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Trump's idol, Adolph Hitler, was released from prison to take over Germany for the Nazi Party.

America must question the Insanity of letting history repeat itself. Are we doomed to relive
extermination camps, extra-judicial murders, World Genocide, and Nazi horrors again?

It's a national death wish prophecy to be fulfilled, knowingly by Joe Biden's Justice Department.
Justice takes seventeen months to adjudicate in a criminal court of law, and the January 6th
insurrection will only be addressed at the ballot box with America's Adolph Hitler as the winner-

Saving the nation from Sheer Insanity demands us to find different solutions and answers.
Justice in America has been corrupted since the mid-70s when Lee Harvey Oswald's first cousin
administratively implemented new rules of evidence and jury instructions promoted
internationally from Romania, and Washington, D.C.

Eugene John Murret, the former Administrator of the Louisiana Supreme Court, embarked on
implementing worldwide Napoleonic Law. That's the law of dictators designed for the future
Donald Trump. Murret’s East-West Management Institute is a CIA-backed foundation based in
D.C., rewriting our Constitutional rights away in favor of dictators and despots like Trump.

It is past time we awake from a sleep stupor and spell of lunacy, Insanity, and future fascism. We
must ask ourselves whether the world wants another Adolph Hitler or Napoleon want-to-be. Do
we want to ensure the lives of millions and democracy on the judgment of 6 jurors?

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