You are on page 1of 8


dlmuuLL u@uu

<@urr~uuooofla;6ir - GolanGrcorn Gs5mbmr6o @ubGmmij @y616ooJujb O95
9 6so»onoyjoi1, p a5o g560060p6D u'_Lgnflssoir obyb g5bl90 o's u6irofsrsorfl6o
fl9 G@onwluSl 60 uuSl 66r!D JI>UD" sir 9,66\Gu@56@ G 6ll 00) 6\) 6l.JITIU U Uffil!l.lffi6IT
6llwlwrra; @!JU LIU u@ffiloor!D e9l!JBrll uooofluSlLrful661fl60 QP 66r ®Jifl 6IDlD 6ll!91!l.1@)~60
t0 !D IDJlb <8 6lJ6ID006l.Jrrw uua;rfua;6ir e!P oolb <8 tn!b<@a;rr6h"6TTLIu@lb uooofl @wt0oorrfua;61fl60
Sl6rubm'tut'_() 6/5b poor sot(loo p ooomSlososor u ye ooouy G@rug56o -
~®)600fa;ro <@6lJ61fluSlLuu@ffiloor!D60T.
tnt5Dflg> 61161T (glD~rTC51XR"«5mlDffi ((8a;,2) ~«5mJD

e9l!JlflT6ID600f (@6IDOO) 6T600f.122 JI>IT6IT: 02.11.2021

6loo6l.J 6llQ!)LlD, gguu51 - 16
@Q!)6ll6IT@!}6l.JD" ~6dor@ - 2052

1. e9l!JlfIT6ID600f (@6ID6U) 6T600T.188, uoooflwrr6TT[i" LD!!)IDJlD @Q!)6llrrffio=

B!i"@®~~~ (uoooflwrr6TT!i"-u6l) ~6ID!D, JI>rr6h" 28.12.1976.

2. e9l!JlfIT6ID600f (@6ID6U) 6T600f.398, uoooflwrr6TT!i" lD!!)IDJlb @Q!)6llITffio=

B!i"@®~~~ (~ [i") ~6ID!!), !!>IT6IT 13.09.1990.


2021-2022-~lb ~600fl..Q.!!)ffilTOOT ~@!}!I>D" ~6ID!JuSl60, 21.06.2021 e9IOOTIDJ

6loor6llQ!)lD e91n5)6.ilu4 <@6lJ61fluSlLUUL....L~:-

"b9rm'_o) i0@58@, @ Dura s5bl9o19lu96o uuS6orpo»jeo5i@ob,

e9l!JBrll U6IT61f)a;61fl60 uuSloor !!)6ll0"ffi@!}ffi@)lD' e9l!JBrll u~6.ilffi@!}ffiffilT oor
Gou6so»ov6mi'u9lo6o @poorgo)rfl6ox G0611(380uu(3o1so9, Oiis5 pa gr5l
Col lF LU 11.j ID ".

.. .. 2

2) <81D@IID, 13.09.2021 ~601" IDJ 1Doofl g; 61161T <81D 60 IT 600T 6IDID.d> ~6IDO)uS'l6fu
2021-2022-~U> ~ 600T L.Q. !!)ffi IToor . IDIT oofl Wffi <8ffi1Trfl ffi OO)ffi Co\ g;1TL[i"LIIToor ~6IDITuSl 6fu
<8LI1T®], IDITm4 LDl® ~6IDIDlfa=[i" <!bl@, 1Doofl g; 6161T 6on6&0r 6o) 99161j6 or 6b
B'LLID60T ro <8LI1T6ID611uSl6b 616fu611(!91DIT 91 91up)691y Gov6fl9_uuL @F-

"<86116ID606111TUJULiffilhlffi61T 611w)WITffi !bllfLILIULI@&16furo ~ITffill LI600ftuSlL!hlffi61fl6b

