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\Mrd ls an Argumentative Essay?

Ibfinition: ln this kind d essay, we not only give lnformation but also
ir"*nt anargurnent
wih tle PR0S (supporting ideas) and CONS {oprcsing ideas} of an argunrentative
Irse should clearty take our stand and write a if we are trying to persJade an opposing
aud'tence to adopt new beliefs or behaviours- The primary
o$ective is to persuade people to
drange beliefs that many of thern do not nrant to change.

Choosing an argumentative toSric is not an easytask. The topic should

be such that
. it should be nansled down
X Marijuana shoukl be considered (Not a good topic because it is too
general- ln some medical cases, marijuana is prescribed
by the doctors and the
patients iHe etlcouraged to use it in case of sr.rffering
from too much pain)
\_., d Setting and usirg mariiuana in public places should
be considered illegal.
. it should corrtain an argurnent
X We should decide whether we war* a bicycle or a car. (our
stand is not clear do
ue support having b{cycles or cars?}
{ f we are under the age of 30 and want a healthy life, we should definitely get a
bicycle instead of a car.

XAre you one of those who thinks cheating is not good for students?{aquestion
cannot be an argument)
'J Cheating helps students.learn.

X Considering its geological position, Turkey has an important geopolitical

rote in the
EU- (facts cannot be arguments)
*lConsidering its geopolitical role, we can clearly say that the EU
cannot be
without Turtey.

it should be a topic that can be adequaiely supported (with

statistics, outside source
citations, etc.)
X I feel that writing an argumentative essay is definitely a challenging
task. (feelings cannot be supported; we cannot persuade other people)

organization: All argumentative topics have PRos and

coNs. Before starting writing, it is
imperative to make a list of these ideas and choose
the most suit'able ones among them for
supporting and refuting.

There are three possible organization patterns:

Pattem 1:

Thesis statement:

PRO idea t
PRO idea 2
CON(s) + Refutation(s)


Pattem 2:
Thesis statement:

CON(s) + Retutation(s)
PRO idea 1

PRO idea 2


Pattem 3:
Thesis statement:
CON idea 1 -*> Refutation :
CON idea 2 -_> Refutation
CON idea 3 Refutation


Thesis: Do Reikiinstead of taking medicine.

Counter arguments Refutation

1. People should trust medicine Reiki is also,scientifically proven and
since it is effective and does not have side effects- (refutation

scientifically Proven. method: insufficient claim)

2. Serious itlnesses such as Medicine also cannot treat serious

HIV/AIDS and cancer cannot be illnesses if not diagnosed at"an early

treated without medicine. stage- (refutation method: opponents are

partially corect)

3. Reiki, like alternative healing Reiki requires less time if done regularly-

methods, requires a lot of time. (refutation method: oPPonents are

completelY vwong)

supporting our ideas (evidence): This is the most important part when persuading
others. we are asking some people to change their beliefs or actions.
we should be
should not be
supporting our ideas with such facts, statistics andlor authorities that there
room for any doubts. Here are Some faulty supports we should avoid:

Ttresis: Leaving the university and starting to work is good for the adolescent
because --.

a Feelings, emotional arguments {-.- it makes one feel mucfi better-)

to tal6 his
a lnelevant examples (wandering off the topic) (... he would then be able
girtfriend to expensive restaurants-)
oversimplification (..- only then would he understand uuhat it means to
be an adult')
look forward to
a Hasty generalizalions (... it is a widely known fact that atl adolescents
B0% of
Unreliable, even false outside sources (... aceording to www'doubtme'com'
,e working
working men wish they quit schoot when they were at university and slarted
at an earlier age.)

are wrong' We
Refuting opposing arguments: Before we start saying that the opponents
should specifytheir opposing ideas. Otherwise, it would be like hitting
the other personwith
prepared beforehand sothat
eyes closed- we should see clearly what we are hitting and be
tre cannot hit us back. We can do this by knowing what we are

university education;
e.g. X Some peopte may Say that adotescents should not leave
supporting idea is
however, they are wrong. (what they say is not wrong. Maybe their
speciflcally to be
wrong /irretevant /insufficient. we should state their supporting idea
able to refute it.)

'l some people may say that adolescents should not leave university education
because they are not physically and psychologicdly
mature enough to cop with the
problenrs of the real world. However, they forget
one fact: adolescents can vote or
start driving at the age of 18 (in some countries even before
that'age!), which proves
that they are considered physically and psychologially rndure
at that age.

