguished from the incoher-
Excited state absorption
ent energy transfer case. The T 2 -peaks at lower frequencies
than the probe frequency are considerably higher for the ho- Excited state absorption cannot be observed in linear ab-
mogeneous substructure than for all other cases of substruc- sorption spectroscopy, but NLPF spectra contain information
ture. This can be seen in comparing Fig. 7 with Fig. 5, for about it. The reason is that in NLPF the first excited state is
both of which the same parameters are used. Nevertheless populated by pumping, which allows probing of the transi-
function ~17! allows determination of the product tions from there to higher excited states. This even happens
a m a n b m n (0) for both cases and we will come back to this in third order perturbation theory for NLPF, i.e., even for the
point on demonstrating the case of mixed substructures. lowest pump intensity. As shown in Appendix C, for a three-
Figure 8 shows the T 1 -peak of a homogeneous substruc- level system with ground state absorption g and excited state
ture as well as the comparable T 1 -peak in the case of inco- transition e, the line shape function results in

s exc~ v p , v t ! 5i S 2 a 2g
G g 2i v tg
a ga e
G e 2i v te
DSb gg ~ 0 !
2G g
v pg 2G 2g
2 1 b gg ~ v pt !
2G g 1i v pt
~ G g 1i v pg !~ G g 2i v tg ! D
1i S a ga e
a ga e
D 1 2G g 2i ~ v pg 1 v tg !
G g 2i v tg G e 2i v te 2G 202i ~ v pg 1 v te ! ~ G g 2i v pg !~ G g 2i v tg !
, ~28!

with the function Mixed substructures

If the virtual transitions can be neglected, all theoretical
1 line shape functions shown above have a unique form given
b gg ~ v pt ! 5 b eg ~ v pt ! 5 ~29!
g 011i v pt by

containing only the energy relaxation rate g 01 from first ex-

cited state. G 20 is the dephasing rate between the second
excited state and the ground state. Neglecting the contribu-
tion of virtual transition for G 20@ g 01 in the second row,
there is no difference from the two-level case except the
additional term in the first bracket

a ga e
2 . ~30!
v te 2iG e

This has the effect that a NLPF signal appears for probing
the exited state absorption as well as for the ground state
absorption. The position and shape of the T 2 -peak, however,
depend only on the transition from ground state to first ex-
cited state. Examples are shown in Figs. 10 and 11.
In the frame of a x (3) -approach it is not possible to de-
FIG. 10. Excited state transition: Square module of line shape function ~50!
termine the energy relaxation rate from the second excited shown in arbitrary units. The transition with the higher transition frequency
state by NLPF. The T 1 -peak then only gives information starts from the excited state, the other from the ground state. Remaining
about the energy relaxation from first excited to ground state. parameters as in Fig. 3 ( a g 5 a e , G g 5G e 5G, v e 2 v g 52G).
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 23, 15 December 1998 W. Beenken and J. Ehlert 10133

s ~ v p , v t ! 5i (
a ma n
G m 2i v t m S
g mnb mn~ 0 ! 2
2G n
G n 1 v 2p n

1g m8 n b m n ~ v pt !
2G n 1i v pt
~ G n 1i v p n !~ G n 2i v t n !

The two geometry factors g m n and g m8 n depend on the angle
between the dipole moments and are given by

g mn5
16p 2
E p

sin u d u E

3 E
d c ~ cos2 u m 2sin2 u m sin2 f m ! cos2 u n ,

FIG. 11. Excited state transition: Square module of line shape function ~50! ~34!
shown for the case that the oscillator strength of the transition that starts
from the excited state is twice as high as that of the other ( a e 52 a g ).
Remaining parameters as in Fig. 10. g m8 n 5
16p 2
E p

sin u d u E

3 E 2p
d c ~ cos u m 2sin u m sin f m !
s ~ v p , v t ! 5i (
a ma n
G m 2i v t m S
b mn~ 0 ! 2
2G n
G n 1 v 2p n

3cos u m ~ cos u n 1sin u n sin f n ! cos u n , ~35!

