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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

Medical Progress


OURETTE’S syndrome is a neurologic dis-
order named after the French neurologist ADHD OCD
Georges Gilles de la Tourette, who, in 1885,
described nine patients with childhood-onset tics, ac-
companied in some by uncontrollable noises and ut-
terances, as well as features that are now associated
with attention-deficit–hyperactivity disorder, obses-
sive–compulsive disorder, poor impulse control, and
other coexisting behavioral problems.1-3 Although poor impulse control,
Tourette considered the disorder he described to be and other behavioral
hereditary, it was ascribed to psychogenic causes for disorders
nearly a century after the original report. The percep-
tion of Tourette’s syndrome as a rare, bizarre psycho-
logical disorder began to change in the 1960s, when
Figure 1. Clinical Hallmarks of Tourette’s Syndrome.
the beneficial effects of neuroleptic drugs on the symp-
The diagnosis is based on the occurrence of tics along with be-
toms of the syndrome began to be recognized.4 This havioral disorders, including attention-deficit–hyperactivity dis-
observation helped to stimulate research into the order (ADHD) and obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Other
neurobiologic mechanisms of Tourette’s syndrome, behavioral disorders include anxiety and mood disorders, learn-
as a result of which it is now recognized as a relatively ing disorders, sleep disorders, conduct and oppositional behav-
ior, and self-injurious behavior.
common, biologic, genetic disorder with a spectrum
of neurobehavioral manifestations that wax and wane
during its natural course. The marked fluctuations in
the severity and frequency of symptoms, coupled with
the striking variation in manifestations from one pa- (motor tics) or sounds (phonic or vocal tics). They
tient to another, however, contribute to frequent mis- typically consist of simple or coordinated, repetitive
diagnosis.5 Despite greater awareness of Tourette’s or sequential movements, gestures, and utterances
syndrome as a result of increased educational efforts that mimic fragments of normal behavior.3,8 Simple
directed at physicians and other health care providers, motor tics involve only a single muscle or a group
psychologists, educators, and the general public, many of muscles, and often cause a brief, jerking movement
cases still remain undiagnosed, or patients’ symptoms (clonic tics); they may also be slower, causing a briefly
are wrongly attributed to hyperactivity, nervousness, sustained abnormal posture (dystonic tics) or an iso-
habits, allergies, asthma, dermatitis, and other con- metric contraction (tonic tics).8 Examples of simple
ditions.6,7 clonic motor tics include blinking, nose twitching,
and head and limb jerking.
DIAGNOSIS Dystonic tics include sustained eye closure (bleph-
The diagnosis of Tourette’s syndrome (Fig. 1) is arospasm), ocular deviations, bruxism, mouth open-
based on a history and observation of tics, often sup- ing, torticollis, and shoulder rotation. Tonic tics are
ported by the presence of coexisting behavioral dis- typically manifested by tensing of abdominal or limb
orders, particularly attention-deficit–hyperactivity dis- muscles. Examples of complex motor tics include head
order and obsessive–compulsive disorder, and a family shaking, trunk bending or gyrating, brushing hair,
history of similar symptoms. Tics, the clinical hall- touching, throwing, hitting, jumping, kicking, making
mark of Tourette’s syndrome, are sudden, brief, in- rude gestures, grabbing one’s genitalia and making
termittent, involuntary or semivoluntary movements other lewd or obscene gestures (copropraxia), and
imitating others’ gestures (echopraxia). Burping, vom-
iting, and retching have also been described as part
of the clinical picture of Tourette’s syndrome. Some
From the Parkinson’s Disease Center and Movement Disorders Clinic, complex, repetitive movements and sounds may be
Department of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine, 6550 Fannin, Suite
1801, Houston, TX 77030, where reprint requests should be addressed to considered a compulsion when they are preceded by
Dr. Jankovic. or associated with a feeling of anxiety or a fear that if

