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PROJECT CLAID (Contextualized and Localized Activities Intended for Distance Learning)

Name : ___________________________________ Date: ___________ Score:____


Quarter 4 – Week 2
Competency: 2. Formulate evaluative statements about a
text read
Lesson: Kinds of Fallacies

1. Be familiar with the kinds of fallacies

2. Analyze fallacies in various contexts

3. Write counter-claims about certain contexts

Beliefs, opinions, individualistic and communal perspectives are
all around us. These influence our thoughts, our actions and even our
viewpoints in political, emotional or personal stance. But all these
factors will remain as claims and cannot influence us thoroughly
through our lives if we know how to get to the truth and heart of a
certain matter. That is why, we have to know, understand and evaluate
these assertive statements, even so, write down our counter-claims.
Counter-claims are any statements made against or in opposition to
a certain claim.

Q4 Week No.2 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-10
Competency: Formulate evaluative statements about a text read.

Directions: Write T and if the statement is true and F if it is otherwise.

____ 1. Various beliefs, opinions, and perspectives influence our

thinking, our actions and our viewpoints.

____ 2. Reasoning is about giving your own feedbacks, evaluations and

thoughts regarding a certain discussion.

_____ 3. Claims are assertions of the truth on something typically

disputed, put in doubt, or debated upon.

_____ 4. Fallacies are nothing but false assumptions or errors in


_____ 5. Counter-claims are any statements made against or in

opposition to a certain claim.


Getting Started
Directions: Identify what the fallacy is being defined by the following
statements. Write your answers on the space provided.

_____________ 1. This occurs when the argument quotes an expert

who is not qualified in the particular subject matter.

_____________ 2. This occurs when a threat, is used to argue.

_____________ 3. This states a series of increasingly superficial and

unacceptable consequences.

_____________ 4. This uses the element of pity, shame or mercy, instead of

focusing on logical reasoning, in an argument.

_____________ 5. This happens when someone claims that he / she is not

aware of a certain prohibition or rule.

Q4 Week No.2 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-10
Competency: Formulate evaluative statements about a text read.

Counter-claims are easy to write if you are familiar with the kinds of fallacies.
Fallacies are nothing but false assumptions or errors in reasoning. Some type
of fallacies include:
1. Attacking the person - This happens when someone tries to refute an
argument by attacking the character of a person instead of attacking
the ideas in an argument.
Example: “Frankly, I did not listen to the argument because I was busy
covering my ears because his voice and diction were terrible.”
2. Appeal to Authority – This occurs when the argument quotes an expert
who is not qualified in the particular subject matter.
Example: “In matter of Molecular structure, I wish to point-out an
opinion from a language expert.”
3. Anonymous Authority – The authority in question is not mentioned.
Example: “An expert once said that…”
4. Appeal to Ignorance – This happens when someone claims that he / she
is not aware of a certain prohibition or rule.
Example: Candice said that she did not know that she needed a
pass to get inside because she did not have a television.
5. Appeal to Pity – The element of pity, shame or mercy is asked to be
given, instead of focusing on logical reasoning.
Example: “I came from the slum areas so I do not have the means to go
to school or be educated about things in life.”
6. Slippery Slope – This state a series of increasingly superficial and
unacceptable consequences.
Example: “I am sorry that I am late on passing my assignment. I was
late because I took care of my brother who would not sleep for
he wanted to play more online games. As a brother, I joined
him all night long.”

Q4 Week No.2 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-10
Competency: Formulate evaluative statements about a text read.
7. Bandwagon – This happens when an argument is considered to be valid
because it is what the majority thinks.
Example: Carlo decided to raise his hand to take a vote since everybody
in class was already raising their hands.
8. Appeal to Force or Threat – This occurs when a threat, instead of
reasoning, is used to argue.
Example: “Mathew told me to lend him a hand on his assignment or
else I will find myself in the worst possible situation.”
9. Appeal to Consequences – This occurs when unpleasant consequences
of believing something are pointed out to show that the belief is false.
Example: “You can’t believe that colonialism is bad, because if it were,
then we would not be civilized.”
10. Hasty Generalization – This happens when a sample is not significant
or enough to support a generalization about a population.
Example: It was stated in the news that the virus came from Manila so
Ronald avoided every person coming from Manila.


