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1st Year

Poems Explanation
Written By:Prof.Rehan Ul Haq
M.Phil. English (Linguistics)

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

The Rain
Stanza 1.
These lines have been taken from the poem “The Rain”written by W. H. Davies.

This poem is about the rain and the conditions that prevail after the rain stops. The poem carries
symbolic meanings. The poet has beautifully described the scene of the rain. The poet says that rain is
a blessing for all the creatures on the Earth. The poem carries a message that every dark cloud has a
silver lining.

In this stanza, the poet says that he is hearing the sound of the rain falling on the leaves. The 'tip, tip"
of the raindrops falling on the leaves makes a sweet sound and the poet is listening to this music. The
rich leaves on top first get the rainwater and then they pass this water drop after drop to the lower
leaves. This thing even has a symbolic message that rich people have more opportunities to enjoys the
blessings of nature. They have more life chances. The poor people get little and in a modified form.
Anyhow the blessings of God reach everyone in time. The poet says that the raindrops falling on the
leaves make sweet noise. The poet is enjoying the music created by green leaves drinking rain.

Stanza 2:
In this stanza, the poet has sketched the scene after the rain has stopped. He says that when the rain
shall stop and the sun will come out, the wonderful light of the sun will illuminate every dark object
even the rain drops. The poet emphasizes that he has to stop and the sun has to come out. It is the law
of nature. The poet is optimistic. He says that the sun will shine brightly. Everything will sparkle with
a new look. It will be a lovely sight. The poet has used symbolic meaning that every trouble and
calamity brings about a new era. We should not lose hope.

2. Night Mail
This is the Night Mail……. The girl next door.
These lovely lines have been taken from the poem “Night Mail” written by W.H. Auden.
The poet has written this poem about a train that brings mail. The-peen was originally written for a
documentary film about a mail train in 1936 Night Mail travels from England to Scotland and brings

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

cheques postal orders and letters .The poet has also described the route of Night Mail. It is not plain
and smooth. There are slopes in her way but she is always on time. In this way, scantse
hukumapalities/ Birds are afraid of her loud noise and sheep-dogs cannot change her course. When
she passes from a farm, no one wakes. It is due to the reason that the people living near the railway
track have become habitual to her noise and tremor.
In these melodious lines, the poet has described the journey of Night Mail. Night Mail’ covers a long
distance from England to Scotland and performs the duties of a postman. She brings cheques, postal
orders and letters for the people of the area she passes. Her post is for all the people from the rich to
the poor, from the business-class to the commouers. In this way, it connects the people living far away
from one-another.
It has been rightly said:
“To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.”
The poet also remarks on the working efficiency of the mail train. She has to travel a long way to
perform her duties. She crosses the border and travels to Scotland. Her hard and strenuous journey is
of great value for the masses of both the countries as it is a means of communication for them.
Night Mail helps in their business and social communication in a quite effective and handsome way. It
serves all equally. Businessmen and the commoners both send and receive their letters, cheques,
postal orders and many other valuable things through her.
The poet here admires the services rendered by the Night Mail. She is of great value for all the classes
of the society. She has the capacity to serve the humanity. She can join the people. Ocially by
transporting the messages and gifts. She can also carry on business dealings by delivering cheques
and postal orders. In this way, she is serving the humanity.
Horace Mann says:
“Doing good to others is the best deed done on this planet.”

Critical Analysis:
The poet has personified the train night Mail. Personification means giving living qualities to non-
living things. She is taking goods and conveying messages to others. The train has ‘shoulders’ and
‘face’ just like a living person. It also ‘shorts’ like a human being.

STANZA: 02 (Night Mail)

Pulling up Beattock…. White steam over her shoulder.
In these melodious lines, the poet has described the journey of Night Mail. Night Mail covers a long
distance from England to Scotland and performs the duties of a postman. She brings cheques, postal
orders and letters for the people of the area she passes. Her post is for all the people from the rich to
the poor, from the business-class to the commoners. In this way, it connects the people living far away
from one another.
It has been rightly said:

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

“To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.”
The poet also remarks on the working efficiency of the mail train. She has to travel a long way to
perform her duties. She crosses the border and travels to Scotland. Her hard and strenuous journey is
of great value for the masses of both the countries as it is a means of communication for them.
Her route is very difficult. She travels from the hilly areas and climbs slopes. It shows the hardships
and dangers in the way of night Mail. But these hurdles can’t delay her arrival and Night Mail covers
all those arduous distances within her time limits. She always reaches on time. She also passes
through the beautiful fields of cotton that add beauty to her journey. There also lay boulder area of
scattered round stones and rough uncultivated land filled with bushes in her way. Her personal sight is
also eye-catching in the sense that it emits white steam over her shoulder.
The word “shoulder” is used for humans. It means the poet is personifying the night mail giving her
the qualities of a punctual human that performs her duties diligently.
*The poet here admires the services rendered by the Night Mail. She is of great value for all the
classes of the society. She has the capacity to serve the humanity. She can join the people socially by
transporting the messages and gifts. She can also carry on business dealings by delivering cheques
and postal orders. In this way, she is serving the humanity.”
Horace Manu says:
“Doing good to others is the best deed done on this planet.”
Critical Analysis:
The poet has personified the train night Mail. Personification means giving living qualities to non-
living things. She is taking goods and conveying messages to others. The train has ‘shoulders’ and
‘face’ just like a living person. It also ‘sports like a human being.

(Night Mail)
Snorting noisily.. .bushes at her blank faced coaches.
In these melodious lines, the poet has described the journey of Night Mail. Night Mail covers a long
distance from England to Scotland and performs the duties of a postman. She brings cheques, postal
orders and letters for the people of the area she passes. Her post is for all the people from the rich to
the poor, from the business-class to the commoners. In this way, it connects the people living far away
from one-another.
It has been rightly said:
“To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.”.
*The poet also remarks on the working efficiency of the mail train. She has to travel a long way to
perform her duties. She crosses the border and travels to Scotland. Her hard and strenuous journey is
of great value for the masses of both the countries as it is a means of communication for them.
She snorts and whistles during her journey. Her whistle is a sign of her arrival and an alarm for the
people and the animal if they are on her track. The word “snort” is used for humans. It means the poet
is personifying the Night Mail giving her the qualities of a human. Her air pressure when she passes is

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

extremely hard. When she passes from the grassy fields, all the grass near the railway track bends
with her air pressure.
The birds are afraid of her speed and noise. They stare at ber expressionless and blank coaches. They
are so fearful of her that they hide themselves behind the bushes. “Blank faced” here may mean empty
coaches or coaches with no expression on their face.
*The poet bere admires the services rendered by the Night Mail. She is of great value for all the
classes of the society. She has the capacity to serve the humanity. She can join the people socially by
transporting the messages and gifts. She can also carry on business dealings by delivering cheques
and postal
Orders. In this way, she is serving the humanity.
Horace Mann says:
“Doing good to others is the best deed done on this planet”.
Critical Analysis:
The poet has personified the train night Mail. Personification means giving living qualities to non-
living things. She is taking goods and conveying messages to others. The train has ‘shoulders’ and
‘face’ just like a living person. It also snorts like a human being.

STANZA: 04(Night Mail)

Sheep dogs……. But a jug in a bedroom gently shakes.
In these melodious lines, the poet has described the journey of Night Mail. Night Mail covers a long
distance from England to Scotland and performs the duties of a postman! She brings cheques, postal
orders and letters for the people of the area she passes. Her post is for all the people from the rich to
the poor, from the business-class to the commoners. In this way, it connects the people living far away
from one-another.
It has been rightly said:
“To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.”
The poet also remarks on the working efficiency of the mail train. She has to travel a long way to
perform her duties. She crosses the border and travels to Scotland. Her hard and strenuous journey is
of great value for the masses of both the countries as it is a means of communication for them..
The birds and dogs on her way can’t affect her journey. They stare at her expressionless
compartments. The dogs don’t take any notice of her. They keep on sleeping. They know that their
barking has no effect on the Night Mail. They canNeither make her afraid nor make her change her
When Night Mail passes through a farm, it does not create much disturbance and no one wakes there.
The people near the railway lines have become habitual to its noise. Only some small things like a jug
near railway lines vibrate at her arrival.
The poet here admires the services rendered by the Night Mail. She is of great value for all the classes
of the society. She has the capacity to serve the humanity. She can join the people socially by

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

transporting the messages and gifts. She can also carry on business dealings by delivering cheques
and postal orders. In this way, she is serving the humanity.
Horace Mann says:
“Doing good to others is the best deed done on this planet.”
Critical Analysis:
The poet has personified the train night Mail. Personification means giving living qualities to non-
living things. She is taking goods and conveying messages to others. The train has ‘shoulders’ and
‘face’ just like a living person. It also “shorts’ like a human being.

3. Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now

“Loveliest of trees ,the cherry now…….Wearing white for easter ride”
These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem“Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now” written by
A. E. Housman.
A.E. Houseman is a poet of nature. In this poem, he has praised the beauty of cherry tree. The sight of
cherry tree covered with white flowers is charming. It fills the pact’s heart with happiness. He wants
to have a longer life to enjoy the beauty of cherry tree for a longer period of time. He wants to go
again and again to that woodland ride where the cherry tree is standing with its all beauty. Ile laments
that his present life is too short to enjoy the beauty of cherry tree. Cherry is the symbol of natural
beauty. The poet wants to have an everlasting relation with this beauty of nature lie wants to live a life
with a longer duration just to enjoy the beauty of nature for a longer period of time. The paem also has
religious tane.
In these lines, the poet has described his love for the beauty of nature. He says that cherry is the most
beautiful tree. Its hehuty and elegance attracts the poet to visit it again and again when it blooms. The
majesty of cherry Tree is captivating. Its eharm refreshes poet’s heart and soul. It imprints a
permanent mark un his soul.
Keats has also praised beauty:
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever”
The poet is excited to see the cherry tree in full bloom. Cherrytree is worth watching when it is
covered with white flowers. White flowers add to its elegance and majesty Spring is the time of
rebirth and blooming Magical powers of spring enliven every dead and drowsy soul. It refreshes the
soul of whole nature. Everything looks lovely and life-like.
The cherry tree is loaded with white flowers. It seems that it has put on white dress to celebrate Easter
festival. Here the poet’s approach is somewhat religious as he is using a religious term to praise the
beauty of cherry tree. Easter is celebrated by the Christians in the memory of the Resurrection Christ
it is celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon after 21 March.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

Being a poet of nature, he wants to enjoy the beauty of nature using his all senses. His heart is
captivated by the majesty of cherry tree. The poet has huge love for nature in his heart. Iis soul is
thirsty and wants to infuse more beauty in itself. This wish of the poet seems to be infinite as his
whole life is not enough to quench his thirst for beauty. The more he enjoys and infuses beauty into
himself, the more he feels thirsty for it. His bond with the beauty of nature is so strong that he cannot
bear separation from it.
Keats has given the same idea of beauty:
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
Critical Analysis:
The poem has symbolic meanings. “Cherry tree” is the symbol of beauty of nature. The word ‘snow
has been used to enhance the beauty of white flowers. The poem also has religious tone.

“Now, of my three score years and len. It only leaves me fifty more”

In these lines, the poet has described his love for the beauty of nature. He says that cherry is the most
beautiful tree. Its beauty and elegance attraets the poet to visit it again and again when it blooms. The
majesty of cherry tree is captivating. Its charm refreshes poet’s heart and soul. It imprints a permanent
mark on his soul!
Keats has also praised beauty:
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”
A.E.Housman longs for a longer duration with the nature to elevate his soul with the magical effects
of nature. Ilis wish for a longer life does not show his fear of death. He wishes to perceive the beauty
through his senses for a longer period of time. This short life is not enough to fully enjoy and
inculeate the majesty of nature into our souls. The poet longs for a life more than the life mentioned in
the Bible to have biz sord elevated through the infusion of eternal beauty of cherry tree and the whole
The poet is mind that his life is too short la enjoy the beauty of nature. Twenty years of his life have
passed. Ile thinks that he has only fifty more years to
Enjoy the beauty of cherry tree. Bible says that man’s average life is seventy years. The puct laments
that his remaining life is not enough to praise the beauty when it is in full bloom. He wants to go to
the woods again and again to praise the cherry tree covered with white flowers.
Keats his given the same idea of beauty:
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
*Being a poet of nature, he wants to enjoy the beauty of nature using his all senses. His heart is
captivated by the majesty of cherry tree. The poet has huge love for nature in his heart, Ilis soul is
thirsty and wants to infuse more beauty in itself. This wish of the poet seems to be infinite as his
whole life is not enough to quench his thirst for beauty. The more he enjoys and infuses beauty into
himself, the more he feels thirsty for it. His bond with the beauty of nature is so strong that he cannot
bear from it.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

And since to look at things in bloom…….To see the cherry hung with snow.
In these lines, the poet has described his love for the beauty of nature. Ile says that cherry is the most
beautiful tree. Its beauty and elegance attracts the poet to visit it again and again when it blooms. The
majesty of cherry tree is captivating. Its charm refreshes poet’s heart and soul. It imprints a permanent
mark on his son!.
Keats has also praised beauty:
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”
A.E. Housman longs for a longer duration with the nature to elevate his soul with the magical effects
of nature. His wish for a longer life does not show his fear of death. Ife wishes to perceive the beauty
through his senses for a longer period. Of time. This short life is not enough to fully enjoy and
inculcate the majesty of nature into our souls. The poet longs for a life more than the life mentioned in
the Bible to have his soul elevated through the infusion of eternal beauty et cherry tree and the whole
The poet is sad that his life is too short to enjoy the beauty of nature. Twenty years of his life have
passed. Ife thinks that he has only fifty more years to enjoy the beauty of cherry tree. The Bible says
that man’s average life is seventy years. The poet laments that his remaining life is not enough to
praise the beauty when it is in full bloom. Ile wants to go to the woods again and again to praise the
cherry tree covered with white flowers.
The word “snow” has been used by the poet to represent the white flowers. He remarks that flowers
are snowy white and shines as bright as the flakes of snow. This whole scene presented by the poet
takes us to the imaginary worlds of beauty and divinity. The readers also desire to take a light and
enjoy the beautiful scenery mentioned by the pact.
Keats has given the same idea of beauty:
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
Being a poet of nature, he wants to enjoy the beauty of nature using his all senses. His heart is
captivated by the majesty of cherry tree. The pact has huge love for nature in his heart. Ilis soul is
thirsty and wants to infuse more beauty in itself. This wish of the poet seems to be infinite as his
whole life is not enough to quench his thirst for beauty. The more he enjoys and infuses beauty into
himself, the more he feels thirsty for it. His bond with the beauty of nature is so strong that he cannot
bear separation from it.