1184 · N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 16 · October 18, 2001 ·

they are not promptly or properly executed, “some- Tourette’s syndrome, because they cause embarrass-
thing bad” will happen. ment, interfere with social interactions, and can, at
Simple phonic tics typically consist of sniffing, times, be quite painful or uncomfortable. In rare in-
throat clearing, grunting, squeaking, screaming, stances, they can cause secondary neurologic deficits,
coughing, barking, blowing, and making sucking such as compressive cervical myelopathy as a result
sounds. Complex phonic tics include linguistically of violent head and neck tics.13
meaningful utterances and verbalizations, such as the Tourette’s syndrome, the most common cause of
shouting of obscenities, profanities, or otherwise so- tics, is manifested in a broad spectrum of motor and
cially inappropriate words or phrases (coprolalia), the behavioral disturbances and affects males approxi-
repetition of someone else’s words or phrases (echola- mately three times as frequently as females. To aid in
lia), and the repetition of one’s own utterances, par- the diagnosis of Tourette’s syndrome, the Tourette
ticularly the last syllable, word, or phrase in a sentence Syndrome Classification Study Group14 has formu-
(palilalia). Coprolalia, perhaps the most recognizable lated the following criteria for a definite diagnosis of
and certainly one of the most distressing symptoms Tourette’s syndrome: both multiple motor tics and
of Tourette’s syndrome, is actually present in less one or more phonic tics must be present at some time
than half of patients with Tourette’s syndrome. The during the illness, although not necessarily concur-
true frequency of coprolalia, however, is unknown, rently; tics must occur many times a day, nearly every
because some patients are able to modify the utter- day, or intermittently throughout a period of more
ances by using only fragments of the word, such as than one year; the anatomical location, number, fre-
“sh” or “f,” and others have only “mental” coprola- quency, type, complexity, or severity of tics must
lia and do not actually utter the word. change over time; the onset must occur before the
Motor and phonic tics are often preceded by pre- age of 21 years; involuntary movements and noises
monitory sensations, which consist of localizable par- must not be explainable by other medical conditions;
esthesia or discomfort; these sensations are temporari- and motor tics, phonic tics, or both must be wit-
ly relieved after the execution of the tic. Examples nessed directly by a reliable examiner at some point
include a burning feeling in the eye before an eye during the illness or be recorded by videotape or cin-
blink, tension or a crick in the neck that is relieved ematography. These and other diagnostic criteria15,16
by stretching the neck or jerking the head, a feeling are designed to assist in accurate diagnosis, in genetic-
of tightness or constriction that is relieved by exten- linkage studies, and in differentiating Tourette’s syn-
sion of the arm or leg, nasal stuffiness before a sniff, drome from other tic disorders (Table 1).17,18
dry or sore throat before throat clearing or grunting, Although these diagnostic criteria require that the
and itching before a rotatory movement of the scap- onset occur before the age of 21 years, in 96 percent
ula.8 Besides such local or regional premonitory sen- of patients the disorder is manifested by 11 years of
sations, there may be nonlocalizable and less specific age, typically beginning between 3 and 8 years of
premonitory phenomena, such as urges, anxiety, an- age.19 According to one study, the average age at the
ger, or other psychic symptoms. Many patients re- onset of tics is 5.6 years, and tics usually become
port that in order to relieve the uncomfortable urge most severe at 10 years of age; by 18 years of age, half
they have to repeat a particular movement until “it of patients with Tourette’s syndrome are free of tics.20
feels good” or “it feels just right.”9 Tics may persist into adulthood, although their se-
The ability of patients to suppress their tics helps verity is usually gradually diminished (Fig. 2). In the
to differentiate tics from other hyperkinetic move- majority of cases, tics in adults represent the persist-
ment disorders such as chorea, dystonia, athetosis, ence or recurrence of childhood-onset tics,21 but in
myoclonus, and paroxysmal dyskinesias.10 Many pa- rare instances, patients may have their first occurrence
tients with Tourette’s syndrome note a reduction in of tics during adulthood.22 In these adults with new-
the frequency and severity of their tics when they are onset tics, it is important to search for secondary
concentrating on mental or physical tasks or sensa- causes such as infection, trauma, use of illicit drugs,
tions (such as playing a video game or having an or- exposure to neuroleptic drugs, and neuroacanthocy-
gasm). In addition to their temporary suppressibility, tosis (Table 1).17,22
tics are also characterized by suggestibility, and by ex- In addition to involuntary noises, some patients
acerbation with stress, excitement, boredom, fatigue, have speech dysfluencies that resemble developmen-
and exposure to heat. The frequency of tics may also tal stuttering, and as many as half of all patients with
increase during relaxation after a period of stress — developmental stuttering may have undiagnosed Tou-
thus, children often “release” their tics when they rette’s syndrome.23 Except for tics, increased rates of
come home from school. Although the tics have tra- blinking,24 subtle oculomotor disturbances related
ditionally been thought to disappear during sleep, a to saccadic eye movements,25 and other evidence of
variety of sleep studies have demonstrated that mo- mild impairment of motor control (e.g., poor pen-
tor and phonic tics may persist during all stages of manship), the results of neurologic examination in
sleep.11,12 Tics can be troublesome for patients with patients with Tourette’s syndrome are normal.

