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Q2importance of social computing:The customer service profession has undergone a significant transformation, both in the

ways that customer service professionals do business and in the ways that customers adapt to interacting with companies in a
newly connected environment.2)Social computing has vastly altered both the expectations of customers and the capabilities of
corporations in the area of customer relationship management.3)Customers are now incredibly empowered. Companies are
closely monitoring social computing not only because they are mindful of the negative comments posted by social network
members, but also because they perceive an opportunity to involve customers proactively to reduce problems by improved
customer service.4)Empowered customers know how to use the wisdom and power of crowds and communities to their
benefit.5)These customers choose how they interact with companies and brands, and they have elevated expectations
concerning their experiences with a company.6)They are actively involved with businesses, not just as purchasers, but also as
advocates and influencers. Eg;)Safeway, a large grocery chain, operates a customer club that provides members with instore
discounts. The company also sends e-mails to customers that contain coupons and a description of what is on sale as well as
an online newsletter with health news and recipes, shopping tips, etc. To extend this service, Safeway invites you to become a
Facebook fan and follow the company on Twitter. This way you will be the first to know about exclusive promotions and
savings. Plus, you are able to connect and share information with other Safeway shoppers. Q3)key aspects/components of
Web 2.0 :According to Tim O’Reilly, a noted blogger, Web 2.0 is a loose collection of information technologies and applications,
plus the Web sites that use them.2)These Web sites enrich the user experience by encouraging user participation, social
interaction, and collaboration.3)There are six Web 2.0 information technology tools, which include AJAX, tagging, Really Simple
Syndication, blogs, micro blogs, and wikis.4)Ajax:Most Web 2.0 applications have rich, user-friendly interfaces based on AJAX.
AJAX is a Web development technique that enables users to reload portions of Web pages with fresh data instead of having to
reload the entire Web page. This process speeds up response time and increases user satisfaction.5)Tagging:A tag is a
keyword or term that describes a piece of information-for example, a blog, a picture, an article, or a video clip. Users typically
choose tags that are meaningful to them.One specific form of tagging, known as geotagging, refers to tagging information on
maps.6)Really Simple Syndication:Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a Web 2.0 feature that allows you to receive the
information you want (customized information), when you want it, without having to surf thousands of Web sites.RSS allows
anyone to syndicate (publish) his or her blog, or any other content, to anyone who has an interest in subscribing to it.7) Blogs:A
weblog (blog for short) is a personal Web site, open to the public, in which the site creator expresses his or her feelings or
opinions via a series of chronological entries.Bloggers-people who create and maintain blogs-write stories, convey news, and
provide links to other articles and Web sites that are of interest to them.8) Microblogging:Microblogging is a form of blogging
that allows users to write short messages (or capture an image or embedded video) and publish them.These messages can be
submitted via text messaging from mobile phones, instant messaging, e-mail, or simply over the Web.Q5)Illustrate the
different benefits of cloud computing:1)Scalability: The IT needs of every company are different. For example, a big tech
company with thousands of employees needs different resources than a startup with only three. Cloud providers are a perfect
solution for either company because their services can be scaled to meet their needs 2)Cost:While the initial migration of
existing infrastructure may take planning, money, and time, most businesses see cost savings in using cloud services right
away. Since cloud computing resources can be sized to a business's needs, they never pay for more than they use. It's a pay-
as-you-go system. 3)Speed:Along with saving time and resources, cloud computing has also sped up software development.
Setting up a new development environment or virtual machine on a cloud can be done in seconds with the click of a few
buttons. With a traditional data center, you'd have to purchase, install, and maintain all the required hardware. 4.)Productivity: It
makes software development, testing, and deployment quicker and easier.It provides a world wide network of services that can
be easily accesed by remote employees 5.) Performance:Because providing modern IT infrastructure is their business, cloud
providers keep data centers updated with the latest high-performance hardware and technologies. This enables better
connectivity and performance6.) Security:Cyber security is a big concern of any business. Cloud services resolve this by
managing permissions and access to the services and resources they provide. For example, you could restrict access to an
important file to a specific set of users.7.) Disaster recovery:Losing data can be just as bad for a business as having a data
breach. Storing data on the cloud ensures that it's always available, even if a laptop or mobile device gets lost or damaged.Q9)
Define and describe the operational Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.: 1)CRM, is software that helps
you manage all your company’s interactions with the customers, organize the data, and align your inner business processes.2)
An operational CRM is a system incorporating the sales, marketing, and service automation tools that store and process
information about your company’s every single interaction with the customer. 3)An operational CRM integrates customer’s
behavior into their communication or purchasing story, answering the questions Who? When? How much? By what
means? etc. 4)Thus, every stakeholder, from sales reps to a C-level board, can access up-to-date statistics about the customer
and a company’s sales and marketing campaigns performance.5)Operational CRM
examples:HubSpot,PipeDrive,Salesforce,Agile,Zoho Q10) Discuss about two specific business uses of RFID technology:
1.) Improved Availability and Data Accuracy:The automation made possible by RFID technology helps collect and upload
information electronically. With the electronic transfer of data, you can avoid errors such as duplication of data, transcription
errors, and missed entries when dealing with large volumes of data.Moreover, RFID can be used with cloud technology, which
enables real-time updates of data for everyone in the organization on the status and whereabouts of each item. Cloud-based
information can be accessed by all employees, even those not in the office such as the field employees. Due to the
interoperability of cloud services with different devices,you can use any gadget of your choice regardless of the operating
system to access your datafrom anywhere. It’s also easy to share the RFID data with customers using cloud technology.2.)