4. O Where are You Going?

“O where are you going?....... That gap is grave where the tall return.”

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem “O Where Are You Going?” Written by W. H.
This poem is a dialogue between two imaginary persons, personified as Reader and Rider. The
Reader, whose life is based on theoretical concepts and nothing practical, is a timid and terrified
person. On the other hand, the Rider is a brave, courageous and practical man Although his journey is
replete with innumerable dangers, he is determined to accomplish it through thick and thin or
whatever sufferings and sorrows come in his way. Worldly barriers check the journey of human
beings. As a result, men with mettle react and show their determination against heavy odds of life.
The poet has urged us to be brave and courageous to achieve success. The men who lose heart never
win in their lives.
In these lines, the Reader has been shown as a cowardly person le discourages theil Rider from
continuing his tough task of travelling. He says that the valley where the Rider is going is replete svith
heaps of dung and waste material. Their nasty smell may sicken him or madden his mind. To strike
further horror in the heart and mind of the Rider, the Reader adds that there is also a grave in the form
of a gap for those who try to cross it.
At the very start, the Reader tries to frighten and discourage the Rider from accomplishing his
journey. The Reader is impractical, unrealistic and far more frightened, su he can’t overcome
obstacles of life as,
Shakespeare has remarked:
“Extreme fear can neither fight nor fly.”
The title ‘O Where Are You Going’ is a deep question and a challenge as went te akikes the Reader
think of big questions, dangers and challenges in life.
Through the dialogue between two see i.e. the Reader and the Rider, the poet has enterremar one
hupsophytorite that mospadestide feat and one must be determined and confident to achieve the goals
of life without losing courage and hope. The Reader in this poem is the representative of all those
cowards who die fei
It has been said well:
“Fortune favours the brave.”
Critical Analysis:
The poet has personified the forces of bravery and fear as reader and rider, Fearer and farer, and
horror and hearer. The valley is the symbol of hardships and mysteries of life. The words furnaces,
midden, grave, shape and shocking disease’ show the hurdles that a brave man has to face.

“O do you imagine,”……. Your footsteps feet from granite to grass?”

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

In these lines, the Fearer has been shown as a cowardly person. He discourages the Farer from
continuing his tough task of travelling. The Fearer warns the Farer regarding the risks and tragedies,
which may befall during his journey. Ile says that although the Rider is undertaking his journey during
the daytime, yet at dusk it will hecomie dark and dendly. Ilis intelligence and vigilance will show his
ignorance regarding mysteries of life. The Fearer also warns him that the footsteps on granite are
different from thuse of grass. In other words, he means to say that the path that the Rider has chosen is
taugh and twisted.
The Fearer tries to discourage the Farer so that he may withdraw from his ambition to cross and
conquer the valley replete with dangers, failures, sorrows and sufferings. It’s true that bad time never
plays trumpet, however, one must be ready to face it bravely. In spite of the Fearer’s predictions and
discouragement, the Farer is not ready to give up. To him, he will-power matters not the rintl A
determined person never complains about such things, as it has been well said by Tom Wilson:
“You can complain because roses have thorns, Or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.”
Through the dialogue between two opposite force i.e. the Farer and Fearer, the poet has tried to preach
the philosophy of life that man is not made for defeat and one must he determined and confident to
achieve the goals of life without losing courage and hope. The Farer in this poem is the representative
of all those cowards who die ten times before death.
It has been said well:
“Fortune favours the brave.”
Critical Analysis:
The poet has personified the forces of bravery and fear as reader and rider, fearer and farer, and horror
and hearer. The valley is the symbol of hardships and mysteries of life. The words ‘furnaces, midden,
grave, shape and shocking disease’ show the hurdles that a brave man has to face.

“O what was that bird,”. …… The spot on your skin is a shocking disease.”
In these lines, the Horror has been shown as a cowardly person, He discourages the Hearer from
continuing his tough task of travelling. The Horror terrifies the learer regarding mysterious event or
experience, which may befall during his journey. Supernatural creatures, having terrible faces, may
appear in his way. The frees in that valley are the dwelling places for such ghostly creatures, which
may chase him to death. The Horror also points out that the tiny spots on his face and hody are the
symptoms of deadlly disease. At the very outset, the Reader tries to frighten and discourage the reader
from accomplishing his journey. The Reader is impractical, unrealistic and far more frightened, so he
can’t overcome obstacle of life as Shakespeare has remarked:
“Extreme fear can neither fight nor fly.”
Through the dialogue between two opposite force i.e. the Ilorror and Hearer, the poet has tried to
preach the philosophy of life that man is not made for defeat and one must be determined and
confident to achieve the goals of life without losing courage and hope. The Reader in this pnem is the
representative of all those cowards who die ten times hefort death.
It has been said, well:

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

“Fortune favours the brave.”
Critical Analysis:
The poet has personified the forces of bravery and fear as render and rider, fearer and farer, and horror
and hearer. The valley is the symbol of hardships and mysteries of life. The words ‘furnaces, midden,
grave, shape and shocking disease show the hurdles that a brave man has to face.

“Out of this house”……. As he left them there, as he left them there.
It is the cuneluding stanza of the poem which indicates that ‘the Rider doesn’t get frighteness of the
Reader’s fake maalings tle has the iron will-prior to cross the valley. The traveller says to the reader
that the brave and courageous people are not afraid of the hardships of life and always struggle till
death. They trust in their capabilities and live on the principle of “DOOr Diet. Regarding will-power
and self-reliance, Sir Winston Churchill has advised:
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the
Courage to continue that counts.?
Such people never wait for opportunities or the dangers to be over, because, deciding today is less
risk, than waiting till the risks are removed and here is a where there is a will there is a way.
The Rider further remarks that Reader’s world is limited and he can’t come over the barrier of the
shortcomings of his own character. Ironically, the doubts and fears that the Reader has been trying to
create in the mind and heart of the Rider, are waiting for him. The coward will definitely become prey
of his fears and doubts. Saying this, the Rider left the Reader and resumed his journey.
A Through the dialogue between two opposite force i.e. the Reader and Rider, the port has tried to
preach the philosophy of life that man is not made for defeat nad ones must be determined and
confident to achieve the goals of life without losing courage and hope. The Reader in this poem is the
representative of all those cowards who die ten times before death
It has been said well:
“Fortune favours the brave.”
Critical Analysis:
The poet has personified the forces of bravery and fear as reader and rider, Tearer and Tarer, and
horror and hearer. The valley is the symbol of hardships and mysteries of life. The words ‘furnaces,
midden, grave, shape and shocking disease’ show the hurdles that a brave man has to face.


Wieks balance flame……. Glow red-hat, gold-hot from within.
These heautiful lines have been taken from the poem“In the Street of the Fruit Stalls”Written by Jan

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

In this symbolic poem, Jan Stallworthy has reflected dark and harsh realities of life through death and
destruction caused by war, poverty and miseries of life. The poet has shown miserable condition of
the pour. They are suffering from henger, shortage of food, war and dark future. But all these
sufferings have faited to crush man’s love for pleasure. He still searches for delight in the short span
af life. He is just like the children, who enjoy the sweet spray of juice forgetting all about the misery
of life they live in. These children are too innocent to comprehend the dark and harsh realities of life.
The poet has used fruit colours, darkness and light of lantern/as the symbols of joy, delight, dark,fate
and hope.
In this first stanza, the poet has used dark imagery “dark dew falls”. He has portrayed evening time
with dark and grim condition of the poor people. Ile describes here the activities of the poor children
in the street of the fruit stalls. Darkness here symbolises the dark future of the poor children. In this
darkness, the light of lantern is a hope for those poor children.
In the street of fruit stalls, various fruils like melon, gears not mandanin are piled up in a conical form
like pyramid. The imagery of fruits is symbolizing both pleasure and misery. These are pleasure-
giving in the sense that they are in variety and have sweet taste and attractive colour. But at the same
time, these fruits symbulise the “cannon halls” that are used in war. He is afraid of the dangers of war
and that is why these look to him round just like “cannan halls”. The poet wants to suggest the effect
of war on the poor. On the other hand, these also have their charm for the poor children as they shine
with bright reddish and golden colours.
It has been said well:
“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of
The whole world is drowned in the darkness of war, misery and paverty. The same darkness is found
in the fruit street. War and its horrors have shattered the human psychology to such an extent that
different kinds of fruits look like bombs.
The poet is standing in the dark and is sad over the poor condition of these children. He is aware of
the dark future that those poor children will face. They are busy in their activities forgetting their grim
future. He wants the rich to make this world worth-living for the poor.
It has been said well:
“ Poor are poor because the rich are rich.”
Critical Analysis:
This is a symbolic poem. “Darkness” is the symbol of “darki rate”, “Light of lantera” is the symbol of
“hope”, and “Traits” are the symbols of wishes” and “dangers of war.”

Dark children with a coin.
The sun in a pitted skin.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

In this stanza, the poet has used the word “Dark Childrea” This word relleels the dark Future of those
children. The poor children with innucent hopes and dark future find pleasure in these fruits like
melon, guava and mandarin. They innocently hold a coin standing in the light of lantern. For them the
unty hupe and pleasure of life is to buy and enjoy the taste of various fruits.
Dark children symbolise insignificance of human life in the eyes of those who wage war and bring
about misery to fellow humans. These are the children with a dark future ahead.
The poor children gather in the circle of light. They have only a jenin tn spend. Their wish is to buy
all the joys with this little amount. Those fruits are shlaing just like sun and moon. The poet suggests
here that these fruits off gnava melon and mandarin are the whole universe to those poor children.
Here these fruits are the symbols of their cherished dreams and desires.
It has been said well:
“There are peopic in the world so hungry. That God cannot appear to them except in the form of
The whole world is drowned in the darkness of war, misery and poverty. The same darkness is found
in the frust street. War and its horrors have shattered the human psychology to such an extent that
different kinds of fruits looks like bombs.
The poet is standing in the dark and is sad over the poor condition of those children. He is aware of
the dark future that those poor children will face. They are trusy in their activities forgetting their grim
future. He wants the rich to make this world worth-living for the poor.
It has been said well:
“The poor are poor because the rich are rich.”.
Critical Analysis:
This is a symbolic poem. “Darkness” is the symbol of dark ate “Light of Tantern” is the symbol of
“hope”, and “fruits” are the symbols of wishes and dangers of war.”.

They take it, break it open…… The dark street I am standing in.
In this stanza, the poet narrates the pleasure visible on the fares of the Per children after they have
attained their cherished wishes in the form of fruits. They say the fruit and break it open. They are
overjoyed and dip their month, fingers, cheeks, nases ani chins in it. They become so glad that their
faces lit up like lanterns. They forget the miseries spread around them. For them, the whole pleasure is
the attainment of those fruits. They are unconscious of the war going on, harsh realities of life and
grim future.
It has been said well:
“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of
In spite of all these troubles, man’s love for pleasure is still an integral part of his nature. The children
are unaware of their miserable living conditions and are absorbed in their newly acquired happiness.
The condition off the poet is, however, different. Ile feels sad at the present situation and has serious
concerns about the future.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

The whole world is drowned in the darkness of war, misery and poverty. The same darkness is found
in the fruit stree!. War and its horrors have shattered the human psychology to such an extent that
different kinds of fruits look like bombs.
The poet is standing in the dark and is sad over the poor condition of those children, Ile is aware of
the dark future that those puar children will face. They are busy in their activities forgetting their grim
future. Lie wants the rich fo make this world worth-living for the poor.
It has been said well:
“The poor are poor because the rich are rich.”

Critical Analysis:
This is a symbolic poen. “Darkness” is the symbol of “dark fate”. Light af lantern” is the symbol of
“hape”, and “fruits” are the symbols of “wishes” and “dangers of war”.
Wishes and dangers of war.”


