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Grade 11 Biology Exam Review-2023

Remember to study your terms and definitions within the various units.
Know your diagrams and their labels.

A. Diversity of Living Things

1. Biodiversity – species, hybridization, morphology, diversity in

Ecosystems (interactions, habitats)
2. Classification – taxonomy, binomial nomenclature, dichotomous
3. Modern Taxonomy – phylogeny, clades, barcode
4. Kingdoms of Life – Eubacteria, Archaea, Protista, Fungi, Plants, Animals
5. Domains of Life – Eubacteria, Archaea, Eukaryotes
6. Characteristics of: Prokaryotes (Eubacteria, Archaea, Viruses, Viroids, Prions), Eukaryotes
(Protists, Fungi, Plants, Animals)
7.Three (3) Types/Structures of Bacteria (cocci, bacillus, spirillum) – metabolism (obligate aerobes,
facultative aerobes and obligate anaerobes), Reproduction – fission, conjugation, horizontal gene
transfer, endospores
8. Viruses – Characteristics, Infections, Vaccinations
9. Protists – Endosymbiosis, Characteristics, Life Cycles (gametophyte, sporophyte); importance –
food, ecosystems etc
10. Fungi – characteristics, mycelium, hyphae, chitin, life cycle (dikaryote, meiosis); importance (to
humans-food, industry, medicine etc, ecosystem, )
11. Animals- the various phyla, their characteristics/features ( especially, unique characteristics) and
examples, importance of animals. recognize and label diagrams
12. Plants- the various phyla, their characteristics/features ( especially, unique characteristics) and
examples, importance of plants ( to humans- food, medicine, clothing etc, ecosystem),
recognize and label diagrams

B. Genetic Processes
DNA, Mitosis and Meiosis
1. The Nature of Heredity
2. DNA and the Code of life
3. Mutations, Genomes, Manipulating the Genome, Gene Therapy
4. Asexual Reproduction: Copies and Cloning
 Mitosis – cell cycle and stages of mitosis
 Cloning, GMO, Cancer (applications)
5. Sexual Reproduction: Adding Variety
 Meiosis- stages, gametogenesis, karyotypes, sex chromosomes and determination,
Haploid and Diploid, Autosomes and sex chromosomes
6. Abnormal Meiosis and/or Fertilization- Nondisjunction Disorders examples, problems with
fertilization, ways to overcome these problems

Mendelian Genetics
7. Heredity – Mendel, alleles, dominant, recessive, genotype, phenotype, homozygous,
heterozygous, monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, Punnett square, multiple alleles,
incomplete dominance and codominance crosses, sex-linked traits/crosses, pedigree charts,

8. Genetic Disorders

C. Animals: Structure and Function

9. Why we need to eat- reasons for /need of nutrition
10. What and how much we eat- Carbohydrates, Lipids, Fats, Proteins and Nucleic
Acids( macromolecules) , Vitamins and Minerals, Water- structures and functions of all
these nutrients,
11. Digestion – organs of the system and their functions, enzymes and their functions,
(Relating structure to function)
- Explain how a meal is digested- carbs, protein, fats, water, minerals, vitamins
-Absorption: Passive Transport, active transport
-Disorders of the digestive system: acid reflux, stomach ulcers, cirrhosis,
nausea, vomiting and Diarrhea

12. Respiratory system – Need for respiratory system,

-Structure and functions of respiratory system
(relating structure to function)
- Mechanism of breathing/ventilation, lung capacity- tidal volume,
inspiratory volume, expiratory volume etc, oxygen usage,VO 2 max
- Applications e.g. exercising and living at high altitudes
- Respiratory structures and Mechanism of breathing in Fish:
Countercurrent exchange
- Transport and Diffusion of Gases; partial pressures
- Applications e.g. exercising and living at high altitudes
- Control of Breathing
-Diseases and Disorders -e.g., asthma, COPD, emphysema, lung
cancer, bronchitis, tuberculosis, influenza

13. Circulation and Blood –

-Need for /functions of circulatory system: open and closed systems,
-Components of the blood -erythrocytes, leucocytes, platelets, tissue fluid (relating structure
to function) , blood groups, antigens, antibodies, blood vessels, vasodilation and
vasoconstriction, Rh factor
- Blood vessels: relating structure to function
- Blood pressure
-Lymphatic system
- Heart – structures and blood flow through the heart (cardiac cycle) , nodes, systole and
diastole,: Relating structure to function
-Problems of the circulatory system

D. Evolution
1. Biological Change over Time- Mutations (neutral, beneficial, harmful) and Artificial
Selection; Explain giving examples
2. Theorists and their theories of/before evolution- Lamark, Cuvier, Lyell, Charles Darwin
3. Catastrophism VS Uniformitarianism
4. Give an account of Charles Darwin’s contribution of evolution from observations
made on his voyage.

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