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MODULE 1 – Welcome
A Special Message from Dr. Hill..............................................................................................................................4
Importance of the Technique as a Wellness Advocate ....................................................................5
The Purpose and Importance of the Technique .....................................................................................5
Why Should You Learn the Technique?..........................................................................................................6
Course Overview ................................................................................................................................................................6

MODULE 2 – Science of Aroma

General Facts about Aroma...........................................................................................................................................7
How Aroma Impacts the Body and Brain..........................................................................................................8
Your Sense of Smell and AromaTouch Technique®.................................................................................9
Fun Facts about Aroma....................................................................................................................................................9

MODULE 3 – Science of Touch

General Facts about Touch.........................................................................................................................................10
Touch and Communication.........................................................................................................................................11
Touch and the AromaTouch Technique®........................................................................................................12
Fun Facts About Touch..................................................................................................................................................12

MODULE 4 – The Synergy of Aroma and Touch

Who Can Benefit from the AromaTouch Technique®?........................................................................13
What Are the Benefits of the AromaTouch Technique®?..................................................................14

MODULE 5 – AromaTouch Technique® Essential Oils

Importance of Using CPTG® Essential Oils....................................................................................................15
Relaxing Essential Oils: dōTERRA Balance® and Lavender.............................................................16
Supportive Essential Oils: Tea Tree and dōTERRA On Guard®.....................................................17
Soothing Essential Oils: AromaTouch® and Deep Blue®.....................................................................18
Invigorating Essential Oils: Wild Orange and Peppermint ............................... ...............................19
Fractionated Coconut Oil..............................................................................................................................................20
MODULE 6 – Connecting through Movement in the AromaTouch Technique®
Confident Contact ............................................................................................................................................................21
The Importance of Rhythm.......................................................................................................................................22
Zones in the Body ............................................................................................................................................................23
Zones and Regions in the Feet .............................................................................................................................24

MODULE 7 – AromaTouch Technique® Movements

Oil Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................25
Three Clockwise Palm Circles................................................................................................................................26
Alternating Palm Slide....................................................................................................................................................27
Five-Zone Activation........................................................................................................................................................28
Auricular Stress Reduction.........................................................................................................................................29
Thumb Walk............................................................................................................................................................................30
Three-Region Foot Activation..................................................................................................................................31
Five-Zone Foot Activation...........................................................................................................................................32
Five-Zone Tissue Pull......................................................................................................................................................33
Lymphatic Movement.....................................................................................................................................................34

MODULE 8 – Test Your Knowledge

Draw and Describe............................................................................................................................................................35

MODULE 9 – The Full AromaTouch Technique®

Things to Keep in Mind..................................................................................................................................................42
The AromaTouch Technique®..................................................................................................................................44

MODULE 10 – The AromaTouch Technique® Study

What Was the Purpose of the Study?..............................................................................................................45
How Did It Work?................................................................................................................................................................45
What Was Measured?....................................................................................................................................................45
What Were the Results? .............................................................................................................................................45

MODULE 11 – The AromaTouch Technique® and the Wellness Pyramid

The Wellness Pyramid...................................................................................................................................................47
Resting and Managing Stress..................................................................................................................................48
Reducing Toxic Load.......................................................................................................................................................48
Informed Self-Care ..........................................................................................................................................................48

MODULE 12 – Building Your Business with the AromaTouch Technique


MODULE 13 – Conclusion
What Now?..............................................................................................................................................................................52
How to Perform the AromaTouch Hand Technique.............................................................................53

A Special Message from Dr. Hill

Welcome to the AromaTouch Certification course.
Firstly, let me thank you for taking the time to learn
the AromaTouch and share my confidence for the
value it will bring to you and those whom you share
it with.
I created the technique from a simple desire
to provide a powerful and unique way to share
the benefits of essential oils. For many of you,
the essential oils may be a new addition to your
health and wellness regimens or perhaps you
have much experience and expertise in wellness
practices. Regardless of your depth of experience
or lack thereof, let me put your mind at ease. The
AromaTouch Technique is something you can do
and do well.
I am excited for you to experience and learn the
AromaTouch; in part because of the ease and easily
understood practice of the technique itself. While
there are specific elements of the technique, which
are important and that you will want to perform
correctly, I developed the technique around the value of the essential oils, specifically
doTERRA oils. For that primary reason, over time while developing this technique, I began
to realize the value of simplicity, giving individuals necessary confidence regardless of
individual experience or expertise.
The AromaTouch draws on my knowledge of human biology and physiology, the chemistry
of essential oils, and their safe and appropriate application. It has resulted in a powerful,
safe, and reliable way to begin receiving and sharing the benefits of essential oils for a
consistent outcome. While we may not always easily understand all the needs of our
own wellness and that of others, use of the AromaTouch Technique can provide
consistent value.
In short, the AromaTouch Techniquye is an application method simple enough for anyone
to use, elegant in its simplicity and extremely powerful. Since introducing the technique
in 2009, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have shared and continue to
share what they have learned and experienced with others.
I invite you now to join with us in helping those we care for both personally and
collectively. Welcome to the AromaTouch Certification Course.

Importance of the Technique as a Wellness Advocate
In fact, the power of AromaTouch Technique® is amplified as you use it to serve your loved
ones. As an AromaTouch advocate, it’s an empowering tool you can use to help the people
around you. No matter what someone is going through, the power of caring touch—
combined with pure aromatherapy—offers connection and gentle nourishment to the soul.
You may feel intimidated as you begin this course, but I want to assure you that the
benefits of the AromaTouch Technique can be delivered equally well by novice essential oil
enthusiasts, professional health practitioners, and everyone in between. This technique can
be a wonderful tool as you bring your message of hope and empowerment to the world.

The Purpose and Importance of the Technique

Let’s dive a little deeper into the purpose and importance
of the AromaTouch Technique®. dōTERRA® has always
focused on essential oil education. When the company
first started, many had questions about how to use
essential oils—and still do! While some of us may know
quite a lot about essential oils from years of using them,
anyone who’s new to essential oils always has questions!
“How do I use them? What do I use them for?” So from
the beginning, dōTERRA placed emphasis on providing an
abundance of helpful, high-quality essential oil education.
With this in mind, here are some reasons why the
AromaTouch Technique is important, starting with the
combination of physical and emotional components—both aroma and touch—providing more
powerful and holistic benefits. You’ll learn more about this in the course. True wellness has
physical and emotional components to it, and the AromaTouch Technique embraces this
reality. Research and studies have helped—and continue to help—us understand these
benefits better.
Building on this truth, the AromaTouch Technique can help people form deep connections.
It’s an expression of love and caring, as well as an opportunity to help others feel better and
use essential oils effectively. And it’s important to note that this is true for both the giver and
the receiver! This technique can create truly meaningful experiences for all participants.

Why is learning the AromaTouch Technique important to you?

Why Should You learn the Technique?

Why should you learn the AromaTouch Technique®? The technique helps fill a basic
need we all have: to feel loved and cared for, as well as to love and care for others. In a
world where we’re so isolated, the AromaTouch Technique promotes deep, meaningful
connection for both giver and receiver. For each participant, it can require some
vulnerability, which ultimately strengthens the power and benefits of the technique.
People have a deep need to know they’re a part of something, and the AromaTouch Technique
transcends language, culture, and other differences, going to the root of connection: touch.
The AromaTouch Technique is one of the most important cultural elements we have
at dōTERRA®. It’s what we’re all about. It’s the gateway for individuals to discover and
understand what dōTERRA truly is.
I have full confidence that the AromaTouch Technique will improve your experience with
essential oils. And remember, the real power of the technique comes when you use it to
help others. So once you finish the course, I challenge you to schedule three AromaTouch
Technique appointments within a week after your certification. While that may seem like
an intimidating goal right now, I assure you that this course will teach you what you need
to know to feel confident in performing this incredible technique. You’ll feel empowered,
knowing you have the skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in the lives of those
you love.

Let’s get started!