Barefoot through the bazaar….. And not a ripple These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem
These lines have been taken from poem “a Sindhi woman” written by a poet Jan stallworthy
This poem is the poet’s description of a Sindhi woinan. Ite appreciates the way she endures the
hardships and confinements of the conservative societies. The poet has described the secne of the
slums in the heavily populated city of Karachi. Sindli woman does all the work in the worst living
conditions. She carries all the weight of tradition, religion and expectation on her head. She performs
it without a word and does it with a grace. She stands with dignity and respect because she has tasted
all the difficulties of life and has not broken down yet. The poet feels envious of her good health
which she has attained through a lot of physical labour. She is brave because she has passed all the
tests of life. The poet praises her for her courage and determination.
In this stanza, the poet has depicted a life-like and graphic picture of the life Of Sindhi labourer
woman while he sees her walk through the Bazaar, She lives in the slums of Karachi. The Sindhi
woman is going through a bazaar jith Hare tect because of severe poverty Her gait is graceful and
impressive. There is a rhythm in her movement which can be seen in her swaying body and floating
dress. She observes veil but wind pushes the cloth from her face. She is supposed to support the
family by putting in a hard labour.
She is carrying a “stone jar” on her head. This “stone jar” may be a symbolof hardships of life. She is
carrying all the burden of life on tiet and is performing her House-hold duties very nicely. Her
undulant grace” of gait depicts that her strife

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

Has made her tough enough to cope with all the trials and tribulations without uttering any word of
complain. “We are not here to play, to dream, to drift. We have hard work to do and loads to lift.
Emily remarks in this regard:
“Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul.
And sings the tune without the worsis
And never stops at all.”
The poet is paying tribute to Sindhi Women who has firm faith in hard work and is holding the burden
of life in the form of the responsibilities that she has to perform. She is courageous and confident and
feels no repentance or despair at the tough time her life offering her.
This poem is also paying homage to the working women who toil in the tests of life for the betterment
of their family. A poet says about women:
“Praise them! Praise women!
We need them in our mist!
For without them we cannot exist.
Praise them! Praise women!
Praise onto the women that raise thee!”
Critical Analysis:
The poem has realistic tone. The subject of the poem deals with the real life problems of paar Sindhi
women. The poet has used real. Graphic images like “stune jar, stones, garbage and crumbs” to
describe the hard life of a Sindhi waman. These are also the symbols of the troubles she has to face in
her life.

Watching her cross erect,…. Who learn to walk beneath a weight..
In this stanza, the poet has depicted a life-like and graphic picture of the life of a Sindhi labourer
woman. Le sees her walk through the hazaar. She lives in theslums of Karachi. The Sindhi woman is
going through a bazaar with bare feet because of severe poverty. She is making her way through
stones, garbage and the pieces of glass. These things may symbolise trials and tribulations of her life.
She carries the weight of literacy, poverty and inequality.
The poet also draws a comparison between his own dwindling health and the enciably good health of
the Sindhi woman. Ne is of the view that those who exert physically enjoy good health. Ile feels
envious of her good health which she has attained a lot of physical labour.
The poet is paying tribute to a Sindhi woman who has firm faith in hard work and is holding the
burden of life in the form of the responsibilities that she has to perform. She is courageous and
confident and feels no repentance or despair at the tough time her life is affering her.

Emily Dickinson remarks in this regard:

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.”
This poem is also paying homage to the working woman who fail in the tests of life for the betterment
of their family. A poet says about women:
Praise them! Praise women‼
We need them in our mist!
For without them we cannot exist.
Praise them! Praise women!
Praise onto the women that raise thee!
Critical Analysis:
The poem has realistic tone. The subject of the poem deals with the real life problems of poor Sindhi
women. The poet has used real, graphic images like “stone jar, stones, garbage and crumbs” to
describe the hard life of a Sindhi woman. These are alsa the symbols of the troubles she has to face in
her life.

These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem “Times” which part of the Holy Book
These lines are from Ecclesiastes which is a religious book of Old Testament consisting of discussions
on the vanity of human life. It is traditionally associated with Solomon but probably was written about
250 BC. The author refers to himself as “the Teacher.” Iiis purpose in writing the book as a wiele was
to think over the purpose of life and the human existence.(The poetry describes the way in which God
has created order and organization for all things. This poem highlights the idea that everything in this
universe happens at a fixed time. Time is a great power that rules the whole universe. Nothing can
happen without a plan and schedule. None can disturb the order of events. This poem also suggests
that God is the only master of this world and is responsible for all the happenings.
In these lines, the poet says that this universe has a definite párpose and a sullime scheme. Everything
has a meaning and God has made everything with a particular plan. All things and happenings obey
the laws of nature. The master of this universe has fixed a time for every event. This scheme has a
function to perform. This order shows God’s planning for the operation of this universe. Life and
death are the laws of nature and are necessary for the smooth functioning of this universe. There is a
time when we sow and after a we get the reward of our action. Life is strange in its nature. It makes us
ween sometime but spread smiles also. The life that makes us hug with dear ones also takes us away
from them.
William Shakespeare remarks:

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

“We are time’s subjects, and time hids be gone.”
There are certain moments in our life when we gather thing and keep them to make full use of them.
There are also certain points when we have to lose them. Time also shapes our behaviour. It teaches
us when to say and what to say. A time also comes when we are to be silent. Time is the greatest
power that dominates in this universe. These lines very artistically prove the law of nature that
whatever exists is bound to decay. Every thing has to follow the law.
A poet says about time:
“Whether we wake or we sleep,
Whether we carol or weep,
The Sun with his Planets in chime,
Marketh the going of Time.”
The teacher in the poem gives examples of the opposites that have been arranged by God. This point
proves how little influence humanity has in the events of life. God has ordered the passage of time and
the activities that are to take place in the different stages of a person’s life. He has created different
seasons of weather and the different types of relationships between humans.
The unspoken good news or reassurance that comes out of the poem is that God is in full control. Life
is not chaos there is order and reason. Humans have little control over the changes of time, but they
can strive to accept them as part of God’s plan. We should realize the fact that time once gone can
never he recalled.
Critical Analysis:
This poem contains religious tone. It is rich with symbols. “Plant, pluck up, break down, build up,
rend, sew” are the symbols that represent the Seheduiect happenings under the sun.


I met a traveller… “The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:”
These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem“Ozymandias” written by “P. B. Shelley.”
“Ozymandias” is a one written in 1818 Pere Bysshe Shelle. Ramesses I known as Ozymandias in
Greek sources was an figyptian Pharauh. He is considered the inspiration for the poem. Through the
depiction of Ozymandias broken statue, the poet has shown man’s insignificance and his futile efforts
to make himself immortai. Time and decay are powers beyond the control of the weathiest and most
dominant of human beings. The name Ozymandias and his proud declaration “king of kings” remain,
but they are in the sands of some desert land and have been forgotten forever. The once-great king’s
proud boast has been ironically condemned. Ozymandias’ works have decayed and ceased to work.
His civilization is gone and the pride and power of kingdom has turned to dust by the impartial,
universal and destructive power of history and time.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

In this stanza, the poet narrates his meeting with traveller from a remate, Historie land. Ite tells him
about the ruins of a statue in the desert of a far-olf country Phe two vast legs of stone are without
body, and near them à massive, crumbling stone heall lies half sunk in the sand. The traveller tells the
poet that the frown and sneer of cold command on the statue’s face indicate an air of authority and
The poet praises the sculptor for depicting the unkind feelings als powerful King in an artistic way.
His art is a proof of his being able to understand all the passions that the king had. He has injected a
lot of passions into lifeless things. The statue symbolises not only political power but it can also he a
metaphor for the price and arrogance of all hunianity that has power.
Horace Greeley remarks in this regard:
“Fame is a vapour; popularity, an accident; riches take wings; and only character endures.”
The statue of Ozymandias is a graphic and ironic picture of vanity and cruelty, Humans throughout
history have tried to overcome their mortality and they have ever desired to leave behind some
evidence of their existence. The subject of the putem “Ozymandias” is a Pharaoh who also had this
common desire.
Shelley tries to convey the idea that nothing will stay in its] original glory forever. He has used the
true story of Ozymandias as an example. The entire poem is an irony, which is created dramatically
by the contradictions in the poem. This lies in the difference between what Ozymandias declares:
“king of kings” and what actually happens.
The theme of the poem has been largely conveyed in an ironie tone. Mun is insignificant and his
efforts are vain when compared to the forces of Nature and Time. Time is the greatest leveller.
Through the use of historical allusion, vivid ironic imagery and fine diétion, Shelley reminds us of our
mortality. He tells us that our earthly achievements that are so important to us now, may one day he
concealed by the sands of time.
James Shirley in his poem “Death Is Leveller” remarks:
“The glories of our blood and state
Are shadows, not significant things;
There is no armour against Fate;
Death lays his icy hand on kings.”

Critical Analysis:
It is a symbolic poem “Frown, wrinkled lip, sneer of cold command” are the symbols of cruelty.
“Levelled sand and broken statue” are the symbols representing the justice done by Time and Nature.

“And on the pedestal these words appear:….. level sands stretch far away.”


Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

In this stanza, the poet narrates his meeting with a traveller from a remote, historić land. He tells him
about the ruins of a statue in the desert of a far off country. The message that is inscribed on the
pedestal, on which this broken statue has been erected, is a statement replete with vanity. Ile declares
himself as Ozymandias “the king of kings”. The vain king challenges all the other men of power that
they can’t compete with him. The statement laughs at them for their being inferior to him and unable
to do as great deeds as were dome by him.
Ironically, all his feelings of pride and prosperity are nothing more than illusion and self-deception.
The statue’s pride of his worldly position, wealth and fame in this mortal world has been shattered. It
stands alone and shattered in the desert, half sunken in the sand. Nothing remains of his so-called
majestic deeds. Lone and levelled sand beside his broken statue praves the insignificance of vain
human efforts.
Horace Greeley remarks in this regard:
“Fame is a vapour; popularity, an accident; riches take wings; and only character endures.”
The statue of Ozymandias is a graphic and ironic picture of vanity and cruelty. Humans throughout
history have tried to overcome their mortality and they have ever desired to leave behind some
evidence of their existence. The subject of the porm “Ozymandias” is a Pharaoh who alse had this
common desire.
Shelley tries to convey the idea that nothing will stay in is original glory forever. He has used the true
story of Ozymaadias as an example. The entire is an irony, which is created dramatically by the
contradictions in the poem. This lies in the difference between what Ozymandias declares: “king of
kings” and what actually happens.
The theme of the poem has been largely conveyed in an ironie tone. Mau is insignificant and his
efforts are vain when compared to the forces of Nature and Time. Time is the greatest leveller.
Through the use of historical allusion, vivid ironie imagery and fine diction, Shelley reminds us of our
mortality. He tells us that dire earthly achievements that are so important to us now, may one day be
concealed by the sands of time.
James Shirley in his poem “Death Is Leveller” remarks:
“The giories of our blood and state Are siadows, not substantial things:
There is no armour against Fate; Death lays his icy hand an kings.”

Critical Analysis:
It is a symbolic pacin. “Frown, wrinkled lip, sneer of cold command” are the symbols of cruelty.
“velled sand and broken statue” are the symbols representing the justice done by Time and Nature.

Holding a grain of millet.
With whom should she solace?”

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem“The Feed”Written by Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi.
In this simple and meaningful poem, the poet shows the boundless love and kindness of a mother for
her young ones. They are very small and only a few days old. They cannot stand to their feet. The
newborn are in the nest and the mother sparrow goes out and brings a grain of millet in her beak to be
divided among ten chicks. The poet wonders at the way the mother sparrow distributes one grain
among ten chicks very wisely. A mother is the person, who can take the place of all others, but whose
place no one else can take. The poet has also ironically described the problems and sufferings of the
poor. Shortage of food and lack of essentials of life have made their live miserable. The poet asks us
to help the needy and hungry.
In these lines, Ahmed Nadeem. Qasimi presents the way the mother sparrow feeds her chicks. She is
holding a grain of cereai and comes to the eet of her young ones, who are tiny, featherless and cannot
fly in search of food hey are entirely dependent on their mother. As a mother, she understands what a
hick does not say. All the young ones are crying with hunger and the mother arrow has to feed them.
Mily Dickinson says:
“A mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled.”
In this stanza, the poet Ahmed Nadeem Qasimi illustrates the e of mother for her children as she tries
her best to provide food to her children young ones in time. The mother is the symbol of love and
blessing on the lips din hearts of children. A mother looks after her children throughout their life, til
they are mature. She is the protector and guardian of her children. She is ragon of love and affection.
She can not see them in any type of pain. In other rds, mother is a bank where we deposit all our
wounds and worries.
George Cooper has rightly remarked:
“Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the wide world over.”
The poet has not only shown here the love of a mother but has also ironically revealed her sufferings.
The mother sparrow has one grain of millet and she has to feed ten young ones. She breaks the grain
and feeds her chicks by joining her beak with theirs. She strives to satisfy their hunger. The poet has
symbolically shown the sufferings faced by a poor mother and the shortage of food faced by the poor.
The poem has symbolic meanings. The poet laments at the sufferings of the poor. Ile wants us to play
our part to lessen the sorrows of the needy. Hle asks the modern man if he can break the grain of food
like the mother sparrow. In fact he has urged us to share our food with the poor. We should realise the
problems of the poor and help them in their time of need. The poet has used the devices of symbolism
and irony to achieve his purpose. The poet urges us to eliminate poverty from the world.
It has been well-said:
“The poor are poor because the rich are rich.”
Critical Analysis:

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

It is a symbolic poem. The mother sparrow symbolises every mother of the world. The hunger of the
ten young ones is the hunger of the poor of the world. “Fissuring the atom” has a resemblance with
the destructions caused by atom-bomb. The poet warns man of the sorrows caused by his misdeeds.
The tone is ironic here.

“Fissuring the atom.
.One grain to be fed to the ten young ones.
In these lines, the poet speaks to the humans. He criticizes them by exposing the drawbacks they have
in their doings. Man has learnt to break the atom for destructive purposes. He has caused a widespread
destruction in the world. He has used his talent and abilities in the negative direction. His misdeeds
have given him nothing but sorrows and tears. Man has brought miseries for the mankind through his
own evildoings. The pact. Laments that man has failed to do anything positive in the name of
humanity. He wants to infuse love for the whole humanity in our hearts.

