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Student’s Id EC19025
Individual Assignment

Understanding of the chosen engineering profession.

Engineers are professionals who are skilled in designing, analyzing, and inventing
various type of machines and data systems. They apply their knowledge of mathematics,
physic, and some part of other scientific principle to conduct research and develop an
innovative solution for specific problems. Typically, engineers specialize in theoretical
concepts and the development of new designs. Their expertise lies in conceptualizing and
designing novel solutions for a complex problem.
As an electrical engineering student, the engineering profession that I choose is
electrical engineer. The reason I choose this profession is because electrical engineer has a lot
contribution for the society. Electrical engineer is the one who is responsible for designing,
analyzing, and inventing various electrical system, device, and technologies. This include
power distribution system, communication system, renewable energy and electrical circuit.
As mention before, electrical engineer uses mathematic, physic and other scientific
concept to develop and optimize electrical system. They conduct research to explore new idea
and technologies techniques to improve the existing system and to create a new innovative
solution for a certain problem. This involve designing and testing a new prototype, conduct an
experiment and analyze the data, this is to ensure the result that they get are reliable, efficient,
and safe.
Electrical engineer also works in various industry such as power generation and
distribution, telecommunication, electronics device, transportation, aerospace and not to forget
renewable energy. They also tend to work in research and development, consulting, and in
academic. With the rapid development in technologies, electrical engineer is constantly
adapting to all this new technologies, innovation, and the evolving industry trends to stay at
forefront of their fields. Overall, electrical engineer plays an ultimate role in designing and
developing electrical system that has been a core for our modern world.
Description of the history of the profession.
The history of electrical engineering can be trace back to the 17 th century when the
concept of electrical energy was first understood and harnessed for practical application.
William Gilbert was a prominent early electrical scientist and he was also the first to clear
distinction between static electrical and magnetism. He also was credited for the establishing
the word electric. Not to mention, he also designed a device that detect present of statically
charged object which is called as Versorium. By 1800 Alessandro Volta has developed the
voltaic pile, an early prototype of electric battery. The development of electrical engineering
as a discipline was strongly because of the advancement in field of physic, mathematics and
because of industrial revolution, which brought a lot of change toward society and technology.
The research in electricity was intensified in the 19th century with one of the major
pioneers in the field of electrical engineering which is Michael Faraday, a British scientist who
made a significant contribution to understanding electromagnetism. His experiment and his
invention of the first electric generator has become a foundation for practical application of
electricity for power generation and power distribution.
In the mid of 19th century, other great scientist and engineer such as Thomas Edison
and Nikola Tesla made a great contribution to the field of electrical engineering. Edison is very
well known for his invention which is a practical incandescent light bulb and his development
of direct current (DC) electrical distribution system, while Tesla is credited because of his work
in alternating current (AC) system, which revolutionized the transmission and distribution of
electricity over long distances.
During the late 19th century and early 20th century, rapid advancement of electrical
engineering with the development of electric motor, transformer, telegraphy, telephony and
early form of electric generation and distribution. This advancement laid the groundwork for
electrification of industries, home, cities and transform many aspects in modern society.
20th century electrical engineering has continued to evolve with the development of
electronic devices, telecommunication system, computers, and control systems. The invention
of the transistor in the 1940s, had led to the development of integrated circuit and
microelectronics, revolutionized the field, and paved the way for the digital revolution.
Evaluation of the current status of the profession.
Electrical engineering is constantly evolving and adapting to the change of technology
in the modern world. As present day here are some aspects that can be reflection o current
status of electrical engineering:
 Digitalization and Automation: The field of electrical engineering has seen a significant
shift toward digitalization and automation. With the rapid advancements in computer
technology, electrical engineers are increasingly involved in the design and
development of digital system, for example embedded systems, Internet of Things (IoT)
devices, and automation systems. These technologies are changing industries like
manufacturing, transportation, and telecommunication. It also roots of innovation in
areas like autonomous vehicles, smart homes, and Industry 4.0.
 Renewable energy and sustainability: electrical engineers are playing an important role
in development and integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and
hydropower, into the power grid. With the growing concern for environmental
sustainability and the need to reduce greenhouse effect, electrical engineers are
involved in designing efficient and reliable renewable energy systems, energy storage
solutions, and smart grid technologies to enable the transition to a more sustainable
energy in future.
 Electric Transportation: Electrical engineering is also making a significant contribution
to the field of transportation. With the increasing awareness on reducing the dependence
on fossil fuels and the mitigating climate change, electrical engineers are actively
participating in the design and development of electric vehicles (EVs), electric charging
infrastructure, and grid integration of EVs. This includes many area such as battery
technology, power electronics, motor drives, and control systems for EVs, as well as
the development of smart charging solution and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies.
 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Electrical engineers are leveraging the
power of AI and ML to develop advanced systems and technologies. These include
application such as autonomous vehicles, smart grids, robotics, and intelligent control
systems. Electrical engineers are involved in designing ML algorithms, developing AI-
powered systems, and utilizing data analytics to extract insights and optimize
performance in various domains.
 Cybersecurity: As technology becomes more interconnected and highly dependent on
digital systems, the issues of cybersecurity has become a great concern. Electrical
engineers are involved in designing secure system, developing encryption algorithms,
and implementing cybersecurity measures to protect critical infrastructure, data, and