Course Overview
Before diving into the components of the AromaTouch Technique®, you should know a
few things. First, you’re here to learn how to perform the official dōTERRA® AromaTouch
Technique. Out in the field, there might be adaptations of the technique; however, in
this training, you’ll learn the proper way to use it. When you’re finished with this online
certification, you’ll be able to effortlessly and confidently practice the AromaTouch
Technique and help others maximize the benefits of their essential oils.
In the course, we’ll cover topics like the science of touch, how AromaTouch impacts
everyday health, why the AromaTouch Technique is good for your family, how to master the
technique, and more. Whether someone has never used essential oils before or is practically
an expert, the AromaTouch Technique allows anyone to take advantage of the benefits of
essential oils and truly use them how they’re meant to be.
By completing this course, you won’t have to guess at the best ways of using essential oils
on the body—you’ll be able to confidently apply essential oils with an effective method.
When you complete your certification in the AromaTouch Technique, you can become a
certified AromaTouch Advocate.


General Facts about Aroma
Your sense of smell plays a major role in how you experience the world, but many people
underestimate its significance. Part of this stems from the fact that, by comparison, humans
have a weaker sense of smell than many animals. Though your nose may not be as acute
as that of a bloodhound, you can still detect thousands of varieties of odors in infinitesimal
quantities. Only in recent years have researchers begun unlocking the complexities that
make up the sense of smell. Because of this, they have reported that smell sensitivity is
actually much more significant than previously predicted. In fact, your sense of smell is
directly linked to your sense of well-being.
Have you ever wondered how walking through an
orange grove can immediately induce powerful
memories from your childhood? Or how the faint
Amygdala 磸Ռ໐ A
Olphactory aroma of cinnamon can remind you of Mom’s Bulbo
Bulb 琘純
Sunday cinnamon rolls—even 30 years later? It’solfatorio
basic human biology. There’s a direct connection
between your sense of smell—also called the
olfactory system—and your brain’s recall center,
which is also known as the limbic system.
This powerful connection is because of the
amazing olfactory bulb—a neural structure in the
brain that sends input to the amygdala. In short,
information from your nose goes directly to the limbic system.
Your body contains far more receptors associated with smell (over 1,000) than it does for any
other sense. Because of these receptors, you can discern countless aromas with amazing
sensitivity and accuracy, many of which you may not even be able to describe. Human
biology has made the olfactory system the most subtle yet effective means of inducing
specific and distinct responses. This is one of the main reasons essential oils can be so
powerful when it comes to influencing well-being.
The powerfully fragrant aromas of essential oils are the first thing you notice as you unscrew
the bottle cap. Essential oils are volatile aromatic compounds, changing from a liquid to a
gas quickly. In other words, essential oils are, essentially, aroma. Aroma in a chemical sense
means individual chemical compounds can interact with olfactory receptors in the nose. Not
every type of chemical compound elicits an aroma, because they have to be small enough
to readily evaporate into the air. But essential oil compounds meet both criteria. They quickly
and easily bind to smell receptors in the nose. And because every essential oil has its own
chemical makeup, each one has a unique and powerful aroma.

From what you’ve just learned about the science of aroma, what stands out the most to you?

How Aroma Impacts the Body and Brain

The Limbic System One of the most well-studied areas of aroma

research is the effect of smell on recollection.
Smell receptors, located on the upper
surface of the nasal cavity, make direct
links with the brain’s limbic system. This
close connection between aroma and past
experiences becomes obvious in everyday
life, as certain odors trigger memories,
Hypothalamus specific sensations, or even emotions.
Intriguing new research has helped us
recognize that the benefits of aroma
extend even further. In addition to
influencing the limbic region, olfactory
centers are also intricately linked with the hypothalamus—an area of the brain sometimes
nicknamed the visceral control center. The hypothalamus exerts its powerful influence
by interacting directly with the pituitary gland, or master gland, located in the brain. The
pituitary gland secretes hormones involved in regulating blood pressure, hunger and
thirst signals, thyroid function, sleep cycles, production of sexual hormones, and memory,
among other things. Because of the direct link of the olfactory system to this area of the
brain, aroma becomes a powerful influence.
Essential oils can be applied in many ways, but daily exposure to their aromas provides
unique and significant support.

How have you seen aroma impact your body and brain?


Your Sense of Smell and AromaTouch Technique®
Aroma is a vital component of the AromaTouch Technique, as it instantaneously prompts
powerful responses. Research has shown that activating your olfactory system can direct
your mind to specific memories and create a close connection with whomever you’re
providing the technique for. Aroma can also create a relaxing atmosphere.
Next, we’ll look at the second critical component of the technique: touch!

Fun Facts about Aroma

Your There’s a The limbic

body contains direct connection system is a powerful
approximately 1,000 between your control center. This is why
different genes that nose and brain’s the “aroma” part of the
encode for odor recall center: the AromaTouch Technique

receptors. limbic system. is so important.


General Facts about Touch

The AromaTouch Technique® is all about creating emotional connection through touch.
Touch is central to the human experience. Tactile communication is the first form we learn.
We begin receiving tactile signals in the womb, and touch plays a critical role in parent-child
relationships before verbal communication is possible. It’s, in essence,
the first sense we acquire.
But how exactly does the sense of touch work? The simplest explanation is your skin
contains thousands of special nerve cells called touch receptors that recognize sensations
like temperature, pressure, and movement. This is what gives you your sense of touch.
Because of these receptors, you can tell if something is smooth, soft, warm, cold, stiff, dry,
wet, bumpy, or rough. There are two general
types of touch receptors: mechanoreceptors
and thermoreceptors.
Mechanoreceptors respond to mechanical
energy. Sensations like gravity, pressure,
pain, vibrations, movement, and even
sound are recognized by different kinds of
mechanoreceptors. Mechanoreceptors give you
Touch Receptors the ability to “see” with your sense of touch.
Thermoreceptors respond to changes in
temperature and allow you to know if you’re
experiencing hot or cold.
The sense of touch is complex and fascinating. Perhaps even more fascinating is the
impactit has on how we communicate.

From what you’ve just learned about the science of touch, what stands out the most to you?


Touch and Communication
In recent studies, researchers have shown how
powerful touch is in emotional communication, finding
it’s nearly as effective as words and facial cues. Touch
can communicate multiple emotions—love, gratitude,
sympathy, fear, anger, and more—with incredible
accuracy. Additionally, touch can convey the tone of
emotion, such as whether positive or negative, intense
or subtle, and so on), and it may allow for precise
differentiation between types of emotion.
Incredibly, this effect isn’t limited to loved ones. Another study found that touch
communicates emotion almost as effectively between strangers.
While our understanding of the mechanisms involved with touch and emotional messaging
is still limited, we do know it can be more effective than even verbal communication when it
comes to strengthening existing bonds and developing new ones.

How have you seen touch affect your communication with others?

Touch and the AromaTouch Technique®

Along with the emotional component, gentle touch can also influence physiological
responses in ways other communication methods simply can’t. Unlike massage—which
involves powerful hand movements focused on things like breaking down muscular
adhesions, stimulating the central nervous system, aiding recovery, and so on—the
gentleness of the AromaTouch Technique offers a different spectrum of benefits.
Tender touch provides stress-relieving effects for the body, triggering the almost
instantaneously release of oxytocin, which is often referred to as the love or hug hormone.
What’s almost more incredible is the person initiating the contact can experience the
same response as the person receiving it.
Touch is used in the AromaTouch Technique to unlock incredible benefits for mind and
body. From the emotional connection it helps forge to the release of oxytocin, the light
and consistent touch in the technique creates a powerful experience for the person giving
the AromaTouch Technique, as well as the
person receiving it.
As part of your AromaTouch Technique training, you’ll learn how to harness the power of
touch to help the people you love experience incredible full-body benefits.
Now that you see just how important touch is to the AromaTouch Technique, let’s take a
closer look at some extra benefits.

Fun Facts about Aroma

When The
experienced AromaTouch
regularly, the right Technique® uses
Touch is the first kind of touch is light, consistent touch,
sense we develop associated with higher which creates a
oxytocin levels, as
when we’re born. beneficial response
well as lower blood
in giver and
pressure and
heart rate.