It has been rightly said:

“If you have love in your heart, you are the most powerful person in the world.”
The poet motivates the modern man to use his energies in the positive direction and for the welfare of
others. He wants to fill our hearts with love for the whole human race. Le wants to make us feel the
pain of the poor and Torings of their life. Te Inculente love in our hearts, he uses the example of a ther
who is paragon of love. She has the capability to share her small amount of od among her all children.
She can feel the pain of her children and consoles them providing them, their needs. The poct wants
the same from all the humans
George Cooper has rightly remarked:
"Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn, Hundreds of bees in the purple clover, Hundreds of
butterflies on the lawn, But only one mother the wide world over."
The poem has symbolic meanings. The poet laments at the sufferings of the poor. He wants us to
play our part to lessen the sorrows of the needy. He asks the modern man if he can break the grain of
food like the mother sparrow. In fact he has urged us to share our food with the poor. We should
realise the problems of the poor and help them in their time of need. The poet has used the devices of
symbolism and irony to achieve his purpose. The poet urges us to eliminate poverty from the world.
It has been well-said:
"The poor are poor because the rich are rich."
Critical Analysis:
It is a symbolic poem. The mother sparrow symbolises every mother of the world. The hunger of the
ten young ones is the hunger of the poor of the world. "Fissuring the atom" has a resemblance with

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

the destructions caused by: tom-bomb. The poct warns man of the sorrows caused by his misdeeds.
The tone s ironic here.


Headpiece filled with straw. Alasi.”
“We are the hollow fnen.
These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem “The Hollow Men”Written by T. S. Eliot.

This poem shows T.S, Eliot’s concern for the moral values of humans. The poem is satire apon the
modern man and his so-called actions. The poet says that our existance is worthless. We are no more
thinking humans. We have lost the qualities of wisdom and sense. Our deeds and words are devoid of
any sort of logic. Our lives are Expl nimless and our souls have lost the right track. Our words are as
menningless as the rustling of grass or the running of rats. Our actions and words prove us hollow
humans. They h The poet laments at the cinptiness of human soals and the uselessness of his
activities. He sees the modern world as a wasteland where all human values have died their own
death. There is nothing fruitful in the lives of humans.
In these lines, the poet laments at the emptiness of human beings. They have no values of humanity
and have lost their wisdom. The poet says that they are seemingly stuffed but in the depth of their
souls they are empty. The hollow men are Eliot’s modern, empty corrupt man. Their heads are filled
with despair and deceptions but empty at the core. The hollow men are like walking corpses whose
minds are empty and detached from reality and life. They are alive but they are also experiencing
death at the same time.
Goethe remarked:
“Life is action, not contemplation”
The situation of them is like “life in death.” They are lifeless without direction and hope of salvation.
They have force but a paralysed one so they cannot get. Into action. Whatever they do or whatever
they think is useless as it is not based on wisdom. They work together without bringing any positive
results. All their efforts are dh useless and futile. In fact the poet is criticizing the uselessness of the
actions done by the humans. They have failed to do something fruitful.
Buddha has aptly remarked:

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

“Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a
polluted mind; suffering will follow you, as the wheels of the oxcart follow the footsteps of the ox.”
The poet says that modern man is hollow from inside. The qualities of men like wisdom, spirituality
and sublime morality based on a firm faith are nowhere to be found. They behave as if they are either
puppets or dolls. People speak out words and think they talk wise-things but actually they convey
nothing to others as atelligence of this age is superficiat. The poet understands that beneath this
owness is the absence of a spiritual busis. No greatness is possible without it, so, faith at be restored to
modern men. Only faith can bring life to the lifeless lives. Dr. Iqbal awakes his nation from same
kind of sleep:
Lord, fill the Muslim's heart with a desire so fervent That it may set his heart aflame and stir his soul.
Critical Analysis:
The poem is highly symbolic in its tone. "allow men" represent ithless and disappointed people.
"Formless shape,, colourless shade and paralysed force" show the spiritual hollowness of the modern
men. The poet ments at the spiritual hollowness of modern men.

In our dried voices............... In our dry cellar.
" Explanation:
In these lines, the poet iuments at the emptiness of human beings. they have no values of humanity
and have lost their wisdom. The poet says that they are mingly stuffed but in the depth of their souls
they are empty. The hollow men are liot's modern, empty corrupt man: Their heads are filled with
despair and deceptions tempty at the core. The hollow men are like walking corpses whose minds are
empty id detached from reality and life. They are alive but they are also experiencing death at esame
Goethe remarked:
"Life is action, not contemplation"
The poet says that the words of the modern men are menningless. teir thoughts and voices are nothing
but a noise. He compares their words and actions wind in dry grass and rat's walk over broken glass.
IIe criticises modern men för ing spirituality. The situation of them is like "life in death." They are
lifeless without ection and hope of salvation. They have force but a paralysed one so they cannot get
action. Whatever they do or whatever they think is useless as it is not based on dom. They work
together without bringing any positive results. All their efforts are less and futile. In fact the poet is
criticizing the uselessness of the actions done by the ans. They have failed to do something
fruitful.Natelligence of this age is superficiat. The poet understands that beneath this owness is the
absence of a spiritual busis. No greatness is possible without it, so, faith at be restored to modern men.
Only faith can bring life to the lifeless lives.
Dr. Iqbal awakes his nation from same kind of sleep: Lord, fill the Muslim's heart with a desire so
fervent That it may set his heart aflame and stir his soul.
Critical Analysis:

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

The poem is highly symbolic in its tone. "allow men" represent ithless and disappointed people.
"Formless shape,, colourless shade and paralysed force" show the spiritual hollowness of the modern
men. The poet ments at the spiritual hollowness of modern men.

In our dried voices............... In our dry cellar."
In these lines, the poet iuments at the emptiness of human beings. they have no values of humanity
and have lost their wisdom. The poet says that they are mingly stuffed but in the depth of their souls
they are empty. The hollow men are liot's modern, empty corrupt man: Their heads are filled with
despair and deceptions tempty at the core. The hollow men are like walking corpses whose minds are
empty id detached from reality and life. They are alive but they are also experiencing death at esame

Goethe remarked:
"Life is action, not contemplation"
The poet says that the words of the modern men are menningless. teir thoughts and voices are nothing
but a noise. He compares their words and actions wind in dry grass and rat's walk over broken glass.
IIe criticises modern men för ing spirituality. The situation of them is like "life in death." They are
lifeless without ection and hope of salvation. They have force but a paralysed one so they cannot get
action. Whatever they do or whatever they think is useless as it is not based on dom. They work
together without bringing any positive results. All their efforts are less and futile. In fact the poet is
criticizing the uselessness of the actions done by the ans. They have failed to do something fruitful.
Buddha has aptlyremarked:
"Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a
polluted mind, su.fering will follow you, as the wheels of the oxcart follow the footsteps of the ox."
The poet says that modern man is hollow from inside. The qualities of like wisdom, spirituality and
sublime murality based on a firm farin a.: aowhere to und. They behave as if they are either puppets or
dolls. People speak out words and Buddha has aptly remarked:
"Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a
polluted mind, su.fering will follow you, as the wheels of the oxcart follow the footsteps of the ox."
The poet says that modern man is hollow from inside. The qualities of like wisdom, spirituality and
sublime murality based on a firm farin a.: aowhere to und. They behave as if they are either puppets or
dolls. People speak out words and others Ushirat Year think they talk wise-things but actually they
convey nothing to the intelligence of this age is superficini. The poet understands that benenth this
bollowness is the absence of a spiritual basis. No greatness is possible without it, so, faith must be
restored to modern men. Only faith can bring life to the lifeless lives. Dr. Iqbal awakes his nation
from same kind of sleep: Lord, fill the Muslim's heart with a desire so fervent That it may set his
heart aflame and stir his soul.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

"Shape without form shade without colour...
In these lines, the poet laments at the emptiness of human beings. They have no values of humanity
and have lost their wisdom. The poct says that they are seemingly stuffed but in the depth of their
souls they are empty. The hollow men are Eliot's modern, empty corrupt man. Their heads are filled
with despair and deceptions but empty at the core. The hallow men are like walking corpses whose
minds are empty and detached from reality and life. They are alive but they are also experiencing
death at the same time.
Goethe remarked:
"Life is action, not contemplation"
The poet says that the existence of modern men is useless. Their own image is so vague that they
have no particular shape or form. Their lives are colourless and devoid of any taste. They have power
to action but that is also inactive and frozen. They are not capable of doing any important deed. The
situation of them is like "life in death." They are lifeless without direction and hope of salvation. They
lave force but a paralysed one so they cannot get info netion. Whatever they do or whatever they think
is useless as it is not based on wisdom. They work together without bringing any positive results. All
their efforts are useless and futile. In fact the poet is criticizing the uselessness of the actions done by
the humans. They have failed to do something fruitful. Buddha has aptly remarked:
"Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a
polluted mind, suffering will follow you, as the wireels of the excar follow the footsteps of the ox."
The poet says that mo lern man is hollow from inside. The qualities of men like wisdomt, spirituality
and sublime morality based on a firm faith are nowhere to be found. They behave as if they are either
puppets or dolls. People speak out words and think they talk wise-things but atuaily they convey
nothing to others as the intelligence of this age is superficial. The poet understands that beneath this
hellowness is the absence of a spiritual hasis. No greatness is possible without it, so, faith. must be
restored to modern men. Only Faith ean hring life to the lifeless lives.
Dr. Iqbal awakes his nation from same kind of sleep: Lord, fill the Muslim’s heart with a desire so
that it may set his heart aflame and stir his soul.

Those who have crossed.. The stuffed men.”
In these lines, the poet laments at the emptiness of human beings. They have no values of humanity
and have lost their wisdom. The poat says that they are seemingly staffed but in the depth of their
souls they are empty. The hollow men are Eliot’s modern, empty corrupt man. Their heads are filled
with despair and deceptions but empty at the core. The hollow men are like walking corpses whose
minds are empty and detached from reality and life. They are alive but they are also experiencing
death at the same time,
Goethe remarked:
“Life is action, not contemplation

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

Eliot mentions the dead, who have faced the death with direct eyes. Direct” indicates the positive
aspect of death. Truth has been revealed to them. Their. Eyes can see the realties now. Those all
people who have embraced death now do not consider these modern men aggressive or violent. They
take these men as only hollow and worthless who have nothing useful to do.
The situation of them is like “life in death.” They are lifeless without direction and hope of salvation.
They have force but a paralysed one so they cannot get into action. Whatever they do or whatever
they think is useless as it is not based on visdom. They work together without bringing any positive
resule. All their efforts are seless and futile. In fact the poet is criticizing the uselessness of the actions
done by the umans. They have failed to do something fruitful.

Buddha has aptly remarked:

“Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a
polluted mind, suffering will follow you, as the wheels of the oxcart follow the footsteps of the ox.”
The poet says that modern man is hollow from inside. The qualities of en like wisdom, spirituality and
sublime morality based on a firm’ faith are nowhere to found. They behave as if they are either
puppets or dolls. People speak out words and ink they talk wise-things but actually they convey
nothing to others as e intelligence of this age is superficial. The poet understands that beneath this
llowness is the absence of a spiritual basis. No greatness is possible without it, so, faith st be restored
to modern-men. Only faith can bring life to the lifeless lives.
Dr. Iqbal awakes his nation from same kind of sleep:
Lord, fill the Muslim’s heart with a desire so fervent That it may set his heart aflame and stir his soul.

“What is this life if full of care and stare as long as sheep or cows”
These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem “Leisure” written By W. H. Davies.
In this poem, the poet has criticised the worldly attitude of man whic keeps him busy all the time
physically as well as mentally Modern man machine-like and spends a mechanical life. He remains
busy with his hectic routine He never feels free and gets no time to enjoy the beautiful scenes of
nature Modern man has become completely materialistic He has lost all the joys of life and has buried
himself in his daily schedule.The poet says that man’s life becomes really miserable if he aims at
earning money alone without caring for enjoyment or pleasure. The poem deals with the beauty of
Nature that is spread around as. It is the blessing of Allah Almighty and is for our aesthetic pleasure.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

In these lines, the poet laments at the colourless materialistic life of the modern man. The poet has
expressed here his disappointment for the modern human life. His life is full of worries and tensions.
He finds no spare time to enjoy some peaceful moments of his life. He has no spare time to stand and
look at the amazing world around him. The beauty is spread all around. But the machine-like life has
made the modern man robot and he can’t find time to gain pleasure from the Nature around him.

Keats has said well:

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”
The poet feels envious of the sheep and the cows that keep standing under shady trees and continue
enjoying the beauties of nature. Man should also, have free time for himself to feed his sense of
wonder and pleasure by staring at the charming sights. This life is wors: than animals if we do not
enjoy it. The moments of rest and respite in the company of Nature make the life worth-living.
The poet says that owing to love of wealth, people get more cares and responsibilities of life. They
remain hurried and worried all the time. They gef no time to feel free and look at the attractive things
around them. Therefore, there is no use of human life if it has nothing to give us but cares and
worries. The poet thinks that life should be enjoyed in calm and peaceful mood.
John Wanamaker says:
“People who cannot find time for recreation are: obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.”
This universe around us made by God is very beautiful. We should have some time to enjoy the
beautiful scenes around us. It is said that health is wealth and a healthy body has a healthy mind. So
man should take care of himself and should enjoy some wonderful moments with this beautiful Nature
that surrounds him. This little effort of man will add a lot of pleasure and mental ease to his life. Rest
and recreation also enable a man to face the hectic affairs of life with new zeal and zest.
Keats has remarked beautifully:
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
Critical Analysis:
The poem has a romantic tone. The poet was used the literary device of personification’ to show us
the beauty of nature around us. “Personification” means giving living qualities to the non-living
things. That beauty of nature dances, smiles and attracts us.

