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HBAASH0022 REN21080057 Research Portfolio

by Lily Renwick


I will be exploring how 21st century theatre has embraced
gender studies into new practical performances. I believe that
this generation has not only incorporated this topic but also
pioneered this in new theatre. To indulge my research even
further, I will be looking into contemporary examples such as
Rob Madge’s My Son’s a Queer (but What Can You Do?) and
the new genderfluid take on ‘As you like it’ by William

Shakespeare would crossdress his actors in order to allow the

female character more freedom in a restrictive society. A
female dressed as a man allows them to move and speak
'MY SONS A QUEER' IN PERFORMANCE more freely using their wit and intelligence. In my ‘As you like
it’ example Crossdressing enables Rosalind to demonstrate
femininity in a man's disguise. As an exercise to explore this
insight into drag culture, I will be dressing up as both a man
and a woman; creating tiktoks, engaging with my gender
identity to explore the gender spectrum and to observe the
reactions of people to see whether this generation has
d th i i d t th bj t

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The theatre we call traditional today is wildly
divergent from what came before; Theatre has
changed to reflect its time. I believe it's become a
more realistic and connected experience. A lot of
vital aspects of theatre were lost in translation
when the shift happened for 21st century theatre
and I believe that soon we may need to go back to
retrieve those pieces to reclaim theatre for the
future. Modern Theatre which could be known as
realism to some; started in the 1800’s. 

The 20th century was a period of upheaval. The THE SONDHEIM THEATRE
expansion of ideas in the 19th century led to rapid
advancements in technology. It was also a time SEATING
when the world became embroiled in a series of
wars. These struggles involved differences in CHART
political, social, economic, and religious ideologies.

Theatre in the 20th century reflected all these new

ideas and technologies. It was early on in the 20th
century when theatre was considered a mirror of
reality – a way for the audience to reflect on the
world we are all living in. This was the most
significant period in theatre as it marked the
beginning of what came to be called “realism.” The
effect on acting is most notable through the
analysis and writings of Stanislavski; whose
methods we still use today. 

There wasn’t just one person who developed 21st

century theatre. Noticeably, it was the help of the
playwrights and architects like Clarence Blackall
who designed 18 new theatres to help the
conversion of modern theatre. The audience
location and relationship to stage changed a lot in
the transfer of theatre. In a modern auditorium
the audience tends to be seated on one side and
are separated from the stage. The assembly has a
clear understanding of a barrier between them
and the actors. However, in an Elizabethan theatre
the audience surrounded the actors everywhere
they could. The stage was a platform in a round
building. The main difference was that the
audience stood with their heads just above the
platform. The performers were surrounded by
onlookers. 2/5
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Current playwrights are up As I spoke about in my introduction, ‘As you Like it’ RATATOUILLE MUSICAL
to date with theatre making and ‘My sons a queer’ are my two main
it 21st century through the contemporary examples as one has already been
themes and technology with showed and one is just about to be. The change of
gender diversity being themes that are shown in these plays is
shown a lot more.  outstanding. I would confidently say that 10 years
ago there wouldn't be plays as open and
I think it's amazing that 21st
connected to the story as these. I know for myself
century theatre is a thing.
and every queer person in the world it is amazing
Personally, I've been waiting
to see representation because it gives you hope
for plays/pieces of theatre
where I can actually relate to
On a 21st century app 'Tik Tok', many creators
or appreciate the diversity
have made videos that have passed into actual
casting. As a queer person
theatre productions. There is the Bridgerton
and a neurodivergent its
musical which started with a single musician
amazing to see these two
creating a random 30 second video and posting it BRIDGERTON MUSICAL
Theatre has evolved from for a lot of people's responses to want to see it on
gathering ideologies stage. Although you could say this isn't the theatre
inspired by everything and influencing something, I believe that 21st century
anything. Going back to how theatre gets inspired by other things, new things,
theatre from Greece has such as tiktok. This isn't the only example as we
changed. Women were have the ratatouille musical where young creative
forbidden to perform on individuals could apply to be part of it whilst in
stage with speaking parts lockdown. I think it's incredible that this generation
remaining rare. The change and creatives that missed theatre put something
of theatre has been heavily together virtually for everyone to watch and be
influenced by the change excited for. 21st century Theatre has only grown
and ban of certain practices. so much because of actors love for performing.
For example when Italy was
banned for doing religious
plays, Commedia Dell’Arte
translated comedy of the
profession became
incredibly popular and the
new way of theatre.  I 3/5
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I have explored
the practice by
blueprinting my
own show on
gender identity. I
have created
sheets for my
two characters
explaining their
They are both the
different sides of
how I personally
feel about
gender. They are
both influenced
through my
qualities. I made
sure the names
also if you read
My experience with the practice is simplistic the sheet it will 
enough in the fact that I love to watch 21st century explain their
theatre because of various different things. I love pronouns/a little
the relatable feel you can have with the topics in a backstory to who SCENE EXPLANATION
21st century play. I also love the amount of they are. Charlie
accessibility and diversity growing within the cast hasn’t got a clear My scene is planted a week after this big event
at theatre shows which I think is incredible. A face because happened at Lloyd Mackenzie's party where both
couple years ago you would never see a they’re unsure of Ashley and Charlie had a little too much to drink
genderfluid Shakespeare performance but now I'm how to look like, and they are worried whether it will be awkward
proud to be saying I'm going to see it and other one day they feel talking again like normal. Ultimately I believe they
future young creatives will too. I’m interested in mascueline and are soulmates but need to push past the barrier of
gender studies in particular as I personally am the other talking about gender-fluidity as Ashley is worried
figuring out my gender and sexuality and that is feminine and that that dating Charlie would make her gay. I want to
valid because everything is a spectrum. You don't is completely educate people on the things that they question or
need to label yourself and put yourself in a box, valid. My scene is type into google not knowing like this very thing
but talking about it and expressing how you feel planted a week that Ashley is thinking about. If you like the person
about it helps other people and educates others. after this big for themselves, then it doesn't matter and your
Therefore, I believe gender identity should be event happened sexuality doesn't change if you don't want to; it's
shown in all shows in some way. An example of an at Lloyd completely up to you.
educational yet funny tv show is the amazing ‘Sex Mackenzie's party
Education’ created by Laurie Nunn.. The where both To examine my scene even further I decided to
programme also contains taboos but touches Ashley and make some genderfluid tiktoks, one with a
upon them in a right-minded humorous way Charlie had a storyline and one with just a conversation. The
making it an amazing piece of 21st century writing. little too much to first one with a half and half face was interesting
drink and they to me as although I put makeup on and little
are worried 4/5
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I have explored the practice in DRAG WITH whether it will be

a play, tiktoks, GENDER FLUID TIKTOK 1 2
I've approached the practice with an open mind, a
want to learn and an excitement on what little
gems i’ll find along the way.

GENDER FLUID Read this on >
Read this on > 5/5

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