Who Can Benefit from the
AromaTouch Technique®?
Many people ask who can benefit from the
AromaTouch Technique, and the answer
is simple: everyone! Why? Because we all
encounter stress, often daily. Whether it’s
immediate stress—like from getting cut off by
a car on the freeway—or constant stress—such
as having a busy work schedule or dealing with
a disease—this tense feeling is unavoidable.
You’ve surely felt the effects of being stressed,
but what you may not have realized is your
body reacts both physically and emotionally.
A common way the body reacts emotionally
to stress is through the activation of the
limbic system. A chemical reaction originates
in the hypothalamus and can lead to feelings of frustration, anxiousness, or other related
emotions. One of the many ways your body can react physically to stress is fight or flight,
triggered by the release of adrenaline and cortisol. Both kinds of reactions, emotional and
physical, might even occur simultaneously.
Physical and emotional reactions are intrinsically linked. They frequently affect one another.
This explains why your emotional state can impact how you feel physically or vice versa.

Who do you think can benefit from receiving AromaTouch Technique?

What Are the Benefits of the AromaTouch Technique®?

When your body is functioning at an optimal level of health and you encounter stress,
you can mindfully respond rather than instinctively react. Doing so helps stabilize more
quickly and efficiently. Sometimes, however, the body is caught in a cycle of unrest, where
it continues repeatedly reacting to stress, leading to negative outcomes. These negative
outcomes are the result of something we call systemic constants.
Systemic constants can be an underlying reason
for declines in health. Systemic constants
include chronic stress, suppressed immunity,
inappropriate levels of inflammation, and a
lack of homeostasis. You can experience any
of these constants, but when they stack on top
of one another, they can create more serious
complications. For example, experiencing
chronic stress can lead to our immune system
being suppressed or uncontrolled levels of
inflammation. This compounding can culminate
in a lack of homeostasis. The AromaTouch
Technique benefits the body by bringing it
into a more consistent state of homeostasis,
addressing the systemic constants that
perpetuate the cycle of unrest.
This is what makes the AromaTouch Technique so powerful. No matter what you’re going
through—whether it’s emotional challenges, physical difficulties, or both—the AromaTouch
Technique helps address all the systemic constants to break the cycle of unrest and bring
you back to a state of resiliency and adaptability.
The aromatic use of essential oils and connection we create through the AromaTouch
Technique provide profound emotional benefits. Also, the rhythmic, soothing touch of the
technique—combined with the individual benefits from the topical application of each
essential oil—improve physical health. While aroma and touch each offer benefits, it’s the
synergy of them together that help make the systemic constants more manageable, in turn
improving overall health. Stress levels are lowered, the body is supported, and inflammation
is reduced, bringing you to a more consistent state of homeostasis.
How does the AromaTouch Technique with its synergy of aroma and touch help address
stress and system constants?


Importance of Using CPTG® Essential Oils
Now that we’ve looked at the science of aroma, touch, and their synergy, let’s discuss
the essential oils that are part of the AromaTouch Technique. This technique uses eight
essential oils, sorted into four categories: relaxing, supportive, soothing, and invigorating.
These different types of essential oils harmoniously work together to produce a powerful
The products used in the technique are specifically selected for their aromas and desired
outcomes. Through their aromas and soothing topical application, the essential oils and the
AromaTouch Technique together provide emotional and physical benefits. As the essential
oils are layered on the body, their combined aromas create an extraordinary aromatic
experience. The AromaTouch Technique includes essential oils from each of the families:
herb and grass, citrus, mint, spice, tree, and floral. These aromas come together to tell a
complete story and help bring the body back to a state of homeostasis.
This is why the AromaTouch Technique is always performed using dōTERRA® CPTG Certified
Pure Tested Grade™ essential oils. Dr. Hill did extensive research on which oils should be
included and applying these hand-picked oils in the correct order is vital to the success of
the technique. Since adding additional oils, substituting oils, or altering the order that the oils
are applied can change the intended benefits, we do not approve of these adjustments to
the AromaTouch Technique.
Why is using CPTG Essential Oils important to you?

Relaxing Essential Oils: dōTERRA Balance® and Lavender
The AromaTouch Technique® starts off strong with relaxing essential oils: dōTERRA Balance

and Lavender. Remember, the goal of the technique is to break the cycle of unrest and
bring the body back to a state of resilience and adaptability. The relaxing aromas of these
products, used as part of the AromaTouch Technique, address the first systemic constant:
chronic stress. When combined with soothing, rhythmic touch, dōTERRA Balance enhances
the connection between the giver and receiver, and Lavender calms the mind and body.
This can help the person receiving the technique release stress and respond to stressors in
a healthier way.
Now, let’s take a closer look at the specific benefits that dōTERRA Balance brings to the
AromaTouch Technique.

dōTERRA Balance
Creating a connection between the giver and receiver of the AromaTouch
Technique is necessary to ensure success. Without trust and comfort, as
well as ease in the environment, the person receiving the technique will find
it difficult to completely relax and enjoy the technique’s benefits. That’s why
dōTERRA Balance is such an important part of the AromaTouch Technique.
Whether you’re providing the technique to a stranger or a family member,
dōTERRA Balance can enhance and develop a trusting connection with its
calming, grounding aroma. This oil blend contributes to the relaxed setting
necessary to experience the fullest benefits of the technique.
dōTERRA Balance is a powerful combination of Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Blue
Tansy, and Blue Chamomile. Its floral, woody scent provides an excellent base for other
essential oil aromas to build on.

In the AromaTouch Technique, dōTERRA Balance enhances the
connection and begins the relaxation process, while Lavender works to
ease the recipient into full relaxation. When using Lavender as part of the
AromaTouch Technique, you may notice the recipient begin taking deeper
breaths and settling into a calmer state that prepares him or her for the rest
of the technique. The rhythmic motions of the technique, which you’ll learn
more about later, enhance this soothing effect.
Lavender is a powerful essential oil because of its chemical composition. The main
chemical components of Lavender are linalool, an alcohol, and linalyl acetate, an ester.
These compounds typically characterize calming aromas.
Lavender’s aroma is potent on its own, but as each essential oil is applied to the body,
you’ll begin recognizing the synergy of the aromas. When each natural product is used
in succession, the overall scent takes on unique and distinct characteristics.
Why are Lavender and Balance included in the AromaTouch Technique?


Supportive Essential Oils: Tea Tree and dōTERRA On Guard®
Now that the foundation of relaxation is set with the combination of touch and essential oils,
the focus can turn to bringing the body back to that desired state of support and resilience.
To accomplish this, use Tea Tree and dōTERRA On Guard, which were chosen for their ability
to fortify the body.

Tea Tree
Tea Tree is the perfect essential oil to transition from relaxing to supporting
essential oils. Its herbaceous scent supports the relaxing atmosphere, while
its purifying properties begin their work on the body. Tea Tree also provides
a comforting, warming sensation when applied topically.
With its unique aroma, Dr. Hill debated whether Tea Tree should be
included in the AromaTouch Technique®. However, he discovered that
this powerful essential oil complemented the process and enhanced the
technique’s benefits.

dōTERRA On Guard
Once the recipient has experienced the purifying power of Tea Tree, it’s
time for a favorite go-to oil blend: dōTERRA On Guard. dōTERRA On Guard is
packed with essential oils from a variety of oil families, making it a protective
powerhouse. When you look at the chemistry of this oil blend, you see a
myriad of chemical constituents, including aldehydes, phenols, and alcohols.
Each of these constituents offers support in special ways, making the
AromaTouch Technique even more versatile. In a way, dōTERRA On Guard
helps tailor the technique to the recipient’s needs. Of all the essential oils
that were handpicked for the AromaTouch Technique, dōTERRA On Guard
was the one that Dr. Hill was immediately sure of.
Why are Tea Tree and On Guard included in the AromaTouch Technique?

Soothing Essential Oils: AromaTouch® and Deep Blue®

The next two essential oils in the lineup are heavy hitters when it comes to soothing:
AromaTouch and Deep Blue. Both essential oils help soothe muscles and bring the body
one step closer to that desired state of adaptability.

Building on the relaxing and supportive essential oils with soothing ones,
starting with AromaTouch. This oil blend, as part of the AromaTouch
Technique® process, is special because it continues the relaxation benefits,
while also lessening tension in the body. The AromaTouch Massage Blend
and the AromaTouch Technique have the amazing ability to promote
circulation in the body. The tissues relax and become more malleable,
getting them ready to receive the Deep Blue Soothing Blend.
This oil blend has natural products from almost every family, including Cypress,
Peppermint, Marjoram, Basil, Grapefruit, and Lavender, making it incredibly unique.
While the combination of essential oils may not seem like an obvious match to most
people, it’s the only oil blend that Dr. Hill has never altered or adjust altered its initial
creation—it’s just that impressive.