616fu611(!91D ~oor.d>g;611Q!)ffi@> QP 601" ®J rfl 6IDID ~61flffiffill LI@lh:-

i. 601 Gym6or @ls5mrbrr6» Gu[iGrj O @5,6160ujb O9iis5, 9co»onrojooir

ii. (!Pg;6b g;6IDOOQP6IDOJ LILLg;ITrflffi6ir
iii. g;uil!9ffi ~ITffill LI61T61flffi61fl6b g; LDlw Col1D1T!91uSl 6\) LiuS'l 6fu ro !f>LIO"ffi61T "
3) G6 (195601160105/15 ULQ&U5JUL'_L_ DJFIT606oru9loo, 6160606Juuuesri1as6sir
e!J)OOID C81D!!)Co\ffi1T61T61TLILI@lh C8!f>ITL.Q. LI600ft !f;}WID60flhlffi61fl6b, C8LI1Trfl6b ~L6\) g;@)@6IDW
O9iis5 Ongoro1is$5lsorh, 99,51J 6/pm 6lg5 60610sir, sou4 $5@5poor g;lhLI@uS'loor[i"
~6ir61flLL 5l oo iS'lrfl 6lS1 oor Q!)ffi@) QP 6fu ®] rfl 6IDID 611!9lhlffi ~6ID600Tffi61T
Col61161fluS'ILuLIL@6ir61T60f. ~6)J6111T6ID600TuSl OOf LIL.Q., ~6)JCo\6111T® C!P6IDO)llJ ID' !f>ITOOT@)
Co\g;IT®@ffi61TITffi iS'lrfl.d>®J 6ID611ffiffill LIL@6ir61T QP 6fu ®] rfl 6IDID 611rfl 6IDB'U LIL.Q. (Order of
priority) ~ITIDLI.d>@trol®!I>®] (8 61100)6\)611 ITUJ LI LIffilhlffi61T LIrfl!b®J 6IDIT Co\a=w 611g;rr6b,
fi55 a
eronsossoruSl6o 6ir on 916o6or g) p6orsorflso 9 6or j55561@5a@b Otis5
16or6oo rungs ff6oo0 g5bung1 6iron g1. 616orG61, 1970-99,b 9,6or(6) 556o
!f>6IDLQP6IDO)uS'l6b ~®!I>®] 611(!91D (!P60T®Jrfl6IDID 611!9lhl@)ID QP 6IDO)uS'l6IDoor 81T 6IDID.d>®J
ID ID.I Col61161flu9'@ Co\a=wllJ1h 6116IDffiuS'l ®, C8 6116ID006111Twu4 ID !b ID.I 1h LiuS'lJb5l.d> ®I 6IDOJ
~6ID600TWrflLLDl®ft>®J LirflJI>®]6IDITffi61T ColLInJLILILLOOf.

4) 202120229b 9,6&or9.i0n6or 2,@5JB] 6so»Ju96o SL_b @uigyoiror

~n5l6lS')u 4 ID!!) ID.JU> 1Doofl g; 61161T C81DOOIT600T 6IDID.d> ®J 6IDO)uS'l6fu 2021-2022.-99b
91, 6or L.Q.!!) ffi IT60f IDIToofl Wffi (8 ffi ITrfl ffi 6IDffi Co\ g; ITL[i"LI IT601 2_ 60) IT uS) 60T (8 LIIT®]
IDIT 600T 4 Lfil@) ~6IDIDlf B' [i" (!f;}@, IDoofl g; 61161T (8 ID 60IT 600T 6ID LD) 916) [i"ffi 61T IT 6\)
6l616flu9ML_Jut'_L_ D9rf6Siu, 9,66lu16ui ml6oo 6or @ruu6ou@6agyb 616ow0uS@yr,
C86116ID006111TUJU Liffilhlffi61T e!J)OO1h (8 ID!D ColffilT6ir61TLJ LI@lh LI600ft !f;}w1Doorlhlffi61fl6b
616fuLIJDOJULIL@ 611(!9U> QP6fu®Jrfl 6IDID QP 6IDOJuS'l6IDoor IDIDJNIT6IDIDLI4 Cola=wll.Jlh
6116IDffiuS'l@Jlh, 616fu611 ®lh ~6ID600Tffi 6ID61T Col61161fluS'IL ~IT Br QP L.Q.filt C81D !D Co\ffi1Tm@,
D91661our Gm 99, 6ov60or9(686mgr-
<i> g;JbC8LIIT®J !f>6IDLQP6IDOJuS'l6b ~61T61T (!P60T®Jrfl6IDID QP6IDOJuS'l6IDoor
Cola=w6bLI@.d>~611@6b ~6ir61T !f>6IDLQP6IDOJ 5lB>ffi®ffi6ID61T ffi6ID61Tll.JU>
Co\LIITQ!)L@, C81DC800 (!Pg;001T611g;1Tffi LIL.Q.ffiffiLJLILL ~a=1T6ID600TuS'i6b
Colg;IT@)@l, II, Ill, IV 6T60TIDJ (!P60T®Jrfl6IDID 61rfl6lS'loor[i"ffi6ID61T JI)ITOOT@)

