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As a HR director of Cristallo Motorcycles I have read the 2022 report on health and

wellbeing of employees and I have noted some recommendations and implementations

for practitioners’ guide. As a HR Director I have made a list of priorities wellbeing
practices that the line managers should get trained to manage wellbeing.

Emotional tech: The line managers needed to get trained to increase their self-awareness
and emotional regulation. Through this training they can make effective decisions in
critical situations.

Stress Management tech: As a HR Director I should provide training and access to

specific resources that can help the line managers to understand stress of employees and
its impacts on the works. The managers needed to be trained to manage this tech

Collaboration and Trust tech: Need to provide training on developing public relations
to gain strong connection with the team and grow further social bonds.

Cognition tech: The line managers needed to provide the training to organize their
thought efficiently. In this way, they can bring their thoughts into real practices.

Wellness tech: This tech has the ability to train about the optimization of health and
cognition. As a HR Director I need to include the meanings and effects of the five
elements of wellbeing and inspire line managers to get a brief idea about these. The
wellbeing elements are social, career, physical, community and financial. If the line
managers can ensure the wellbeing of each of these sectors, then they can ensure a
healthy and effective environment in the workplace.

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