Deep Blue
To finish up the soothing portion of the AromaTouch Technique, Deep
Blue comes in as the cherry on top. While the AromaTouch Massage Blend
supports the natural flow of the body, the Deep Blue Soothing Blend
provides intense cooling sensations and comfort to the skin, which makes
these two the perfect pairing.
Deep Blue serves a three-fold purpose in the technique. First, it uses Camphor,
Peppermint, and Wintergreen essential oils in a way that’s incredibly soothing.
Second, Blue Tansy and Blue Chamomile are extremely comforting to the body. And
third, Helichrysum, Ylang Ylang, and Osmanthus are highly supportive to the skin.
By soothing, comforting, and supporting targeted areas, Deep Blue—as part of the
AromaTouch Technique—helps decrease the inflammation in the body, getting you
closer to the desired state of adaptability and resilience.
Why are AromaTouch and Deep Blue included in the AromaTouch Technique?


Invigorating Essential Oils: Wild Orange and Peppermint
Throughout the AromaTouch Technique®, we’ve been working to get the body back to
a state where it can respond to stress in a healthy way by promoting relaxation, offering
support, and encouraging a decrease in inflammation. Now, it’s time for the culmination of
the technique: bringing emotional and physical harmony to the body.
These two essential oils are used at the close of the AromaTouch Technique to help
reenergize and invigorate the body. After employing Wild Orange and Peppermint, some
of you will feel ready to take on the world, while others will feel calm and peaceful. It’s
incredible that, depending on what’s needed, essential oils can produce different results.

Wild Orange
Many reasons exist for choosing to include Wild Orange as part of the
AromaTouch Technique, but one of the main ones has to do with the fourth
systemic constant: a lack of homeostasis. To help get the body back to a more
consistent state of homeostasis, Dr. Hill chose Wild Orange primarily for its
aroma. The uplifting aroma of Wild Orange essential oil creates an atmosphere
of energy, spontaneity, and joy. Though other citrus oils could’ve been choose
from, Dr. Hill believed that Wild Orange’s stronger, brighter aroma set it apart.
Wild Orange—with its inclusion in the AromaTouch Technique—awakens the body,
making it the perfect product for reenergizing without interfering with the calming
effects of the technique.

The impressive thing about pairing Wild Orange and Peppermint is that while
both essential oils—as part of the AromaTouch Technique—help to reinvigorate
the body, they do so in their own unique ways. We know the aroma of Wild
Orange is light, clean, and uplifting. The aroma of Peppermint, however, is crisp,
cool, and exhilarating. When the two combine, we see just how many benefits
they provide as a unique conclusion of this technique.
Peppermint essential oil is found in two of the oil blends used in the AromaTouch
Technique—Deep Blue and AromaTouch—so why include the single oil? Peppermint
works within these two blends to help them accomplish their purposes, while on its
own Peppermint creates a highly invigorating and reenergizing atmosphere. After
the soothing step of the AromaTouch Technique, it’s important to include essential
oils that help create an invigorating environment without disrupting the process, and
Peppermint, when layered with Wild Orange, helps accomplish just that.
Why are Wild Orange and Peppermint included in the AromaTouch Technique?

Fractionated Coconut Oil

While not an official part of the AromaTouch Technique®, Fractionated Coconut

Oil can be used in certain circumstances. If you decide to use a carrier oil, it
must be of the highest quality, which is why Fractionated Coconut Oil is your
best choice. It provides all the benefits of a carrier oil without altering the
aromatic synergy created by the other eight AromaTouch essential oils. You’ll
learn more about using Fractionated Coconut Oil with the technique later in the
Each of these eight essential oils is incredible in its own right. But when
combined and applied in their specific order, they help guide the body through
the powerful restorative process of the AromaTouch Technique. Now that you
know more about these products and why they were selected for the technique,
we’ll explore the movements of the AromaTouch Technique.
What are the benefits of including Fractionated Coconut Oil in the AromaTouch Technique?
What are the benefits of not including Fractionated Coconut Oil in the AromaTouch Technique?


With a solid understanding of the reasons why each of the eight essential oils was chosen
for the AromaTouch Technique, it’s time to learn more about the type of touch used in the
technique, the importance of rhythm in the movements, and the areas of the body that the
technique works through. Let’s get started!

Confident Contact
The type of touch used in the AromaTouch
Technique® is as important than the actual
movements. It’s crucial to note that this
technique isn’t a massage, meaning it
doesn’t employ that type of touch (deep
pressure at precise points or held positions).
With the AromaTouch Technique, the type
of touch you’re looking for is a combination
of controlled contact with light pressure—
meaning you aren’t going deeper into the
tissues than the superficial layers of the skin.
We refer to this type of touch as confident
contact. One of the primary benefits of the technique is its ability to affect the entire body.
Confident contact excites the tissues across the body, increases blood flow, and promotes
neurological response. When this type of touch is used, you can access the whole-body
benefits of the AromaTouch Technique.
What is confident contact?

The Importance of Rhythm

The human body needs exact rhythms. Circadian, diurnal, ultradian, and infradian rhythms
affect your body all the time. Biological rhythms help deal with changes in functions and
body chemicals. These rhythms affect us physically, mentally, and emotionally. They
regulate functions such as sleep, appetite, body temperature, blood pressure, and daily
The AromaTouch Technique® uses rhythm to help reestablish homeostasis, and two crucial
building blocks will help you achieve the AromaTouch rhythm: patterns of movement and
patterns of application.
Movements performed during the technique follow the same pattern; they start at the
center of the body and work their way outward. For example, with some of the movements,
you begin at the base of the sacrum and
work toward the base of the skull. With other
movements, you start at the spine and progress
to the sides of the body. This pattern also
applies to the movements you use on the feet.
One movement starts at the heel and works
toward the ball of the foot, and others begin
at the big toe and move outward to the pinky.
This consistent pattern of movement in one
direction helps establish the rhythm of the
AromaTouch Technique.
Additionally, the technique uses a pattern of application to maintain rhythm, referring to
the way that the essential oils are applied. Throughout the technique, you’ll introduce each
essential oil the same way. This creates consistency and predictability, which helps the
recipient of the technique remain focused on his or her personal journey of healing.
The result of these patterns of movement and application is proper pace and flow, which
are essential to the AromaTouch rhythm. While completing the patterns of movement and
application, use both hands in synchronized motions, remaining even and consistent. Steady
pace is cultivated through each movement, adding to the perpetual flow of the technique.
The rhythm, created in the technique through the patterns of movement and application,
leads to proper pace and flow, helping the recipient access whole-body benefits. That’s
why each of the movements performed in the AromaTouch Technique focuses on
establishing and maintaining rhythm. Touch alone has been shown to improve heart rate
and blood pressure; by adding rhythm to the mix, the technique’s recipient can experience
exponential benefits to bodily function. Without this unique rhythm, the relaxation benefits
and technique as a whole can be altered. The rhythm of the AromaTouch Technique needs
to be even and consistent to help the body get back to homeostasis.
Why is rhythm so important to the AromaTouch Technique?


Zones in the Body
The human body is spectacular. It’s an intricate system of neurological and physiological
connections, all focused on keeping you healthy and functioning at the optimal level.
Think of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, immune, renal, and muscular
systems as part of an interstate of signals and responses to stimuli and information.
Communication within these systems happens naturally through physiological activity.
However, there are many ways in which you can stimulate physiological response through
the systems. You may be familiar with some of them, including acupressure, acupuncture,
and reflexology. What they all have in common is that they stimulate an energetic
movement within the body.
With the AromaTouch Technique®, this is best accomplished by working in what we’ll refer
to as zones—or whole-body meridians. The body can be divided into five zones that fall
on both sides, starting with Zone 1, which encompasses the spine, and moving out to Zone
5, which includes the edges of the body. Work through these zones to tap into the natural
energy flow of the body and bring it back to homeostasis.

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5

What’s intriguing about the zones is even when you’re working on one area of the body
in a zone—for example, the back or the feet—it can impact the body in the entirety of
that zone. That’s why the rhythmic movements, combined with confident contact in these
zones, can create a whole-body effect. While the technique is focused on application
through the back or the feet, the recipient can experience an overall feeling of wellness
throughout the entirety of his or her being.