“No time to see in broad day light, / Streams full of stars like skies at night.”(2 lines)
In these lines, the poet laments at the colourless materialistic life of the modern man. The poet has
expressed here his disappointment for the modern human life. His life is full of worries and tensions.
He finds no spare time to enjoy some peaceful moments of his life. He has no spare time to stand and
look at the amazing world around him. The beauty is spread all around. But the machine-like life has
made the modern man robot and he can’t find time to gain pleasure from the Nature around him.
Keats has said well:

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”
The poet remarks here that modern man does not find time to observe and enjoy the glittering water of
the streams. The sunshine adds a sparkle to every drop of streams. Drops of water shine just like the
stars in the sky. But man has no times to look at this beautiful scene of Nature. He is always buried in
his daily routine and schedule.
The poet says that owing to love of wealth, people get more cares and responsibilities of life. They
remain hurried and worried all the time. They get no time to feel free and look at the attractive things
around them. Therefore, there is no use of human life if it has nothing to give us but cares and
worries. The poes thinks that life should be enjoyed in calm and peaceful mood.
John Wanamaker says:
“People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.”
This universe around us made by God is very beautiful. We should have some time to enjoy the
beautiful scenes around us. It is said that
Health is wealth and a healthy body has a healthy mind. So man should take care of himself and
should enjoy some wonderful moments with this beautiful Nature that surrounds him. This little effort
of man will add a lot of pleasure and mental ease To his life. Rest and recreation also enable a man to
face the hectic affairs of Life with new zeal and zest.

Keats has remarked beautifully:

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”

“No time to turn at beauty’s glance. We have no time to stand and stare.
In these lines, the poet laments at the colourless materialistic life of the modern minn. The poet has
expressed here his disappointment for the modern human life. His life is full of worries and tensions.
He finds no spare time to enjoy some peaceful moments of his life. He has no spare time to stand and
look at the amazing world around him. The beauty is spread all around. But the machine-like life has
made the modern man robot and he can’t find time to gain pleasure from the Nature around him.
Keats has said well:
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”
The poet remarks here that beauty smiles and dances all around us. He compares beauty to a beautiful
woman who spreads smiles for us. She attracts s through her beauty and charming movement. The
poet has personified here the beauty us a young girl. The smiles and dancing feet of that beauty are
captivating. Modern man does not notice the beauty’s dance around him. He remains buried in his
schedule and routine.
The poet says that owing to love of wealth, people get more cares and responsibilities of life. They
remain hurried and worried all the time. They get no time to feel free and look at the attractive things
around them. Therefore, there is no use of human life if it has nothing to give us but cares and
worries. The poet thinks that life should be enjoyed in calm and peaceful mood.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

John Wanamaker says:
“People who cannot find time for recreation are
Obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.” This universe around us made by God is very
beautiful. We should have some time to enjoy the beautiful scenes around us. It is said that health is
wealth, and a healthy body has a healthy mind. So man should take care of himself and should enjoy
some wonderful moments with this beautiful Nature that surrounds him. This little effort of man will
add a lot of pleasure and mental ease to his life. Resf and recreations also enable a man to face the
hectic affairs of life with new zeal and zest.
Keats has remarked beautifully:
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”

12. Ruba’iyat

“Faith is like Abraham To have no falth is worse then slavery.
These beautiful lines have been taken from“Ruba’iyat”Written by Allama Muhammad Iqbal.

In Ruba’iyat, Allama Muhammad Iqbal urges upon the need of strong faith. Faith is a power that can
overcome all the challenges that a man faces. The poet regrets upon the miserable condition of the
Muslims. They have lost their faith and values. The poet gives the historical example of Hazrat
Abraham (A. S who came out of the fire safe and sound because of firm faith in God. He remarks that
the Muslims have forgotten these traditions of their forefathers so they are perplexed and worried. The
Muslim civilization is the best and most blessed civilization as it has high morals and a sense of
harmony. The poet laments that the Muslims have lost their sublime past and have given up the
virtues of their forefathers.
In these lines, the poet awakens the Muslims from their long forgetful sleep of ignorance and idleness.
He shows them their glorious past and the splendid achievements of their forefathers. The Muslims of
today should be the torch-bearers of the same traditions and values that their forefathers bad. He asker
us to get up from this life of slavery and selfishness.
Dr. Iqbal remarks in “Tulu-e-Islam”:
“In slavery, neither swords or plans are effective, But with the creation of faith, the chains are cut.”
The poet expresses here the importance of faith for the Muslims. Faith means total obedience to the
will of Allah. True and unshakeable faith makes a believer strong and brave. It enhances his status and
honour in the eyes of his Creator. The poet has given here the example of Hazrat Abraham (A. S.)

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

who had firm faith in Allah Almighty and was saved when he was thrown into the fire. He bad
unshakeable faith that Allah Almighty is the master of life and death. Having no faith is worse than
slavery. The people who have no faith are worse than the slaves to wishes and desires. They cannot
get anything sublime in their lives.
Allama Iqbal in “Tulu-e-Islam” says:
“By action life may become both paradise and hell; This creature of dust in its nature is neither of
light nor of fire.”
Allama Iqbal was a great philosopher and even greater reformer at his heart. He wrote poetry to infuse
a new spirit into the Muslims. He tries to awaken the Muslims of their numbness and encourages them
to attain glory for themselves. This glory was once their own. They have lost it in the dust of years.
and have been removed from the high status that they once had. The poet reminds the Muslims. of
their rich history and grand ancestors. Dr. Igbal laments at the present poor condition of the Muslims
According to him, the Muslims have lost and forgotten their faith in Allah and themselves. They are
devoid of the virtues of their forefathers. He encourages the Muslims to seek lesson from their past.
He says that faith needs to be restored to revive the past glory of the Muslims. Dr. Iqbal himself says
at another place: "Lord, fill the Muslim's heart with a desire so fervent, That it may set his heart
aflame and stir his soul!" Critical Analysis: Dr. Iqbal uses sublime language and historical allusions
in "Ruba'iyat" to awaken the Muslims from their deep sleep. He gives the example of Hazrat Abraham
(A. S.) to show the need of firm' faith for the Muslims. The Muslims should have the values of their
forefathers to restore themselves to glory.

Music of strange lands.. Whose civilization to no Makkah bends."
In these lines, the poet awakens the Muslims from their long forgetful sleep of ignorance and
idleness. He shows them their glorious past and the splendid achievements of their forefathers. The
Muslims of today should be the torch-bearers of the same traditions and values that their forefathers
had. He asks us to get up from this life of slavery and selfishness.
Dr. Iqbal remarks in "Tulu-e-Islam":
"In slavery, neither swords or plans are effective, But with the creation of faith, the chains are cut."
The poet describes here the supremacy of Muslim civilization over other advanced civilizations of the
world. Muslim civilization is based on faith in values and moralities. It has a strong centre of its
civilization in Makkah. It is source of harmony for all the Muslims. Europe will shatter because of
spiritual hollowness and lack of harmony. It has no centre of harmony like Makkah. Allama Iqbal
was a great philosopher and even greater reformer at his heart. He wrote poetry to infuse a new spirit
into the Muslims. He tries to awaken the Muslims of their numbness and encourages them to attain
glory for themselves. This glory was once their own. They have lost it in the dust of years and have
been removed from the high status that they once had. The poet reminds the Muslims of their rich
history and grand ancestors. Dr. Iqbal laments at the present poor condition of the Musliu According
to him, the Muslims have lost and forgotten their faith in Allah and themselves. They are devoid of
the virtues of their forefathers. He encourages the Muslims to seek lesson from their past. He says
that faith needs to be restored to revive the past glory of the Muslims.
Dr. Iqbal himself says at another place:

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

"Lord, fill the Muslim's heart with a desire so fervent, That it may set his heart aflame and stir his
soul." No feeling deeper than the skin."

"Love's madness has departed....
In these lines, the poet awakens the Muslims from their long forgetful sleep of ignorance and idleness.
He shows them their glorious past and the splendid achievements of their forefathers. The Muslims of
today should be the torch-bearers of the same traditions and values that their forefathers had. He asks
us to get up from this life of slavery and selfishness. Dr. Iqbal remarks in "Tulu-e-Islam": "In
slavery, neither swords or plans are effective, But with the creation of faith, the chains are cut." The
poet laments here that the Muslims have lost the values of their forefathers. The Muslims of the
present world are devoid of the passion of love which is a real source of strength. They have lost their
courage and heroic aims. Their brotherhood and unity are at stake now. They are so confused that they
are unable to do anything great. The prayers of the modern Muslims have lost their true spirit due to
spiritual hollowness. Their feelings and emotions are devoid of passions. This waywardness has made
the efforts of the Muslims fruitless. Dr. Allama Iqbal was a great philosopher and even greater
reformer at his heart. He wrote poetry to infuse a new spirit is the Muslims. He tries to awaken the
Muslims of their numbness and encourages them to attain glory for themselves. This glory was once
their own. They have lost it in the dust of years and have been removed from the high status that they
once had. The poet reminds the Muslims of their rich history and grand ancestors. Dr. Iqbal laments
at the present poor condition of the Muslims. According to him, the Muslims have lost and forgotten
their faith in Allah and themselves. They are devoid of the virtues of their forefathers. He encourages
the Muslims to seek lesson from their past. He says that faith needs to be restored to revive the past
glory of the Muslims.
Dr. Iqbal himself says at another place:
"Lord, fill the Muslim's heart with a desire so fervent, That it may set his heart aflame and stir his

13. A Tale of Two Cities

STANZA: 01, 02
In the Storms of shrills. None to lessen their groans.” (8 lines)

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem“A Tale of Two Cities” Written by John Peter.
This poem is a tribute to the people of Japan. The Americans dropped atomic-bombs on two cities of
Japan named Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. The atom bombs destroyed each and everything. It
was an act of severe cruelty. All the people were injured, burnt and destroyed. Millions of people
died. But this act of savagery could not defeat their courage and bravery. The people of Japan rose to
the heights of glory from ashes. They suffered all the pain and pangs patiently and fearlessly. They
worked very hard to regain their lost strength. They proved themselves a daring nation. The poet also
condemns the cruelty and violation of human rights by the cruel Americans.
In these lines, the poet has shown the hardships bravely faced by the daring Japanese in the Second
World War. They were destroyed by the merciless American but were still undefeated. This was the
disaster caused by atomic-bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These two glorious cities were burnt to
ashes. Millions of people lost their lives due to this expression of anger. Anger and enmity brought
them to the black day of human history.
The brutal act of Americans caused horrible destructions. Millions of lives were taken away. Those
who survived were in a miserable condition. They were burnt and helpless. They were afraid of the
loud sounds of arms, smoke and drills. The whole scene was sorrowful. Even the story hills were
ruined. The food sources had been smashed. The poet mourns the dead and their pitiable condition.
There was nobody to share their grief and lessen their pain. They had to endure it all alone.
Seneca remarks:
“The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity.”
The express purpose of the poem is to condemn the cruelty of a merciless uation and to appreciate the
invincible courage of brave Japanese. Americans did not care for the human rights. They in their madı
ess mercilessly murdered millions of innocent lives. The common people who had nothing to do with
the war were made. Victims. They were given huge pain and permanent scars. Everything that they
had was razed to ground. There remained nothing but shricks and moans.
The poet wants to prais: the undefeatable courage of the sufferers. They bore the brutality bravely.
They never lost heart over their terrible sufferings.They proved that they could be destroyed but not
defeated: This will-power of theirs made them one of the greatest nations of the world.