communications from cyber threats.
 Global Connectivity and Communication: Electrical engineers play vital role in the
design and development of communication systems that enable global connectivity.
This includes areas such as wireless communication, satellite communication,
broadband networks, and telecommunication systems. Electrical engineers are involved
in developing advanced communication technologies that enable seamless
communication across different devices, platform, and network.
Analysis of the impact of the profession on society.
Electrical engineering had made a significant impact on the society in many ways. Here
are the analysis on some of the contribution of electrical engineers toward society:
 Improved living standard: Electrical engineering has contributed to the advancement of
technology that has greatly improved the standard of living for people around the globe.
Innovation in electrical engineering have led to the development of the electrical power
system that have revolutionized industries, homes, and communities. Easy access to
electricity has enabled the widespread use of electric lightning, heating and cooling
systems, household appliances, and electronic devices, leading to comfort,
convenience, and productivity in daily life.
 Economic growth and job creation: Electrical engineering has been a driving force
behind economic growth and job creation in many countries. The development of
electrical infrastructure, power generation, and distribution systems has facilitated the
growth of industries and businesses, creating employment opportunities and stimulating
economic development. Electrical engineering has also led to creation of new industries
and markets. For example, renewable energy, electric transportation, and
telecommunications, which have generated jobs and economic opportunities.
 Energy sustainability and environmental protection: Electrical engineering has played
a pivotal role in the development and integration of renewable energy sources, such as
solar, wind and hydropower, into the power grid. This has helped to reduce dependence
on fossil fuels, mitigate climate change, and promote energy sustainability. Electrical
engineers have also developed energy-efficient technologies, smart grid system, and
energy management solution to optimize energy consumption, reduce environmental
impact, and promote sustainable practices.
 Communication and connectivity: electrical engineering has revolutionized
communication and connectivity, connecting people across the world. The
development of wireless communication technologies, broadband networks, and
satellite communication systems has enabled instant communication, information
sharing, and global connectivity. This has transformed various aspects of society,
including business, education, healthcare, and social interactions, making the world
more interconnected and accessible.
 Transportation and mobility: Electrical engineers have played a significant role in the
advancement of transportation and mobility. The development of electric vehicles
(EVs), electric charging infrastructure, and intelligent transportation system has
transformed the automotive industry and is paving the way towards more sustainable
and efficient transportation. Electric vehicles are reducing dependence on fossil fuels,
reducing air pollution, and contributing to a greener future.
 Healthcare and Biomedical Engineering: Electrical engineering has also made
significant contributions to healthcare and biomedical engineering. Electrical engineers
have developed medical devices and imaging technologies, such as MRI, CT scan, and
pacemakers, that have revolutionized diagnostics and treatment methods. Electrical
engineers are also involved in the development of telemedicine, wearable devices, and
health monitoring systems, enhancing healthcare accessibility, patient care, and overall
Discussion of the potential future developments in the profession.
The field are continuously evolving and there are also many potentials in future
development that give a lot of impact on the society. this are some of potential of future
development in electrical engineering.
The first one is renewable energy and energy storage. As the world continues to move
towards sustainable energy sources, there will likely be a big advancement in renewable energy
technologies such as in solar, wind, and hydropower. Electrical engineers will play an
important role in developing more efficient and cost-effective renewable energy systems, as
well as improving energy storage technologies such as batteries and supercapacitor to enable
reliable and sustainable energy generation and distribution.
Electric transportation also has a future potential in development. Electric vehicles have
gained a great traction in recent years, and the development if EVs is expected to continue to
grow in the future. Electrical engineers will likely to play a vital role in developing advanced
charging infrastructure, power electronics, and energy management systems for EVs, as well
as improving battery technology for longer range and faster charging. Additionally, electrical
engineers may also work on developing other forms of electric transportations, such an electric
aircraft and electric ships, to reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector.
Next, the IoT, which refers to the interconnectivity of devices and systems through the
interconnectivity of devices ad systems through the internet, is expected to continue to expand,
leading to the development of smart homes, smart cities, and smart industries. Electrical
engineers will likely be involved in designing and implementing smart systems, including
sensors, actuators, communication networks, and data analytics, to enable efficient and
automated system for various applications, such as energy management, transportation,
healthcare, and agriculture.
There is also a potential future development in AI and ML. AI and ML are rapidly
advancing and have the potential to transform various aspect of society. Electrical engineers
will likely contribute to the development to AI algorithms, hardware accelerators, and
intelligent system for application such as autonomous vehicles, robotics, healthcare
diagnostics, and smart grid management. AI and ML can also be utilized to optimize the design
and operation of electrical systems, leading to more efficient and sustainable solutions.
Quantum computing and quantum technologies are also one of the future potentials for
electrical engineering. Quantum computing is an emerging field that has the potential to
revolutionize computing power and solve complex problems that are currently beyond the
capabilities of classical computers. Electrical engineers may be involved in the development
of quantum computing hardware, software and algorithms, as well as other quantum
technologies such as quantum communication, sensing and cryptography, which could have
application in areas such as secure communication, drug discovery, and financial modelling.
These are just a few potential areas of future development in electrical engineering. As
technologies continues to advance and evolve, electrical engineers will always try their bet to
adapt and will play a crucial role in shaping the future of various industries and aspects of
society, driving innovation that have a wonderful impact in our daily lives.

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