Zones and Regions in the Feet

When working through the feet in the AromaTouch Technique®, you’ll use both
zones and regions. Zone 1 of the foot starts at the heel and flows downward to
the big toe. The following zones do the same, progressing outward to Zone 5,
which ends at the pinky toe.
The foot can also be divided into three regions. Region 1 includes the heel,
Region 2 encompasses the arch, and Region 3 covers the ball of the foot.

Using these zones and regions as focus points helps ensure the foot is properly
stimulated, which in turn contributes to the overall relaxation and wellness
benefits to the body.
Now that we’ve established the import-ance of confident contact and rhythmic
movement, as well as how focus areas of the AromaTouch Technique are vital
to its success, you’re ready to learn more about how each movement
is performed.
What does working with specific zones of the body allow the AromaTouch
Technique to do for the recipient?


The AromaTouch Technique uses 10 different movements. We’ll go through each of these
movements individually before explaining the order in which they should be performed.

Oil Introduction
Each time you use a new essential oil as part of the technique, you’ll apply it to the back in
the same way.
The Oil Introduction is important, because it’s an
introduction to each individual essential oil, as well
as to the giver’s touch. The soothing touch of this
movement activates the body and helps it absorb
the essential oil into the tissues. It also establishes
rhythm, allowing the recipient to relax and enjoy
the process.
The beginning movements of the AromaTouch
Technique® encourage the recipient to get into the right mindset and prepare for the rest
of the technique.
To perform the Oil Introduction movement, first stand to the side of the recipient. Starting
at the sacrum (just below the base of the spine), apply three to five drops of essential oil
along the length of the spine. Though, when you apply Wild Orange and Peppermint, only
use one to two drops.
Starting with the hand closest to the feet, evenly distribute the essential oil by sliding the
pads of your fingers lightly up the spine at the same time with both hands. The hand that
begins will be under the hand that follows—essentially hand over hand—continuing to
maintain contact with the recipient. Always flow in the same direction—from the base of
the spine to the base of the head.
At certain stages in the technique, you’ll introduce essential oils to the recipient’s feet. To do
this, you’ll move to the feet, being sure to remain in contact with the technique’s recipient.
Start by placing your hand, palm up, in the curve of the foot’s arch. Add one to two drops
of Wild Orange to the palm of your hand and apply a light, even coating to the bottom of
the foot, while using the other hand to remain in full contact at the same time. Then repeat
this process with one to two drops of Peppermint.

Three Clockwise Palm Circles

The AromaTouch Technique® starts and ends with Three Clockwise Palm Circles over
the heart that transition into the cranial sacral hold. This initiates connection at the
beginning and ending of the technique. The Three Clockwise Palm Circles are part of
the technique because they help put the giver in the right frame of mind so they give
the best AromaTouch Technique possible. It also allows the recipient to feel confident,
comfortable, and relaxed so they’re ready to receive all the benefits that the technique
has to offer.
To complete this movement, place both hands on the recipient’s back over the heart area,
with your thumbs and forefingers touching. In one fluid motion, perform Three Clockwise
Palm Circles, using light confident contact.
Next, you’ll perform the cranial sacral hold. Pause in this position momentarily, and then
simultaneously slide your palms in opposite directions along the length of the spine
without lifting your palms from the back. Rest one palm on the base of the head, with the
thumb placed on the bump on the back of the head, and one palm on the base of the
spine. Stay in this position for three to five deep breaths, allowing connection and trust to
build before moving on.

Alternating Palm Slide
Alternating Palm Slide is a simple yet powerful movement that’s used throughout the
AromaTouch Technique®. It stimulates blood flow through rhythm and full contact, as well
as whole-body neurological activity, and promotes essential oil absorption. These benefits
make this movement a crucial part of the technique as a whole.
To perform this movement, stand at the recipient’s side and place both hands, palms down,
on the side of the back opposite you. Keep your palms close to the spine, with your fingers
pointing away from you.
This movement is perpendicular to the spine. Both hands stay parallel to each other.
Alternate sliding one hand after the other. They shouldn’t contour with the body.
Starting at the sacrum with the hand closest to the feet, slide the palm lightly away from
the spine and toward the recipient’s arm. If your hands stop moving forward while doing
this, you’re using too much pressure. Continue the same motion with the other palm and
move slowly up the back, alternating hands. Keep in mind that the hand closest to the head
should always be in front of the other in this movement. Continue this sliding motion until
you reach the start of the crown of the head.
During the last palm slide of your third rotation, walk your feet to the other side of the body
so you can smoothly move into the palm slide on the other side of the back with your free
hand. Repeat the three rotations on the opposite side.

Five-Zone Activation

Five-Zone Activation is a movement that’s used several times in the AromaTouch Technique®
to establish overall wellness for the body through the zones discussed earlier. Working
through the five zones with multiple essential oils—including Lavender, Tea Tree, dōTERRA
On Guard®, AromaTouch®, and Deep Blue®—helps activate the body and create a feeling
of overall wellness through a whole-body response without having to work through each
individual part of the body. Five-Zone Activation targets several focal points but gives you the
ability to activate that entire zone, along with the bodily systems and functions that exist there.
To start this movement, stand at the recipient’s head and place both hands parallel to
each other on either side of the spine in Zone 1, with your fingertips at the sacrum.
Pull your hands simultaneously toward the head with confident contact, continuing
through the neck to the top of the head. The right amount of pressure during this
movement would be just the weight of your hands. Once you reach the neck, spread out
your fingers on the head to encompass all five zones. Cease this motion once your wrists
hit the table or bed.
Return your hands, one at a time, to the base of the spine and Zone 2, and then pull your
hands up vertically along Zone 2 toward the head. Remember, this zone starts out parallel
to Zone 1, but only a little farther outward by the arms.
Pull the hands toward the head, again with confident contact. But this time, once your hands
have reached the shoulders, turn your fingers toward each other until they’re parallel with
each other, and then pull them out along the shoulder until you reach the joint.
Rotate your hands around the shoulder joint and cup your fingers underneath the
recipient’s shoulder. Pull back through the neck to the top of the head. Don’t forget to
spread your fingers out once you hit the neck to encompass all five zones on the head
until you reach the stopping point.
Repeat this for Zones 3, 4, and 5, moving your hands out farther accordingly.

Auricular Stress Reduction
Different locations on the body have contact points that can help you connect with all
body systems and functions. The ear is one of those locations. Auricular Stress Reduction
movement not only promotes deeper relaxation, but it also prepares the body for everything
else you’ll do in the technique to stimulate the body as a whole. This movement is only
performed one time—after dōTERRA Balance® and Lavender have been applied.
To begin this movement, stand at the head and lightly grip each earlobe between your
thumb and forefinger. Gently work your forefingers in a circular motion toward your body
along the outer rim of the ear, keeping the thumb still for support, from the bottom of the
ear lobe to the top.
Take your time to methodically work through the entire outer rim of the ear in order to
increase the benefits of relaxation.
When you reach the top of the ear, slide your thumb, gently pressing along the back of
the ear and returning to the lobe. Repeat this movement two more times.
Thumb Walk

Thumb Walk is designed to have a focused impact on Zone 1, which is considered the
master zone of the body, encompassing the spine. The isolated stimulation in this zone
increases the potential for healthy response. Using this movement after applying dōTERRA
On Guard® and Deep Blue® finalizes the effort you’ve made with supportive and soothing
essential oils.
First, stand to the side of the technique’s recipient, with your body facing toward his or
her head, and place your thumbs on either side of the spine in the depression between
the muscle tissue and spinal column at the bottom of the spine. Be careful to not come
in direct contact with the spinal column, as this area can be sensitive and cause minor
discomfort, distracting from the relaxation you’re aiming to achieve.
Alternate your thumbs one after the other, a clockwise motion with your right thumb
and a counterclockwise motion with your left thumb, up the spine. Gradually move in this
consistent rhythm up each side of the spine, from its base to the base of the head. You can
use the bump on the back of the head, the occipital protuberance, as the reference point
for the head’s base. Apply light pressure through the pads of your thumbs.
As you perform the Thumb Walk movement, focusing on Zone 1, you’re methodically
working from the parasympathetic connections at the base of sacrum to the connections
at the base of head, helping return the body to its proper rhythm.