1 b m n ~ v pt !
2G n 1i v pt
~ G n 1i v p n !~ G n 2i v t n !
. ~31!
where u, f, and c are the Euler angles. u m is the angle
between mW m and EW p , while f m is that between m
W m and kW s
counting in direction of E t . For index n they are defined

The equation for the functions b m n ( v pt ) can be generalized correspondingly. From spherical trigonometry results
cos~ u n ! 5cos~ u m ! cos~ h m n ! 1sin~ u m ! sin~ h m n ! cos~ c ! ,
(m ~ i v pt d km 2 g km ! b m n~ v pt ! 5d k n for all n . ~32! with h m n as the angle between m
W m and mW n . Setting the arbi-
trary Euler angles u 5 u m and f 5 f m from ~34! one obtains
with matrix d k n , which determines the relation between the 113 cos~ 2 h m n !
transition m and k. If different transition m and k have a g mn5 , ~37!
common ground state, one obtains d k n 51; otherwise d k n
50. The diagonal elements are given by d mm 52. Especially, and from ~35!
if d mk 50 and g mk 50, m and k are independent transitions 71cos~ 2 h m n !
as in the heterogeneous case. Furthermore, excited state ab- g m8 n 5 . ~38!
sorption can be taken into account by functions b m 8 n ( v pt ),
where m 8 is the excited state transition belonging to the Notice that g m n vanishes at a ‘‘magic’’ angle of about
ground state transition m. These functions are given by 54,74°. Nevertheless, a system with energy transfer between
21/2b m n ( v pt ). two transitions, whose transition dipole moments include the
Therefore it is clear that most NLPF spectra can be ana- magic angle, can be told apart from a heterogeneous system
lyzed by fitting the parameters a m , v m , G m in line shape by the T 1 -peak, since g m8 n is always greater than zero.
function ~31! and parameters g m n , d m n in Eq. ~32!. Before
we will show how to do this, we will expand the model to
the case of different orientations of transition dipoles, which GLOBAL LINE SHAPE ANALYSIS
we have neglected till now.
Global line shape analysis of NLPF spectra sheds light
on the term scheme, as well as on the energy relaxation and
transfer path of an unknown molecular or supermolecular
Different orientations of transition dipoles
system. This will be done by fitting line shape function ~33!
For all the systems whose line shape functions were de- under constrictions ~32! to a set of NLPF spectra, which are
duced above, parallel transition dipole moments were as- recorded over the pump frequency v p at different probe fre-
sumed. If, however, the transition dipole moments are not quencies v t . The fitting parameters to be used are the
oriented parallel, the line shape function has to contain addi- weighting factors a m , the transition frequencies v m , the
tional geometry factors. With these line shape function ~31! dephasing rates G m , the energy transfer and relaxation ma-
changes to trix g m n , the angles between the transition dipoles h m n , and,
10134 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 23, 15 December 1998 W. Beenken and J. Ehlert

last but not least, matrix d m n , which describes the term a m , which are more accurately determined than those ob-
scheme. The quantity to be minimized by fitting can be tained only by decomposition of the absorption spectrum.
Furthermore, one obtains values for the matrix X m n , which
Q ~ $ a m , v m ,G m , g m n ,d m n , h m n % !
can used in the third step of global line shape analysis to