Improved Safety and Health: Another benefit of RFID systems is that they can be used to check if your vehicles and other
equipment have been inspected or to keep track of when they’re due for inspection. Keeping good records of the inspection of
your business’s vehicles and equipment helps prevent their use before meeting certain safety measures. An excellent system
can contribute to reporting and inspection, help surrender information to the governing bodies and insurance companies,and
provide evidence that safety measures are adhered to. In case of breakdown of certain equipment, some safety insurers may
want to know whether the equipment was maintained as recommended or not.3) Better Information Management:RFID
technology is efficient in capturing real-time data in all the stages of a product lifecycle.This data can be used for better
planning and operational purposes. Moreover, this data can be used for forecasting, which further helps maintain efficiency.4)
Good Returns On Investment (ROI) The RFID application is cost-effective, especially if your company is incredibly busy or has
to go through a lot of processes during production. Moreover, the RFID system provides
several benefits, as listed in this article. Together, these qualities make it a worthy investment Q11) Explain different
technologies which underline pervasive computing: 1) A world in which virtually every object has processing power and is
connected to a global network either via a wireline or wirelessly is the world of pervasive computing 2) Pervasive computing is
invisible “everywhere computing” that is embedded in the objects around us-the floor, the lights, our cars, the washing machine,
our cell phones, our clothes, and so on.3)eg: in a smart home, your home computer, television, lighting and heating controls,
home security system, and many appliances can communicate with one another via a home network. You can control these
linked systems through various devices, including your pager, cell phone, television, home computer, and even your
automobile.4) Two technologies provide the infrastructure for pervasive computing: Radiofrequency identification (RFID) and
Wireless sensor networks (WSN).5) RFID was developed to replace bar codes. A typical bar code, known as the Universal
Product Code (UPC), is made up of 12 digits that are batched in various groups.6) Two systems are being developed to
replace bar codes: QR (for quick response) codes and RFID systems.7) A QR code is a two-dimensional code, readable by
dedicated QR readers and camera phones 8) Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are networks of interconnected, battery
powered, wireless sensors called motes that are placed into the physical environment.9) The motes collect data from many
points over an extended space.10) The motes provide information that enables a central computer to integrate reports of the
same activity from different angles within the network. Therefore, the network can determine with much greater accuracy
information such as the direction in which a person is moving, the weight of a vehicle, and the amount of rainfall over a field of
crops. Q12) List the key functions of the Transaction Processing System. Input functions: Securing and inputting the data
of the transactions that have taken place Output functions: Producing the report and record of the input data to be used for
future references and validating the transaction Storage functions: Storing the data from both input and output operations and
ensuring the availability of data for operations like information access, retrieval, sorting, and updating.Processing
functions: Computing, calculating, sorting, and defining the input data to get the desired results.Q13) Elaborate different
benefits and limitations of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems: Advantages of ERP System:• Once the
integration process completed, the business owner may discover the rewards for their investment and efforts in the form of
decreased operating costs.• A manufacturing ERP software system offers comprehensive visibility into all the essential aspects
of business processes, throughout different departments of an organization.• ERP software systems make it easier for
inventory tracking, order tracking, revenue tracking, sales forecasting, and related activities.Disadvantages of ERP system:•
The integration of the best ERP system for the Manufacturing industry is costly.• Resistance in sharing delicate internal data
among departments can diminish the effectiveness of the software.• Implementations of the best ERP system for the
manufacturing industry are difficult to achieve if the organization is decentralized with different business processes and
systems.Q14)What are the most important Human Resource Information System (HRIS) applications: Salary
Administration:One of the functions of HRIS is to provide a report containing information like present salary, benefits, last pay
increase and proposed increase in future.Leave/Absence Increase: HRIS is also used to control leave/absence of employees.
This is done by maintaining a leave history of each employee. Every employee can be issued an identity card writing every
employee’s token number coded on it. Employee’s entry and exit from the organisation should be recorded on the identity card.
This reduces chances for malpractice or oversight in calculating wages for each employee.Skill Inventory: Recording employee
skills and monitoring a skill data base is yet another use of the HRIS. Such a skill record helps identify employees with the
necessary skill for certain positions or jobs in an organisation. Medical History: The HRIS is also used to maintain occupational
health data required for industrial safety purposes, accident monitoring, and so on. Career Planning: By providing necessary
information such as which employees have been earmarked for which positions, HRIS facilitates positional advancement of
employees. In other words, HRIS helps in planning for succession.Q15) Describe functional areas of information system in
detail:1) Functional Information System is based on the various business functions such as Production, Marketing, Finance
and Personnel etc. These departments or functions are known as functional areas of business. Each functional area requires
applications to perform all information processing related to the function. The popular functional areas of the business
organization are: Financial Information System, Marketing Information System,Production/Marketing Information System,
Human Resource Information System 2)Financial Information System:Financial information system is a sub-system of
organizational management information system. This sub-system supports the decision-making process of financial functions at
the level of an organization.3) Marketing Information System:This sub-system of management information system provides
information about various functions of the marketing system of an organization. Marketing is another functional area of the
business organization, which is engaged in marketing (selling) of its products to its customers. Important functions of the
marketing process include the following: The marketing identification function, The purchase motivation function, The product
adjustment function, The transaction function

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