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

ty disorder but also of uncontrollable intrusions of

TABLE 1. ETIOLOGIC CLASSIFICATION OF TICS. thoughts or obsessive fixation of attention on irrele-
vant objects or topics, of the mental concentration
Primary causes that is exerted in an effort to suppress tics and pre-
Sporadic tics monitory urges, and of the sedative effects of the
Transient motor or phonic tics (for <1 yr)
Chronic motor or phonic tics (for >1 yr)
medications used to treat Tourette’s syndrome.
Adult-onset (recurrent) tics That obsessive–compulsive disorder is a part of the
Tourette’s syndrome spectrum of neurobehavioral manifestations of Tou-
Primary dystonia
Inherited tic disorders rette’s syndrome has been well accepted for a long
Tourette’s syndrome time.19 Obsessions — characterized by intense, in-
Huntington’s disease trusive thoughts (such as worries about bodily waste
Primary dystonia
Neuroacanthocytosis and secretions); unfounded fears; a need for exact-
Hallervorden–Spatz disease or neurodegeneration with brain iron accu- ness, symmetry, evenness, and neatness; an excessive
mulation type 1
Tuberous sclerosis
concern with matters of religion; perverse sexual
Wilson’s disease thoughts; and intrusions of words, phrases, or music
Secondary causes — can lead to the slowing of cognitive function.29
Infections (e.g., encephalitis, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, neurosyphilis, Compulsions consist of subjective urges to perform
Sydenham’s chorea) meaningless and irrational rituals, such as checking,
Drugs causing tardive tics (e.g., amphetamines, methylphenidate, pemo-
line, levodopa, cocaine, carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, la- counting, cleaning, washing, touching, smelling,
motrigine, antipsychotics, and other dopamine-receptor–blocking hoarding, and rearranging. Obsessive–compulsive
drugs) disorder is now considered to be a multidimensional
Toxins (e.g., carbon monoxide)
Developmental problems (e.g., static encephalopathy, mental-retardation condition that can occur alone as a primary (idio-
syndromes, chromosomal abnormalities, autistic-spectrum disorders pathic or familial) disorder, as a coexisting disorder
[Asperger’s syndrome])
Chromosomal disorders (e.g., Down’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome,
in patients with Tourette’s syndrome, or as a result
XYY karyotype, fragile X syndrome, triple X syndrome, 9p mosaicism, of a variety of lesions in the frontal–limbic–subcor-
partial trisomy 16, monosomy 9p, citrullinemia, Beckwith–Wiede- tical circuits.30
mann syndrome)
Other (e.g., head trauma, stroke, neurocutaneous syndromes, schizophre- Other behavioral problems associated with Tou-
nia, neurodegenerative diseases) rette’s syndrome include poor impulse control and an
Related manifestations and disorders inability to control anger, as a result of which some
Stereotypes, habits, and mannerisms patients may have outbursts of temper, episodic at-
Self-injurious behavior tacks of rage, emotional storms, inappropriate sexual
Motor restlessness
Akathisia aggressiveness, antisocial or oppositional behavior, and
Compulsions symptoms of anxiety and depression. One of the most
Excessive startle
Jumping Frenchmen of Maine syndrome
distressing symptoms of Tourette’s syndrome is self-
injurious behavior.2,6 Commonly, such behavior in-
volves the compulsive, repetitive inflicting of damage
to the skin by biting, scratching, cutting, engraving,6
or hitting (particularly in the eye and throat), often
accompanied by an irresistible urge (obsession). It has
In addition to motor and phonic tics, patients with also been reported that Tourette’s syndrome is fre-
Tourette’s syndrome often have a variety of behav- quently associated with migraine headaches, which
ioral symptoms, particularly those associated with at- were present in 26.6 percent of patients in one study.31
tention-deficit–hyperactivity disorder and obsessive–
compulsive disorder. A thorough discussion of the PATHOGENESIS
pathogenesis of these coexisting disorders is beyond Various biochemical, imaging, neurophysiological,
the scope of this review.26,27 These coexisting behav- and genetic studies support the notion that Tou-
ioral conditions often interfere more than tics do with rette’s syndrome is an inherited, developmental dis-
overall functioning and with academic and work per- order of synaptic neurotransmission resulting in the
formance; if these disorders are left untreated, they disinhibition of the cortico–striatal–thalamic–cortical
may lead to social and emotional maladjustment. Al- circuitry.1 Although postmortem neuropathological
though only 3 to 6 percent of school-aged children examinations of the brains of patients with Tourette’s
have attention-deficit–hyperactivity disorder,27 a ma- syndrome have not revealed any specific pathologic
jority of patients with Tourette’s syndrome have symp- changes,32 the basal ganglia, particularly the caudate
toms of attention-deficit–hyperactivity disorder, ob- nucleus and the inferior prefrontal cortex, have been
sessive–compulsive disorder, or both at some time implicated in the pathogenesis of Tourette’s syn-
during the course of their illness (Fig. 1).28 In many drome, as well as in that of obsessive–compulsive
patients, the inability to pay attention is the result disorder and attention-deficit–hyperactivity disorder.33
not only of coexisting attention-deficit–hyperactivi- There are no animal models of Tourette’s syndrome,