Three-Region Foot Activation
With the final two essential oils of the technique, Wild Orange and Peppermint, you’ll focus on
the bottoms of the feet. To prepare the feet, use Three-Region Foot Activation. The soles of
the feet contain over 7,000 nerve endings in each foot, which is more per square centimeter
than any other part of the body. The foot’s tissues are stimulated with the Three-Region Foot
Activation movement, creating neurological responses in the body, among others.
To perform this movement, hold a foot in both hands, with your thumbs at the top of the heel.
In Region 1, make alternating outward circular motions with your thumbs, pressing lightly in
a zigzag pattern across the region, ensuring thorough work until you get to Region 2. This
movement should be slow and precise. A good indicator of enough movement through each
region is making three to four zigzags.

Work through Regions 2 and 3, repeating the same movements. Stop right before
you reach the toes on the ball of the foot.

2 3
Five-Zone Foot Activation

After the Three-Region Foot Activation movement has been completed, you’ll transition
to Five-Zone Foot Activation to stimulate the zones on the feet with a more specific and
purposeful movement. This is the only movement in the entire technique that requires
localized pressure as you continue rhythmic and repetitive movement. Like the Five-Zone
Activation movement, Five-Zone Foot Activation contributes to the entire body feeling
whole, but through a more focused application.
To complete this movement, place both thumbs in Zone 1 on the heel.
Choose a lead thumb and a following thumb for this movement. In a stepping motion,
move your thumbs down Zone 1 toward the tip of the toe, using light pinpoint pressure.
These pinpoint steps down the zone should be in small increments. To have a positive
impact on the zone, you should make approximately 15–20 pinpoint steps with each thumb
before you move to the next zone. Once you’ve reached the tip of the toe, you’ll hold one
thumb in the current zone and move the other to the start of the next zone, then match. Be
sure the following thumb is always behind the lead thumb.
It’s important not to rush this step. Five-Zone Foot Activation is the culmination of the work you’ve
done in the five zones. Take the time to rhythmically work through each zone, as this movement
can produce the powerful benefits you’re aim to achieve with the AromaTouch Technique®.
Repeat this movement for Zone 2 through Zone 5 of the foot, one time in each zone.

3 4

3 4

3 4

3 4

3 4

3 4

3 4

Five-Zone Tissue Pull
The Five-Zone Tissue Pull movement is the last step in the foot portion of the technique
before transitioning to the back.
Beginning in Zone 1, grip the recipient’s foot with both hands and place your thumbs on the
heel. Rest your remaining fingers on the front side of the foot. Pull your first thumb and the
associated fingers from the heel through the toe. Then switch to the other hand. Pull through
that motion with a consistent rhythm, and then switch back to the first hand. Perform this
alternating movement three times before progressing to the next zone. When you move
to the next zone, don’t pause. Maintain the rhythm established with Zone 1. Repeat this
movement in the remaining zones.
As you pull through each zone, maintain contact from the heel through the front of the foot.
As the feet are smaller than the back, maintaining contact in this way helps increase the
amount of tissue you’re connected to.
Lymphatic Movement

Lastly, you activate lymph function at the end of the technique with Lymphatic Movement. It’s
important to stimulate lymphatic activity at the end of the technique to help the body feel restored
and continue responding positively once the AromaTouch Technique® has been completed.
Each of these movements brings something valuable to the AromaTouch Technique. If you feel
like you need a little more practice, don’t hesitate to rewatch the demonstrations. Once you feel
comfortable, you can move on to the next section, where we’ll present the technique in its entirety.
Lightly place the palms of your hands on the bottom of the recipient’s feet, with your
thumb and forefinger making a U shape to help you firmly grip the heel.
Put your arms in line with the recipient’s legs.
Slightly lift the recipient’s lower legs off the table and anchor your elbows into the
massage table or bed. Gently rock his or her body forward with a pushing motion, and then
allow the body to naturally release back to you in order to stimulate lymphatic movement.
The recipient’s body should move no more than two inches back and forth. Remember,
this motion is gentle and shouldn’t jolt the body in any way. It needs to be natural and
calming, like the rest of the movements performed in the AromaTouch Technique.
Repeat this rhythmic, even-paced movement two to three times in 15- to 30-second intervals.

Draw and describe the Three Regions of the foot.

Draw and describe the Five Zones of the foot.

Draw and describe the Five Zones of the back.

Draw and describe the Three Clockwise Palm Circles.

Draw and describe the Oil Introduction

Draw and describe the Alternating Palm Slide.

Draw and describe the Five-Zone Activation.

Zone 1

Zone 2 Zone 3

Zone 4 Zone 5

Draw and describe the Auricular Stress Reduction Movement.

Draw and describe the Thumb Walk.

Draw and describe the Three-Region Foot Activation.

Draw and describe the Five-Zone Foot Activation.

Zone 1

Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5

Draw and describe the Five-Zone Tissue Pull.

Zone 1

Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5

Draw and describe the Lymphatic Movement.


Things to Keep in Mind

In this section, we’ll go through the technique
in full and show you exactly how to perform it. But
first, here are 11 things to keep in mind before you
begin the AromaTouch Technique®!

1. Maintain Physical Contact

Always stay in physical contact with the
recipient from the beginning of the technique
to the end. Doing so will help build a connection
of trust and provide the recipient with the
best experience.

2. Hydrate
Provide the recipient of the technique with a bottle or cup of water so he or
she can be comfortable and hydrated.

3. Eliminate Distractions
Don’t let anything disrupt this relaxing process. Make sure phones are turned off and
avoid speaking to the recipient while providing the technique.

4. Create the Right Environment

Consider playing soft, relaxing music to create a calm and inviting atmosphere. Music
with a high tempo or upbeat rhythm can be disruptive. If you can lower the lights, this
can also help the recipient calm down quicker and suffer fewer distractions.

5. Keep the Recipient Comfortable

Have a sheet underneath the recipient and a warm blanket on his or her legs to
ensure comfort.

6. Have Easy Access to Essential Oils

Before you start the technique, ensure there’s a side table or an apron that can hold the
essential oils so you can apply them in sequence seamlessly. Additionally, it’d be wise
to loosen or remove the caps from the bottles, so you don’t need to open and close
each bottle as you introduce the essential oils during the steps of the technique.

7. Start on the Best Side

If you’re left-handed, consider that it may be easiest to start the technique on the
right side of the body and vice versa for those who are right-handed. This allows you
to maintain more control with your essential oil drops and start off each movement
with the hand you feel most confident with.

8. Adjust the Massage Table

If you’re using a massage table, check that the table is at the right height so you’re not
bending down or reaching up to the recipient’s body. Generally, the right height for a
massage table is just below your hip.

9. Correctly Expose the Back
Know that modesty and relaxation are important factors in this technique. Once the
recipient feels comfortable on the massage table, you’ll need to make sure the back
is exposed down to the sacrum. A good indicator of if you’re at the right place is by
looking for the sacral dimples toward the end of the spine.

Sacral Dimples

10. Don’t Change the Technique

Stick to what works. This technique is a powerful and unique experience. It shouldn’t
be changed or combined with any other modalities: using hot towels, smelling
essential oils directly from the bottle, or having a diffuser running. This can cause
someone to go from feeling great after the technique to feeling overwhelmed. This
technique uses the right movements and right amount of essential oil to achieve
optimal results—adding anything can negatively affect the overall experience.

11. Use Fractionated Coconut Oil Correctly

When sensitivity occurs or to facilitate ease of movement on the skin, use
Fractionated Coconut Oil. But before you apply Fractionated Coconut Oil to the body,
make sure to complete the movements of the essential oil step you’re on. Simply put
a few drops on the palm of your hand, and then apply it directly to the area of need.

The AromaTouch Technique®

Step 1: dōTERRA Balance®

1. Begin with the Oil Introduction. Maintain contact with the recipient for
the entire technique.
2. Move into performing Three Clockwise Palm Circles.
3. Spread your hands along the spine to the crown and base of the sacrum.
Hold for three to five deep breaths before moving on.
Step 2: Lavender
1. Without losing contact with the recipient, perform the Oil Introduction.
2. Do the Alternating Palm Slide.
3. Begin the Five-Zone Activation.
4. Perform Auricular Stress Reduction.

Step 3: Tea Tree

1. Without losing contact with the recipient, perform the Oil Introduction.
2. Move to the Alternating Palm Slide.
3. From the crown of the head, begin the Five-Zone Activation.