.... 3

@9511@5$5ls onna, Sf08gb p 6om0Sl6ov6or 6of6)3jg», pipoorso9rf)sou

UL....L.Q..WOOIT60T@ ftj,6iJ6ill6ID600TI4L60TIT60T ftj,6ID600TI.J6IOO ffi600r@61T61T6111TIDJ
®<8!T 611ift 6IDlfffi ffil !TlDLDITffi LDIT £D n5l ~ 6IDLDffiffiLI u@ffil!!)@,

(ii) ~!TBrLI u 600fluSlufuffi~ ffi@), <8LD !b Colffirr 6iT 61T LI u@ID u600fl wrr61TD"
Col~ ifl 611 ffi 6lfl 6b, (8 6116ID oo 611 rr w LI 4 ~ @.I 611 oo ffi ifu ffi 6lfl6\S1 ® JI>@
U@fil1~1T!TD"ffi6lfloor uL.... L.Q. W6IDOO Colu9/6/g5L_6or, 85l6orlf ,ft !I>IT6lfl~!!)ffi6lfloo
6Til61TIDU !TID Col6116lfluSlL....@ @16001" 600TLI uifuffi 6ID61TLI Colu £b IDJID
<8LD£b<olffirr61T61TLIU@ID J!>6IDLQP6ID!{)uSl6b, &J,L ®@ffiffi@ @l§jlffi~ @>L....UL....@
(Vertical Horizontal and Persons Studied in Tamil Medium), &J,IDQP60f®Jrfl6IDLD
orfl&au9b pom, '6oruimuuL_ Go16&or()b.

iii) 9j595 60065uJ u600flwrronrij Gs5/fl6yoofl6o, Goo 91y6&or_I61g5ma

UL.Q..ffiffiLIUL....L ~!TlflT6ID600TuSlooruL.Q.., QP60r®Jrfl6IDLD Colu£b<8!!)1TD" (Priority
categories) LD.(DIDJID QP60r®Jifl6IDLDW.(D<8!!)1TQ!jffi@> (Non-Priority categories)
&J, 6IDL<8w 1 : 4 oroorffil!!) @l ffil~rra= lflT!TID Col~ITLD"JI>@ ffi 6IDLLI 61 L.Q.. ffiffiLI UL
(8 611 m@ID.

(iv) QP60f®Jrfl6IDLD 8r!!).(D5Jffi6lflooruL.Q.. <8LD.(D<olffi1T61T61TLIUL....L <8J!>!]l.Q. @LUD60TII1Jffi61T

®n5l~~ 6Til611!Tllilffi61T ~Lifuffilw u@<8611@ (Priority Register),
ol5mt_juooL_us fluoor gyro1ovjson moo uImrfl&syuL_ 616or(@lb.

(v) ®6l1Col611rr@ QP6ID!!)ll.jlD QP60r®Jrrl6IDLD 611rrl6IDlfLIUL.Q.. (order of priority)

