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Aitchison College, Lahore

Prep School

Name: __________ Class: E2____ Subject: History

Revision Worksheet #4
Ch9: The Rise of the Delhi Sultanate
Q1. Give one word answer.

i. Who was the only female ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

ii. Who established the Tughlaq Dynasty?
iii. Who founded the Slave Dynasty?
iv. Which ruler was defeated in the 2nd battle of Tarain?
v. Who was the most significant ruler of the Khilji Dynasty?
vi. Who was appointed as the governor of Delhi by Timur?
vii. When was Jalal ud din Khilji murdered?
viii. Who succeeded Qutb ud Din Aibek?
ix. Who captured Lahore in 1186?
x. Who was the last ruler of Lodhi dynasty?

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Q2. Identify the following resources.

_______________________ ______________________________
Q3. List down all Five dynasties of The Delhi Sultanate in order with their time period.

Dynasty Time period


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