(S D
S̄ pt 2 u s ~ v p , v t ; $ a m , v m ,G m , g m n ,d m n , h m n % ! u 2
2 obtain information about the energy relaxation and transfer
5 , matrix g m n .
p,t s pt
If the relative orientation of the transition dipole mo-
~39! ments are known, for example, from measurements of linear
dichroism or from the steric structure, one can take the geo-
for example, where S̄ pt is the average and s pt the statistical metrical prefactors g m n and g m8 n from ~37! and ~38!, respec-
error of measurements of the NLPF signal at the pump fre- tively. Otherwise it can be possible to determine them by the
quency v p and probe frequency v t . The line shape function method shown in Appendix D. Now it is possible to deter-
s( v p , v t ) does not depend linearly on the parameter set mine the value of b m n (0) from X m n and to use these values
$ a m , v m ,G m , g m n , h m n % and so algorithms for nonlinear op- to determine the energy relaxation matrix g m n by solving the
timizing have to be used, e.g., the simplex algorithm follow- system of equations given in ~32! for a given model. This
ing Nelder and Mead.15 Only the discrete parameters d m n model has to contain matrix d m n , which gives the principal
cannot be obtained from this optimizing algorithm and must scheme of terms, and assumptions about the energy-
be tested for any possible combination of common ground relaxation path, which allows reduction of the number of
states separately. Since the number of parameters might be undetermined matrix elements g m n . For example, it may be
too large, it is useful to make global analysis step by step and sensible to use only a triangle matrix g m n , i.e., to allow only
to determine some parameters by linear absorption spectros- downhill energy transfer and relaxation. Since the broadband
copy and other methods than NLPF. Furthermore, it is nec- NLPF spectra, as shown in Figs. 3, 5, and 7, are well distin-
essary to make assumptions about the term scheme, first as guishable for the different models, it may be possible to
mentioned above, about the discrete parameters d m n , i.e., make these assumptions by a first glance at the NLPF spec-
about homogeneous or heterogeneous substructure, but also tra. One should, however, always use different models for
to reduce the number of undetermined elements in the energy fitting in order to find the most significant. Finally, we note
relaxation matrix g m n . The validity of these assumptions can that from the b m n (0) one obtains only ratios between the
be proven by a final competitive global line shape analysis of g m n by solving ~32!. To obtain quantitative values for all g m n
the various models. the T 1 -peak has to be taken into account.
Broadband analysis
For a stepwise global analysis, first one analyzes the
Narrow band analysis
broadband part of NLPF spectra, i.e., the spectrum outside
the vicinity of v p 5 v t . For that one uses the broadband line The methods of narrow band analysis can be used to
shape function determine the T 1 -times without any knowledge of the
weighting factors a m , i.e., without the need to use the ab-
X mn 2G n
s( v p , v t ; $ v m ,G m ,X m n % )5i (
m,n G m 2i v t m G n2 1 v 2p n
, sorption spectrum. Furthermore, they results in absolute val-
ues of the matrix elements g m n . However, they can only be
~40! applied on NLPF spectra that are well resolved in the vicin-
which is deduced from the first term of ~33! for fitting. Here ity of v pt 50 and allow determination of any possible sub-
the fitting parameters are the transition frequencies v m , the structure of the T 1 -peaks precisely.
dephasing rates G m , and additionally the quantities X m n The method of narrow band analysis, which will be dem-
5 a m a n g m n b m n (0). It is important to note that no assump- onstrated here, uses the asymmetry of the T 1 -peaks as it is
tions about the transition dipole moments, the term scheme defined in ~7!. For one-directional energy transfer and relax-
or the energy relaxation matrix are necessary for this fit. ation, i.e., g is a triangle matrix, any kind of substructure
Only the numbers of subbands is to be assumed. results in a asymmetry given by
In the second step one determines the weighting factors 2 g mm g nn 2 v 2pt
a m by fitting the function D ~ v pt ! 5 (
f mn~ v t !
~ g mm
1 v 2pt !~ g 2nn 1 v 2pt !
v pt ,
2G ~42!
A~ v !5 (m An mol, m G m2 1 ~ v mm2 v ! 2 a m ~41!
where the functions f m n ( v t ) containing information on sub-
structure and energy transfer. For example, in the case of two
to the line shape of the linear absorption spectrum, using the transition only the function f 21( v t ) appears in ~42!, which is
transition frequencies v m and the dephasing rates G m ob- given by

tained by NLPF broadband analysis in the first step. If one
does not obtain a good fit it can be necessary to change the 1 1
f 21~ v t ! 5 ~ 42d 21! c 21 c 22 2
number subbands or to correct the v m and G m in the NLPF u g 11u u g 22u

analysis and to repeat the first step with these values. After
an iterative fitting of NLPF spectra and linear absorption g 12 v t1 v t2
1c 1 c 32 2 . ~43!
spectra one obtains values for the parameters v m , G m , and u g 11g 22u G1 G2
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 23, 15 December 1998 W. Beenken and J. Ehlert 10135

Since the functions f m n ( v t ) do not depend on v pt , for fixed temperatures, the first step in global line shape analysis is
probe frequency v t they are independent free parameters in demonstrated in Ref. 5, resulting in a direct observation of
~42!. This can be used for fitting a measured asymmetry to six spectral subbands and a determination of the dephasing
the function D( v pt ) and allows determination of the g mm , times belonging to them. From a first visual sight of this
which gives the T 1 -times defined in ~16!. spectrum, one can conclude that these six subbands must be
Of course it may also be possible to determine the matrix connected by energy transfer or, if the excitonic coupling is
g m n directly from the T 1 -peak by using ~32! and ~33!. This stronger, by a common ground state resulting in homoge-
method, however, needs a solution of the system of Eq. ~32! neous substructure. Further measurements at a different
for every optimization step of the fitting routine, while the probe wavelength will give the answer to this question.
asymmetry is given by the explicit expression in ~43!.