2Jbuj$5lo6@5ibgy utfligyoo ors6vs5Ir60, UL'guuo6lo6o oironr
9916o6or 5 gy oorgo)fl6oo 9cor 35 0561@5#@5b }ii55 16or 6o Grun95
fl6oo0 g5burg1 6ir on g51. 995606or Iin5l, &J,6iJ611rr6ID600Tll.j L60TIT60T
&J, 6ID600TLI 6100 ffi600T@61T 61T uL.... L.Q. W6\S16b ~LID Colu.(D IDJ 61T 61T QP oor®J rfl 6IDLD
Sl6»1 @96o» Col611rroorn5l 6ID60T~ ID, ~611 £b n5l oor 6llrfl ®)lf or m ffi 6ID61T
~L.Q..LIU6IDLWITffi ColffirT600TL 8r!!).(D51 QP6ID!!)uSl6ID60T (Cyclic order)
61ooru£bn5l, QP60f®Jifl6IDLDffi@)rflW (Priority turn) u600fluSlL~@!b®
urflB6\S'lffiffiLIUL <8611600r@ID. QJ>oor®Jifl 6IDLD Br!!)£b5l u@<8611L.... L.Q. oor
nq Ju6oL_u9l6o, @9.5 o85fl69l60 6rs5 poor ®Jrfl 6IDLD 611rfl 6IDlf
6ors&orssofl6o u6so~fl [flu
u6orb pgo160_8sl6g5r, eg5ti@, I(6)3555
QP60f®Jrfl6IDLD 611rfl6IDlf 6T600T 600fl6\S'l@JI>@ ~@~~ (ol~rfl@l 00
@oor®Jrfl6IDLD Col~rrL!fuffiLIUL <8611600r@ID. (i.e., Selection shall be made
from the next turn to the turn ended in the earlier selection).
.. .. 4

5) C8LO!!)ffilT@)Jtb ~6IDooorffi 6ID6TT 61ooru !b n5l p oorso9fl6o Gilu!i)C8!DITO"

LO!D IDJ tb (!POOi" ®]tfl6IDLDW!!)C8!!)1TC!9ffiffilT6ITT u600fluSluI>Jffi~ffi@) @WL06ITTl!>.lffi6TT
C8LD!iJGilffi1T6TT~tbC8u1T~, &$6ITTBrl:9!Dffl (Rule of reservation) ~6.l.l!!)ITLD®
61ooru !b !!)LIUL C86.l.1600r@tb. C8LD@Jl0, C8 6}J 6ID6U6.l.llTWLIUffil!>.lffi61f16'))® ft>~ UL.. J.1}.W 60) 6\)
Gi\u 961951L_6or, 8corrfl trrorflssyoorfl@b o~lorbumrb Gi\6.l.161f1uSlL....@
6.il600foooruUl!>.lffi6ID6TTLI Gilu!i)IDJ C8LD!b Gilffirr6h"6TTLIu@LD u600fl@wLD6ITTl!>.lffi~ffi@) LOL@C8LD
&$fil!6.l.llT6IDOOOT Gilu1T ®!!>~ tb.
(2,@5f6or 991, 600 600rIug)
6IDLD@6')) ffi. &$rr1TC82'2!b@rroor
~[Tlfr GillfW6UIT6TT0"

Gilu IDJ !!>D"

99160060T j5 g5)G U6».(5)g5oo 556oo0 6& oruuoonronjsoir /
QP ~OOI"6IDLDB' GillfWOOIT6TT0"ffi6TT / GillfWOOIT6TT0"ffi6TT,
~6ID6U6IDLDB' GillfWOOffilO, GillFOOI"6ID6ITT - 600 009.
091600601j5g1 5560060 600 & oFuJov05 5 g5J 600 m 0 6ir, GillfOOI"6ID6ITT - 600 009.
~6IDOOOTWU, C86lJ6ID6U6lJITWLI LI LO!DIDJ tb uuSl!i)5l~~6ID!!), Gillfoor6ID6ITT-60 0 032.
Gil~1T!91001T6TTD" J!>OOOOI" LD!b IDJ tb @rooorC8LDtbu1T@ ~6ID!!),
~6IDoo6IDLDB' Gillfwooffitb, Gillfoor6ID6ITT-6oo 009.
991600601j5 g5) g5/ 600 55 60060 6uj oir (g5 6060 600 & GO)Fu160 05 a5 g5) 60D 6lJ!91wrrffi).
09160601 a5 g) IoJ'_L_ 9L'6la 55 ooov6ujaoir.
u@6.l.llT6TTO", Gillfoor6ID6ITT ~wrr fb@LDOOl"!!)lO' Gillfoor6ID6ITT / LO~6ID!:f c$16ID6TT.
ffilT6lJ 60 g51 6001D 95 60060 600 Su1a@pf, Gi\B' OOI" 6ID6ITT - 600 0 04.
Gillf WOO IT 6TTO", lf L..... LLD oor!!)LI C8urr 6ID6.l.lB' Gillf W6Uffil0, Gi\B' OOI" 6ID6ITT - 60 0 009.