Language: signposts gain importance in the argumentative

essay. They enable the readers
to follow our arguments easily.

Opponents of this idea ctaim / maintain that ...

Those who disagree / are against these ideas may say / assert
that ...
Some people may disagree with this idea.
The put forward this idea because ...
They claimthat... since -..

Reac*rinq the tuminq pgint:

Onthe otherhand,

. campro$ise but prove that their argument is not powerful enough:

They have a point in thinking like that.
To a certain extent they are right.

. completelydr.sagree:
After seeing this evidence, there is no way we can agree with
what they say-

. say that their argument is irrelevantto the topic:

l/vhat we are discussing here is not what they are trying
to prove.
Their argument is irelevant.
conctusion: No nerarinformation should be contained in the conclusion.
The conclusion is
meant to pttll everything together by synthesizing
all of the information that you liave
presented throughout the paper.
Keep in mind that the conclusion is the last part
of the
paperthat your audience will be tefi
with, so aging state why your paper is imprtant,
go over
tlre main points you made, and review yourthesis

' Havi*g said these, resistance to Reiki would

be quite ilbgical. Reiki is natural and
drug-free- what is rnore, it is easy to rearn
by anyone, regardtess of age and
experience' ft can be ued anywhere, anytime.
lt also enhances physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual vrrellseing and the
benefits last a tifetime- lt is detrnites high
time to get away from the drug boxes we store
in our drug cabinet!


13, {+ - 11 t+$)
What is a oersuasivdprqument essav?
We wite a persuasivd essay to convince the readers to agree with our judgement and adopt
our \#ay of thinking. We as the writers try to convince the readers to accept our argument
and conclusions besides to share our values. lt attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a
certain point of view or to take a particuiar action. The argument must always use sound
reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, gMng logical reasons, using examples, and
quoting experts.

The Features of a Good Persuasivq Essay

Convincing - The readers must be able to feel your confidence through reading your es$ay.
You must be able to communicate your persuasion in writing.

Not too long nor too short-You don't havetowrite a lengthy thesis statement to deliver
your messages. Readets tend to lose their interest quickly when they read a long,-winded
essay. A comprehensive piee of writing works best to convince the readers-

Written from a readeds perspective - Make sure you don't write from your own (writer's)
perspective in vuriting persuasive essay. Unlke oter essay types, rersuasive essay fails to
catch the readers' attention if it is written from a writer's perspec*ive. lnstead, if it is written
from the reader's perspective, the persuasive essay looks irrteresting and persuading.

Supportideas urith fucts and quotes - Readersalways believe the facts included in your
essay, Try to include some medical reports, public surveys, newspaper headlines, etc to
make your essay more persuasive. Keep in mind.that none will be convinced if your essay is
L-e dull and hardly io find any fact. Quotation ftom famous people works equally well too!

Stat a clear conclusion - End your essay with your clear judgement or conclusion. Never
end youressay without a clear conclusion oryou willfailto deliveryour messages. A clear
conclusion of your persuasive essay will stay in the reade/s mind for a long time. A piece of
persuasive writing usually ends by summarizing the most important details of the argument
and stating once again wtrat the reader is to believe or do.

1- Restate your thesis or focus statement.

2. Summarize the main points: The conclusion enaples your readerto recallthe main

points of your position. ln order to do this you can paraphrase the main points of your

3. Write a personal comment or call for aCion. You can do this:

.n With a Prediction: T:rls can be used with a nanative or a cause and effect

discussion. The conclusion may suggest or predict what the results may or

may not be in the situation discussed or in similar situations-

. \Mrth a Questjon: Closing with a question lets your readers make their own

predictions, draw their own conclusions.

. V\It'th Recommendations:A recommendations closing is one that stresses the

actions or remedies that should be taken-

t . \Mrth a Quotation: Since a quotation may summarize, predict, question, or call

for action. you may use a quotation within a conclusion for nearly any kind of


When planning a persuasrve essay, follow these steps

1. Choose your position. \{hich side of the issue or problem are you going to write
about, and what solution will you offer? Know the purpose of your essay.

2. Analyze your audience. Decide if your audience agrees with you, is neutral, or
disagrees with your position.

3. Researdt yourtopic. A persuasive essay must provide specific and convincing
evidence. Often it is necessary to go beyond your own knowledge and experience.
You mlghtneed to go to the library or interview people who are experts on your topic.

