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Invasive species in Hawaii

By max jackelson
Bingabing Trees
These trees are known for choking out other nearby plants and trees, and have been known to get up to
30 feet.On the island of Hawai’i, bingabing was seeded from airplanes along with many other weedy
forestry species near Hilo after a fire. Today, it lines roadsides, gulches, and disturbed forests in the
vicinity. Its large leaf structure creates a dense growth that can crowd and shade out other vegetation.
Mongoose alate
Mongooses eat birds, small mammals, reptiles, insects, fruits, and
plants. They also eat eggs of native birds which is not
good.Although not native to Hawai'i, the mongoose is well established on
Hawai'i Island, Oahu, Maui, and Molokai. In recent years, there have even
been a few found either dead or captured alive on Kauai. ... Mongoose are
native to India and were introduced to sugar plantation owners along the
Hamakua Coast in 1883
Giant Reed Alisylate
Crowds out native plants species; reduces wildlife
habitat; contributes to higher fire frequency and
The end

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