1186 · N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 16 · October 18, 2001 ·

Natural History of Tourette’s Syndrome

x b n Possssible rremission

b s –compu
c ulsive
e behavior

c tics
s (simple
m complex)

Motor tics
M t (rostral
r a cau
udal p
e n

t d ficit–
e v d

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Age (years)

Figure 2. The Natural History of Tourette’s Syndrome.

but several families of horses with equine self-mutila- potential (Bereitschaftspotential) is absent in some pa-
tion syndrome have been described that have features tients before the execution of motor tics. This finding
resembling human Tourette’s syndrome.34 suggests that the movements are truly involuntary, but
this potential may be present in other patients, provid-
ing evidence of a voluntary component to some tics.37
Although standard anatomical neuroimaging stud- Furthermore, studies using transcranial magnetic stim-
ies in patients with Tourette’s syndrome are unremark- ulation have demonstrated that the cortical silent peri-
able, volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) od is shortened and intracortical inhibition is defective
studies have suggested that the normal asymmetry of in patients with Tourette’s syndrome and in patients
the basal ganglia, with the volume normally larger on with obsessive–compulsive disorder and tics. This pro-
the right than the left, is lost in Tourette’s syndrome, vides a possible explanation for the decreased motor
supporting the notion that there is a developmental inhibition and intrusive phenomena in Tourette’s syn-
abnormality.33 Functional MRI studies in patients drome and obsessive–compulsive disorder.
with Tourette’s syndrome have shown decreased neu-
ronal activity during periods of suppression in the Neurochemistry
ventral globus pallidus, putamen, and thalamus and
increased activity in the prefrontal, parietal, temporal, An alteration in the central neurotransmitters has
and cingulate cortical areas normally involved in the been suggested as a cause of Tourette’s syndrome,
inhibition of unwanted impulses.33 In one study, pos- chiefly because there have been relatively consistent
itron-emission tomography (PET) with 18F-fluorode- responses to the modulation of the dopaminergic
oxyglucose showed two patterns: evidence of increased system. The few brains that have been studied post
metabolic activity in the lateral premotor and supple- mortem have had low levels of serotonin in the brain
mentary motor cortexes and in the midbrain (pattern stem, low levels of glutamate in the globus pallidus,
1) and decreased metabolic activity in the caudate and and low levels of cyclic AMP in the cortex.3,32 The ob-
thalamic areas (limbic basal-ganglia–thalamocorti- served increase in the rate of binding of 3H-mazin-
cal projection system) (pattern 2).35 Using PET with dol to the presynaptic dopamine-uptake–carrier sites
[15O]water, Stern et al.36 found increased activity in suggests that Tourette’s syndrome represents a devel-
the areas responsible for sensorimotor, language, ex- opmental disorder resulting in dopaminergic hyperin-
ecutive, and paralimbic function and in the frontal sub- nervation of the ventral striatum and the associated
cortical area that was temporally related to the motor limbic system.3 With the use of single-photon-emission
and phonic tics and the irresistible urge that precedes computed tomography or PET, some studies,39 but
these behaviors. not all,40 have demonstrated increased density of the
presynaptic dopamine transporter and the postsynaptic
Neurophysiology D2 dopamine receptor and have suggested that there
Studies using back-averaging electroencephalo- is abnormal regulation of dopamine release and uptake
graphic techniques have found that the premovement in Tourette’s syndrome.41

