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Source 1:

This source is an education website that was published on August, 2020 in the United States. It
is a secondary source as most of the information is about analysis data and statistics which the
education website was owned by Center for Security and Emerging Technology(CSET). The purpose of
this source is to inform and persuade. This source was created as a persuasive piece to convince
people to think that the development of AI in China is more advanced than others. The publisher
targeted the information towards the younger generation, specifically people who are interested in
learning about developing AI technology during their teenage years. The source was created to
examine AI-enabled emerging technologies relevant to national security, opportunities and challenges
for adoption and application, and opportunities for alliances in the development and deployment of
AI-enabled systems. A value of origin is the source was made by CSET. This source gave us a value as
an AI learner because the source is an educational and research organization at the same time in which
they understand their task in giving out the target audience information that is related to AI. While doing
research about technology the source is valued in terms of who made this source which makes it more
reliable when the source is about emerging technology. A value of purpose is informed. The source is
informing the audience about how technology has been becoming more significant in human’s life than
they thought in the future. The new generation is seeking ahead with developing technology further
which may become convenient. A limitation of origin is that this source was made in the US. China may
have a much better perspective on AI technology since their development has become extremely
advanced with the support from the government. A limitation of purpose is that this source was made to
persuade the target audience. When the source was made to persuade the audience it seems like
they’re making themself look like they are being biased toward one another. Maybe the way they
presented information about AI technology in China might make them look like they are being biased for
written information about technology in one specific location rather than globally. “Countries such as
China are using multiple means, including talent development and recruitment, investment and internal
policies, to stimulate domestic research and development, promote scientific progress, and drive
technological innovation. We document the role of legal, illegal, and extra-legal mechanisms used by
such countries for these purposes. - CSET”

Source 2:

The source is a youtube video that was published on October 2, 2019 in the United States. It is a
primary source as it contains the raw information and explains the origin of the information in this
youtube video owned by Wall Street Journal. The purpose of this source is to inform and entertain.
Because this source is about showing how Ai technology is being used in China. It informs about the
student’s life that involves AI during school time. The target audience of this source is the general
public, but it is aimed specifically at technology developers and China’s government. Because they
wanted to inform the general public with news that matters to the world. The purpose of this source is to
show reality reporting and news presented to everyone around the world throughout the technology
media. The value of the source connected to origin is that it was created in 2019. A value of origin is the
why. This video shows the target audience about a side perspective of AI technology development
which is to show how the society of China has been influenced by AI technology since then. For
example: parents in China are not hard to convince on enrolling their children into an AI education. The
video was created during the time when the headband device was newly invented so this is one the
value of the video gave us because it is informed with fresh news and fast informing information. A
value of purpose is that the video is to inform the target audience. Because the source was created to
deliver news that they think is important and they could inform their target audience around the world by
creating a video and sharing it through social media. However, a limitation of the source connected to
origin is the date of the publisher. Because this source was created in 2019 since it was published. The
source didn’t have any other updates about what happened and how it is going with the advancement of
AI technology in China after that. A limitation of purpose is entertainment. This source’s intention is to
promote the use of AI technology in schools in China and showing the reality of student life around AI

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