Getting it Right
Directions: On the space provided, write YES if the statement is considered
a fallacy and NO if it is not.

____ 1. Having the virus means that you are going to die soon.

____ 2. Do your best all the time.

_____ 3. According to a study in Psychology, children who watch

shows that promote violence manifest rebellious
behaviors on their early adolescents.

_____ 4. If a lot of people are drinking beverages with vitamin C, I should

buy one, too.

Q4 Week No.2 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-10
Competency: Formulate evaluative statements about a text read.
_____ 5. Antonio insisted that he did not know that smoking is
prohibited in that restaurant.

_____ 6. To attract more students in an institution, it must offer quality


_____ 7. Bombing in the Pearl Harbour started the rift between


_____ 8. An improved drainage system might solve mostly the problem

of flooding in an area.

_____ 9. Mark felt that he is losing the debate, so he said, “even if I lose
the argument, the truth remains, you are still ugly.”

_____ 10. Staying at home during the pandemic is one of the ways to

stop the spread of the corona virus.



Directions: Read carefully each claim and write your own counter-claim.
Observe how counter-claims are written through the given example. (2 points


Claim: Candice said that she did not know that she needed a
pass to get inside the community because she did not have
a television.

Counter-claim: The television is not the only source of information.

Q4 Week No.2 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-10
Competency: Formulate evaluative statements about a text read.
1. Claim: I came from the slum areas so I do not have the means
to go to school or be educated about things in life.

Counter-claim: _________________________________________________


2. Claim: My father is the strongest man in the entire


Counter-claim: _________________________________________________


3. Claim: The foods that my mother cooks are the most delicious in
the whole community.

Counter-claim: _________________________________________________


4. Claim: A lot of my friends bought each a designer bag because

owning one makes you keep up with the time.

Counter-claim: _________________________________________________


5. Claim: Ronald told Christopher that bad things may happen to

him if he would not give him a piece of paper.

Counter-claim: _________________________________________________


Q4 Week No.2 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-10
Competency: Formulate evaluative statements about a text read.

Directions: Read the following statements carefully and determine what kind
of fallacy is given. Write your answer on the space provided before each

____________________ 1. An old woman pleaded for more financial assistance

from the government since she said that she was
feeding eight of her children.

____________________ 2. If you go out now, you’ll be infected by the virus and

die instantly.

____________________ 3. I saw that a lot of people are drinking beverages with

vitamin C so I bought a ton for myself.

____________________ 4. Literature experts said that longer hair makes

someone more beautiful.

____________________ 5. It was believed that reviewing one day before an

examination is the best way to improve one’s score.

____________________ 6. Mark felt that he is losing the debate, so he said,

“even if I lose this argument, the truth remains, you
are still ugly.”

____________________ 7. Melissa loves to be in the social media because a lot

of the teenagers like her are using it.

____________________ 8. Ronald told Christopher that bad things may happen

to him if he would not give him a piece of paper.

____________________ 9. A lot of my friends bought each a designer bag

because owning one makes you keep up with the

____________________ 10. Someone once stated that an improvement of

drainage would not solve the city’s flooding
problem, thus, it must be rejected.

Q4 Week No.2 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-10
Competency: Formulate evaluative statements about a text read.
Majul, Mary Ann M. En(g)counters: Reading and Writing in the Contemporary
World. Quezon: St. Bernadette Publishing House Corporation, 2016.

Barrot, Jessie S. Academic Reading and Writing for Senior High School.
Quezon: C & E Publishing Inc. 2016.

Prepared by:

Highway Hills Integrated School

SDO Mandaluyong



Master Teacher II, MHS Master Teacher II, ABIS Master Teacher II, MPNAG
Content Language Layout



Education Program Supervisor, English

Q4 Week No.2 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-10
Competency: Formulate evaluative statements about a text read.

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