Step 4: dōTERRA On Guard®

1. Without losing contact with the recipient, perform the Oil Introduction.
2. Do the Alternating Palm Slide.
3. Perform the Five-Zone Activation.
4. Move to the Thumb Walk.

Step 5: AromaTouch®
1. Without losing contact with the recipient, perform the Oil Introduction.
2. Move to the Alternating Palm Slide.
3. Perform the Five-Zone Activation.

Step 6: Deep Blue®

1. Without losing contact with the recipient, perform the Oil Introduction.
2. Do the Alternating Palm Slide.
3. Perform the Five-Zone Activation.
4. Move to the Thumb Walk.

Step 7: Wild Orange and Peppermint (Feet)

1. Perform the Oil Introduction (foot) while maintaining contact.
Apply Wild Orange first, and then Peppermint.
2. Begin the Three-Region Foot Activation.
3. Perform the Five-Zone Foot Activation.
4. Move to the Five-Zone Tissue Pull.
5. Repeat Steps 1–4 for the opposite foot.

Step 8: Wild Orange and Peppermint

1. Without losing contact with the recipient, perform the Oil Introduction.
Apply Wild Orange first, and then Peppermint.
2. Do the Alternating Palm Slide on the side of the back opposite of you.
3. Move to performing Three Clockwise Palm Circles on the same side you
started on at the beginning of the technique.
Step 9:
1. Finish by performing the Lymphatic Movement two to three times or
for about 15 to 30 seconds.

Since the AromaTouch Technique was created in 2009, providers and recipients of
the technique have expressed feelings of reduced stress, increased relaxation, and
improved sense of well-being. In 2018, the dōTERRA® Science team decided to put
it to the test. Literally.

What Was the Purpose of the Study?

We wanted to explore the immediate and lasting benefits of the technique in a
systematic and controlled way. The AromaTouch Technique® was designed to promote
homeostasis and relaxation, reduce stress, and support overall well-being, so we
created a study to measure and test biomarkers related to these areas.

How Did It Work?

Anytime a clinical study or trial is performed, it’s important to make sure the results are
duplicable and significant. Care was taken to fulfill all the requirements of a legitimate
clinical study.
Here’s how the study worked: participants received the AromaTouch Technique® two times
a week for three weeks—administered by two alternating therapists. The study included a
control group, who received the AromaTouch Technique with only Fractionated Coconut
Oil and none of the eight selected essential oils. Researchers took precautions, filling the
room with the aroma of essential oils and putting bottles in a visible place on the counter
to ensure a placebo effect.
The non-control group received the full technique, using all eight AromaTouch Technique
essential oils.

What Was Measured?

To understand the effects of the technique, researchers measured heart rate, blood
pressure, and mean arterial pressure. They also took saliva samples, which were analyzed
for cortisol (a stress hormone) and other biomarkers of health. The participants filled out
a subjective questionnaire to indicate their current state of mind. These measurements
helped the researchers understand the effects the AromaTouch Technique® had on
participants physically, mentally, and emotionally.

What Were the Results?

Following this study, several significant benefits were found in the treatment group,
compared to the control group.
The treatment group—the group that received the full AromaTouch Technique® with all
eight essential oils—was found to have lower heart rates, lower self-reported anxiety
levels, lower stress markers, and lower inflammatory markers when compared to the
control group. Additionally, this group felt these effects even 24 hours later, which shows
that the AromaTouch Technique can provide prolonged support to the body.
This clinical study showed that AromaTouch Technique participants had, in fact,

experienced powerful benefits. With lowered negative health factors, it’s easy to see how
the AromaTouch Technique can help restore whole-body balance.

The following are the benefits experienced by those who received the full AromaTouch
Technique with essential oils compared to those who received the technique with
Fractionated Coconut Oil.



Statistically significant findings include:






Read about the full study here.


The Wellness Pyramid









The dōTERRA® Wellness Pyramid represents the various aspects that factor into living a
healthy lifestyle. As you can see, everything is built on a foundation of eating right. Health
begins with putting nutritious foods—the right kind of fuel—in your body. Next is exercise.
Building on eating right and exercise, you need to rest and manage stress. Getting plenty
of deep, restful sleep is vital to optimal wellness and vitality. After that is reducing toxic
load. These four areas comprise the main components of a healthy lifestyle. They’re the
foundation upon which healthcare becomes truly life-changing.
The last two levels of the Wellness Pyramid are informed self-care and proactive medical care.
Informed self-care includes things you do to support yourself when you aren’t feeling your best,
while proactive medical care refers to the healthcare that happens with your physician.
You may be wondering what this all has to do with the AromaTouch Technique®. The
technique actually directly impacts several sections of the Wellness Pyramid, including
resting and managing stress, reducing toxic load, and participating in informed self-care.
Let’s dive into how understanding and implementing the AromaTouch Technique can help
you reach success in these key areas.
Resting and Managing Stress

Remember at the beginning of the course when we

learned about the power of touch? We delved into how
touch can be useful for releasing oxytocin, a stress-
reducing hormone. Not only does the AromaTouch
Technique® help you to manage stressful feelings,
but—as you’ll also remember—the power of touch
plays a major role in creating a positive emotional
response. Combining the touch of the technique with
the powerful benefits of Lavender essential oil and
dōTERRA Balance® helps to break the cycle of unrest.
If you experience the technique regularly, it’ll help
you consistently lower your stress levels and maintain
overall wellness.

Reducing Toxic Load

We’re constantly exposed to toxins from a variety of sources, including our environments,
personal care products, household products, and more. The accumulation of these
toxins and chemicals in the body is referred to as toxic load. While your body has built-
in protections and filters to help you manage everyday toxins, if your toxic load becomes
too burdensome for your body to handle properly and efficiently, it can have seriously
detrimental effects on health.
Because of this constant exposure to toxicity, it’s important to support and develop the
body’s natural resilience. Taking the body through the whole process of the AromaTouch
Technique® allows you to reach that desired resiliency, combating toxicity and its effects.

Informed Self-Care
When used in tandem with preventative care, the AromaTouch Technique® can provide
lasting calming effects. The technique isn’t just meant to help the recipient feel calm,
peaceful, and centered for only a few moments. The goal is to help anyone who receives
the technique to experience calming effects that reach beyond the session. With relaxing,
soothing, and supporting essential oils and movements designed to reset the body, the
AromaTouch Technique serves as an effective way to focus on self-care, helping to reset
both body and mind, while also promoting long-lasting benefits
How does the AromaTouch Technique relate to the Wellness Pyramid?


Now that you’ve learned how to perform the AromaTouch Technique®, the science behind it,
and the positive effects it can have on anyone, it’s time to discover the benefits of using the
technique in your day-to-day life. During this course, we’ve discussed how the AromaTouch
Technique is a positive experience for both the giver and the receiver. As you make room for
the technique in your wellness routine and the routines of those you care for, you’ll notice
significant changes. And who wouldn’t want these benefits for their loved ones?
Once you witness the positive impact that the AromaTouch Technique has on the lives of all it touches,
you’ll feel increased confidence in your use of essential oils. You’ll also feel empowered to lift the
people around you with pure, natural solutions and have the skills to show exactly how to do it.

Using the AromaTouch Technique in Your Life

Like anything in life, you won’t perform the AromaTouch Technique regularly unless you
make time for it. Set aside time each week to both give and receive the technique. When
you’re scheduling time for the AromaTouch Technique, ask yourself these questions:
• Where will I perform (or receive) the technique?
• Do I have a dedicated space in my home that provides enough room?
Will it be quiet and uninterrupted?
• When will I perform (or receive) the technique?
• Did I give myself enough time to provide a proper technique?
Here are some ideas for how you can make the AromaTouch Technique a part of your
dōTERRA® lifestyle:
• If you have children, assign each child a day of the week to receive the
AromaTouch Technique.
• If you have a spouse or significant other, plan a day where you can give
the AromaTouch Technique to each other.
• Offer the technique to a friend who could benefit from it.
These ideas can help you start incorporating the technique into your life, but the
possibilities are endless. As you’re consistent in using and receiving the technique, you’re
sure to notice wonderful benefits for yourself and your loved ones.
How do you plan to use the AromaTouch Technique in your personal life?