4. Structure your essay. Figure or.rt what evidence you will include and in vyhat order
you will pesent the evidence, Remernber to consider your purposet your audience,
and you topic.

The following *e different wa;rs fo support your argument:

Facts - A powerful means of convincing, facts can come from your reading, observation, or
personal experience

Note: Do not confuse facts with truths. A \ruth" is an idea believed by many people, but it
, cannot be proven.
Statistics - Thse can povkle excellent support. Be sure your statistics come fronn
responsible sourH- Ahrvays cite your sources.

Quotes - Direct quotes from leadirgexperts that support your position are invaluable.

Examples'Examples enhance your meaning and make your ideas concrete- They are the



@ t+-Nttr (s)
What ls an Expsitory Essay?

fut erpository essay does exactly what the nsre irnplies: it exposes. The rnain obpctive of .

an expository essay is to inform your reader and back up aS your facts with thingrs like
examples, graphs, charts, and statbtics.
Examples of expository writing include:
. Reports
. Scientific reports

" Term papers

. Encyclopediaarticles

1.0 Fedures of an Expository Essay: Effective Witing Tips

G . Present the facts only.

You shouldn't present your personal opinion on the toprc. Expository writing narows down
your task to prcking up appropriate information and facts that support the thesis statement
supported by proofs- This type of writing requires detailed explanations ordescriptions from
you' lmagine that your readers know nothing about the subjeci matter, so you have to write
everything in detail, even things which seem evidentto you.

. Keep focused.

The rnost irnportant feature of an efiective €xpository essay is staying focused on the topic "- -

without wandering from the subject. You should also avoid wordy explanations and inelevani
extra information that won't lead to a better understanding of the topic. To avoid verbosity
choose a narow topic that will let you concentrate on presenting a few key ideas-

\-, . Compare and contrast.

One of the methods for expository writing is the discr.rssion of similarities and differences
between two people, objects, or ptaces. You dont need to list allthe similarities and
divergent features, choose the most important ones that distinguish a particulal: peison or

. Determine the causes and effects.

Explaining hor things influence each other is another strategy. You can start by introducing
a certainfact and then list and anatyze the causes that led to that state of things.

. Describe the process.

Anothertype of writing, the so-called process essay, proriO", detaiiec ;- := -:: : - -t;v to
do something. Before you start to write, you should gather all the nec€ssa-_, -': - = :-
because you need to be an expert in that topic to instruct ybur readers api,r: r"- ,
. Give a definition

One more strategy is explaining the meaning of a particular word or term. You rnay dre
any object for your close examination, either a living thing (a flower or animal) or an ahstel*
notion friendship or love).

. Find a solution.

You can state a problem in the introduction and then come up with its possible solutions in
the body paragraphs. Yot"r may also pose a qr:estion and then provide detailed answers to iL

. Stick to the five-paragraph structure.

You should use the standard structure: the introduction containing the thesis statement,
three body paragraphs explaining the thesis, and the conclusion restating the main idea.

. Organization of the text.

Awell+rritten exposition remains focused on its topic and lists events in chronological order-

. lmpersonal.

Second-person instructions with '!ou." Hows'rver, the use of first-person pronouns should be
. Unbiased
The most important feature to remember when writing an expository essay is that you
shouldn't write about your own personal opinions. lt is usually written in the second person-
especialty if it describes a certain process or aciivity. You present either sorneone else's
point of view or iust stick to the facts, without refening to your personal opinion.

Exptain in a way that would have been underSandabte forourselyes.

2.0 Expository essay structured exactly like any other essay with an introductory paragraph.
ln the introductian you give a clear statement of your thesis. Every paragraph of the
bodyshould have a point that relates it to the thesis. no matter in wfrat relations it is with the
othen succession of events, distinctive features. lt helps to prove your thesis statement-
Finatly, in canclusionyou shouldn;t merely repeat th6 thesis you have started with, but do it

Here are some tips thatwi, make yourwriting process eSsier:

' Imagine that you are a teacherand

have to explain something to students
who have
absolutely no idea of it' lf you were
a student, what wouic be the
best way to exprain
it to you?

DonT overdo- if you are asked

to exprain something, there is no
need to wite
absolutery everything you know
on the su[iect. Exctude the obvious.
a It begins with a topic sentence.
a It answers the quetions who?
wtrat? when? where? and wtry?"
a It usually tells about events in
the orderthey occuned.
t It includes only facts, not opinions.


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