C!P~oo6IDLDB'B'tfloor GillfwoolT6TT!i" - 1n,
QP~6U6IDLDB'lf0" ~@16lJ6UffilO, GillfOOI"6ID6ITT - 600 009.
@@ LO!!) IDJlD L060fl ~ 6lJ6TT C8LOOOIT 600f 6IDLD~ ~ 6ID!!)
~6IDLDB' B'tfl OOI" C8J!>U (!Pffi ~~6£1WIT 6TT0", Gi\B'OOI" 6ID6ITT - 60 0 0 09.
~6ID6U6IDLDB' GillFWOOIT 6TTrrl oor QP~OOI" 6IDLO ~60flo: GillFWOOO", Gillf OOI" 6ID6ITT - 600 009.
L060fl ~ 6lJ6TT C8LDOOIT 600f 6IDLD ~ ~ 6ID!!) Gillf WOOIT6TTrfl OOI"
QP ~oor 6IDLD ~6ITTI B' GillfWOOD", Gillf oor 6ID6ITT - 600 009.
sol55 61or C8LDOOIT600f6IDLD~ (@.8.2) ~6ID!!), Gi\B'OOI"6ID6ITT -600 009.
9bl91n1() ea
8 so»v6oruus,om 8 60 u8\Go1b b @un@5'@)
$mu48 Ga,mu /s 85)fl 0o

1/ 2, 60060or'uuq Pg99'JU1u()lg» r

@ 6o60or'Uy

(~!flfIT6ID600T (@6ID6U) 6T600f.122, LDoofl~ 6116TT C8LDOOIT600f6IDLD~ (C8ffi) @6IDJD,

!!)IT61T: 02.11.2021 )

(1) Gs5mi fl&or1Goon,

<olffiITC8 !TIToorIT 8g5I 0n 600Tl"f1Jffi6TTITC8 ooIT <olLI,!bC8JDITD"
St,61 6o1uj O9rig5 9 co»or@res sir6or / a6in.
(c9t!flfIT6ID600T (Jf;16ID6'0) 6T600T.8, ussofluroif ob b fl@yo»mas& 8if5)@9a5a (e9 groom.
!f)IT6TT 10.01.2000-60 JDIT6IDW11..jl.D, JD!J>6IDJD6IDW11..jl.D ~W!!>JD 6lJITrrlBr~IT!T!Tffi~ffi@> 6lJ!PITllffiLIULL
poorsorf)so 9 66v696or 3 560 Garf& au'3sirorgp
(Heirs (Sons/ Daughters) who have lost both father and mother)
6.>5161T ffiffi Lb:.
JD6Nlwrrit LO JD IJ)JLD c9l!flfIT 6o mLa5uu(3lb 16orm oo95 9 6oooriusorflo6o 5ri1&) uuSl6i5r ID!
6ll61Tlf!J>@ 61@5b, 95Ioouuyb, 5jioo05oouujb }9i95 oufla ssnjffi6TT,
c916iJ6.>Sl 606'0IT1Jffi6ITl6'Sl@ft>~ <@u !!JU u@Lb lfIT oorn51JDw)6i5r c91LQ.0 u 6IDLuSl @JLD,
ri18 off)aaUuL'_L 2»5IouiGmni @6vooriuaofl6o Gnu QP LQ.wrr~ ffil1TrrLDu 4 !D JD mu,
JD!J>6IDJDWJD!D !J>U!fffi®, 6ll@6llrrw 6lJLLrrL5lwit e!J>6Ulh <@u!Duu@Lb lfrr6i5rn5JJDW
c91LQ.LJ uooL 'gob, p oor gorfoo Gum 5@ fluyooL_uuoI rrounjffi6TT.
(2) (pg56 g5oo6vpoom u'_L55nrflrs6sir.

(3) 9bl90 g9e's uoir oflus orfl6o gl9 Gr !91uS'loo LiuS'l 60T !D !!)LID" ffi61T.

4» Gurfl6o L_6v 9505,66)601 99ii5 p sor corr6sir $yngor61j5 56corf.