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

Genetics Epidemiology
Finding a genetic marker, and ultimately the gene The epidemiology of Tourette’s syndrome is not
that may be responsible for the disorder, has been the precisely defined.43,56 Observational studies in public
highest priority in research on Tourette’s syndrome schools have suggested that the prevalence of Tou-
during the past decade. Unfortunately, despite a con- rette’s syndrome is about 0.7 percent,43,57 but estimates
certed effort by many investigators, Tourette’s syn- of its prevalence have varied markedly, with some es-
drome genes have thus far remained elusive. A system- timates as high as 4.2 percent when all types of tic
atic genome scan involving 76 affected families with a disorders are included.58,59 There are many reasons
total of 110 pairs of siblings showed two regions, 4q for this wide variation, the most important of which
and 8p, with increased lod scores, suggesting that are different methods of ascertainment of cases, differ-
these loci may contain Tourette’s syndrome–related ent study populations, and different clinical criteria.
genes.42 Other genetic studies have found possible
associations with various candidate genes, but their TREATMENT
relevance to the pathogenesis of Tourette’s syndrome The first step in the treatment of a patient with
has been questioned. Future genetic studies must con- Tourette’s syndrome is the proper education of the
sider the common observation that both parents of patient, family members, teachers, and other persons
a child with Tourette’s syndrome often have Tourette’s who interact with the patient. Parents, educators, and
syndrome or a forme fruste of it. Such bilineal trans- physicians must work as partners in advocating the
mission is present in 25 to 41 percent of families with best possible school environment for children with
Tourette’s syndrome.43,44 Twin studies, which have Tourette’s syndrome. National and local support
found 89 to 94 percent concordance for Tourette’s groups, such as the Tourette Syndrome Association
syndrome, also provide strong evidence of a genetic (, can provide additional in-
cause.45 In one study involving 16 pairs of monozy- formation and can serve as a valuable resource for
gotic twins, low birth weight was a strong predictor patients and their families. Given the time and effort
of more severe tics.45 Other factors that may influence that various behavioral therapies require on the part
the expression of a Tourette’s syndrome gene include of the patient, the family members, and the thera-
maternal life stress and nausea and vomiting during pist, it is not surprising that even if they are effective,
the first trimester of pregnancy.46 the benefits of such therapies are usually only tem-
porary. These therapies, however, may be useful an-
cillary techniques for patients in whom the response
The potential role of antecedent infection with to other therapies, including pharmacotherapy, is not
group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus and the con- entirely satisfactory.60 Medications are usually consid-
sequent presence of antineuronal antibodies have been ered when symptoms begin to interfere with peer
explored in patients with a variety of neurologic dis- relationships, social interactions, academic or job
orders, including Sydenham’s chorea and Tourette’s performance, or activities of daily living. Because of
syndrome.47-49 Evidence cited in support of the im- the broad range of neurologic and behavioral mani-
munologic theory of Tourette’s syndrome includes el- festations and their varying severity, therapy for Tou-
evated titers of antistreptococcal antibodies in some rette’s syndrome must be individualized and tailored
patients,50 the frequent presence of B lymphocyte specifically to the needs of the patient, and the most
antigen D8/17,51 and increased levels of antineuronal troublesome symptoms should be targeted first (Ta-
antibodies against putamen in patients with Tou- ble 2).61 To avoid unnecessary changes that might be
rette’s syndrome.52 There is, however, no relation be- made in response to normal variations in symptoms
tween the presence of the antineuronal antibodies during the natural course of the disease, each med-
and the age at onset, the severity of tics, or the pres- ication and each dosage regimen should be given an
ence of coexisting disorders.52 Although streptococ- adequate trial.
cal infection may trigger the onset of symptoms in a
small subgroup of patients with Tourette’s syndrome, Treatment of Tics
the relation among group A beta-hemolytic strepto- In treating tics, the goal should not be to elimi-
coccus, antineuronal antibodies, and Tourette’s syn- nate all the tics completely but to relieve tic-related
drome has yet to be resolved, and further studies are discomfort or embarrassment and to achieve a de-
needed.53 Because of uncertainties about the possi- gree of control of tics that allows the patient to func-
ble causal relation between streptococcal infection tion as normally as possible. A number of rating
and Tourette’s syndrome and because of potential scales for tics have been used in various studies of
risks, immunologic therapies — such as plasmaphe- treatments for tics.62 Although there have been only
resis, the use of intravenous immune globulin,54 and a limited number of double-blind, placebo-controlled
the administration of antibiotics for acute exacerba- trials, the dopamine-receptor–blocking drugs (neu-
tions of the symptoms of Tourette’s syndrome — are roleptics) are considered the most effective anti-tic
currently considered to be unwarranted.55 agents (Table 2). Haloperidol and pimozide are the