Standard line shape analysis of a single NLPF spectrum This work has been supported by a grant from the Deut-
already gives information about a spectral substructure with sche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn ~Le 729/2-2!.
a frequency resolution of some tenths of cm21 and a deter-
mination of dephasing rates from some tens of fs up to ps.
This can be obtained from decomposition of the absorption APPENDIX A
spectrum only with some effort. For a set of NLPF spectra,
recorded over the same range of pump frequency but at dif- For deducing the line shape function of a combination of
ferent probe frequencies, the complex NLPF line shape func- various two-level systems in a sample one starts with the
tion, which depends on both pump and probe frequency, al- microscopic representation of the polarization
lows one to obtain information about the energy relaxation n
and transfer rates, the kind of substructure, and probably the P~ t,r! } (m mW m r m~ t,rW ! ~A1!
transition dipole orientations by a global line shape analysis.
This is an important advance, since such information cannot as given in Ref. 11, where index m indicates the different
be obtained from an analysis of the absorption spectrum, W m is the transition dipole moment and r m (t,rW )
transitions. m
which, however, is useful to reduce the number of free pa- the accompanying element of the reduced density matrix.
rameters in global line shape analysis of NLPF spectra. From the phase matching condition for NLPF one ob-
Compared to time resolved techniques NLPF has the advan- tains the Fourier component of polarization
tage of being energy selective, which allows the relaxation n
processes to be directly assigned to the spectral substruc-
P~ v s ,kW t ! } (m mW m r ~m0,1!d ~ v s 2 v t ! , ~A2!
To use the global analysis for evaluating NLPF experi-
ments successfully, it is necessary to measure the NLPF which generates an electromagnetic wave propagating in the
spectra under conditions where third order perturbation direction of the probe beam kW t , and oscillating with the fre-
theory is still valid, i.e., the intensity of the NLPF signal quency v s 5 v t .
depends quadratically on pump intensity. On the one hand Matrix element r m(0,1) is defined by expansion of the re-
this calls for low intensities, on the other hand for good duced density matrix into a Fourier series of carrier waves of
fittings the signal–noise ratio must be high. In Ref. 6 a setup the external pump and probe field
was shown that improves the NLPF measurements qualita-
tively and quantitatively. r m ~ t,r! 5 (
n 1 ,n 2
~ n ,n t !
rm p exp@ i ~ n p ~ kW p rW 2 v p t !
For the heterogeneous substructure the first experimental
results are shown for pinacyanol in Ref. 7. There the analysis 1n t ~ kW t rW 2 v t t !!# . ~A3!
of the broadband part of the NLPF spectra of pinacyanol at
different probe wavelengths results in three subbands at 556 For the off-diagonal elements one obtains, as shown in Ref.
nm, 565 nm, and 607 nm according to the absorption spec- 11, the equation
trum. These subbands could have been interpreted as vibra- W m ~ EW t N ~m0,0! 1EW p N ~m21,1! ! ,
\ ~ G m 2i v t m ! r ~m0,1! 5 m ~A4!
tional progression. The asymmetry of the T 1 -peak, however,
revealed that the energy relaxation time of the transition at where N m(2n,n)
is the n-th Fourier component of the inversion
565 nm is nearly two times longer than that of the transition for the two-level system the transition m belongs to, in the
at 607 nm. This leads us to the conclusion that these sub- following simply called system m. If the systems are coupled
bands are not part of one vibrational progression, but belong by incoherent energy transfer, the inversions are given by
to different spectral species, probably two isomers of pina-
cyanol. The successful global line shape analysis, in the ] tN m~ t ! 2 (n g m n N n~ t ! 52F m~ t ! , ~A5!
frame of a heterogeneous substructure, confirmed this inter-
pretation. where g m n is the energy transfer rate from system m to n and
We expect also that global line shape analysis can be g mm is defined in ~15!. F m (t) is the driving term caused by
used on measurements of photosynthetic antennae. For the the electromagnetic fields. In the representation of carrier
Q y -absorption band of light harvesting complex II at low waves, ~A5! appears as
10136 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 23, 15 December 1998 W. Beenken and J. Ehlert

off-diagonal density matrix element r n m . With the accompa-

in v pt N ~m2n,n ! 2 (n g m n N ~n2n,n !52F ~mn ! ~A6! nying dephasing rate G m n and in second order of the external
fields it is given by

and the driving terms in second order of external fields are
given by !
W m EW p u 2
um 1 1
r ~n0,0
m 5 1 . ~B3!
\ ~ G m n 1i v m n ! G n 1i v p n G m 2i v p m
1 2G
W m EW p u 2 2 m 2
F ~m0 ! 5 2 u m ~A7! and
\ G m1 v pm
and W n EW p ! * ~ m
~m W m EW t !
r ~n21,1
\ ~ G m n 1i v pt 2i v m n !
1 2G m 1i v pt