(Disabled Ex-Servicemen including Ex-Indian Peace Keeping Force Personnel-Disabled
Ex-servicemen mean Ex-servicemen who while serving in the armed forces of the Union
were disabled in operation against enemy or in disturbed areas)
(c9t!flfIT6ID600T (!f;16ID6U) 6T600T.134, ussoflunof bgr f6comas & 8i85)058053 (2,g16om,
!f)IT6TT 19.03.1990-60 6llWITllffilJULL QP6ITT®Jrrl6IDLD).

(5) Gunfl6o 6or ooL_[jg5 provovgy L_ 6 55@65l6ouu 09is5 Om gor61 ofirj as orfl6or
@){&)IDLI ~@oorifloo ~!f 600r {&) !!)LID" ffi61T 6ll 6ID!f.
(Upto two members of the family (Widows / Sons / Daughters / next of kin) of
the enrolled personnel of the Armed Forces including the Indian Peace Keeping Force
who were killed or disabled in action and are totally unfit for re-employment leaving their
families in indigent circumstances; and
Upto two members of the family (Widows / Sons / Daughters / next of kin) of
Border Security Force Personnel killed in action, and
Upto two members of the family (Widows / Sons / Daughters / next of kin) of the
personnel of Assam Rifles killed in action, and

- 6-

Ex-personnel of lndo Tibetan Border Police/Disabled Personnel of lndo Tibetan Border

Police boarded out or retired prematurely due to service conditions.
Upto two members of the family (Widows / Sons / Daughters / next of kin) of the
Personnel of the Into Tibetan and Border police who were killed or disabled in action and
are totally unfit for re-employment leaving their families in indigent circumstances)
(DI rnoossor @66060) 616&or.134, uofluun or bgr fl@our as& 8i$5)@ 5 s5 (25j) g516£D,
!f>IT6TT 19.03.1990-00 6llWl"fl.JffiLIUL....L (!P6ITT®Jrfl6IDLD).

(6) ~~!J6ll !!>!D 6\55 6006156ir.

(Destitute Widows)
(D9 en 6o 6or (46l6060) 616&or.229, ussoflunoni ob gb ff6@5, 6uras& 81 ~)@55 5i (e2,j) g91o01D,
!f>IT6TT 07.04.1988-00 6llWl"fl.JffiLIUL....L (!P6ITT®Jrfl6IDLD).

7 0ovuu 65lt56oor g5buflu8lsorj g5bu 85lufl6» @9 1561j 9,$5l1no~L_ij er6vovgl

u9riv@g 86or j95ours, @ @586 G 6ll 600T @lb)
(Inter-caste married couple (where one of the spouse belongs to Scheduled Caste I
Scheduled Tribe)
(D9 en 6o &or (46l60060) 6r 6&or.939, usofluunonj ob@b fl@ ours & 81 $55,5 05 i (e2,) g91601D,
!f>IT6TT 24.09.1986-00 6llWl"fl.JffiLIUL....L (!P6ITT®Jrfl6IDLD).

(8) p 6or corr6ir 9yng)yo1a 55lsorj Di6vovg) 991ouj0orgy 6so6or69 D96vovg5)

lDffi 6or 9iooovgy $5km5 6orn6nrg5 0oir lD !!) b siGungy u&fl96o oir on
OJg9)61isf5lsorfl6or 6ox6or66\ pr6ooogy Do6or bro6oovg51 $5I@y
60on0mg5 LDffi6IT,
(Ex-Servicemen and Ex-Indian Peace Keeping Force Personnel and the wives,
sons and unmarried daughters of serving Military Personnel, of Ex-Servicemen and of
Ex-Indian Peace Keeping Force)
(~8'IT6ID600T (@6IDOO) 6T600T.134, utmflwrr61T[T LD!!)g)JID @Q96l11Tffi8' Nrr.@~,!M) (~[T) @6ID!D,


(9) ffi~JI>@!JLI <8UITIJTTl..:_L @wrr~ffi6IT LD!!)IDJI.O ~L.61w<onn1Tw) ffilT6llOO(i"ffi6Tfloor <8JI>!Jl!l-

6ll1Trrlffi~IT!JD" ffi6IT.
(The legal heirs of Freedom Fighters and Tamil Savants)
(IIFIT 6ID600T (@6ID6\1) 6T 6001" .59, Gl!Drr!§l6Urr61Tlf LD !b IDJ Lb (8 6ll6ID6\16llITUJLI LI @6IDJD,
!f>IT6TT 04.05.1999-00 6llWl"fl.JffiLIUL....L (!P6ITT®Jrfl6IDLD).

