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What’s new in SAS Enterprise Guide 4.

2 (Draft)

1. Conditional logic node for EG, eventually add to AMO- from Strategy
[NOTE: Not available in EG4.2.0.6292]

2. Consolidate Application Frameworks

Not use cases, but File navigation consolidated and in test.

3. Dynamic and cascading prompts

Please see Dynamic/cascading prompting, Marilyn's test documentation for this feature is
unavailable: DynamicAndCascadingPrompts.htm

4. Enhanced Editor Managed

Enhanced editor was rewritten in C# instead of C++, please see Enhanced Editor Managed.

5. Forecast Studio override task

Enable write back to Forecast Studio server in AMO

6. Function in Office 12
Office 2007 support
[Do we need to test this feature?]

7. Independent repositories
Independent repository support includes the following items:
 Navigational dialogs that provide one tree-view of repositories;
 Use of My Folder for storing items for a user
To come later:
 My Shared folder for storing items that are readable by group/public
 Search facilities to search among all repositories;

For more detailed information, please see “High Level Functional Specification – Metadata
Repositories & Object Selection 9.2”

8. Leverage SAS OLAP Server functionality from Excel.

To have functionality offered by SAS OLAP Server in Excel (AMO)

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9. OLAP Server Management
The ability to open an OLAP cube should also exist in the common file dialog.  There is also
a request to have predefined OLAP server listed in the Cube Open Dialog.

10. Open WRS Reports in AMO

Open SAS Report in AMO.

11.  Project Migration

Support for migrating eg projects from 4.1 to 4.2 which will include supporting independent
repository changes.

12. Redesign EG's User Interface

UI MainForm was redesigned to simplified and support activity-based than before. It
 Windows layout and management;
 Removal of MDI functionality;
 Menus, toolbars and context menus;
 Limiting the Docking functionality;
 Pulling out Syncfusion where possible.
Please see the “EG Menu structure” file for detailed information, and see \\d14018\EGDemo
for prototype.

UI Specification changes: There are many changes in Enterprise Guide 4.2 GUI, please see
the following documents for detailed information:

 4.2 Icon Request Document

 Conditional Node – Revised Desgin
 EG Framework Desgin
 EG_Framework_StatusBar
 EG_SP_Wizard
 EGRepositories
 Filters in SAS Tasks
 Role_based_EG
 Task Template
 Window Tiling
13. Report wizard (PROC REPORT)
Provide A SAS task that leverages PROC REPORT capabilities
ROC REPORT based wizard - User does not want to write the code.

14. Role-based Activities support and OMR integration

Centrally manage and customize role-based application-settings to filter functionality
exposed to an individual user or class of users in Enterprise Guide 4.2, for detailed
information, please see Role-based Activites specification.

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15. New SAS ODS Graphics Support in SAS Tasks
An new option “Use ODS statistical graphics when possible” added to EG or AMO, please
see ODS graphics Opportunities inSAS Tasks.doc for details.
Correlations task and One Way Anova task now have stat graphs

16. Support Running Applications on x64 machine in 32-bit mode

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17. Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI)
Desktop apps need to provide an option on the login tab to specify whether windows
authentication should be used. The checkbox should probably read: “use Integrated Windows
Authentication.” According to Forrest Boozer, this is the terminology that Microsoft is now
using. If this checkbox is selected, the user should not enter username/password. Client apps
need to store this setting and pass this information on to the server connection.
For more detailed information, please see “SSPI-req.xml”

18. File Transfer Tasks to Support Academic On Demand project

Provide a mechanism for Enterprise Guide installed on a machine without SAS to save SAS
data files on the local machines in SAS data set format (sas7bdat). Please click here for
detailed information.

19. Task Template

EG user creates a task template for personal use or shares the task templates with others.
Please click here for detailed information.

20. Result viewer support

Enterprise Guide 4.2 html viewer need to support Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox. This
feature was support start from Enterprise Guide 4.1. Please see
TestingNetscapeAndFirefox.htm for installation instructions.

All new features:

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