1188 · N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 16 · October 18, 2001 ·

only neuroleptic drugs currently approved by the

Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of TABLE 2. DRUG TREATMENT OF
Tourette’s syndrome. In one randomized, double-
blind, controlled study, pimozide was found to be
superior to haloperidol with respect to efficacy and INITIAL
side effects.63 Some clinicians, however, prefer risperi-
done,64 fluphenazine, thioridazine, trifluoperazine, mg/day
molindone, thiothixene, or tiapride. It is not clear Dopamine-receptor blockers for tics
whether the atypical neuroleptics, such as clozapine, Fluphenazine 1.0
olanzapine, or quetiapine, will be effective in the Pimozide 2.0
Haloperidol 0.5
treatment of tics and other manifestations of Tou- Risperidone 0.5
rette’s syndrome, but ziprasidone was found in one Ziprasidone 20.0
study to diminish the severity of tics by 35 percent.65 Thiothixene 1.0
Trifluoperazine 1.0
Tetrabenazine, a drug that depletes monoamine and Molindone 5.0
blocks the dopamine receptors (but is not yet avail- Dopamine deplete for tics
Tetrabenazine 25.0
able in the United States), is a powerful anti-tic drug, CNS stimulants for ADHD
and it has an advantage over the conventional neuro- Methylphenidate 5.0
leptics in that it does not cause tardive dyskinesia.66 Pemoline 18.7
Dextroamphetamine 5.0
Other side effects that may be associated with neu- Noradrenergic drugs for impulse
roleptics include sedation, depression, weight gain, control and ADHD
school phobia, and hepatotoxicity. In addition, pi- Clonidine 0.1
Guanfacine 1.0
mozide may prolong the QT interval, and it is there- Serotonergic drugs for OCD
fore recommended that electrocardiography be per- Fluoxetine 20.0
Clomipramine 25.0
formed before a patient starts taking pimozide, three Sertraline 50.0
months after it is begun, and at least once a year Paroxetine 20.0
thereafter. Fluvoxamine 50.0
Venlafaxine 25.0
Other drugs found to be useful in the treatment of
tics include clonazepam, pergolide, cannabinoids, nic- *CNS denotes central nervous system, ADHD
otine gum, and transdermal nicotine patches, but none attention-deficit–hyperactivity disorder, and OCD
obsessive–compulsive disorder.
of these drugs have been studied in well-designed,
†Adult dosages are given; they must be adjusted
placebo-controlled trials.67 Focal motor and vocal tics for children.
have also been treated successfully with injections of
botulinum toxin in the affected muscles.68-70 Such lo-
cal chemical denervation not only ameliorates invol-
untary movements but may also eliminate the premon-
itory sensory component. The benefits last three to
four months, on average, and no serious complications agents in the treatment of attention-deficit–hyperac-
have been reported. Although stereotactic surgery has tivity disorder.75 These agents have also been found
not generally been found to be useful in the treatment useful as a short-term therapy for conduct disorders.76
of tics, a preliminary report of the case of a 42-year- In addition to the possible development of tolerance,
old man whose severe motor and phonic tics have there are other potential adverse effects of these stim-
been controlled by high-frequency deep-brain stim- ulant drugs, such as nervousness, irritability, insomnia,
ulation of the thalamus is encouraging.71 anorexia, abdominal pain, and headaches.77 Pemoline
can produce hepatotoxic effects in rare instances. Al-
Treatment of Coexisting Behavioral Symptoms though central nervous system stimulants may ini-
Behavioral modification and adjustments in the tially increase the frequency and intensity of tics, with
school and classroom environments play an impor- continued use these drugs can be well tolerated with-
tant part in the treatment of patients with Tourette’s out sustained exacerbation of tics.78,79 The antidopa-
syndrome and are helpful in raising self-esteem and minergic drugs can be combined with the central
improving motivation.72 It is beyond the scope of this nervous system stimulants if the latter produce an un-
review to provide a comprehensive description of drug acceptable exacerbation of tics.
treatment for behavioral disturbances.26,73,74 Although attention-deficit–hyperactivity disorder
was initially considered to be a noradrenergic disor-
Attention-Deficit–Hyperactivity Disorder
der,80 recent studies have provided evidence that the
Central nervous system stimulants, such as methyl- beneficial effects of methylphenidate on the disorder
phenidate, controlled-release methylphenidate, dextro- are mediated by the serotonin system.81 The a2-adre-
amphetamine, a mixture of amphetamine salts (Ad- nergic agonists are also useful in the treatment of at-
derall), and pemoline, are clearly the most effective tention-deficit–hyperactivity disorder, particularly if