(10) uljom, Gori16o0, o)66run, g 6n6or LIT lD !!) IDJI.O ~IT 6m" B'IT oofl WIT !f>IT@ ffi6Tfloo\@JI>~
u s,b St5b89Mu 9j585luujos6sir.
(Indian Nationals returning from Burma / Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya,
Uganda and Tanzania due to repatriation)
(~8'IT6ID600T ®J6IDOO) 6T600T:B8, l.l600fu.n6TllT LD!!)g)JID ~ffia' Brr@~ (UiOOflWIT6TllT · utSl)
@6IDJD, !f>IT6TT 28.12.1976-00 6llWl"fl.JffiLIUL....L QP6ITT®Jrfl6IDLD).

. ....7

11 916lcr 5l'_L_Ii16@5ism ffi, <@urr ®J LDffiffi61floor @6Urfuffi6TT, ~[f B'IT6b

6000 JB'Ju)a5tu'q @5'uSl6or, s9to, @@bu 'sSlsorfas,ofl6o 6ro»Grsob
(Members of the family (including members of Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe)
whose lands have been acquired for Government purposes as well as for the
projects of the Public Sector Undertakings subject to the condition that preference
should be given to those who are dependent for their livelihood primarily or wholly on the
lands acquired and from among them, to members of the Scheduled castes and
Scheduled Tribes who may be eligible for employment)
(c9i[Tff!T6ID600T (!f;l6ID6\l) 6T600T.188, uooof!LUIT61TU- LD!!)IDJID !bl@6ll!Tffi8' Rii.@®.d>~.d> (uoooflwrr61T!i - uiSl)
@6IDJD, !f>IT6TT 28.121976--6\J 6ll!:91IllffiUUL...L QP60T®Jrrl6IDlD).

(12) LDIT!DIDJ.d>@!D60TIT61flffi6TT.
(The Differently abled persons viz., the blind, the deaf, orthopedically handicapped persons,
mentally retarded and leprosy cured etc., provided the handicap is not such as would
render the candidate unfit for efficiently discharging the duties attached to the post)
(~ffrr6ID600T (!f;l6IDOO) 6T600T.14-9, ussofunronj ob ft5ores& 81flt5305j, (Gs) g1001D
!f>IT6TT 11.11.2011-6':> 6ll!:91IllffiUUL...L QP60T®Jrfl6IDLD).

(13) LDaj;loo~Bi- ~ @l~ C8Lrr!i"-

(Discharged Government Employees (State))
(~ff!T6ID600T (!f;l6IDOO) 6T600T248, uoooflwrr61T!i LD!!)IDJID !bl@6llrrffia= Ru-@(!9.d>~.d> (6Ttb) @6IDJD,
!f>IT6TT 19.03.1984-6') 61JWIIllffiLIUL.L QP60TWJrrl6IDLO).

(14) by'_6u'_L_ @6Ir59519 6o66ir ooovg5) 916Jlj05ong1 D66or 916vovg5) $5\15600rn0ng5

(Persons freed from bonded Labour System; Sons and unmarried daughters of the
released bonded labourers)
unronij bb flt5ounas& 8j$5)@5yip5a (2,ib g9yo01D,
(09enoosoor @65loo»oo) 6165or.359, uoxoflu
!f>IT6TT 06.04.1981 fbgb eenooooor @65loo6) 61&&or.1376, ol55nbloorronrii by
<86ll6ID606ll!Tll..lLIL.j @6IDJD, !f>IT6TT 21.06.1984-00 6ll!:91IllffiLIUL...L QP60T®Jrrl6IDLD).