Sir Winston Churchill aptly said:

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Critical Analysis:
The poem gives a realistic, sorrowful picture. The poet has used graphicak images to present the
picture of pain and destruction. The words like “drills, crushed flowers, ashes, and burnt” make a
clear picture of destruction. This pain made them Strong; they fought their troubles and rose to glory.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

STANZA: 03, 04, 05
The flowers, flavours all smashed Nor saved them from deadly fights.” (12 lines))
In these lines, the poet has shown the hardships bravely laced by the daring Japanese in the Second
World War. They were destroyed by the merciless American but were still undefeated. This was the
disaster caused by atomic-bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These two glorious cities were burnt to
ashes. Millions of people lost their lives due to this expression of anger. Anger and enmity brought
them to the black day of human history.
The whole nature was mourning over the incident. Even the hills were, sorrowful. The gardens
bearing beautiful flowers were crushed, burnt and devastated The flowers here stand for the innocent
people who suffered a great loss. The spectacle was unbearable. Anger and rage of a furious nation
ruined two great cities. The destruction was unbearable. The poet condemns here the violation of
human-rights, by the Americans.
Seneca remarks:
“The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity.”
The express purpose of the poem is to condemn the cruelty of a merciless nation and to appreciate the
invincible courage of brave Japanese. Americans did not care fon the human rights. They in their
madness mercilessly murdered millions of innocent lives The common people who had nothing to do
with the war were made victims. They were given huge pain and permanent scars. Everything that
they had was razed to ground. There remained nothing but shrieks and moans.
The poet wants to praise the undefeatable ourage of the sufferers. Made them one of the greatest
nations of the world.
They bore the brutality bravely. They never lost heart over their terriole sufferings They proved that
they could be destroyed but not defeated. This will-power of theirs
Sir Winston Churchill aptly said:
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

“But how much great were they. They can really create the great.” (4 lines)
In these lines, the poet has shown the hardships bravely faced by the daring Japanese in the Second
World War. They were destroyed by the merciless American but were still undefeated. This was the
disaster caused by atomic-bomus in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These two glorious cities were burnt to
ashes. Millions o people lost their lives due to this expression of anger. Anger and enmity brought
them to the black day of human history.
The poet admires here the patience and courage of the brave people of Japan. They suffered a great
calamity but their determination was firm. Death and destruction could not dampen their spirit to
progress. They rose to the heights of glory through ashes. They proved the world that their will-power

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

was undefeatable. They made their pain and tears their strength. They progressed and achieved glory.
Their fortitude is an example for the whole world.
Seneca remarks:
“The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity.”
The express purpose of the poem is to condemn the cruelty of a merciless nation and to appreciate the
invincible courage of brave Japanese. Americans did not care for the human rights. They in their
maduess mercilessly murdered millions of innocent lives. The common people who had nothing to do
with the war were made Victims. They were given huge pain and permanent scars. Everything that
they had was Razed to ground. There remained nothing but shrieks and moans.
The poet wants to praise the undefeatable courage of the sufferers They bore the brutality bravely.
They never lost heart over their terrible sufferings. They proved that they could be destroyed but not
defeated. This will-power of theirs made them one of the greatest nations of the world.
Sir Winston Churchill aptly said:
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

14. My Neighbour Friend Breathing

“My neighbor friend breathing his las……… What should I do, o God! Aghast! (5 lines)
These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem “My Neighbour Friend Breathing His Last
Written by and translated by A.R. Luther.
Baba Bullah Shah was a great mystic poet. In this poem, he has expressed his grief and shock at the
death of his spiritual leader. He is terrified and shocked. He says. That everyone has to leave this
temporary world and depart for eternal world. None can stay forever. Every visible thing will become
invisible. He laments that we have forgotten. The reality of death. We have been charmed by this
mortal world. In fact, we are all in row and are heading towards the eternal world hereafter. The pact
wants to seek God’s love in this world and the world after this. God’s love is the only thing that can
make is successful in both the worlds.
In these lines, the poet shows his sorrow and shock over the death of his spiritual leader. He is stunned
and horrified. He finds himself helpless and is unable to do anything for the departing soul. His heart
is bleeding and sense has ceased. This world of ours is short-living. We all here are as travellers who
are going towards our final destination. Noue can stay here in this mortal world forever.
The poet is sad and terrified at the death of his neighbor friend. In fact,He is mourning over the death
of his spiritual leader Sufi Shah Inayat Qadiri. He is so shocked that he does not know what to do. He
finds himself helpless. Sooner or later everybody has to leave this temporary world. The mortels have

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

to leave their companions and catch the train taking them to the world hereafter. Ihe living humans
cannot stop them. They are powerless before the decree of fate.
A.Sachs remarks:
“Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives.”
The idea of death has dazed the poet and he finds this world a passing fancy. He finds that everything
is moving to its final destination that is death. The poet’s heart is weeping and moaning. The scene of
death is unbearable for him. He finds his heart burning with the passions for the dead.
The poet here reveals the bitter secret of this mortal life. Whatever we see is charming but not real and
permanent. We should struggle to find the real and true. The only reality of this universe is the
presence of Allah Almighty. We should live here to win Allah'love and favour. Nothing is eternal but
His presence.
Imam Ghazali says:
"Know that happiest people are those who are strongest in their love of God."
Critical Analysis:
This is a mystic poem. Every word of the poem is rich with the sense of mysticism. Poct is sad at the
death of his spiritual leader. He has passionate and burning. heart to seek the love of his Creator. This
idea takes us to the heights of spirituality.

"On every side decamping talk.
What should I do, O Godl Aghast!" (3 lines)
In these lines, the poet shows his sorrow and shock over the death of his spiritual leader. He is stunned
and horrified. He finds himself helpless and is unable to do anything for the departing soul. His heart
is bleeding and sense has ceased. This world of curs is short-living. We all here are as travellers who
are going towards our final destination. None can stay here in this mortal world forever.
He shows the condition of the people at the death of his dear friend. Everyone is talking about the
departure of the dead and our own brief life in this world. Everyone has to shift from this temporary
abode to the everlasting world hereafter. The whole scene is echoing with cries, screams, moans and
groans. The poet is sad and terrified at the death of his neighbor friend. In fact, he is mourning over
the death of his spiritual leader Sufi Shah Inayat Qadiri. He is so shocked that he does not know what
to do. He finds himself helpless. The living humans cannot stop them. They are powerless before the
decree of fate.
A. Sachs remarks:
"Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives."
The idea of death has dazed the poef and he finds this world a passing fancy. He finds that everything
is moving to its final destination that is death. The poet's beart is weeping and moaning. The scene of
death is unbearable for him. He finds his heart burning with the passions for the dead.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

The poet here reveals the bitter secret of this mortal life. Whatever we see is charming but not real and
permanent. We should struggle to find the real and true. The only reality of this universe is the
presence of Allah Almighty. We should live here to win Allah's love and favour. Nothing is eternal
but His presence.
Imam Ghazali says:
"Know that happiest people are those who are strongest in their love of God."

“Flare up flames in heart To height. What should I do. O Godl Aghast!” (3 lines)
In these lines, the poet shows his sorrow and shock over the death of hi spiritual leader. He is stunned
and horrified, He finds himself helpless and is unable to do anything for the departing soul. His heart
is bleeding and sense has ceased. This world of ours is short-living. We all here are as travellers who
are going towards ou final destination. None can stay here in this mortal world forever.
The poet describes his sorrowful Inner feelings at the death of his beloved friend. He feels a fire in his
heart. His heart is burning with heartbreaking passions. The scene of death is unbearable for him. This
world is colourless without his beloved friend. He has no more interest in this fleeting world. In fact,
he is mourning over the death of bis spiritual leader Sufi Shah Inayat Qadiri. He is so shocked that he
does not know what to do. He finds himself helpless. The living humans cannot stop them. They are
powerless before the decree of late.

A .Sachs remarks:
“Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives.”
The idea of death has dazed the poet and he finds this world a passing fancy. He finds that everything
is moving to its final destination that death. The poet’s heart is weeping and, moaning. The scene of
death is unbearable for him. He finds his heart burning with the passions for the dead.
The poet here reveals the bitter secret of this mortal life. Whatever we see is charming but not real and
permanent. We should struggle to find the real and true. The only reality of this universe is the
presence of Allah Almighty. We should live here to win Allah’s love and favour. Nothing is eternal
but His presence.
Imam Ghazali says:
“Know that happiest people are those who are strongest in their love of God.”

“Without His love, Bullah in loss. What should I do, O Gedl Aghastl” (3 lines)

In these lines, the poet shows his sorrow and shock over the death of his spiritual leader. He is stunned
and horrified. He finds himself helpless and is unable to do anything for the departing soul. His heart

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

is bleeding and sense has ceased. This world of ours is short-living. We all here are as travellers who
are going towards dur final destination. None can stay here in this mortal world forever.
Here the poet exposes harsh secret of this mortal life. This world is unreal imitation. The poet says
that we should struggle to find the real. The real and eternal is nothing but Allah Himself. He is the
only Truth of this Universe. As a mystic, the poet wants to get Allah's love. He is nothing without
Allah's love. Poet's stay will be blessed in both the worlds with Allah's will. Only the love of Creator
can bring solace and comfort to his heart. Without Allah's love, life in this world and the world
hereafter is wretched aud cóndenined. The poet is sad and terrified at the death of his neighbor friend.
In facts he is mourning over the death of his spiritual leader Sufi Shah Inayat Qadiri. He is so shocked
that he does not know what to do. He finds himself lielpless. The living humans cannot stop them.
They are powerless before the decree of fate.
A. Sachsremarks:
"Beath is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives."
The idea of death has dazed the poet and he finds this world a passing fancy. He finds that
everything is moving to its final destination that is death. The poet's heart is weeping and moaning.
The scene of death is unbearable for him. He finds his heart burning with the passions for the dead.
The poet here reveals the bitter secret of this mortal life. Whatever we see is charming but not real and
permanent. We should struggle to find the real and true. The only reality of this universe is the
presence of Allah Almighty. We should live here to win Allah's love and favour. Nothing is eternal
but His presence.

Imam Ghazali says:

"Know that happiest people are those who are strongest in their love of God."

15. He Came to Know Himself

“He came to know Himself. He got enmeshed in love.”
These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem“He Came to Know Himself” By Sachal
Sachal Sarmast was a great sufi poet. In this poem, he puts forward the Islamic theory of God’s Omni-
presence in this world. Everything that has been created has a reflection of its Creator. Allah
Almighty created this universe and its creations for His Own identification to them. The poet
describes that God also shows His presence in this world through His beloved and chosen persons.
The poet gives the examples of Mansur and Joseph (A. S.) who were absorbed in God’s love. They
devoted their lives to inculcate Allah’s love into their heart and soul. Every pain of the world becomes
sweet for Allah’s lovers. The poet urges us to infuse God’s love in our souls. This is the only way we
can recognize our Creator.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

In these lines, the poet expresses a mystic idea that God wants to be known to the universe. For this
purpose, God created this universe and hnman beings. Allah’s creations are a reflection of Him and
give a proof of His Omni presence in this universe. The poet gives the idea of Allah’s presence in
every object of this universe. Allah is in the hearts of the humans that have won Allah’s love and
The poet describes here Allah’s purpose of creating this universe and the creatures inside it. He
wanted to make Himself known to llis creatures. Allah can be seen in the hearts of pious people in the
form of love. Love is a divine quality and God expresses himself through love. So God is present on
earth in the shape of love in the hearts of virtuous people. The poet gives the examples of Joseph (A.
S.) and Mansur who were true lovers of Allah. This idea is highly mystic and takes us to the heights
of spirituality.
Allah Almighty is the only realty of this universe. The poct calls it the bare truth. All the knowledge
and all the discoveries lead us in the realization and recognition of Allah Almighty. The key to
recognize ALLAH is self-realization and has His love in our hearts.
A Hadith Mubarak says:
“The one who has recognised himself has certainly recognised his Sustainer (ALLAH Almighty)”.
To know is Allah Almighty,we should fist of all know ourselves. Allah is somewhere within the
hearts of His lovers. He is closer to us to know and realize Allah Almighty,
Than anything else. We need to dig into ourselves and discover our own self. All the mystics have
always been in the search of the truth of this universe,hey have always strived to seek Allah and His
favour. For the realization of Real-self, all the sufis have closely observed creation of this universe.
They believe that:
“When ALLAH almighty intended to become visible, he created the very sacred soul of the master of
The only reality of this universe is the presence of Allah Almighty. W. Should live here to win
Allah’s love and favour. Nothing is eternal but His presence.
Imam Ghazali says:
“Know that happiest people are those who are strongest in their love of God.”
Critical Analysis:
This is a mystic poem. Every word of the poem is rich with the sense ysticism. The poet gives the idea
of Allah’s Omni-presence. His reflection is there everything of this universe. He is in the hearts of His

STANZA: 02, 03
“He alighted from high heaven.
To speak of His sojourn on Earth.” (8 Lines)

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

In these lines, the poet expresses a mystic idea that God wants to be known to the universe. For this
purpose, Gnd created this universe and human beings. Allah’s creations are a reflection of Him and
give a proof of His Omni presence in this universe. The poet gives the idea of Allah’s presence in
every object of this universe. Allah is in the hearts of the humans that have won Allah’s Love and
The poet has given here the example of Mansur who was absorbed in the love of God. He forgot
himself and was ready to sacrifice his life for God. Sachal Sarmast remarks that God was there in
Mansur’s heart in the form of love Allah showed Himself in the form of love in Aansur’s heart.
The poet puts forward the example of Joseph (A. S.) who was God’s chosen man just like Mansur.
God filled Joseph (A. S.)’s heart with the light of His love. Joseph (A. S.) forgot th: pain afflicted
upon him. He became a slave and was sold just for the sake of Ged. Through these examples, the poet
makes us believe the truth of God’s presente on this planet in the hearts of the pious people.
Allah Almighty is the only realty of this universe. The poct calls it the bare truth. All the knowledge
and all the discoveries lead us to the realization and recognition of Allah Almighty. The key to
recognise ALLAH is self-realization has His love in our hearts.
A Hadith Mubarak says:
“The one who has recognised himself has certainly recognised his Sustainer (ALLAH Almighty)”.
To know and realize Allah Almighty, we should fist of all know ourselves. Allah is somewhere within
the hearts of His lovers. He is closer to us than anything else. We need to dig into ourselves and
discover our own self. Allthe mysties have always been in the search of the truth of this universe.
They have always strived to seek Allah and His favour.
For the realization of Real-self, all the sufis have closely observed the creation of this universe. They
believe that:
“When ALLAH almighty intended to become visible, he created the very sacred soul of the master of
The only reality of this universe is the presence of Allah Almighty. Should live here to win Allah’s
love and favour. Nothing is eternal bt His presence.
Imam Ghazali says:
“Know that happiest people are those who are strongest in their love of God.”