F ~m1 ! 5 W m EW p ! * ~ m
~m W m EW t ! .
\2 ~ G m 1i v p m !~ G m 1i v t m ! 1 1
~A8! 3 1 . ~B4!
G n 1i v p n G m 2i v t m
From the linear equation system ~A6!, it follows that the Inserting these terms into the last sum of ~B1! results in the
Fourier components of inversion in ~A4! are given by linear third and fourth rows of ~23!.
combination of the external driving terms. Therefore one can

(k b n k~ n v pt ! F ~kn ! .
N ~n2n,n ! 5 ~A9!
Here the line shape function of a three-level system,
Inserting these in ~A6!, one obtains where one transition occurs between the ground state and the
W 01), the other between the first excited
first excited state ( m
(n ~ in v pt d m n 2 g m n ! b n k~ v pt ! F ~kn !52F ~mn ! . ~A10! and the second excited state ( m W 12), and no further transition
W 0250), will be deduced. For the off-diagonal den-
appears ( m
From ~A10! Eq. ~14! follows immediately. Inserting ~A7! in sity matrix elements in Ref. 11 one obtains
~A4! one obtains W 01~ EW 1 N ~100,0! 1EW p N ~1021,1! !
\ ~ G g 2i v tg ! r ~010,1! 5 m
r ~m0,1! }
G m 2i v t m (n ~ b m n~ 0 ! F ~n0 !1 b m n~ v pt ! F ~n1 ! ! , W 21EW *
2m ~ 1,1!
r r 02 ,

~A11! W 12~ EW t N ~210,0! 1EW p N ~2121,1! !

\ ~ G e 2i v te ! r ~120,1! 5 m
and inserting this into ~A2! results in the formula for the line
W 10EW *
1m ~ 1,1!
p r 02 , ~C1!
shape function ~13!. p

where N (2n,n)
10 is given by
in v pt N ~102n,n ! 2 (n g m n N ~102n,n !52F ~10n ! ~C2!
For deducing the line shape function of a homogeneous
substructure, i.e., a multi-level system where all transitions according to the inversion of a two-level system. In third
belong to the same ground state, from the formula for off- order perturbation theory the N (2n,n)
21 are given by the occu-
diagonal density matrix elements in Ref. 11 one obtains pation of the first excited state, since occupation of the sec-
W m ~ EW t N ~m0,0! 1EW p N ~m21,1! !
\ ~ G m 2i v t m ! r ~m0,1! 5 m
ond excited state is only possible by two photon absorption,
resulting in a x (5) -response. Therefore one obtains

1 (
W n ~ EW t r ~n0,0
m ! W ~ 21,1! ! .
m 1E p r n m N ~212n,n ! 52
1 ~ 2n,n !
N . ~C3!
2 10
~B1! From that one can obtain the first row in ~28!.
The first term of the right side is identical with the right The terms containing r (1,1)
02 in ~C1! describe the virtual
side of ~A4!. To determine the inversion, however, the transitions where second excited state is involved. With the
bleaching of the common ground state by driving other tran- accompanying dephasing rate G 20 and in second order of the
sitions has to be taken into account. Therefore, instead of external fields one obtains

~A5! one must write
\ 22 W 12EW t ! * ~ m
~m W 01EW p !
r ~021,1! 5
] tN m~ t ! 2 (n g m n N n~ t ! 52F m~ t ! 1 n( F n~ t ! . ~B2! G 201i ~ v p 1 v t 2 v 20! G 101i ~ v p 2 v 10!

W 12EW p ! * ~ m
~m W 01EW t !
For the rest ~24! follows from ~B2! in the same way as ~14! 1 . ~C4!
G 101i ~ v t 2 v 10!
follows from ~A5!.
The second term of ~B1! describes the virtual transitions From inserting these terms in ~C1!, summing up over the two
of the multi-level system. The virtual transition between the transitions as in ~A1!, and replacing the index pair 01 by
upper states of the transitions m and n is controlled by the index g and 12 by index e, the second row of ~28! follows.
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 109, No. 23, 15 December 1998 W. Beenken and J. Ehlert 10137

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