(1s) 5bl9yn) 9nu6ls6r 88) 6v@5b 6fl9Ju'uussfl fl9r6v6orb yb 81655p'

uoirorflssofl@yoirorr 96oovow6lssoir upbg (!POOT60TIT6TT ~6\)6\)6}J[T51ffi6TT.
(Inmates and Ex-inmates of Approved Schools and Vigilance institutions under the
Government of Tamil Nadu) ·
unroii bub fl@5cues# 8ii805a5i (2,g10om,
(~ffrr6ID600T {!bl6IDOO) 6T600T.568, ussoflu
!f>IT6TT 26.05.1980 LD!I)IDJID c9l[Tff!T6ID600T (!f;l6ID60) 6T600T.854, uoooflLUIT6lTU- lD!!)IDJID !f;lQ96ll1TffiB'
8if 55l5a55a (22,j g9yo, 1/16ir 24.08198460 6/rieuuL'_L_ poorgo1fl6o).
to» @t, @om9j St'_L_b oryon i0j5 $)corm6» usoflSl9is, 0ii85 b @b s5
<@LDrr!91 ~51rflw!i"ffi6TT.
(The Hindi Pandits and other language Pandits who have been ousted on account of
introduction of two Language Formula)
<~ffrr6ID600T @6IDOO> 6T600T.188, uooof!LUT61T!i LD!DIDJU> !b1crr>6ll!TM Rli@~~ <uoooflLUT61T!i - uiSl)
@6IDJD, !I>IT6TT 2a12.1976--6\J 6ll!:9rfuffiuui.:_L QP66r@rrl6IDlD).
.. ..8
- 8-

17 a
9mi$5lu1 uooL_Sl6o 2, 9) I 5 fl@ Guo6o usxoflufli s1. Slsor sorj
LitiliOfl uS166l@ft>~ 6lS1@6lS1 ffiffiLILI LL 6IDg_; Gilg_;ITL!f !J:>~ tSlrrrrft>@UJ LI 6IDLuS'l 6b LI®@ C8JI>!f
LI tiliOfl IUIT 6lT !TITffi LI 600ft4 rfl (8 611 IT!f.
(Persons who have served in the Territorial Army for more than six months and on their
discharge revert to part-time employment in the Territorial Army).
(9Irnso6or 46o60) 616&or.959, u6xofuuronj b @ t6comas& 8j$5)1j55a (2») g9yo1D,
JI>IT61T 16.10.1987-0U <illWITllffil.lULL (Y)6ITT®]rfl6IDLD).

(18) D9I6JU 0too355loo Slyri$5luy uooL_ pbytb gyoos0or 6fln6or'u LI6IDLuS'l6b

<8a=!fffiffill LIL@ 92»9) 95Mi@ Guo6o ussoflufli± gy 9l6or sorj

Gilg_;ITL!f B' ffl UJIT 0

us~fl9lo6t5[g1 680)68Jut'_L_onfas6sir.
(Territorial Army Personnel and Ex-Servicemen of the Auxiliary Air Force who were
embodied in the present emergency and have been disembodied after a continuous
engagement of over six months)
(~8'1T6ID600T (@6IDOO) 6T600r.188, I..MfrlLUT6TTIJ ID!!)IDJU) @@)6l1Tffilf Nit@~~ (I..MfrlLUT6TTIJ - utSl)
@6ID[D, JI>lT6IT 28.12.1976-0U <illWITllffil.lUL....L (Y)6ITT®Jrfl6IDLD).

(19) LitiliOfluS'l661@ft>~ t>El@6lSlffiffiLILILL I.Dffiffi61T Gilg_;rr6IDB> ffi600TffiGi'lffi@u4 @IDJ61160f

(All the retrenched Employees of the Census Organization)
(enoo6or @66loo00) or6ior.30, uoxofluunonj bgyb flt6uras& 81 f5@5i5 US) g16omD,
JI>lT6IT 16.02.2000-0U <illWITllffil.lUL....L (Y)6ITT®Jrfl6IDLD).

. (20) 31.12.1984 616o»1fl6o, @5 000mD59595) g905 6/05L_ 0rrovb uosofluflis5, 9co»or@yj

<8a= 6ID611uLI 6IDL g;oor 60frrit61100itffi61T.
(Persons who have worked as Youth Services Corps Volunteers for a minimum period of
one year upto 31.12.1984)
onooxooor @Boo60) 6r6or.188, u6xofluonj
unr obb tilt6nos& 8j5ta5pp5is uosoflu
unronj - utSl)
69rieu'_L_ poorgorfl6ox).
g9I0m, 1Toi1 28,1219766o

// ~600f 6IDLO !f)ffi 6U //

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