16. God’s Attributes

God calls himself “Seeing to the end that,/ His eye may scare you from sinning.
These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem “God’s Attributes” written by Jalaluddin Rumi
and translated by Dr. Nicholson.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

In his poem, Rumi tells us the importance of God’s attributes. He describes three of the limitless
attributes of God. These are “Seeing”, “Hearing”, and “Knowing”. These attributes of God are a
source for the humans to avoid immoral deeds. We remain careful at every step of life because Allah
sees every action done by us. When we know that God is “Hearing”, we avoid evil language. Allah
knows everything and every plan that is hidden from the other world. The poet gives us the message
that we should have complete faith in these qualities of God, This is the only way we can save
ourselves from sinning. The attributes of God are not mere vain Titles but are meaningful and
effective for character building. These attributes provide basics for morality teaching. Explanation:
In these lines, the poet shows us the importance of God’s attributes. These attributes of Allah
Almighty have been discussed in the Holy Quran time and again. These reveal to us the qualities and
powers that Allah Almighty has. These qualities of Allah Almighty help us know about our Creator.
The poet discusses here Allah Almighty as “Seeing”. This title of God has a great and positive power.
Our sense of reason makes us careful in every step of life when we come to know that Allah sees
everything. In fact, Allah wants us to be pious humans. Allah wants to keep us away from sinning.
Whatever, we do openly or secretly is not hidden from Allah Almighty. Our all activities are watched
by Him. This attribute of God makes us vigilant towards our actions.

Allah Almighty says in Qur’an (Al-Imran 3:29):

“Say: Whether ye hide what is in your hearts or reveal it,Allah knows it all.”
God is Omni-present Omnipotent and All-knowing These attributes of the Creator keep His creation
clean from evils. Allah is the Creator of this universe. He is the Master of everything either it is living
or non-living. He has full command over the whole universe. It is Allah’s blessing that He wants the
crown of creations to be on the right track. For this purpose, Allah sent many prophets for our
Same is case with the titles of Allah Almighty. These are meaningful and purposeful. The express
purpose is to create a sense of morality and responsibility among the crown of creations. These titles
are not the mere names as the humans have. These are actually the powers and qualities of the Creator
of this universe. He is the source of all powers and is omnipotent. We should struggle to seek Allah's
kindness and mercy. This is the only source that can make us successful in this world and the world
hereafter. Allah Almighty says in Qur'an (Fatir 35:38): "Surely, God knows the hidden realities of
the heavens and the earth. Surely, He is aware of the secret of (men's) hearts." Critical Analysis: This
is an Islamic poem and discusses a sublime topic. The poet mentions the attributes of Allah Almighty
and their effect on human beings. Alla is "Seeing", "Hearing" and "Knowing". These attributes of
Allah Almighty stop from all the evil deeds.

"God calls himself "Hearing to the end that / You may close your lips against the foul discourse
In these lines, the poet shows us the importance of God's attributes. These attributes of Allah
Almighty bave been discussed in the Holy Quran time and again. These reveal to us the qualities and
powers that Allah Almighty has These qualities of Allah Almighty help us know about our Creator.
The poet discusses here Allah Almighty as "Hearing". This title of God has a great and positive

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

power. It means that God listens to all the words spoken by us. This quality of God saves us from
using foul language. We become careful in our choice of words. In fact, Allah wants us to be pious
humans. Allat wants to keep us away from sinning. Whatever, we do openly or secretly is not hidden
from Allah Almighty. Our all activities are watched by Him. This attribute of God makes us vigilant
towards our words.Creator of this universe. He is the source of all powers and is omnipotent. We
should struggle to seek Allah’s kindness and mercy. This is the only source that can make us
successful in this world and the world hereafter.
Allah Almighty says in Qur’an (Fatir 35:38):
“Surely, God knows the hidden realities of the heavens and the earth. Surely, He is aware of the
secret of (men’s) hearts.”
Critical Analysis:
This is an Islamic poem and discusses a sublime topic. The poet mentions the attributes of Allah
Almighty and their effect on human beings. Alla is “Seeing”, “Hearing” and “Knowing”. These
attributes of Allah Almighty stop from all the evil deeds.

“God calls himself “Hearing to the end that / You may close your lips against the foul discourse.
In these lines, the poet shows us the importance of God’s attributes. These attributes of Allah
Almighty bave been discussed in the Holy Quran time and again. These reveal to us the qualities and
powers that Allah Almighty has These qualities of Allah Almighty help us know about our Creator.
The poet discusses here Allah Almighty as “Hearing”. This title of God has a great and positive
power. It means that God listens to all the words spoken by us. This quality of God saves us from
using foul language. We become careful in our choice of words. In fact, Allah wants us to be pious
humans. Allat wants to keep us away from sinning. Whatever, we do openly or secretly is not hidden
from Allah Almighty. Our all activities are watched by Him. This attribute of God makes us vigilant
towards our words.
Allah Almighty says in Qur’an (Al-Imran 3:29):
“Say: Whether ye hide what is in your hearts or reveal it,Allah knows it all."
God is Omni-present, Omnipotent and All-knowing. These attributes of the Creator keep His creation
clean from evils. Allah is the Creator 8f this universe. He is the Master of everything either it is living
or non-living. He has full command over the whole universe. It is Allah's blessing that He wants the
crown of creations to be on the right track. For this purpose, Allah sent many prophets for our
Same is the case with the titles of Allah Almighty. These are meaningful and purposeful. The express
purpose is to create a sense of morality and responsibility among the crown of creations. These titles
are not the mere names as the humans have. These are actually the powers and qualities of the Creator
of this universe. He is the source of all powers and is omnipotent. W
Allah Almighty says in Qur'an (Al-Imran 3:29):
"Say: Whether ye hide what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah knows it all."

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

God is Omni-present, Omnipotent and All-knowing. These attributes of the Creator keep His creation
clean from evils. Allah is the Creator 8f this universe. He is the Master of everything either it is living
or non-living. He has full command over the whole universe. It is Allah's blessing that He wants the
crown of creations to be on the right track. For this purpose, Allah sent many prophets for our
guidance. Same is the case with the titles of Allah Almighty. These are meaningful and purposeful.
The express purpose is to create a sense of morality and responsibility among the crown of creations.
These titles are not the mere names as the humans have. These are actually the powers and qualities of
the Creator of this universe. He is the source of all powers and is omnipotent. Weshould struggle to
seek Allah's kindness and mercy. This is the only source that can make us successful in this world and
the world hereafter.
Allah Almighty says in Qur'an (Fatir 35:38):
"Surely, God knows the hidden realities of the heavens and the earth. Surely, He is aware of the
secret of (men's) hearts.

" STANZA: 03 "

“God calls himself "Knowing" to the end that. You may be afraid of Him to plot an evil."
In these lines, the poet shows us the importance of God's attributes. These attributes of Allah
Almighty have been discussed in the Holy Quran time and again. These reveal to us the qualities and
powers that Allah Almighty has. These qualities of Allah Almighty help us know about our Creator.
The poet has also discussed Allah Almighty as "Knowing". This title of God has a great and positive
power. It means that God knows everything that we do or that we think. He knows us more than we
know ourselves. This attribute of God makes us avoid planning anything evil against others. So, it
brings love in place of hatred. This attribute of Allah help us become a pious Muslim.
Allah Almighty says in Qur'an (Al-Imran 3:29):
"Say: Whether ye hide what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah knows it all."
God is Omni-present, Omnipoteut and All-knowing. These attributes of the Creator keep His creation
clean from evils. Allah is the Creator of this universe. He is the Master of everything either it is living
or non-living. He has full command over the whole universe. It is Alli h's blessing that He wants the
crown of creations to be on the riglt track. For this purpose, Allah sent many prophets for our
guidance. Same is the case with the titles o Allah Almighty. These are meaningful and purposeful.
The express purpose is to create a sense of morality and responsibility among the crown of creations.
These titles are not the mere names as the humans have. These are actually the powers and qualities of
the Creator of this universe. He is the source of all powers and is omnipotent. We should struggle to
seek Allah's kindness and mercy. This is the only source that can make us successful in this world and
the world hereafter.
Allah Almighty says in Qur'an (Fat r 35:38):
"Surely, God knows the hidden realities of the heavens and the earth. Surely, He is aware of the
secret of (men's) hearts."

“STANZA: 04”

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

“These are not mere accidental names of God …And not mere the vain titles of first couse”
These are not mere accidental names of God. And not mere the vain titles of the First Couse.” In these
lines, the poet shows us the importance of God’s attributes. These attributes of Allah Almighty have
been discussed in the Holy Quran time and again. These reveal to us the qualities and powers that
Allah Almighty has. These qualities of Allah Almighty help us know about our Creator.
The poet has presented a great message here. Ile teaches us the value of the attributes of God. He says
that these titles of God “Seeing”, “Hearing and “Knowing” are not the accidental names of God like
our own names. A negro may be called camphor without having any quality of camphor. But these
namesant Allah Almighty have been taken from God’s attributes. These titles tell us Allahis qualities
and limitless powers. His attributes make us avoid everything that is immoral. These help us become a
pious Muslim.
Allah Almighty says in Qur’an (Al-Imran 3:29):
“Say: Whether ye hide what is in your hearts or reveni it,Allah knows it all.”
God is Omni-present, Omnipotent and All-knowing. These attributes of the Creator keep His creation
clean from evils. Allah is the Creator of this universe. He is the Master of everything either it is living
or non-living. He has full command over the whole universe. It is Allah’s blessing that He wants the
crown of creations to be on the right track. For this purpose, Allah sent many prophets for our
Same is the case with the titles of Allah Almighty. These are meaningful and purposeful. The express
purpose is to create a sense of morality, and responsibility among the crown of creations. These titles
are not the mere names as the humans have. These are actually the powers and qualities of the Creator
of this universe. He is the source of all powers and is omninotent. We should to seek Allah’s kindness
and mercy. This is the only source that can make us successful in this world and the world hereafter.
Allah says in Qur’an (Fatir 35:38):
“Surely, God knows the hidden realities of the heavens and the earth. Surely, He is aware of the
secret of (men’s) hearts.”

17. The Delight Song

These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem “The Delight Song”Written by N. Scott
This poem is a delightful song which reflects the inner happiness and joy of the poet He feels himself
in close contact with the beauty and charms of nature. Everything of universe seems to be in complete
harmony with him. He is as happy as a lark. He is as light as a feather. He feels no burden on his
heart. He finds no difficulty before him. He imagines himself absolutely light and free. His soul is
lively with real and inner joy. His bond with nature and God is strong and everlasting. This strong

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

relation keeps him energetic and alive. The poet giver the message that if we maintain good
relationship with other human beings and with nature, we can live a happy and Joyful life.
In these lines, the poet expresses his feelings of delight and a joyful mood. He is Sharing his glad
feelings with the readers. He also reveals the secret of his ever delightful mood. He says that he is
happy because his soul is pure and free. His strong bond with the beauty of nature Imparts hin
strength and liveliness.
Keats has well-said:
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever!”
The feels light as a feather on the bright sky. He feels like a blue horse running in the plain. It is an
unusual and highly imaginative idea. Then he imagines himself a fish that is rolling, tossing and
shining in water. He visualizes that he is the shadow that always chases a child. It means that he wants
to enjoy childlike pleasures. He wants to enjoy the innocent world in which a child lives. He wants to
run away into a dreamlaud of beauty and peace.
He believes that he is as beautiful as evening light reflecting from meadows. He assumes himself an
eagle playing with soft breeze and a bunch of brilliant beads. Then he fancies that he is the farthest
star and then the cold that is ‘quite refreshing at dawn. He supposes that he is the sound produced by
rain and the reflection of the snow. He takes himself as the long pathway of the reflection of the moon
in a lake and a colourful bright flame. He has merged himself with nature. His soul has absorbed the
beauty and brilliance of nature and is at the heights of ecstasy.
The whole nature is in complete harmony with the poet. He cannot differentiate between himself and
the nature around him. He is a part of nature and nature is a part of him. His inside is filled with
pleasure. He tells us that he is full of energy and vigour. He invites us to observe his passion and his
relation with beauty, living things and nature. He is full of life. He concludes that his good relation
with the earth, man, nature and beauty keeps him alive and moving. He finds no reality greater than
the peace of mind and joys of soul.
Keats has given the same idea as:
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty,-that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
Critical Analysis:
In this poem, we find the idea of ‘escapism’ and ‘romanticism’. The poet wants to escape from this
cruel world into the i naginative world of delights. He wants to have all joys at his hand. He enjoys
the beauty of nature because his soul is free and he has a strong Relation with nature.

18. Love An Essence of All Religions


Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

Through love thorns become roses. Through love misfortune becomes good forhine (4 lines)
These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem“Love – An Essence of All Religians”Written by
Jalaluddin Rumi and translated by Dr. Nicholson.
This poem tells us the importance of love in life. The poet calls it the spirit of all the religions. Every
religion of the world favours love. In his opinion, every problem can be solved through the mystic
powers of love. He says that love changes the adversities into pleasures. Through the power of love,
thorns become reses, vinegar becomes sweet wine, burning fire becomes a bright pleasing light,
sickness becomes health and a king becomes a humble slave. Love is a light, which brightens the dark
pathway of hate. It spreads its warm tender feelings and hopes. Love is so strong that it can convert
misfortune into good fortune, The sole reason of war, hate and sufferings in the world, is the absence
of love in human hearts. To love, and to be loved, is the greatest happiness of life. Life becomes a
success by love. A life without love is not worth-living at all.
In these lines, the poet highlights the mystic power of love. The furce of love is so great that it can
bring huge changes in human life. These all changes are for the welfare of humans and have positive
impact on us. Every religion believes in the magical powers of love. It can do miracles. It is the power
of love that can solve the problem which cannot be solved by using force. It is love that can change
hardships into joys of life.
Og Mandino says:
“Do all things with love.”
Love can change thorns into roses. Thorns here are the hardships that a man faces. The presence of
loving and caring hearts gives us courage to face those problems bravely. It can reduce the bitter taste
of vinegar and convert it into a sweetener. It means that love adds joys in life. It can also save a
person from the paws of death. Through love the stake of death becomes a joyful throne. Love can
change fortunes and replace sorrows and sadness.
A great philosopher once said:
“Where there is love, there is life.”
Life without love is incomplete. To complete it, we should add the power of love! In all the matters of
life in order to make it worth-living. Rumi is of the view that love is a great force in private and public
life. Love provides basis for sweet human emotion like affection and kindness. It is like a feeling that
starts from the heart and extends through the blood to every cell of the body. Hate cannot bring the
world to subjection.
According to Hazrat Ali (R.A):
“The best deeds of a great man are to forgive and forget.”
Love is greater than anything else on this planet. It is like a lamp that gives light. This lamp seeds to
be cared and protected. Love can done wonders for te. It blesses as with a life that is full of joys. It
can convert quite impossible into very possible. The poet niso srants to say that our heart is a mirror.
If we reflect love, log in reflected frach open .
It has been rightly said

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

“If you have love in your heart, you are the most powerful person in the world.”
Critical Analysis:
Ke Rumi is a mystic poet. He puts emphasis on love because he calls it an essent of all religions. He
believes in the supreme power of love. He proves these pow through many examples. He thinks that
no war can be won by force and no religi nermits the use of violence. It is only love that can bring
something fruitful to this works.