N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 16 · October 18, 2001 · · 1189
The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

central nervous system stimulants are not well toler- anxiety and social phobias.90 In patients with extreme-
ated or are contraindicated. Clonidine, a presynaptic ly severe and disabling obsessive–compulsive disorder
a2-adrenergic agonist that is used as an antihyper- in whom optimal pharmacologic therapy has failed,
tensive drug because it decreases plasma norepineph- psychosurgery — either limbic leucotomy or cingu-
rine levels, reduces the symptoms of attention-deficit– lotomy — may be considered as a last resort.91,92
hyperactivity disorder and impulse-control problems,
and may also ameliorate tics. The drug is also avail- CONCLUSIONS
able in the form of a transdermal patch. Guanfacine The progress in research on Tourette’s syndrome
is pharmacologically similar to clonidine and may be has been extraordinary.93 Coupled with a growing
effective in patients in whom clonidine fails to con- recognition of the richness of the clinical phenome-
trol behavioral symptoms.82 Guanfacine may have nology of Tourette’s syndrome and related disorders
some advantages over clonidine in that it has a long- and fueled by remarkable advances in the neurosci-
er half-life, appears to be less sedating, and produces ences, research promises to provide new insights into
less hypotension. Although less effective than meth- this complex neurobehavioral disorder. Since Tou-
ylphenidate in controlling attention-deficit–hyperac- rette’s syndrome is considered a model disorder for
tivity disorder, the drugs have an advantage over meth- the study of the interaction among the developmen-
ylphenidate in that they do not increase the frequency tal, neurobiologic, and behavioral systems, it is likely
or severity of tics.83 The most frequently encountered that these findings will enhance our understanding
side effects of clonidine and guanfacine include se- not only of Tourette’s syndrome but of many other
dation, dry mouth, itchy eyes, dizziness, headaches, neurologic and behavioral disorders as well.
fatigability, and postural hypotension. Selegiline, a
monoamine oxidase B inhibitor used primarily in the REFERENCES
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