There’s power in sharing essential oils with others, which makes the AromaTouch
Technique® an amazing way to share dōTERRA®. The technique produces a culture of
caring for the people around us. It’s one of the most effective ways to introduce someone
to essential oils. It’s effective and safe, allowing you to use it with confidence. The technique
also provides an impactful essential oil experience that many have never had before.

Sharing the AromaTouch Technique to Help Others

Here are some tips to help you get started sharing the AromaTouch Technique and making
a difference in the lives of others.
• Set a weekly goal for how many people you’d like to share the AromaTouch
Technique with. Doing this can help you be motivated and consistent.
• Take some time to identify people in your life that you feel could benefit from
the AromaTouch Technique. Come up with a list of people you could contact,
and then invite them to schedule an appointment with you.
• After you’ve given someone an AromaTouch Technique, take a moment for
some quality time with them. You can use this time to answer any questions
they may have.

Sharing the AromaTouch Technique to Introduce dōTERRA

The AromaTouch Technique can also be an effective tool for introducing individuals to dōTERRA.
Here are some ideas for using the technique to introduce what dōTERRA has to offer:
• Create gift certificates for a free AromaTouch Technique session and 15-minute
consultation. This will allow interested people to experience the power of
essential oils for themselves, while also giving you time to answer questions and
share more about dōTERRA.
• Post on your social media that you just learned an amazing way to use essential
oils and would like to practice the AromaTouch Technique for free on the first five
people who comment. You may be surprised at who’s interested in experiencing
the technique and learning more about essential oils!
• If some people aren’t comfortable with receiving the full technique, offer to
perform the AromaTouch Hand Technique. This will help them learn what to
expect while receiving an essential oil experience. You can learn how to perform
the hand technique here.
We look forward to hearing about your experiences sharing the AromaTouch Technique to help
others and introduce them to dōTERRA. Share your stories with us by emailing [insert email]!
How do you plan to share the AromaTouch Technique with others?


From Oils 101 classes to Diamond Club, you have so many ways to build your dōTERRA®
business. Now that you’ve learned the AromaTouch Technique ®, you can add it to your
toolkit as another way to build your business. The AromaTouch Technique is a fantastic
way of supporting and building up your team.

How to Share with People on Your Team

Here are some ways to use what you’ve learned to build your business:

1. Teach an AromaTouch® demonstration class.

All you need for a demonstration class is:
• A massage table
• A volunteer to perform the AromaTouch Technique on
• An AromaTouch Technique Kit
• People you want to share the AromaTouch Technique with
In this class, you can discuss the following:
• The benefits that both receiver and giver experience through
the technique
• How this technique is different than a normal massage
• How the technique is specific to dōTERRA and about the
selected essential oils
After some discussion, you can show the class the full technique—or perhaps just a
few of the movements, depending on how much time you have. For those interested
in learning the technique themselves, direct them to this online certification for official
training in the AromaTouch Technique.

2. Teach your leaders to use the AromaTouch Technique to build their businesses.
Introduce your leaders to this online certification and explain what kind of material
they can expect from this course. Share with them some of the benefits of taking the
course. For example, by completing this certification:
• They’ll feel more confident when it comes to teaching about the AromaTouch
essential oils and sharing products through the AromaTouch Technique.
• They’ll be able to use their own experiences with the online course to help others
become excited about learning the AromaTouch Technique themselves.
• They’ll be empowered, along with their team members, with a new and powerful
way of building their businesses.
Incorporating the AromaTouch Technique into your businesses will improve your
ability to share essential oils with others, solidify your knowledge of dōTERRA and its
products, and so much more.
If you are building a doTERRA business, how do you plan to use the AromaTouch Technique
to help you build?


What Now?
As you begin lifting others with the AromaTouch Technique®, there are a few resources
that will help you keep your new knowledge fresh and up to date.
First, sign up for the monthly AromaTouch Technique newsletter for the latest information
on events, business-building tips, and stories from other AromaTouch Advocates.
You can also join us online! Follow us on Instagram @doterra_att and on Facebook by
searching “AromaTouch Technique.”

Congratulations on becoming an AromaTouch advocate! I hope you enjoyed the course.
Before saying goodbye, I’d like to remind you of the challenge I issued at the start. In the
next week, schedule a minimum of three AromaTouch Technique® appointments. Doing so
will help solidify what you’ve learned and allow you to confidently provide this technique to
others going forward. Plus, it makes a great gift for others or team members. Three may seem
like a lot for one week, but that’s why it’s called a challenge. You can schedule even more
appointments if you’re able! The best way to master what you learned is to do it again and
again until it becomes second nature. And remember, if you ever want a refresher on what
you’ve learned in this course, you can always come back and rewatch any of the sections.
I’d like to leave you with a parting thought: in all we do, in all we learn, let us not forget our
responsibility to help others.
I wish you the best as you continue your journey, bringing hope and happiness to the
world. May the AromaTouch Technique help you build deeper connections with your loved
ones and your community.
What are you going to do to rise to Dr. Hill’s challenge of scheduling at least three
AromaTouch Technique appointments in the next week? Write down a few names of people
you think might be interested in receiving the AromaTouch Technique from you and when you
are going to contact them.


The full AromaTouch Technique is one of the most effective ways to use essential oils on
the body, but you may not always have the proper time and notice needed to perform the
full technique on someone. This simple hand technique still offers many benefits and can
be done at almost any time, any place!
It takes approximately 2–5 minutes to perform the AromaTouch technique on each hand,
which amounts to about 5–10 minutes total. While the AromaTouch Hand Technique is
quick and simple, it can provide a big impact.

Choose Your Oil

Before beginning the technique, choose which oil you will use. Below is a list of a few oils
we recommend, but other oils or blends can also be used.
• Frankincense
• Peppermint
• Lavender 54 321
• dōTERRA Balance®
• Elevation®
• dōTERRA On Guard®
• dōTERRA Serenity®

Five Movements

1. Oil Introduction 2

The first movement of the hand technique is the oil

introduction. Take the recipient’s hand in yours with their
palm open and facing upward. Place one to three drops
of essential oil into their palm and spread it evenly into
their hand.
2 1
2. Dorsum Tissue Stretch
Turn the recipient’s hand over, gripping it in both of your
hands with your thumbs resting on top of the dorsum
(back) of their hand. Use your thumbs to stretch the
dorsum tissue moving from the inside out and from the
wrist to the base of the fingers.

3. Regional Tissue Pull

With the recipient’s palm facing upward again and
their hand resting in both of yours, use your thumbs to 2 1
2 31
methodically work through the three regions of the hand
you see below. Begin with region one, using medium
pressure, and continue until you’ve worked through the 3
entire surface area of each of the hand’s three regions.
4. Pinpoint Zone Activation

Next, use your thumbs to work through each of

the hand’s five zones, which can be seen below.
Beginning in zone one, place your thumbs at
5 1
the top of the recipient’s hand close to the wrist 5 4 3 2413 2
and use your thumbs to work down the zone
to the fingertip. Your thumbs should alternate
using medium pressure in a pinpoint style down 1 1
through the zone. Chose a lead thumb and follow
thumb for this step and make sure the follow
thumb is always behind the lead thumb.
5 5
Repeat this movement three times in each of the 2 2
4 4
3 3
five zones.

5. Inter-Phalangeal Pull
Lastly, with the recipient’s palm still facing up,
gently grip and support their wrist with one of
your hands. With your other hand, stretch the
22 1 1
tissue located between fingers away from the
hand by gripping and sliding the tissue between
your thumb and forefinger. For this movement,
use light pressure and fluid motion.
Repeat this pulling movement three times
between each of the fingers.
When finished, repeat the same five steps on the
recipient’s other hand.

AromaTouch Technique References

DiSabato D., et al. Interleukin-1 receptor on hippocampal neurons drives social withdrawal
and cognitive deficits after chronic social stress. Molecular Psychiatry, 2020; DOI:
Light C., et al. More frequent partner hugs and higher oxytocin levels are linked to
lower blood pressure and heart rate in premenopausal women. Biological Psychology.
Morey J., et al. Current Directions in Stress and Human Immune Function. Current
Opinions in Psychology. 2015; 5: 13–17.
Soudry Y., et al. Olfactory system and emotion: Common substrates. European Annals of
Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases. 2011;128(1):18-23.

AromaTouch Technique Certificate v2

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