Through leve burning fire becomes pleasing light. Through love lions become harmless. (4 lines)
In these lines, the poet highlights the mystic power of love. The for of love is so great that it can bring
huge changes in human life. These all changes are fo the welfare of humans and have positive impact
on us. Every religion believes in the magical powers of love. It can do miracles. It is the power of love
that can solve the problem which cannot be solved by using force. It is love that can change hardships
intal Joys of life.
On Mandino says:
“Do all things with love.”
Love can soften the burning effect of fire and it becomes pleasing. Burning may be taken as a symbol
of rage, jealousy and hatred. These evil passions can be cured by applying love. It can reduce the
hardness of a stone and convert it into a lump of butter. Love can make a person happy even in the
terrible moments of his life. The magic of love cha convert quite impossible into very much possible.
Love also affects the animals. It can suppress the fury of a lion and tame it.
A great philosopher once said:
“Where there is love, there is life.”
Life without love is incomplete. To complete it, we should add the power of love in all the matters of
life in order to make it worth-living. Rumi is of the view that lovelis a great force in private and public
life. Love provides basis for sweet human emotion like affection and kindness. It is like a feeling that
starts from the heart and extends through the blood to every cell of the body. Hate cannot bring the
world to subjection.
According to Hazrat Ali (R.A):
“The best deeds of a great man are to forgive and forget.”
Love is greater than anything else on this planet. It is like a lamp that gives light. This lamp needs to
be cared and protected. Love can done wonders in our life. It blesses us with a life that is full of joys.
It can convert quite impossible Into very much possible. The poet also wants to say that our heart is a
mirror. If we reflect love, love is reflected back upon us.
It has been rightly said:
“If you have love in your heart, you are the most powerful person in the world.”

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

Through love sickness becomes health… Through love he king becomes a slave
In these lines, the poet highlights the mystic nower of love. The fores of love is so great that it can
bring huge changes in human life. These all changes are the the welfare of humans and have positive
impact on us. Every religion believes in the magical powers of love. It can do miracles. It is the power
of love that can solve the problem which cannot be solved by using force. It is love that can change
hardships into Joys of life.
Og Mandino says:
“Do all things with love.”
Love may be a cure for illness. If it provides care and affection, it is a source of health. The patient’s
pain is reduced when he receives lave and care of his beloved anes. It may change anger into mercy. It
is the potential of love that may provide life to the dead. The authority and supremacy of love is so
sharp that even kings become obedient and serve the people as slaves. If a king has love for his
subjects in his heart, only then he can work for their welfare.
A great philosopher once said:
“Where there is love, there is life.”
Life without love is incomplete. To complete it, we should add the power of love in all the matters of
life in order to make it worth-living. Rumi is of the view that love is a great force in private and public
life. Love provides basis for sweet human emotion ilke affection and kindness. It is like a feeling that
starts from the heart and extends through the blood to every cell of the body. Hate cannot bring the
world to subjection.
According to Hazrat All (R.A):
“The best deeds of a great man are to forgive and forget.”
Love is greater than anything else on this planet. It is like a lamp that gives light. This lamp needs to
be cared and protected. Love can done wonders in our life. It blesses us with a life that is full of joys.
It can convert quite impossible into very much possible. The poet also wants to say that our heart is a
mirror. If we reflect love, love is reflected back upon us.
It has been rightly said:
“If you have love in your heart, you are the most powerful person in the world.”

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem “A Man of Words and Not of Deeds! Written by
Charles Perrault and translated by Robert Samber.
In this poem, the poet criticizes and condemns those persons who are only talkative and do not take
part in any kind of healthy activity. He calls them weeds that are harmful for a garden and so are these
people for society. They block progress and like sellness all around. When these weeds grow up, they
further spoil the situation with now in winter. Life passes through different phases and ultimately
comes to an with the death of a person. It is, therefore, necessary that a man must always engage
himself in some creative and fruitful activity to make the life pleasant and useful for of a ty. By using
similes and metaphors, the poet has shown the faults and uselessness of a talkative person. It is
necessary for us to engage ourselves in some fruitful activity to make life pleasant and useful for
In these lines, the poet condemns the people that are useless for society. He gives us a niessage of
common sense. He says that the man who is only chatty and gossips lot without any fruitful work
becomes a burden on society. He blocks the process of progress by his inaction. An idle person
remains busy in flattery and hollow promises. He thinks that his vain talks can earn him something
fruitful. He is just like a farmer who waits for a erop without sowing.

Ralph Ransom remarks:

“Before the reward, there must be falour. You plant before you harvest. You sow in tears before you
reap joy.”
In these verses, the poet through apt comparison has shown the uselessness of a chatty person. He
remarks that such an idle person is as useless as a garden, which appears to be very attractive
outwardly, but from inside it is full of weeds. Such garden is not only, unfruitful but also irritating and
unattractive. Once it is grown, it makes the situation more difficult like snow in winter. In winter
snow, no vegetation can be seen.
The symbol of snow represents here laziness and uselessness of talkative men. He claims that such
persons hinder the overall progress. He says when snow begins to fall it is just like a bird sitting
aimlessly on the wall. When it flies away, it is like an eagle flying so high in the sky that it goes out of
reach. The flight of bird shows the escape of a person from the responsibilities of life) When the sky
roars, it seems like a lion roaring at our door. The roar of sky is the hateful reaction of society towards
a Useless person.
When the door begins to split, it is quite painful. The closed door shows that an idle person does not
do anything practical He just sits and chats. But his useless chats bring him nothing but death and
destruction He gets reward of his behavior in shape of some punishment. The pain becomes intense.
He feels that somebody has stabbed penknife in his heart. The insult and criticism on him give pain to

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

his heart He knows that he has died as his honour, dignity and value have died in the eyes of society.
His life comes to an end at last without any fruitful activity.
A talkative person is just like house of cards and is spiritually hollow fie never bothers about time.
Time is like the waves that run towards the shore to end their life. Our own life also hurries to its end.
Deciding today is less risky than waiting till all the risks are removed. For success in life, our
ambitions should be firm and solid. Our bodies are gardens, to which our wills are gardeners. It is the
will that nourishes the plant of life. This plant of life is known by its fruits not by its roots. Same is the
case with humans. They are known by their achievements and actions not by contemplation.
Goethe remarked:
“Life is action, not contemplation.”
The poet advises us to be positive in every walk of life. It is necessary for us that we should engage
ourselves in some kind of productive activity. We must not be talkative only and should believe in the
dignity of work. An idle man loses his value and importance. He is just a burden on society. Islam
also urges us to work hard.
The Holy Prophet (S. A. W.) said:
“He, who works hard is friend to Allah.”
Critical Analysis:
In this poem, the poet has used different metaphors and similes like “weeds, snow, eagle, line, door
and penknife” to show the harmful effects of mere talks. It is action not tall that makes the life move
ahead. We should do something productive to earn the sweet fruit.

20: In Broken Images

He is quick, thinking in clear images I become sharp mistrusting my broken images (4 lines)
These beautiful lines have been taken from the poem“In Broken images” Written by Robert Graves.
This poem brings to light the thinking process of human beings. The poet suggests that a person
should be curious about the facts of life. He should not accept the things as he finds them. He should
meditate hard to know the realities of life. Questions and research remove confusions, and bring
proper understanding. The poet bas highlighted two kinds of persons having different and quite
opposite ways of thinking. First type of person sees everything in clear images and trusts them
without questioning. Soon he comes up with facts that prove him wrong. Thus all his efforts waste
and he is confused, On the other hand, the other type of person sees life in broken images and he does
not trust them. He questions and researches until he has reached the whole truth. The poet identifies
himself with the researcher.

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

In these lines, the poet throws light on human psychology. He shows how people think differently and
how their way of thinking affects them. He has presented comparison between two persons whose
approaches towards life are completely different. One is proud of his senses and intelligence. He
accepts everything quickly and without a second thought. This casual attitude keeps him away from
the truths. The other person is the poet himself. He never trusts everything as the final fact. He looks
to be dull but he strives to reach the proper reality through questions and research. This effort makes
him sharp and intelligent in the end.
A.Edison has remarked in this regard:
“Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress..”
The poct says that there are some people who become proud of having very clear images about life.
They become overconfident and satisfied. As a result, they become dull. The others, who mistrust
their images, hink that they need to strive hard to have a better understanding of life. In this quest, hey
become sharp and intelligent. They reach the real reality.
WILLIAM SAROYAN has remarked beautifully:
“Good people are good because they have come to wisdom through failure. We get very little wisdon
from success, you Know.”
The poot has actually critieized the people who trist on the false nations without any verification.
They do not bother to examine the relevance of things befors accepting them as facts. Such baseless
assumptions are sonn exposed to be false. Only a) critical thinker renches the right sort of
The poet favours the process of thinking. He emphasizes that nothing should be taken for granted. It is
not necessary that one who is right at one place is always right. Similarly, the one who is mistaken at
one point is not always mistaken. The world is wide open. There is competition in every field. The
more a person works hard, the more he learns. Inquiry into the nature of things leads us to understand
and accept the realities of life in a better way.
Buddha has aptly remarked regarding thinking process:
“Everything is based on mind, is led by mind,Is fashioned by mind.”
Critical Analysis:
In this poem, the poet has used the technique of comparison to show the worth of research and hard
work. The person who researches gets better understanding than the other. We should question the
validity of things before assuming them as facts.

“Trusting his images, he assumes their relevance… When the fact fails me. I approve my senses. (6
In these lines, the poet throws light on human psychology. Ile shows how people think differently and
how their way of thinking affects them. He has presented comparison between two persons whose
approaches towards life are completely different. One is proud of his sepses and intelligence. He
accepts everything quickly and without a second thought. This casual attitude keeps him away from
the truths. The other person is the poet himself. He never trusts everything as the final fact. He looks

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

to be dull but he strives to reach the proper reality through questions and research. This effort makes
him sharp and intelligent in the end.
A.Edison has remarked in this regard:
“Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of Progress.”
The poet considers himself dull but inquisitive and compares himself with a sharp but overconfident
person. Thinking and questioning process makes all the images and ideas clear for the poet. Whereas,
the other person’s overconfidence on his clear images and ideas keeps him away from the facts of life.
He does not bother to research. In the end, facts prove wrong and his senses also. This same situation
approves poet’s way of thinking. As he does not consider anything a final fact, so his senses are
always right and active.
WILLIAM SAROYAN has remarked beautifully:
“Good people are good because they have come to wisdom Through fallure. We get very little wisdom
from success, you know.”
The poet has actually criticized the people who trust on the false notion without any verification. They
do not bother to examine the relevance of things befor accepting them as facts. Sueli baseless
assumptions critical thinker renches the right sort of conclusions. Soon explosed to be false.
The poet favours the process of thinking. He emphasizes that nothing should taken far scanted. It is
not necessary that one who is right at one place is always rig Similarly, the one who is mistaken at one
point is not always mistaken. The world is a open. There is competition in every field. The more a
person works hard, the more learns. Inquiry into the nature of things leads us to understand and accept
the realities of life in a better way.

Budiln has aptly remarked regarding thinking process:

“Everything is based on mind, is led by mind,Is fashioned by mind.”

“He continues quick and dull in his clear images, I in a new understanding of Confusion (4 lines)
In these lines, the poet throws light on human psychology. He shows how people think differently and
how their way of thinking affects them. He s presented comparison between two persons whose
approaches towards life are completely differeut. One is proud of his senses and intelligence. He
accepts everything quickly and without a second thought. This casual attitude keeps him away from
the truths. The other person is the poet bimself. He never trusts everything as the final fact The looks
to be dull but he strives to reach the proper reality through questions and research. This effort makes
him sharp and intelligent in the end.
A. Edison has remarked in this regard;
“Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of Progress.”
The person with sharp intelligence in the beginning becomes dull in the end. His casual attitude
towards the realities of life leads him nowhere. His understandings fall into the sens of confusions. On
the other hand, the poet who was confused in the beginning gets proper understanding. He gets apt

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

answers of his questions. Su lile should not be taken at its face va te because our inquisitive nature
helps us to grow and find new meanings in different realities of life. Life is 10% what happens to us
and 90% how we react to it.

-----Best Wishes Punjabians----

Written By: Prof. Rehan Ul Haq

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